Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2368, Volume 7, 69

Chapter 2368 Seven Volumes 69
It wasn't until the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May that Wanxi understood the emperor's painstaking efforts towards Zhao Yi's affairs.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the royal family celebrated the festival in the Old Summer Palace as usual. The emperor and the harem, together with all the foreign Fujins, entrusted the empress dowager to go to "Wanfang Anhe" to listen to operas and watch dragon boat races.

Because Jiufujin is pregnant at this moment, she is not allowed to enter.Originally, it was also supposed to be Jin Yunxiang who entered the palace to pay his respects, but obviously Fu Heng was not at ease, so he still asked Zhuanxiang to come into the palace.

Because Zhuanxiang has no status, not even a side Fujin, he is barely honored as a "Shufu Jin" because of Fu Heng's status.But even though this title sounded nice, in fact, there was no such thing as "Shu Fu Jin" in her status as a serious backyard woman.After all, these Shufujin, Xiaofujin, Gege and the like are all concubines in the back house, so they are not qualified to serve at palace banquets.

On the contrary, it was Zhuanxiang's Dage Fuling, although it was a concubine, but it was also Fu Heng's serious Dage, so this child was sitting on the table at the palace banquet, but Zhuanxiang could only talk to a group of mothers and daughters. , The handmaidens stood by.

Wanxi knew that Zhuanxiang's identity was a little wronged, so she didn't stay at the palace banquet too much, and just because she was 15 years old, she left the banquet early.

The Empress Dowager was concerned about Xiao Shiwu, and Nalashi was very happy to call Wanxi out of sight, so she agreed without hesitation.

Wanxi asked Concubine Shu to take care of Fuling's child at the palace banquet, and went back to the palace by herself.

Zhuanxiang had already been brought by Yurui to wait. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they both had mixed feelings when they met.

Zhuanxiang squatted down to say hello, Wanxi helped her up herself, took Zhuanxiang's hand, and sat down together.

Wanxi looked up and down Zhuan Xiang.Long time no see, although Zhuanxiang has wrinkles around her eyes, her bright eyebrows are not dusted by the years, on the contrary, the expression between her eyebrows and eyes is more firm and calm due to the cleaning of the years.

At this age, it is no longer necessary to rely on words when looking at people, even this kind of scrutiny is enough to give many answers.

Wanxi couldn't help letting out a breath, and nodded with a smile, "Zhuan Xiang, I don't need to ask, I know you are fine."

Originally, Wanxi was worried that in the past few years, with Fu Ling'an's military achievements, Yunxiang had won such a young son as Fu Chang'an again; although Jiu Fujin had a quarrel with Jiu Ye, since they can have another joy this year, it is natural that the husband and wife will reunite again. It's good to be old.Compared with Yunxiang and Jiufujin, Zhuanxiang's situation is inevitably a bit lonely.

But now Zi Wanxi understood the expression between Zhuan Xiang's brows and eyes, so she felt relieved.

The loneliness in the eyes of outsiders is not necessarily Zhuanxiang's own state of mind.Since she understood in her heart that there was such a transparency between her brows and eyes, it means she didn't take these things to heart, and that's enough.

Zhuan Xiang nodded with a smile, "If I can stay with Master Jiu for the rest of my life, and I already have a girl named Fu Ling, I will only watch her grow up day by day, so I have nothing else to ask for. It's okay for Fuling, she is Da Gege, she is actually in charge at home, even Brother Long and Brother Kang are willing to listen to her."

"With Fujin's affection, what is there for this slave to be dissatisfied with? For the rest of the slave's time, I will serve Jiuye and Fujin wholeheartedly. It is enough to grow up with Fuling."

Wanxi also nodded in relief, and lightly pressed Zhuanxiang's hand, "You are a lucky person if you can understand so well. If Fuling was born by you, then this child is also a lucky person."

