Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2367 Volume 7 68 The Fox Is Wronged

Chapter 2367 Seven Volumes 68 The Fox Is Wronged

When the emperor heard Wanxi's question, his long eyebrows suddenly raised.

He bent over to look at her eyebrows, but only said one word, "Oh?"

The emperor was so narrow-minded that Wanxi blushed and turned away quickly, not looking at the emperor.

The emperor smiled, and put his hands around her shoulders, "I haven't seen you wondering who is the champion in the past few years, what happened this year?"

Wanxi snorted softly, "Isn't it because this year is the Enke opened by the Empress Dowager's [-]th birthday, this year's champion is different from previous years, so this slave is more curious."

The emperor deliberately found fault and bickered, "Then in the 17th year of Qianlong, it was also the Enke opened by the emperor's mother Shengshou. You were not curious at that time, were you?"

Wanxi was ashamed, so she turned around and said with a blushing face, "At that time, it was Enke of the Empress Dowager's 70th birthday, and this year is Enke's 60th birthday...the age is different, [-] years old is better than [-] years old. It's even rarer to be old, isn't it?"

The emperor laughed, "Okay, sixty sixties, but seventy is rare in ancient times, so you can stand up for this reason!"

Wanxi blushed now, and pushed the emperor's arm in disbelief, "Master, the servant will ask this time, and the master will make an exception and tell the servant."

The emperor raised his hand, and gently brushed away a strand of hair that fell from Wanxi's forehead, "It's not that I didn't tell you, it's that I don't know. Why are you in such a hurry, girl? You haven't had a palace test yet! "

"Besides, I'm busy with Yongxuan's marriage these days, and I'm fasting and offering sacrifices, so I haven't read the exam papers yet. At this moment, only the examiners are reading, and I just ask them to list the top ten papers. , wait for the Lord to go back to the palace, and then enter the Qianqing Palace to make a personal appointment."

Wanxi also nodded, turned her head and asked again, "I don't know which adults have been appointed as the examiners for this year's subject?"

Since His Majesty has not seen the papers at this moment, and only the top ten selected by the examiners will be sent to the Emperor in the future, so the fate of the examiners is still in the hands of the examiners. Woolen cloth.

The emperor said, "My lord has already pointed out the great scholars to come to Bao, the co-organizers of the great scholars Amida and Liu Tongxun, Liang Shizheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, Guanbao, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Qin Huitian, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Qian Rucheng, the Minister of Zuo, and Liu Lun, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. I have an audience with Yin Jishan, the governor of Liangjiang, and these nine people are the examiners of the hall examination papers."

"One, two..." Wanxi wrung her fingers and heard one count as one, then raised her head, "Nine adults?"

The emperor nodded, "Naturally, it must be an odd number, and it must be the extreme number of positive numbers. Otherwise, wouldn't there be papers with the same number of 'circled dots are the best' on the paper?"

Wanxi held up nine fingers in both hands, but she didn't put them down for a long time.But what she was looking at was not the nine erected, but the last one that had been lying there all this time and could not be erected.

What she thought was: Why is there no Zhao Hui?

Yurui said that Zhaohui was also appointed as the examiner, so the news must have come from Uncle Yurui Guanbao.Guan Bao is the deputy examiner of this subject, and he is also one of the nine test examiners. Guan Bao's news must be correct.But why didn't the emperor mention Zhao Hui?

"What's wrong?" The emperor saw that Wanxi was a little lost.

Embarrassed, Wanxi quickly withdrew both hands, shook her head lightly, "It's okay."

Just continue to be suspicious in my heart, how will the emperor use Zhaohui?

Seeing that the person in front of him was still a little absent-minded, the emperor held her arms with both hands, straightened her up, and faced her, "What's going on today, huh?"

Wanxi felt even more embarrassed.There is no palace exam yet, and the emperor has not seen the papers of the candidates; the emperor is the emperor, and he is busy with everything, how can he know who has taken the exam, so he probably doesn't know that Zhao Yi is also on the list of candidates for the exam this year in it.

