Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2363 Volume 7 64 You are so happy, how can others live

Chapter 2363 Seven Volumes 64 You are so happy, how can others live (Bi)

At this moment, Rao is wanxi, but also a little speechless.

Just like the pity I sometimes feel for Xiaoqi and Qilinbao, they are all her own children, but she can't make the decisions of the children's own minds.

If you use the affection you have been with in the harem for these years, and the position in the harem, if you choose a adoptive mother for Jiujiu, Concubine Ying will always be in the first place—after all, Concubine Ying is the only one above the concubine position. A person who has never given birth to an emperor's heir, and has never raised an emperor's heir.

But... the matter of fate is the most mysterious thing, she never imagined that Jiujiu was born with such a puppy nose, so she loves to smell scents; and coincidentally, He and the nobleman came to the palace at this time, It also brought a fragrance.

Jiujiu's friendship with the nobleman began from the tip of her nose, and it was completely unpredictable for her, a mother-in-law.

Facing the resentment in Concubine Ying's tone at this time, Wanxi only felt sorry.

Wanxi gently squeezed Concubine Ying's hand, "Good girl, don't be angry. After all, Ah Ru is just a nobleman, and it doesn't matter whether you go or not; but what can you do, you are now our Daqing One of the four concubines, the weight is certainly not comparable to that of a nobleman."

Concubine Ying felt a little more at ease after hearing this, but she still couldn't let go.Then she held Wanxi's hand and twisted her body, "Although she is a noble person, who in the harem dares to think that she is just a noble person? Because of her status, she is destined to be unique in the palace, so she is only a noble person for the time being. It is also necessary to be a concubine and a concubine."

"On the contrary, I am one of the four concubines. After all, I am only one of the four. It doesn't matter if I don't go. On the contrary, it is her. Daughter, this is unique in the palace, she should go with her."

Wanxi had no choice but to comfort her with a smile, "That being said, she is still a noble person after all, isn't she? The concubine Jin and concubine Feng are all things in the future, we can't just stand in front of our eyes and talk about the future, Gao Wa, don't you think so?"

In order to reassure Concubine Ying, Wanxi lowered her voice and said softly, "Besides, you should also understand that although the emperor said that he had returned to the Ministry with kindness, until now, he is still not defenseless. Otherwise, it will be like the old Concubine Shu entering the palace. Just like making a concubine, if the emperor wants to promote Ah Yu to be a concubine, then one year in the noble position is enough, but the emperor has no such intention for the time being."

Concubine Ying breathed a sigh of relief, "Sister said yes. I think the emperor may still be hesitant. If he really took the nobleman to visit the mausoleum, how should this be called saluting the nobleman in front of the mausoleum of the first emperor? I'm afraid it will be a difficult problem." Right. After all, she is the first empress in the harem from the Western Regions in the history of the Qing Dynasty."

Wanxi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Concubine Ying's hand, "That's right. No matter how kind the emperor is, he will never forget that the Qing Dynasty was founded on the marriage between Manchu and Mongolia. In the heart of the emperor, Huibu will never surpass Gaowa and you Mongolian girls~~"

Feeling relaxed for a while, Wanxi also took advantage of the situation and took Concubine Ying's hand, and hurried to Yikun Palace to pay her respects, and put this matter aside for the time being.
Please go away, Concubine Ying spent another day playing with Jiujiu in Wanxi Palace, and returned to her own palace at dusk.

Lord Xiang came to pay his respects, and then asked about Jiujiu: "Princess Ninth has been sent off safely, and now Elder Brother Fifteen is getting older day by day, and needs to be taken care of by Concubine Ling. It will not be a few days before Concubine Ling Are you going to entrust the nine princesses to Sister Ying to raise them? Oh, that's great, I live with Sister Ying, and this time I can finally entrust Sister Ying's blessing to have a cute little princess to play with in the palace! "

Thinking of that scene, Concubine Ying couldn't help looking forward to it, with a smile on her face.