After Wanxi finished asking about Zhuanxiang and Fuling, she asked how Jiufujin's fetal portrait was, and how she got along with Princess Jia and the fourth concubine.

After finishing these gossips, Zhuan Xiangfang bowed his head for a slight pause, then raised his eyes and looked at Wanxi.

Her beautiful eyes are now clearly black and white, "I will tell you the truth, master, this servant is able to enter the palace today, in fact, it is with the entrustment of the ninth master. The ninth master asked the slave to pass the words to the master." .”
Wanxi's heart skipped a beat.

Originally thought that it was not Yunxiang who came into the palace today, but Zhuanxiang, because Master Jiu was worried about Yunxiang's temperament... But it turned out that Master Jiu had something to say and wanted Zhuanxiang to be brought into the palace.

Wanxi lowered her head and smiled.

That's right, how could Master Jiu's words be entrusted to someone like Rue Xiang?Only the fragrance of seal script can reassure Lord Jiu.

"I don't know what Jiu Ye has to say? But for Jiu Fujin's baby, or the fourth princess?"

Zhuanxiang shook her head, raised her eyes and stared at Wanxi, "It's Mr. Zhao Yizhao's business."

"Oh?" Wanxi condensed on the seal incense, "Is it for Mr. Zhao's first rank?"

Zhuan Xiang nodded, "That day Jia was the first one, the gold list was hanging high, and Master Jiu was a little unhappy when he returned home. He said to me alone in the study, 'Jiu'er must be disappointed in the palace.'"

Wanxi's heart trembled slightly, she lowered her head and opened her sleeves, then closed them again.

"Master Jiu was overwhelmed. In fact, on the night of passing on the coffin in the Golden Palace, the emperor returned to the garden from the palace and told me in detail. The emperor also told me that Master Jiu once defended Mr. Zhao in the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

Wan Xi chuckled, "Master Jiu has been an official for many years, and he has always been the most considerate person in the court, cautious in his words and deeds; but that day he blatantly defended Mr. Zhao in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, which is different from his usual It’s normal, it’s already surprising me.”

Wanxi raised her eyes, "Jiuye already has a heart, and it's too late for me to express my love, so how can there be any disappointment?"

Wanxi took Zhuanxiang's hand, "You must go back and explain to him, and tell him not to worry about me in vain. Mr. Zhao has been taken care of by Master Jiu all these years in the Military Aircraft Department. I’ve already figured it out.”

Zhuan Xiang also laughed, "Isn't that so. Since the slave has been living in the study, he has met Mr. Zhao a few times. The slave also knows that Mr. Zhao's family has always been poor, and the salary of the military plane Zhang Jing is also meager. There is also an old mother at home to support, so many times when the new year comes, it seems that the year will not pass, and several times even Da Mao's clothes are pawned."

"It's Master Jiu who has a heart and helped him openly and secretly, which made him come here without any danger these years. Master Jiu also said that although Mr. Zhao's family is poor, he is the most backbone person. It can't be too much, only the amount he needs can be provided, so that Mr. Zhao can accept the donation calmly."

Wan Xi smiled and nodded, "I understand. If Master Jiu is too generous and Mr. Zhao accepts everything, then Mr. Zhao will not be the Mr. Zhao I respect."

Zhuan Xiang smiled and said, "There was also a joke that my slave told Master Ling: One winter, Mr. Zhao wore a winter smoked sable warm hat on his head. After wearing it for many years, the fur on the warm hat The needles are shrunk in one place, like a hedgehog. As a military plane Zhang Jing, he comes and goes in the palace every day, which is very shabby and indecent."

"Jiu Ye saw it at the duty room of the military aircraft, and couldn't bear it, so he gave Mr. Zhao 50 taels of silver, and told him to buy a new one anyway. I can't see Tian'er wearing such a bare hat in the palace. Mr. Zhao was also afraid of losing the face of the Military Aircraft Department, so he took it; it turned out that it was the end of the new year, and his family had too much room for money, so he couldn't move around, so he used the 50 taels on hand again. The silver was entrusted elsewhere."