She is too, what's the rush?

Wanxi felt that she was wronged, so she took the initiative to throw herself into the emperor's arms, pressed her hands on the emperor's cheeks, and offered her fragrant lips.

After kissing the emperor well for a while, the four lips stuck together like glue.After being out of breath for a long time, it was pulled apart abruptly with a "da".

It's a pity that although the emperor's eyes were already shining like hunters, he still didn't forget what he said before. He stuck to her neck and kissed her, but he still asked hotly, "...you haven't said anything yet?" .Little hooves, you want to gag Grandpa again. You miscalculated, Grandpa is not confused this time."

Wanxi was held in the emperor's arms, unable to hide or escape, her body was dyed hot by the emperor.I had no choice but to surrender, and said quietly, "...Because, Xiao Shiwu will be half a year old in a blink of an eye, and the year of enlightenment will not be far away. And the prince's masters have always been Hanlin; Selected from the imperial examinations over the years."

"Thus, the servant is really thinking about the future for Xiao Shiwu who can be a teacher. Maybe it is possible to be among this year's Jinshi. And this year's Jinshi is naturally headed by the number one scholar, so this slave is especially special. We are concerned about the talents selected by Enke this year."

I have known Zhao Yi for many years, and Wanxi personally recommended Zhao Yi to Fu Heng, calling him Mr. Fulong'an's Xixi; and later recommended by Fu Heng, Zhao Yi taught Mian En.Now that the two children are growing well, it can be seen that Zhao Yi is a teacher, so Wanxi hopes that Zhao Yi can also be called to teach Xiaoshiwu in the future.

Even Fu Heng and Liu Tongxun relied heavily on Zhao Yizhi's talent. All the documents in the Military Aircraft Department were written by him. In addition to his talent in writing, he also had a deep heart and a high temple, which other Hanlin did not have.If Xiao Shiwu can learn from Zhao Yi in the future, I believe that Xiao Shiwu will be able to gain insight into the general trend of the world from the age of Kaimeng.

The emperor laughed when he heard this, this time it was no longer a joke, but a knowing smile.

"What a good mother. Little fifteen is just half a year old, and she has already begun to choose a future teacher for the child. Even if Meng's mother moved three times in ancient times, it can't catch up with you who have cared deeply and far for the child so early. "

Wanxi blushed again, and hurriedly stuck her head into the emperor's arms to hide, "Look at what I said... the heart of being a parent is the same in the world. This slave is special everywhere, let alone Meng's mother is so far away, The ones that are ready-made are still in front of my master. The master's long-term care for Xiao Shiwu is not comparable to that of a slave."

The emperor smiled and nodded lightly, "You can rest assured. The future master of Xiaoshiwu, I must choose carefully."
On April 21, the emperor held a palace examination in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

On April 24, the emperor personally visited the Qianqing Palace, summoned the officials who read the scrolls, and submitted ten volumes for the examination.

Until this day, the mystery about Zhaohui was revealed here.It turned out that Zhao Hui was not an ordinary "examiner", but among the top ten papers selected by the nine examiners, he would read the papers for the last time and recommend the champion to the emperor.

This is to raise Zhaohui to a higher level, placing Zhaohui under the emperor alone and above the other nine examiners, in order to "Long Qiyu".

Zhaohui accompanied the emperor in the Qianqing Palace to review the papers for the last time, and he was naturally uneasy.

What makes him uneasy is naturally not that the so-called martial arts dare not choose the champion of essays, but that he has actually had the opinions of nine examiners before him.In the end, he will do the screening again. It would be disrespectful if he disagrees with the previous nine examiners.After all, the nine examiners are all well-educated scholars, each of whom was born in the Hanlin Academy, so their literary talents are naturally superior to his.

Zhao Hui knelt down and played, since Chen was a Manchu boy, although he had learned Chinese characters since he was a child, his cultivation was limited after all.And all the examination papers for Juzi were transcribed in Chinese characters, and many of them contained rare words quoted from classics, which he really couldn't recognize.

