Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2362, Volume 7, 63

Chapter 2362 Seven Volumes 63

The nobleman just smiled faintly, "The imperial concubine told me the opposite, so there is no need for the imperial concubine to feel sorry; in fact, since I entered the palace, if I hadn't been accompanied by Jiujiu, it would have been just this year. I don't know how I could have survived it." came."

How could Wanxi not understand.During the six months from entering the feud with the nobleman in February last year to the night of the Zhongyuan Festival in July, it was really hard to live with the nobleman in Nala's palace.Thanks to the resistance on the night of Zhongyuan Night, under the warning of the Empress Dowager, Fang Ling Nala knew how to restrain himself.

Wanxi patted the nobleman's hand lightly, "Outsiders only know that you have suffered a lot from the Queen's master this year, but how can I not know it in my heart, it's just you forbearing; if you I really want to resist, the Queen's master has never had the opportunity to show off his power like this this year."

Only then did the nobleman stop, and raised his eyes to stare quietly at Wanxi.

Wanxi nodded with a smile, and turned to look at the sky.It is already March, and spring has officially shown its smile.

"... In the past year, Jiujiu has not been short of going to your palace. Except for the days in Yuanmingyuan, when the empress had to live alone in the 'Changchun Immortal Hall' to serve the Empress Dowager, Jiujiu went to your palace for the rest of the days in the palace. It is naturally under the eyes of the queen."

"I have had a grudge with her for many years, and when Jiujiu went to your palace, I was always worried. After all, it was her three-acre land, and everyone in the palace was someone she had used for many years. And Ah Mu After all, you only entered the palace last year."

"But I soon discovered that I was worrying too much. You actually have the ability to protect Jiujiu very well. Although the Yikun Palace is the queen's Yikun Palace, you have never caused Jiujiu to suffer any grievances or worries. Take a little bit of risk."

The nobleman then smiled slightly, "The imperial concubine is full of praise. In fact, how can I be so capable? It is the emperor's thoughtfulness. Although I am still in her palace now, no matter whether I am in the dining room, the cook, or the position of the subordinates All the officials and daughters are my own people. Even if she is the queen, there is no way to bribe or threaten my people, so my people will naturally be of one mind with me."

Wanxi nodded first, but then shook her head, "Of course I understand that you and your mother clan are of one mind, but you are taking yourself lightly again. Whether it is a cook or an official girl, they are all subordinates after all. How do they Dare to have any resistance to the empress? They will still look at you after all. Only if you are brave, strong, and intelligent, they will also develop courage and dare to stick to what they insist on."

"After all, they are also from the Western Regions. In this capital, the customs and customs are very different, and the rules in this court are even stricter. It is inevitable that they feel that they are dependent on others; but that person is the mother of the Qing Dynasty and the master of the harem. , How dare they fight against them with their strength? Only when you give them strength, they will know how to do it."

The face of the nobleman was slightly red, and he bowed his head with a smile, "The empress dowager can trust me, so she is allowed to come to my palace to accompany me from time to time. Otherwise, with the relationship between the empress and the empress over the years, how could the empress be willing to be called the nine princesses often?" Go to Yikun Palace? But since I first asked to bring the ninth princess to my palace, you have never hesitated, the imperial concubine and the empress. The imperial concubine and empress trust me, at that moment I knew that I had to stand up straight, Put that trust on your shoulders."

"Of course I know what kind of person the queen is. She doesn't care how she treats me. For the sake of the people, my uncle and elder brother, I should bear it; but I can't call Jiujiu by my side. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of the trust of the imperial concubine?"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, and held He Guiren's hand.

"Jiujiu also told me before getting the pox, you gave her a lot of flower dew that is unique to your Western Regions. She said that you used to store those flower dew in a sheepskin box expensively. It is hung with a big lock. Normally, you don’t allow the ladies under your position to touch the box, but you almost gave it away for Jiujiu.”

He Guiren blushed a little at this time, "This villain is so small, why did he even find out about this?"