"It turned out that it was the New Year's Eve, and Mr. Zhao still walked around the palace wearing that old sable hat shrunken like a hedgehog...Mr. Go in front of me, lest Master Jiu will ask."

Wanxi couldn't help laughing, but her heart was sour.

She slowly shook her head, "Mr. Zhao, why should you worry about this? As Master Jiu, he will never ask about this matter again... Everyone wants to be unwilling to feel sad for outsiders. In order to expose people's scars, Master Jiu has never been such a person."

Zhuanxiang couldn't help but sighed softly, and stared at Wanxi with raised eyes, "Master Ling really is the person who understands Master Jiu best...the fact is exactly that, Master Jiu had a head-to-head encounter with Mr. Zhao once, Mr. Zhao couldn't even hide. Mr. Zhao looked like he was about to go to the execution ground, but in the end, Master Jiu just smiled and walked past him without saying a word. "

"Sure enough." Wanxi smiled faintly with half-lidded eyes.
Zhuanxiang stared at Wanxi like this, although she also remembered the sweetness and sourness in her heart, she was relieved for a while - she didn't care about her status all these years, because she knew that Master Jiu didn't want to The reason for taking her into the house was because she was the one who had been placed in his room by the master and the old lady long ago, and that Rue Xiang had already given birth to a child and had an identity; secondly, it was also because of her infatuation with Master Jiu. Master Ling once knew about it, and Master Ling also facilitated it, which is why Master Jiu kept her.

She herself is also a stubborn person, so even if she can stay, she always feels that since Master Jiu has no interest in her, then she simply doesn't want that title.

——At the end of the day, Master Jiu just asked for her side and gave her the title of side Fujin, but how could that be what she wanted?

Since in this world, she can't get what she wants, and she has asked Master Jiu to give it to someone else, then she simply doesn't want anything.

It's good to just grow old like this.

Otherwise, like Jiu Fujin, he has the honor of the descendant Fujin, but in fact he is different from her, what is the difference?For Jiuye, Jiufujin and her are not the person he hides in his heart after all.

When she was young, she was not without grievances in her heart, but now she understands more and more that the reason why Master Jiu has left his heart to others is because that person understands better than her and Jiufujin from the beginning to the end. Master Jiu.

Although Jiuye and that person are both old now, and they are no longer loving young men and women, Jiuye and that person are still bosom friends.In this life, they are not husband and wife, but with this layer of confidant and confidant, he and that person have never been separated.

If she thought about it this way, she would feel relieved at this moment for Master Jiu and for the fate of this life.

Even if they can't be husband and wife in this life, they will not meet each other across the palace wall, but that person still understands Jiu Ye, and this is also the long-lasting companionship that they have walked hand in hand in this life.It's exactly the same as husband and wife.
The heart of Zhuanxiang is like a window with a hole open, and the breeze outside the window is facing you.

Now it's time to get to the point, "Master Jiu told me some words, but the slave didn't understand. This time, it's just a mynah learning the tongue, so I just learned those words for the master to listen to. After all, the slave believes that what Master Jiu said, The master must be able to understand."

Wanxi raised her eyes and sat up straight.

"Jiuye said that the importance of military aircraft has always been the most important thing in the court. Whether it is the first emperor or the current emperor, it is the most taboo to leak military aircraft. Therefore, all ministers who are in the military aircraft office are forbidden to communicate with foreign ministers, so as not to bear the suspicion."

"In the Military Aircraft Department, in addition to the Minister of Military Aircraft, there are also people who need documents. These are the Zhang Jing of the Military Aircraft. The Zhang Jing of the Military Aircraft often chooses from the cabinet books, and the cabinet books are selected from the candidates. Examination selection, so they are all talented people. And in the palace examinations over the years, among those who can pass the examination, many people are from the military aircraft Zhangjing."