"I wish I could bring Jiujiu into our palace sooner... It's just that sister Ling must be reluctant, so I can't say a word in front of sister Ling, and I can't rush. After all, sister Ling knows, I also have this bottom line in my heart. It doesn’t matter if it’s sooner or later?”

Xianggui smiled and lowered his head, "Sister Ying is right. Based on the friendship between Sister Ying and Concubine Ling these years, if the Nine Princesses were not entrusted to Sister Ying, could they really be entrusted to Her Majesty? I don't believe it!"

As nobleman Xiang said, his eyes turned slightly and drifted across Concubine Ying's face, "Unless...unless Concubine Ling feels that being with the nobleman is more important to her than Sister Ying."

Concubine Ying also laughed when she heard that, "Listen, what are you talking about?"

Mr. Xiang also smiled and slapped himself on the cheek, "I'll just say it's a possibility, even though this possibility is one in a thousand, it's very small! After all, it's only been a year since I entered the palace with the nobleman, and the relationship with the noble concubine Ling That's all; but sister Ying, how many years have you been with Concubine Ling and how many things have you done for her? It's even more unworthy of Sister Ying's years of wind and rain."

Concubine Ying also laughed when she heard that, she naturally had this foundation in her heart.

This auspicious person, although Concubine Ying has not always been satisfied with the way she talks and does things since entering the palace, they are all from Mongolia and live in the same palace; If the nobleman puts his eyes on it, it is naturally the nobleman Xiang.After all, in the Western Regions, the He Zhuo family were all prisoners of Junggar, and the whole family was farming in Ili, and they were guarded by Ama, who was a nobleman.

Now they are both in the harem and in the status of nobles, but Xianggui still has arrogance and nobleness.She favored the nobleman and received the emperor's attention, and her contempt and dissatisfaction towards the nobleman became even heavier in her heart.

Concubine Ying herself had already vaguely had a relationship with the nobleman because of the matter of the ninth princess, so what the nobleman Xiang said in front of her now sounded more pleasing to the ears.

Xianggui looked at Concubine Ying and smiled, knowing that what he said meant Concubine Ying's heart, and Concubine Ying was pleasing to her ears.

Xianggui's heart became more confident. He lowered his head and thought for a while, then snorted softly and smiled coldly, "That's the one with Zhuo Shi who can't tell the difference between the eyebrows and eyes! She doesn't even think about how she Entering the palace, what age is the person, after entering the palace, he really thought that he was favored, even the empress master dared to contradict him."

"But that's all. No matter what she does, she should consider what kind of temperament we Mongolian princesses are. They can offend no one in Xinjiang, and they can't offend us Mongolians! Thinking about the Western Regions, how many years have they been?" It was under the rule of our Mongolian princes, and it was never their turn to make decisions with the Zhuo family. Even the ancestors of her and Zhuo, the size and size, were able to have a later status in Huijiang, not because of the approval and support of our Mongolian princes under?"

"That's why, when she came into the palace, she dared to offend a Manchurian family like the queen, so she should be careful to hide from us Mongolian Gege! If she just winks, why doesn't she understand the relationship between Sister Ying and Concubine Ling?" The friendship is gone, so why can't you see that Ling Guifei's Ninth Princess should be brought up by Sister Ying?"

"But she is lucky. She ran to Yongshou Palace from time to time this year, and took Princess Nine to her palace every now and then... What is she doing? She was robbed in front of sister Ying." It’s also thanks to Sister Ying’s high status and background from a wealthy family, so I don’t care about her; if it were me, I would go to slap her in the morning!”

Concubine Ying frowned slightly, "You're exaggerating."

Xianggui laughed, "Exaggeration? Sister Ying is so good-natured. We have been in the palace all these years, who would not understand that there are two things in this palace that must not be shared, one is the emperor's favor , and the other one is the child... These two are the lifeblood of our harem women, whoever dares to snatch it from us, we will have to die with him!"

"She is a little noble, and she is a person who returned to Xinjiang. She has only been in the palace for a year. How thick-skinned she must be to dare to snatch it from you so blatantly, Sister Ying?"