The nobleman raised his eyes and looked at Wanxi, "Don't worry, my concubine, those are prepared by us people from the Western Regions to clear away heat and detoxify. There are also acnes in the Western Regions, and we are not so good at inoculation methods there, so we have always drank these. The heat-clearing and detoxifying flower dew is used to prevent and cure diseases. I only took it after I tasted it myself, and I was sure that nothing happened..."

Wanxi laughed, "My good aunt, you don't need to explain. How can I not believe you? I'm just saying this to you now, I'm just grateful, so there's no worries at all. .”

The nobleman blushed and lowered his head and smiled, "...I am in this palace, and I look different from you, and the god I believe in is also very different from yours. I usually want to give to whomever I have. , I can see the defensiveness in their eyes. Only you and Jiujiu, the imperial concubine, not only have no doubts, but also really like my things, I am really very happy."

Wanxi heard that there was something in the conversation with the nobleman, so she couldn't help asking, "...Could it be that the child is not sensible?"

He sighed with the nobleman, "The last time the ninth princess was playing with the seventh and eighth princesses, I took some baked buns for them. Jiujiu ate very happily, but the eighth princess... said that she Concubine Niangxin has instructed that, except for the food given by the emperor and the empress dowager outside, you are not allowed to eat anything given by others."

Wanxi is not surprised that Concubine Xin is like this.Wanxi only comforted the nobleman, "You entered the palace late, you didn't know that the sixth princess born by Concubine Xin died young because of food... If Concubine Xin is like this, it is only natural to think about it."

He nobleman said slowly, "I know she is the noble princess of your Manchuria bordered with yellow flags. She looks down on me, but there are some. However, many of my meals are made of materials brought from the Western Regions. Originally It's also precious, she doesn't care about it, and I'm not willing to part with it. From now on, I won't do such a stupid thing again."
On the sixth day of March, there is a ceremony for pro-silkworm.

Because Nala's family is not in Beijing, he should send his concubine to act on his behalf.Wanxi is a noble concubine, the second person in the harem under the Nala family, and she is duty bound.

At this moment, Jiujiu just got acne, and Wanxi is going to the silkworm altar. Yuqin and the others are a little worried, so they say it's better to ask someone else to go.

Wanxi smiled and said, "I would like to go. Think about it, this Silkworm Kissing Ceremony is the biggest ceremony that women in the harem can host to worship the heavens. I'm going to pray to the heavens at this moment, and pray for the blessings of the heavens. Isn't it the best?"

After all, the ladies they enshrine in the garden are mostly Manchu gods, plus some Han goddesses.No matter how powerful these empresses are, how can they be as high as the heavens?

After thinking about it, Yuqin and the others were reasonable, so they breathed a sigh of relief and put their minds at ease.

Wanxi handed over the matter of presiding over the harem to Yuqin, and held the hand of the nobleman again, "I'm going to the Beihai Silkworm Altar. Sister Lu must be in charge of all the chores in the harem in this garden. Sister Lu will take care of you." As for the overall situation, we can no longer limit ourselves to small details, so I want to entrust you with Jiujiu's affairs. When Sister Lu is too busy, please help me keep an eye on this side."

"After all, your time in the palace is short, if there is anything you can't avoid, just go to Sister Lu."

Taking a deep breath with the nobleman, he was speechless for a while, but the joy overflowing from those beautiful eyes couldn't be stopped no matter what.She bowed deeply to Wanxi, "Don't worry, the imperial concubine, I will guarantee it with my life!"
I don't know if it was due to this concerted effort, and Wanxi was able to use the gift of kissing silkworms to pray to heaven. On March [-]th, the acne on Jiujiu's body had stopped receding.

From the planting of the pox on February 22, to the official appearance of the pox on the fourth day of March, and then to the 20th of March when the pox stopped receding... the [-]-odd days before and after were enough to make people live like years.Finally, when Jiujiu was successfully sent to the saint, Wanxi was so happy that she hugged Jiujiu and the nobleman, and shed tears together.

As if there was a tacit understanding, the emperor returned to Luan on March [-]th.