The emperor laughed loudly, "Well, you Zhaohui, you have regarded my talent ceremony as the front of your two armies, and you have started to flirt with me?"

Zhaohui was startled, and hurriedly kowtowed, "How dare you, my slave! What I said to you, is a scheme of my own. How dare I, my slave, deceive you?"

The emperor helped Zhaohui up with a smile, and pushed him back to sit beside the desk, "I told you to read it, so you just read it! Of course I chose you, and I believe you will be able to understand it!"

Zhao Hui was in a dilemma when a small head suddenly appeared in the golden halo at the entrance of the hall.It turned out to be a child looking inward curiously.

It was Zhaohui's youngest son Zha Lantai.
Zha Lantai went to the study room in the palace to be the attendant of the prince and grandson. For such a grand ceremony as the palace examination, the princes and grandchildren who went to the study room were also allowed to come to watch under the leadership of the masters.Zha Lantai also came with him.

Because his father was also in the Qianqing Palace at this moment, Zalantai came to meet him.

But what kind of place is this, this is Qianqing Palace; and what kind of occasion is this, this is Zhaohui who wants to accompany the emperor to decide the final title.This place and this occasion are not suitable for a child to come and poke his head.Zhaohui was a little anxious when she saw it, she hurriedly got up, flung her sleeves outward, and signaled Zha Lantai to avoid it quickly.

On the contrary, the emperor who was reading a book and waiting for Zhaohui's opinion raised his eyes and saw it, but he smiled and waved to Zhalantai, "Is that Zhalan? Come in!"

Zhao Hui was so startled that she hurriedly got up and knelt down on the ground, "This slave is not strict in teaching his son, and even begged the emperor to forgive him."

The emperor laughed, "What are you talking about? This is a talent show ceremony, and the children only want to come in if they want to make progress. It's not a bad thing. It's good to let him come in to get a taste of culture!"

Zha Lantai hurried inside, and respectfully asked the emperor to kneel down on his knees.

The emperor lowered his eyes and looked at Zha Lantai quietly, "Zha Lan, in the upper study room, have you seen the homework of the prince and grandson of the school?"

Zha Lantai calmed down and answered calmly, "Back to the emperor, I have seen it. The princes in the study room, the fourth elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the sixth elder brother, and the eighth elder brother are all seniors, and the emperor failed the exam. Not many, my servant has been in the study for a year, but I have never seen it; I have seen that the emperor's homework examinations for the eleventh elder brother and the twelfth elder brother are the most stringent."

The emperor nodded, "You're right. Yong Xing and Yong Xing are both two years older than you, and they're both ten years old this year. It's the time when homework is most important, so I'm going to be especially strict on the school exams for the two of them."

The emperor's eyes flickered slightly, "I want to test you today. Are you afraid?"
Even if he was a general, he was the commander-in-chief of the northwestern quasi-division and the Hui division of the imperial court, but at this moment, even Zhao Hui's knees were weak, and he almost knelt down.

The son is the attendant in the study, but the emperor's school exams are naturally the homework of the prince and grandson, so it is not possible to personally ask these attendant children.But today, in the Qianqing Palace, after the imperial examination, he is taking the test of his own son alone... Zhaohui's heart is more nervous than ever.

On the other hand, Zha Lantai was still calm and calm, he only lowered his head for a little thought, then he raised his head and said, "Go back to the emperor, the servant is not afraid!"

"Okay!" The emperor clapped his hands, "After all, you are still young, and you only have one year to study in the study. I will not make it difficult for you, but just ask you to make up for your Ama! ——You Ma said, "I don't know many Chinese characters, so you will read the paper for your Mama."

Zhaohui's heart throbbed again, and finally couldn't sit still any longer, she hurriedly stood up, lifted her robe and knelt down, "Your Majesty, there are many Chinese characters in this paper that I can recognize at this age." No... Gou Zi is even more young and ignorant, how could he recognize it clearly?"

"Besides, knowing characters is a trivial matter. If it affects the talents for the country...then slaves and dogs will feel ashamed."