Xianggui glanced at Concubine Ying quietly, "I want to say something from the bottom of my heart, I'm not afraid that sister Ying will be unhappy: the reason why she has been so rampant this year is not that sister Ying is too good-natured! According to me Ah, you have to show your authority as a concubine, show our Mongolian Gege's blood, if she dares to commit such a crime, it is clear that she is robbing the emperor's heir, sister Ying should punish her well, and let her know how to accept it. hand, I won’t dare to do it again next time!”
Concubine Ying felt a little headache when she heard it, so she waved her hand, "The situation is not what you said. Sister Ling never said that she would entrust Jiujiu to her upbringing, besides, she is only a noble person now, and is not qualified to raise the heir of the emperor. .The status of a nobleman is to give birth to a child by oneself, and it has to be raised by a high position, let alone the child of others, and it is the child of the imperial concubine."

"She doesn't have the qualifications, and the rules in the harem can't be messed up, so let's not worry too much."

Concubine Ying raised her eyes and glanced at Mr. Xiang Gui, "I've been playing with Jiujiu all day, and I'm a little tired. You should go back and rest first."

Only then did Mr. Xiang hurriedly stand up and salute, "The concubine will not disturb Concubine Ying's rest, and I will leave as a concubine."

Leaving Concubine Ying's bedroom, and walking back to her own side hall along the chasing corridor, Wu Yun, the woman under Xianggui, said softly, "The slave looks at the situation just now, and Concubine Ying's master doesn't really want to rectify the nobleman. Thanks to the master Then to discuss with Concubine Ying, I just want to help Concubine Ying to bring the Ninth Princess into our palace properly...Master Ying Concubine is really good-natured."

Mrs. Xianggui walked in the darkness, looking at the dim light of the lantern in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but sneered softly, "She's just afraid of Concubine Ling. You can also see how Concubine Ling has treated her this past year. For the nobleman, if the noble concubine Ling didn't nod, how could the nobleman bring the nine princesses to her palace as soon as she said she would? After all, the nobleman lived with the queen's master, so if the noble concubine Ling didn't feel relieved And nobleman, naturally refused to nod."

"Concubine Ying's heart is naturally separated by this layer. Although she is unhappy, she can't tear her face apart. After all, the Ninth Princess is the child of Concubine Ling after all, and it's not like she just entrusted her to whomever she said she would entrust her to." Who is it for, if Concubine Ying has torn her face because of something with the nobleman, then the concubine might not entrust the nine princesses to Concubine Ying at all."

Mr. Xianggui took a deep breath, raised his head and wanted to look at the sky, but at this moment he was in the corridor, and when he looked up, he could only see the top of the corridor, but not the sky.

She looked away, and snorted again, "Concubine Ying has been used to relying on Concubine Ling these years, otherwise how could she be a concubine because she has no children. So, no matter how unhappy she is, But I also have to be afraid of Concubine Ling, not daring to do anything to that nobleman."

Wu Yun sighed, "I think back then... the master used to go to Yongshou Palace from time to time."

Xianggui stood still, although he didn't like to mention the past, he still nodded with a sigh.

"After all, I was squeezed out by them. Who told me that I am also from Erut Mongolia, but unfortunately, my family background is not as good as that of Yu's concubine? The concubine ordered the concubine to look at the dishes. She chose Yu's concubine, but I don’t want to talk to me anymore. I still have this kind of wink. Since people don’t want to see me, why should I rush to post it? Besides, she is not the only one in the harem. She doesn’t want to see me. I don't care about her anymore."

"But then again, Concubine Ying doesn't even have the blood for me. She is used to relying on Concubine Ling for everything, and she dare not disobey her at all. That's why Concubine Ying is not willing to come out. What's wrong with it, people are squeezed out, no matter how unhappy I am, I can only grit my teeth and endure it."

While talking, the front has reached the door of his side hall.Mr. Xiang raised his leg to enter the door, but standing inside the door, he looked back at Concubine Ying's bedroom and smiled faintly.