After receiving the good news of Jiujiu, the emperor came back to the garden and hugged Jiujiu into his arms, not caring about the sickness in her body before leaving, just kissing again and again.

"You know that Ama is coming back today, so you'll be fine yesterday, right? You really gave Ama the first good news of her return, and it's not in vain that Ama also stand for you in front of your grandpa's mausoleum." I pray for that peace... Your grandpa must be protecting you in heaven."

Wanxi naturally only had a happy smile left at this moment, so she lightly chirped her forehead, "Listen, how blessed you are! For your mother, I will go to the silkworm altar and pray to heaven for you; you Huang Ama begged for your emperor's grandfather's protection again... You have all the blessings of heaven and the blessing of the emperor. I can't blame you for not suffering any crimes, and everything went so smoothly~~"

Jiujiu, on the other hand, had a sullen face and didn't show a smile, but turned to ask for a makeup mirror, "Ernie, Jiujiu wants to look in the mirror!"

Jiujiu stayed in the dark for more than 20 days, so today his eyes are still covered with gauze, and he dare not see the sky directly.Wanxi chuckled, "What's the hurry? You can't look at it even if you are given a makeup mirror right now. Wait another three to five days, and when your eyes get used to the sun, then you can look beautiful in the mirror." ~~"

Then Jiujiu said cautiously, "...the imperial physician Wenda said, I'm not allowed to touch it, no matter how itchy it is. But Jiujiu didn't behave, so Jiujiu scratched it lightly."

Jiujiu gestured towards the eyebrows, "It's here. Inside the eyebrows, it's prickly, itchy~"

Wanxi was also taken aback, and hurriedly glanced at the emperor.

The emperor stretched out a hand to shake Wanxi's hand, shook his head with a smile, and then coaxed and chirped softly, "Don't be afraid, haven't you sent away the Goddess of Pox? Scratch it, who can bear it so much?" Can it live? If it's Ama, Ama will have to scratch it too."

Jiujiu's body was still a little weak, and he was tired after more than 20 days of tossing, so he fell asleep contentedly in the emperor's arms.

After all, Wanxi couldn't help it, she cleaned her hands and came over, carefully and gently lifted the edge of the gauze, revealing Jiujiu's eyebrows.

If the acne occurs on a smooth surface, it is already itchy enough, but if it is next to the eyebrows, it can be imagined that the eyebrows are stuck, and I am afraid that it will be more itchy.Wanxi felt sorry for the itching that Jiujiu had endured alone, but she couldn't help being a little worried—acne might leave acne marks after all.If you accidentally touch it, it will leave marks.

If she was a kid, she wouldn't be so nervous, after all, she was a girl, and it was on her face.If there are acne marks... the little girl will definitely despise her beauty when she grows up in the future.

Wanxi showed Jiujiu's eyebrows nervously and contradictoryly in her heart - Wanxi's fingers trembled, and her long nails poked Jiujiu's forehead.

The emperor held Wanxi's hand carefully, and lowered his eyes to look carefully.Sure enough, there was a small hole left on Jiujiu's right brow.

In fact, it is not big, only the size of a grain of rice, at most it looks like a small pockmark.But Wanxi still couldn't help crying—even the smallest wound on the child's body was an unbearable pain in the mother's heart.

The emperor hastily clenched Wanxi's hand and shook his head as a signal.

Seeing this situation, Yurui hurriedly called Mammy to pick up Jiujiu, who was fast asleep.

The emperor reached out and pulled Wanxi into his arms, and patted her on the back lightly, "Shh, don't be afraid, it's fine, ah."

Wanxi couldn't help blaming herself in the end, choked up and said, "I only blame myself. If I can enter that room and go with her, then I will definitely be able to keep her from being scratched, and then she won't be bothered." I will sit down in this pit."

"You're talking stupid again." The emperor gently shook Wanxi's body, "The Pox Goddess must not be alarmed, and none of us can go in, otherwise the Pox Goddess will think that we don't trust her, so why would she go? Bless our children?"