The emperor laughed, "Why are you nervous, I will never forget that he is still a child."

The emperor came over and put his palm on Zalantai's shoulder, "read it boldly. Even if you meet a Chinese character you don't know, it doesn't matter. Didn't you see that you, Ama, didn't even know it. I will allow you to meet it. If you recognize it, come and ask me, I will teach you personally!"

There was a trace of firmness on Zhalan Tairuyu's face, and he kowtowed to the ground, "Hey!"

The emperor smiled and spat at Zhaohui, "Look, your son is even more courageous than you! Where is your courage to fight your life in the Black Water Camp?"
Although Zha Lantai was young and a descendant of a Manchurian family, he did not struggle to read the papers.Even for uncommon characters, he came over and asked the emperor several times, so he could read the rest in normal sentences.

Even if her own son is like this, Zhao Hui's face becomes even redder.

I understood in my heart, how can he be the emperor's opponent in the battle of wits?His idea of ​​an excuse is now falling apart.

In order to prevent the two fathers and sons from being nervous, especially the child of Zalantai, the emperor just sat cross-legged on the kang and read a book from a distance, and did not stare at them.It was only after Zhalantai finished reading one person's paper that he raised his eyes and looked at Zhalantai with approval.

As each paper was read, the emperor's eyes became more and more appreciative of Zalantai.

Zha Lantai finished reading all the papers, raised his eyes and met the emperor's gaze, couldn't help but blushed, and fell to his knees, "Go back to the emperor, the slave has finished reading, please give me the emperor's instructions."

The emperor smiled, "Good read!"

Immediately ordered, "Gao Yuncong, why don't you bring me some chewing for brother Zhalan? A child's home must be empty and thirsty."

Gao Yuncong smiled quickly, but he didn't go to take it. He just bowed down and asked for the order, "I dare to go back to the emperor. This is the Palace of Qianqing, after all, it is not the Palace of Mental Cultivation. Well, there are not always food suitable for young brothers here. Therefore, this slave has to ask for an order. See what the emperor means..."

The emperor nodded, "There is still a pot of floral dew in the warm pavilion, which your Ninth Princess brewed by herself."

Gao Yuncong smiled, "I remember it. It was brewed by the Ninth Princess and the nobleman with the crabapple flowers in the Yongshou Palace. The first pot that the Ninth Princess specially brewed was given to the emperor."

The emperor smiled softly on his face, "Yes, that's the one. Take it, and give it to Zalan, brother Zalan. If you want to come to this children's thing, children like it the most."

Gao Yun went away in a hurry, and brought it back on a vermilion lacquer tray after a while.

Begonia flower dew is contained in an almost transparent hendustan jade bottle.The jade vase in Chendustan belongs to the nobleman, but the flower dew represents the Yongshou Palace.

Also because the jade bottle is almost transparent, the intoxicating begonia red inside can be seen from the outside.Begonia red flower dew, paired with a transparent jade white bottle, really looks more noble and beautiful.

Zha Lantai couldn't help looking at the bottle from the moment Gao Yun entered the door, while the emperor watched from the side, with a smile slowly forming on the corners of his lips.

Zhao Hui saw that his son was only staring at the bottle but forgot to thank him, so he quickly reminded him in a low voice, "Don't you hurry up and thank the emperor for your kindness?"

Only then did Zha Lantai quickly kowtow to the ground, the young Ruyu's face was already slightly stained red.This is somewhat the same color as the white jade bottle filled with begonia red flower dew.

Gao Yuncong personally waited on Zha Lantai and drank a small cup of floral dew. Zha Lantai couldn't help laughing after drinking it.

The emperor sat high on the kang, and asked with a smile as if nothing had happened, "Is it good? I haven't had it yet, and I was thinking about it when the ninth princess asked me, should I say it's good or not?" "

Zha Lantai smiled and lowered his head, "The emperor can't say whether it's good or not, the emperor has to say - 'drunk'."

The emperor raised his eyebrows involuntarily, "What kind of answer is this?"