"It's just that the Ninth Princess has finished vaccination after all, and it is inevitable to entrust someone to take care of her. It is obvious that she is getting closer to the nobleman and the Ninth Princess. I will see how long our Concubine Ying can bear it~~"
On the day when the gauze from Jiujiu's eyes could finally be removed, everyone in the harem, everyone under the imperial concubine, came to congratulate her.

Below Wanxi is the imperial concubine, and above the imperial concubine, Shufei is the head. Therefore, Shufei's seat is closest to Wanxi, and Wanxi has the most opportunities to talk to Shufei.

Concubine Shu gave Jiujiu a small Buddha statue invited down from Mount Wutai.Given Mount Wutai's status in Buddhism, this small Buddha statue is naturally noble, and Wanxi cherishes it very much, so she thanked Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu laughed, "I'm embarrassing again, aren't I? I just happened to be driving to Wutai Mountain, just in time for the occasion; besides, you have used the idea of ​​sending Buddha statues many years ago. Draw a gourd in the same way."

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, knowing that Concubine Shu was talking about the little Buddha statue that she gave to Empress Xiaoxian's second son Yong Cong back then.

Concubine Shu tilted her head and stared at Wanxi, "...Yong Xing also went on a tour with her this time, and she won a lot of face. Let's not compare with those grown elder brothers, Yong Xing and Yong Xing are one year old. , so the two of them are together; this year at the Mausoleum, Yongzheng was originally the son of the son, and he thought he would be the head of the son again. As a result, the emperor asked Yongzheng to go back and salute with Yongzheng. .”

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "Yongxuan is still young, this time I can go to Yeling with the emperor, and visit Wutai Mountain in the west, it is a lot of experience. Besides, with you protecting me all the way, there must be no mistakes."

Concubine Shu also smiled comfortably, "Your Majesty, in terms of his attitude towards Yong Xing and Yong Xing, he obviously praised Yong Xing more. It is not uncommon for elder brother to chant scriptures, the emperor wants to choose a younger elder brother to chant sutras... In the end, the emperor actually chose us Yongxing, Yongxing is useless!"

Wanxi's eyes flashed, and she understood, "Is it because the scriptures happen to be in Chinese characters?"

Concubine Shu clapped her hands and laughed, "Isn't that the case!"

As Concubine Shu said, she stretched out her hand to hold Wanxi's hand, her eyes sparkled with brilliance, "In the final analysis, it's your idea after all, now even the emperor was 'bitten by a snake', now anyone who meets anyone except Man For writing other than text, or for occasions where school homework is required, it is not called Yong Xing. This is our turn to Yong Xing after all."

Wanxi met Concubine Shu's gaze, and also smiled, "Seeing the child's success is the most satisfying thing for us, and it's more joyful than being pampered, isn't it?"

Concubine Shu sighed softly, "When we were young, we lived for ourselves and fought for everything; but now more and more, I feel that I live for Yongxing. If he is good, I will Everything will be fine."

Wan Xi nodded, "Based on what you said, now, you are already Yong Xing's own mother. This mother-child relationship is no worse than that of the imperial concubine Shujia."

Concubine Shu also smiled, but her eyes were already sparkling.Afraid of losing her composure, she hurriedly lowered her head, "... others don't know, don't you know? I, I seem to be alive again. It is because of this child that I can come back to life; otherwise, I would have died back then." He has already died with my ten elder brothers."

"What's life and death?" Wanxi patted Concubine Shu's hand lightly, "Now it's for Yongxing, you have to live a long life, and in the future you have to ask Yongxing to honor you well. When he becomes Dear, after dividing the mansion, I will still be able to take you out of the palace when you are old, and become an old lady in his mansion!"

That beautiful vision is the reason why the women in the harem want to have a child of their own~ When the white teeth fall out, there is no point in fighting in the harem. Here, enjoying family happiness is the best.

Speaking of this, Concubine Shu sighed softly, "I'm really envious of Lan Pei now. You see she's happy again now, this is really going to fill the house with children and grandchildren."