"Let's talk about such a small pit, Jiujiu is still young, when Jiujiu grows up, maybe it will grow flat; if you take ten thousand steps back, it will grow unevenly, when she reaches the age of the mirror decal yellow , Naturally, there are ways to cover it up."

The emperor shook his head and said, "I thought, the position of the brows is a good 'choice'! Just a little cinnabar, that's the most wonderful makeup, definitely better than the plum blossom makeup of Princess Shouyang."

After asking the emperor to say this, Wanxi felt better.She also calmed down and thought about it, "Yes, or give her decals and choose the best one, then it will be covered!"

As she said it herself, she also smiled shyly and fell into the emperor's arms, "Look at my slave, I can't handle such a thing anymore, it's just a joke."

"Now that I think about it, it is the most congratulatory thing for Jiujiu to be blessed by the heavens and the emperor, and to send away the Goddess of Pox so smoothly. There is no such thing as perfect in this world. , since it has been sent to the saint safely, it is to leave a small hole, so compared with peace, where is more and where is less? It's all because the slaves are in a hurry, so they can't tell the priority."

Wan Xi raised her head in the emperor's arms and looked up at the emperor, "Master...is the slave greedy? Nothing is perfect in this world, is it?
"Who dares to say that you are greedy!" The emperor slowly put away his smile and shook Wanxi gently, "What is greed? Not being satisfied is greedy, and wanting to get what should not belong to you is also called greedy. These two, It has nothing to do with you!"

"Which one of the things you have now is not given to you by the Lord, but God cares for you? If it is God, it loves to care for you, and if it is God, it is willing to give it to you alone. If anyone is not used to it, it is what they want. God And the Lord will not give it to her! They are greedy!"

Wanxi nestled in the emperor's arms, listening to her grandfather say such deceptive words, her heart finally calmed down a little bit.

She hugged the emperor in her arms, "Is everything going well, my lord?"

The emperor nodded, "Aren't you thinking about Jiujiu's pox vaccination on this journey, so I'm counting the days to go back. It just so happens that Master is also back, and Jiujiu is also safe and sound. The hanging heart is really the caring little padded jacket of the master."

Wanxi finally took a deep breath, and lightly closed her eyes, "...Since Jiujiu has been delivered safely, the slave has to ask the master for instructions. The master has already made up his mind, who will entrust Jiujiu to?" Sisters to take care of?"

The emperor lowered his eyes, "You have made up your mind, but you already have a plan?"

Wanxi lowered her head and scratched the emperor's clothes with her fingertips, "...the slave has an idea. It's just that the person's status is not enough to support the emperor's heir, so it's not appropriate to say such words."

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, "Hmm, even if you don't need to speak, I know what's on my mind. Then don't worry for now, just stay in your own palace."
After a month of separation, the emperor was anxious.After helping Wanxi to get rid of the matter of tweeting from her heart, she was finally impatient.

Why doesn't Wanxi miss it herself, she is still thinking about the matter of tweeting, but she can't continue talking at this moment.

Put it aside for the time being, everything is up to the emperor.

The emperor carefully "examined" Wanxi's body with a pair of big hands, and finally couldn't help but stop and reprimand softly while breathing, "...It was so easy to grow a little fat when I was born as a child, now Why is more than half gone?"

Wanxi was originally born delicate and graceful, and she has given birth to an imperial heir in succession these years, and besides sharing the affairs of the harem, it is rare to be able to raise some fat children.Only when you have a baby every time, you need a lot of nourishment and less activity, can you be a little rich before and after giving birth.

Wanxi asked with a smile, "Is the slave's body broken? Does the master despise the slave?"

The emperor spat and gave her the most practical answer without any words.

Wanxi couldn't help but groan, and couldn't help but rejoice in her heart, so she wrapped the emperor tightly around her, trying her best to be tactful...

The emperor ran out of strength, took a few breaths, and said close to her ear, "I know, you have been worrying about vaccinating the pox for the past month, and you must have cleared it up. But my heart still feels distressed when I see it." ...Remember what I said, this time I am back, Jiujiu has also sent away the Pox God Empress safely, you can get back fat quickly, and you are not allowed to lose any more weight."