Zha Lantai couldn't stop laughing, but he didn't dare to raise his head, he just lowered his head and said, "Don't worry, the emperor, as long as you answer like this, the nine princesses will naturally be happy."
After Shaoqing Zha Lantai withdrew, the emperor asked Gao Yuncong to send him out in person.

Zhaohui's knees were still trembling, he didn't know if his youngest son had said something wrong, let alone whether the "drunk" statement just now was appropriate.

The emperor suddenly stared, "Zhaohui, Xiao Zhalan has finished reading the ten papers for you, but who should you choose as No. 1?"

Zhaohui was so frightened that she fell to her knees again.Just now when his son was reading the paper to him, he was too busy worrying about his son, how could he care about listening carefully to the articles in the paper?
Seeing Zhaohui like this, the emperor was not annoyed, but laughed out loud.He lost the scroll, walked over to the ground, and clicked on another note on the scroll.

"Of course I didn't ask you to review the papers to make it difficult for you. Where is your wisdom on the battlefield? You don't even look carefully, it's all ready-made!"

It turned out that when marking the palace examination papers, a small note was pasted on the last ten papers, with circles drawn by the examiners on it.The examiners thought it was good, so they drew a circle on it, and judged the quality by the number of circles.These circles represented the opinions of the other nine examiners, and even the emperor had to refer to them.

Only then did Zhao Hui breathe a sigh of relief, and without hesitation, she took out the paper with nine circles on top of the ten papers.

There are only nine examiners in total. Since there are nine circles on this paper, it means that all nine examiners unanimously recommend this one, and that is a "full score".

On the rest of the papers, there are either eight circles or five circles, but they are not as high as this.According to the opinions of the examiners, this paper with full marks should naturally be number one.

The emperor took it over to look at it, and was first shocked by the perfect score of the nine circles, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "It's really rare to be recommended by all nine people."

Zhaohui finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally retired.
The next day, the Hall of Supreme Harmony passed on the group of people.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the emperor personally bestowed Jinshi and titles on Wang Jie, Hu Gaowang and Zhao Yi.66 people, including Jiang Yongzhi, who were in the second class, were born as Jinshi.The 140 eight people including Shen Lin, the top three, came from the same background as Jinshi.

Zhao Yi High School No.3, also known as "Tan Hua Lang".

The news was sent back to the Old Summer Palace, and Wanxi was delighted to hear it.

With Zhao Yi's talent, he should be ranked first and third; although he is not the champion, he is still a Tanhualang.In terms of qualifications, he can naturally enter the Hanlin Academy; in the future, he will also be eligible to enter the study room and become the master of the princes.

Although Wanxi said she was relieved, but in terms of selfishness, she still had a little regret: After all, she still hoped that Zhao Yi would be the number one scholar in high school.

At dusk that day, the emperor finally returned to Yuanmingyuan from the palace.

As soon as he entered Wanxi's bedroom, he stared at Wanxi and smiled.

"I can't blame you for paying so much attention to this year's subject... so it's because of that Zhao Yi!"

Wanxi knew that there was no denying it, so she blushed and bowed, "This servant also has to thank the emperor for his kindness on behalf of Mr. Hu Shuo. No. 3 in Yijia, Tanhualang lives up to Mr. Hu Shuo's talent."

But the emperor spat, "Hey, who is he, Zhao Yi, who can ask you to thank him for him? Hurry up, I won't accept it!"

Wanxi got up with a smile, leaned over and slipped into the emperor's arms, "It's the servant who said something wrong. The servant is not thanking him for him, but thanking him for himself."

The emperor deliberately raised his eyes to look at the ceiling, "What are you talking about, thank you for your kindness. That is his own talent, and I can't suppress it." The emperor looked sideways mischievously, "There are only nine examiners in total. , his test paper is full of nine circles, which is a perfect score."

Wanxi was startled, "There are nine circles on his paper?"