Wanxi opened her mouth lightly, and then smiled, "It turns out that Jiufu Jin is happy again, no wonder he didn't come to the palace during the Chinese New Year...I am also happy to hear that, I am happy for her and Master Jiu."

Calculated in this way, this is the sixth child of Master Jiu.

Wanxi lowered her head, thinking that she has raised five children in succession in the past few years... She and Master Jiu, this is also a flower blooming side by side, and the hatchback is safe, right? .
March is about to pass, and April is approaching.

The spring in the capital is already strong, and the dark cloud of Wanxi's vaccination due to tweets has finally dissipated completely.

Yu Rui came in from the outside with her lips pursed and a smile.

Xiao Shiwu was already able to sit, so Wanxi put him on the south kang, pushed the cushion and the backrest to the window, and told him to sit there by the window.

Wanxi carefully supported Xiao Shiwu, raised her eyes and glanced at Yurui, "What are you joking about?"

Yu Rui sat down, blinked and said, "Didn't my sister regret that Tuo Yong was transferred from Jiangnan to Guangxi, so she couldn't hinder An Ning? The good news is that the emperor has decreed that Tuo Yong was transferred from Guangxi to Anhui. Governor!"

Wanxi was also surprised, and couldn't help but grabbed Yu Rui's hand, "It's only been a month, and the emperor called again so quickly?"

Tuo Yong was originally transferred to be the governor of Guangxi, but at this time he was transferred back to be the governor of Anhui.This is not an ordinary official position. They are all governors of a province (equivalent to high-ranking officials), but they are officials in the frontier.It is really rare to make two adjustments within a month.

Yu Rui couldn't help smiling, "That's right! Although Tuo Yong returned to Anhui, not Jiangsu. However, Anhui and Jiangsu were originally the same "Jiangnan Province"; The Jiangning chief envoy belongs to the governor of Anhui. If Tuo Yong wants to check An Ning, he can still use the Jiangning chief envoy to settle the old score in the post of governor of Anhui!"

Wanxi sighed softly, "That's right! Besides, the last Jiangning chief envoy was Tuo Yong himself; and the current Jiangning chief envoy is Zhang Bao, who was originally the previous Suzhou chief envoy. Regarding the details of An Ning, Tuo Yong himself Nothing could be clearer than mediocrity.”

Yu Rui blinked lightly, "No one can match the emperor's restraint, and no one even dared to think about it. I believe that An Ning would never have imagined that Tuo Yong had just been transferred to Guangxi for a month, so he thought it was far away; but he came back so soon. It's in front of his eyes, enough to make him worry!"

Ever since the matter of Cuihuan and Yongxuan came out, Wanxi has been holding back her breath these days, and now she can finally relax.

She lowered her head and smiled, "...with the emperor around, we can always get what we want. From now on, I don't think we need to pray to the Buddha, and we can just set up a board for the emperor to offer incense to the emperor."

Yurui also burst out laughing, "How big is the 'ancestor board' to hold the real Buddha of the emperor?"

As soon as she imagined the small Buddhist hall in Dongnuange, Wanxi burst out laughing, "Isn't that right, it's not that big!"

Seeing Wanxi and Yurui chatting lively, Xu Shi didn't bother to look out the window, and eagerly wanted to participate in it.It's a pity that the six-month-old child can't speak yet, so I'm really anxious and can't say anything.He muttered out of his small mouth, and it turned into a string of grunts.

It doesn't matter if you murmur, even the saliva comes out with the murmur.Wan Xi hurriedly smiled and wiped it with gauze, and shook her head helplessly, "You little Yuanzi, why are you in such a hurry? In the future, there will be times when you are asked to speak, and you won't be able to say it. These few months , you'd better save your throat in peace~"

There was laughter in the room, Yuchan came in, but her face was a little anxious.

Yu Rui asked, "What's wrong?"

Yuchan glanced at Yurui, "...Eighth Brother is here."

(End of this chapter)

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