For some reason, Wanxi suddenly thought of the "Picture of Four Events at Banquet" drawn by Castiglione.The painting method of Westerners focuses on the three-dimensional contours of the face. She was pregnant with Xiao Shiwu at that time, and all the nutrients in her body were absorbed by Xiao Shiwu, and there was no flesh on her face; besides that Huizi followed the emperor Qiuxi, tossing all the way from the capital to Buhutu, even if the emperor ordered to slow down the schedule, it was still a bit hard for her body at that time.Therefore, when the painting was created, she was very thin.

Wanxi couldn't help laughing "cheating". The emperor didn't know what she was laughing at, so he quickly pinched her waist, "What are you laughing about? I lost all my strength." !"

Wanxi is under the emperor, her body is as soft as cotton, and her eyes are as silky as silk, "...slave, I recall that in the "Picture of Four Events at the Banquet", the servant is almost asked to be drawn by Master Lang Shining as a "human being". .”

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, "...don't like his paintings?"

Wanxi laughed quickly, "No, where did you think you were? The slave was just thinking about himself at that moment, he was really thin."

The emperor reached out and stroked her cheek.She is thin, but she is not without flesh. She is actually a small bone. Only when he has touched it with his hands so familiarly can he know that she actually has flesh hidden.

The emperor snorted, "Lang Shining is old, a 74-year-old foreign man, his brushwork and eyesight are indeed not what they used to be." The emperor stared at Wanxi, "Your eyebrows and eyes are not suitable for using the overly three-dimensional Western painting method. , otherwise you will only see the edges and corners of the bones, but not the flesh.”

The emperor lightly stroked Wanxi's cheeks, "I also think that your appearance is more suitable for our Chinese painting method. You can borrow Western painting methods, but we should use our traditional Chinese techniques for laying the foundation." .”

In fact, Wanxi only thought of "The Picture of Four Events at the Banquet" because of her thinness, but she didn't expect the emperor to be so serious because of it.

Wanxi tightened her legs a little, her body surged like a wave, supporting the emperor, and took back his thoughts.

Sure enough, the emperor couldn't bear it anymore, and with a muffled sound, he was still buried in the mist after all.

At this time, Wanxi didn't know that the emperor really took it seriously and took it to heart when she mentioned it so casually.In the following years, the emperor began to do everything possible to change places and use various techniques to paint her portraits.
Early the next morning, Wanxi just got up and was about to pay Nala's greetings.Concubine Ying came early in the morning.

"If it wasn't that it was already late yesterday, and I thought that the emperor would definitely come to visit my sister, it would be inconvenient for me to come here, or I would have flown over yesterday!" Concubine Ying jumped in and was about to see Jiujiu.

At this moment Jiujiu was still asleep, Wanxi felt sorry for the child, so she didn't ask the nanny to wake Jiujiu up, she held Concubine Ying's hand, and the two went to see her in the side hall where Jiujiu lived.

Concubine Ying looked at the sleeping Jiujiu, her tears couldn't stop falling one by one, "...I really don't want to go with the emperor to visit the mausoleum. If the emperor didn't insist, how could I not be willing to stay with us Jiujiu ?”

Wanxi stretched out her arms and gently hugged Concubine Ying, "Even if you are outside, why don't you still have your heart beside this child? Look, Jiujiu has already gone smoothly, and that's what all of you helped to pray for." .So don't cry."

Although Concubine Ying nodded, she was still a little choked up, "That day, I originally went to the emperor to refuse the matter of accompanying him, but it happened to happen that I went to the palace with the nobleman. I heard later that She also went to the emperor to talk about it."

"The emperor said, one can't be two, and the nobleman has already asked me to resign, so let me take back this idea." Concubine Ying looked at Wanxi with her nose sniffling, "Sister Ling, do you think you are angry with the nobleman?"

(Thank you guys for the holiday on the first day of the new year, and remember to give a monthly ticket to Su, with a warm heart, bow~)

(End of this chapter)

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