Wanxi's heart suddenly surged.The one with nine circles should be the champion!
The emperor stared at her, then nodded slowly, "That's right, whether it's the No. 1 submitted by the examiners or the No. 1 that Zhao Hui pointed out to me, it should have been Zhao Yi. I made up my mind to swap the rankings of Wang Jie, who was originally third, with Zhao Yi, changing Wang Jie to No. 1, and Zhao Yi to No. 3."
Wanxi's heart trembled, and she hurriedly turned around, the tip of her nose was already sore.

she is so sad...

The emperor stretched out a finger, and lightly poked Wanxi's shoulder blade, "Are you mad at me?"

"How dare a slave." Although Wanxi said this, she was already in a low voice, and did not turn around, "...Actually, I have already guessed a little bit, so I was very worried about him before."

The emperor raised his eyebrows lightly, "Oh? Guess it?"

Wanxi refused to turn around, so he stretched out his hands and hugged Wanxi whole, pressing it on his lap.Even if she didn't turn around, she was still in his arms.

"Guess what, huh?"

Wanxi sniffed, "The servant first heard that Mr. Liu Tongxun was the examiner, and was worried at that moment. Because the examiner and the examiner tried their best to avoid it, and Zhao Yi was Mr. Liu Tongxun's guest , then Master Liu Tongxun must avoid suspicion, and cannot make Zhao Yi the leader."

"However, I heard from the emperor before that there were Lord Yin Jishan and Liu Lun, the censor of Zuodu, among the examiners. The slave was relieved because Liu Lun was also Lord Yin Jishan's secret agent, and Wang Jie was also Lord Yin Jishan. Then Yin Jishan and Liu Lun, the two adults, will also avoid Wang Jie."

"Since there are so many examiners who need to be avoided, but the emperor still orders them to read the examination paper, it shows that the emperor's mind is to focus on talents. The so-called honoring the virtuous does not avoid relatives."

The emperor nodded, "It's reasonable, but it's not entirely true. To become an official for the country, the Lord must be cautious, so there has long been a rule of avoiding the examiners. It's just to prevent them from recognizing Juzi's handwriting, and thus being suspected of being a melon field. Well, my master had already asked all the papers to be sealed before they were submitted to the examiner, and asked others to copy them again. In this way, all identities and handwriting will be concealed, even if they already know who is taking the exam, when the time comes I can't even recognize it."

The emperor said so, but instead of being able to relieve Wanxi, it made Wanxi's tears fall straight down.

"It's just to ignore this level of worry, but when the servant heard that the emperor suddenly asked Master Zhaohui to participate in the examination paper... the servant had some eyebrows: the emperor is afraid that this year, the emperor will take the people from the northwest as the leader."

"Master Zhaohui is the head coach of the court's pacification of the Northwest, and then he personally selects the talents of the Northwest at the Talent Ceremony. This will make a good story, which can be the last stroke of the court's pacification of the Northwest."

Zhao Yi is talented, but he is from Jiangnan.There are many champions in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but the northwest represented by Shaanxi has never had a champion.It is not surprising that the emperor has such thoughts this year.

If it wasn't for this, why did the emperor call Zhao Hui the number one scholar in the selection of essays?It would be reasonable to choose the champion of martial arts!That's why Wanxi was so worried when she heard Yurui say that Zhaohui was also involved in the examination; when she heard the emperor say that Zhaohui was not among the nine examiners, she was even more worried.

Now... Sure enough, Wang Jie from Shaanxi is No.1 in Yijia.

Although Wang Jie is also a great talent, but after all, nine circles were drawn on the paper, and the person who was unanimously recommended as the first by the nine examiners was Zhao Yi! .
Wanxi couldn't help it anymore, buried her head in the emperor's arms, and quietly hid the tears that couldn't help falling.

Thinking back to Bayangou back then, in the deep twilight forest, the "nerd" who foolishly knelt in front of the "grave circle" to offer sacrifices one by one, but unexpectedly could turn into the "Mr. As a result, it became "Linghu Nine"...