Wanxi also nodded, "I remember that last year's champion, Bi Yuan and Bi Qiufan, was Zhang Jing, the military aircraft."

Last year after the Chuanlu banquet, Wanxi also learned the story of Bi Qiufan and the actress Li Guiguan from Mr. Hu Shuo's notes, so she has a deep memory of Bi Yuan. "It seems that last year, besides the No. [-] scholar, Bi Yuan, who was in the army, even Zhu Zhongguang, who was second in the list, was also in the army."

Zhuan Xiang smiled apologetically, "I don't know these things anyway... It's just that Master Jiu said that because the top picks and second places in recent years have mostly come from Zhang Jing of the military plane, and the position of the military plane is very important, so there have been some rumors in the previous court. It is said that the military aircraft department is suspected of leaking secrets."

Wanxi also frowned, "Yes. Just like last year, I heard that Bi Yuan had just read a battle report from the Western Regions on the night before the test; and the question asked by the Taihe Palace the next day, It just happens to be about farming... Although this is not a leak from the military plane, it is really too coincidental, no wonder there are such rumors outside."

Zhuan Xiang nodded, "And Master Jiu is the foreman Minister of Military Aircraft..."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, "I understand that the most responsible person for the spread of rumors and rumors is naturally Master Jiu."

Zhuan Xiang sighed, "That's right. In fact, not only Master Jiu, but all military ministers have been extra careful in this subject this year, for fear that this year's champion will be won by Zhang Jing again. Lord Liu Tongxun and Lord Liu Lun are the examiners. As an officer, he was even more careful to identify each of the two hundred and seven test papers one by one, so as to avoid the risk of Zhang Jing being selected as the first place in the military aircraft."

"Especially Mr. Zhao, whether it is Master Jiu or Mr. Liu Tongxun, they all know that he is a great talent. If he takes the test, he will definitely be the best. But in order to calm the rumors, Mr. Liu Tongxun and Mr. Liu Lun had to find Mr. Zhao's name in the test paper. Exam paper."

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows, "Since Mr. Liu Tongxun is familiar with Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao's handwriting must not escape Mr. Liu Tongxun's eyes. Then why, Mr. Zhao's test paper was still in the top ten, and was read by nine The official unanimously elected as the first?"

Zhuan Xiang also nodded, "Jiuye said, Lord Liu Tongxun also laughed and said, 'If Zhao Yi's handwriting is turned into ashes, I can recognize it!'"

"It's a pity that even Mr. Liu Tongxun, who is scheming and calculating, was defeated by Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao really has a cunning talent like a fox. He actually changed the font when answering the paper and used the font of Liu Yong, the son of Mr. Liu Tongxun." !"

Wanxi was also dumbfounded, "I do know that when he first came to Beijing from Jiangnan, he was a close friend with Liu Yong when he was a guest in Lord Liu Tongxun's mansion. He loved Liu Yong's fonts very much and often imitated... Who would have thought that, He actually used it for this year!"

After Wanxi was surprised, she also smiled helplessly, "Poor Mr. Liu Tongxun, who has been an official all his life, has a pair of insightful eyes, but he didn't recognize his son's handwriting, and he didn't associate it with Mr. Zhao... This Mr. Zhao, like Liu Yong His name was in Lord Liu Tongxun's residence, and the fame of talent and learning rose in Beijing because of Lord Liu Tongxun's recommendation... But Lord Liu Tongxun has hidden his own eyes."

Zhuan Xiang also smiled helplessly, "In the final analysis, Mr. Zhao is a great talent, and he cannot hide it. After all, the imitated font was still unanimously recommended by the nine examiners."

Wanxi lowered her eyes, "But he is Zhang Jing of the military plane, and the 'fish that slipped through the net' was able to swim in front of the emperor, but he was stopped by the emperor after all. After all, this year's subject, the champion can no longer be Zhang Jing of the military plane. .”