The fate is so inadvertently formed.Later, through the palace wall, she knew that he, who had failed in many trials, was admitted to the cabinet with his own talents and learning, and then was selected to be assigned to the Military Aircraft Department, becoming the most indispensable pen, right-hand man of Master Jiu...

She was really happy for him.These years have not had the chance to meet again, but she has already made him a close friend.

Later, when the war broke out in the northwest, the Western Regions were completely unfamiliar to her across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.Thanks to him, in his notes, he told her to clearly and accurately understand the customs of the Northwest, especially the custom of returning to the region, which has always been mysterious, and then learned about Mrs. Reimu, which affected her heart after entering the palace with the nobleman. down attitude.

Without Zhao Yi and his detailed understanding of historiography and "Illustrated Records of the Western Regions" as Liu Tongxun's secret agent, she would not have been able to deeply understand the emperor's heart during the six years when the imperial court used troops in the Northwest; It is even more likely to look at the nobleman with the same eyes as Nalashi and the others...
Regarding Wanxi's mood, the emperor couldn't understand it.

The emperor sighed softly, and hugged Wanxi tightly, "...Do you know, today the Hall of Supreme Harmony passed on the group of people, and the first and the third are seen. Only Zhao Yi has a court pearl hanging around his neck."

Wanxi stopped sobbing, and raised her eyes to look at the emperor, "My servant, remember, it was the emperor who rewarded the military aircraft Zhang Jing to wear court beads."

Originally, the rank of the military aircraft chapter was not high enough, so they were not qualified to wear the court beads; it was a special decree from the emperor, and the quasi-military aircraft chapters were worn by them.

"That's right." The emperor stared at Wanxi with downcast eyes, "Silly girl, he is the third, and he also has court beads on his neck; Wang Jie is the first, but it will take several years to win the rank of wearing court beads. Therefore, even if the number one scholar and Tanhua are divided into first and third for the time being, who said that Zhao Yi will always be under Wang Jie?"

"In other words, among the examiners of this subject, the chief examiner Liu Tongxun and his son Liu Yong are not the number one scholar, and the deputy examiner Guan Bao is not the number one scholar either. How is it hindering them from becoming examiners now?"

The emperor seemed to have hesitated for a moment, but he still said, "...today in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Xiao Jiu went out to explain the matter of Chaozhu to Zhao Yi. The words that should be enshrined were all drawn up by Zhao Yi. In the past, all the documents in the military aircraft department were written by Wang Youdun, but now everyone in the hall knows that they were actually written by Zhao Yi. shocked!"

The emperor coughed twice, "Xiao Jiu has already found Zhao Yi's face in the Hall of Supreme Harmony for him. Even though he is No.3, he overshadowed No.1's limelight. You can rest assured~”

As the emperor said, the corners of his eyes slightly raised with some pride.

Wanxi's heart became much brighter - Zhao Yi was the person she recommended to Master Jiu, and with Master Jiu's temperament, he was able to blatantly win back Fu Heng's face in the Hall of Supreme Harmony... Master Jiu, as expected Live up to her.

Wanxi felt more at ease, so she raised her eyes to look at the emperor.How could she not understand the emperor's appearance.

Even at the age of 51, when he mentioned Master Jiu in front of her, he was still so reluctant.

Wanxi also lowered her head and smiled, "What about the master? In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, what did the master say?"

The emperor snorted softly, "Xiao Jiu is the foreman of the university and the foreman of military affairs, but he speaks like this for No.3 in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and where does he want to put Wang Jie's face? I don't want to say much."

Wanxi wrinkled her nose, "Master... I wronged Mr. Zhao."

The emperor couldn't help pinching his waist, "Hey you little hoof, do you want to say that the master lost this round to Xiao Jiu?"

Wanxi made a sullen face on purpose.

The emperor sighed softly, "Ye Bai made a comparison with the matter of the court pearl for you for a long time! It was this time that he was wronged, and he changed his No. The grievances, I will definitely make up for him in the future. He is a great talent, and there will be a Jingcha every three years in the future. I owe him this time. Naturally, I will not wrong him again when the Jingcha is in the future! "

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(End of this chapter)

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