Zhuan Xiang nodded, "Jiu Ye said exactly the same reasoning. Among the top three, No. 2 Hu Gaowang is also the secretary of the cabinet, but the secretary of the cabinet is not in the military aircraft department after all, and it is not as important as Zhang Jing of the military aircraft. ; and Wang Jie is not only a person from the Northwest, but also happens to be neither the secretary of the cabinet, nor the military aircraft Zhang Jing..."

Wanxi lowered her eyes sadly, "I understand. On the day of passing on the coffin, the emperor also wrote such a poem: 'After the Westerners take the top spot in Xiping, you can know the heart of heaven and the end of martial arts', I have already understood the heart of the emperor."

——For six years in the Northwest, a man from the Northwest was selected as the No. [-] scholar in literature, which just happened to make the world understand that the imperial court suppressed Wuwu's desire to cultivate literature.The war is over, culture and education are revived, and ruling the world with culture is the eternal foundation of the court.

After Zhuanxiang said these words, seeing that Wanxi's heart was cleared, she was also relieved, "Jiu Ye said, if Zhang Jing, the next military plane, is changed, the emperor may not even let him enter the top three... Jiu Ye Said, just because this person is Mr. Zhao, although the emperor didn't reward No.1, he kept No.3. I think this is also the emperor's self-protection~"

Wanxi blushed, "Is that so? It turns out that although the emperor said he wronged Mr. Zhao, he actually favored him in his heart."

Wanxi couldn't understand in her heart that if there was no allusion to "Mr. Fox", the emperor would not have kept this personal love.

Zhuan Xiang thought about it, hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly, "Jiu Ye also said that the emperor had a private conversation with Jiu Ye that day, as if to say Mr. Fuxiang'..."

Wanxi's heart trembled.

When it comes to the word "Fu Xiang", everyone in this meeting said that Xiao Shiwu is the most blessed child, because Xiao Shiwu's appearance is the most similar to the emperor of this meeting.For Xiao Shiwu's future master, the emperor is afraid that he will also choose someone with good fortune.

It turned out that the emperor wanted to choose a future teacher for Xiao Shiwu, and the thought he used was actually deeper and more detailed than hers.

But Wanxi also understands in her heart that it is not Zhao Yi's fault that he is less blessed, after all, he is a child with a hard life.Losing his father when he was young, and being poor when he was an adult, he had a lot of misery in his heart, but after all, life has been difficult all these years.The tempering of life will naturally be engraved on the face and become the imprint of the facial features.

Zhuan Xiang didn't dare to stay in the palace for too long, so she got up and left after she finished speaking.

Wanxi personally sent her out, and Yurui had already arranged for someone to inform Fuling, so she had to wait outside the door to see Concubine Shu coming here with Fuling in person.

Concubine Shu is Jiufujin's biological sister, although she is not Fuling's biological aunt, but from Master Jiu's side, it is the same.Besides, Fuling was a sensible child, and Lord Jiufu Jin often told Concubine Shu that although the child was young, he had already helped her take care of the house, and Concubine Shu liked it a little.

Seeing Concubine Shu coming back with Fuling in person, Wanxi was very happy, so she stepped forward with a smile and joked, "Jiu Fujin doesn't need to thank you, I will thank you for Zhuanxiang."

Concubine Shu blushed a little, coughed and said, "Hey, it's not that kid Yongxuan! He pushed me and asked me to give the blessing bell."

When Zhuan Xiang heard this, her face turned red, and she hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, "Brother Eleven? How dare you be a slave."

Wanxi also found it interesting, took Fuling's hand and asked, "Do you know Yongxing?"

Fuling blushed, and bowed her head, saying, "I came back to see Zhao Di'er, and I met Eleven Brother in Lingzhu's womb once. Eleven Brother and Zhao Di'er are close, so I also see Zhao Di'er On Di'er's face, be kind to the servant."

Zhuan Xiang hurriedly reminded in a low voice, "Da Gege... Our third brother doesn't like to be called by this nickname."

Wanxi laughed too, and Fuling laughed too, "It's because he doesn't like it, so I insist on barking. It also saves him from having to grow wings and fly to the roof to lift tiles!"
Zhuanxiang led Fuling away, and Wanxi and Concubine Shu stood in the porch and chatted a few words.

"From what I see, you seem to like girls now." Wanxi glanced narrowly at Concubine Shu and smiled.

Concubine Shu spat lightly, "Hey, who can catch up with you, now you are a man with sons and daughters. As for me, besides Elder Brother Ten, there is only one Yongxing in my life. What about the girl. Seeing that Fu Ling is so cheerful and Fu Heng's daughter, I'm a little bit curious, so what's the matter?"

Wanxi's heart turned slightly, and she couldn't help blinking, "Since I don't care about girls, they are ready-made ones. The current little princess in the palace, besides my Xiaoqi and Jiujiu, there is also the eighth princess of Concubine Xin. !"

Concubine Shu narrowed her eyes, "What nonsense are you talking about? She just wanted to please me with the Eighth Princess, and I'm so shallow-skinned, I really fell for her way?"

Wanxi also laughed, "Okay, okay, now our Concubine Shu is a master of Taoism, even if those little sneaks try to make up their minds, they can't hide it from our Concubine Shu's eyes."

Concubine Shu sighed, and stopped Wanxi, "Yong Xing is getting older every year, and he is not by my side, but where is the relationship between me and him? Whoever it is is as important as Yong Xing Go? Besides, if we want to go out of the palace in the future, we can only rely on the prince to divide the mansion, so why not go to the princess mansion to take care of the elderly?"

"Besides, I don't have any predestined relationship with the eighth princess. No matter how much I like girls, there's no need to choose one with such a mother!"

Concubine Shu raised her eyes and stared at Wanxi, "Don't worry. Concubine Xin is not stable, but she is for the emperor's favor, but I have long since given up on that. Why did I fall into her tricks again? Go with her again?"

Wanxi stretched out her hand to hold Concubine Shu's hand, "After all, you are the head of the imperial concubine; and you and she are the noble characters of the Three Banners of Manchuria. She wants to make you her confidant, of course she has it."

Concubine Shu sneered instead, "Actually, the person she wants to choose is me! She originally wanted to choose Lan Guiren. Lan Gui is the empress dowager's family, and she comes from the same yellow banner as her, so he is more precious than me. .”

"However, it's a pity that nobleman Lan has been in the palace for so long, and she is still just a nobleman. No matter how noble she is, she is only in the position of nobleman and has no heir, so she can't count on it, right? She just retreated If you come to me next, you still want to use me to curry favor with the Empress Dowager."

"However, I'm not in the mood to build a bridge for her and make wedding clothes."

"Who are you going to make a wedding dress for?" Wanxi and Concubine Shu were taken aback by the sudden words.

Standing under the eaves of the corridor, the two turned their backs to talk to the door, but they turned around quickly in shock.

Who else could be a man in this palace who could speak like this.

Concubine Shu was a little panicked, so she quickly bowed down to pay her respects.

"Qike." The emperor stood under the eaves of the corridor and said with a smile, "Yongxuan has just finished the wedding, and you two mothers-in-law, are you discussing who to make wedding clothes for? But then again, since it is a wedding Clothes, it should be my princess. But at this moment, I don’t have a princess of the right age to marry~"

Wanxi was quick-witted, and hurriedly said with a smile, "Does the emperor only remember the prince and princess, and forget about the emperor's grandson and granddaughter? The concubine can remember that the emperor said that during this May, Mian De and Mian En will be the two of you." The elder brother discussed about marrying Fujin."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, standing under the eaves of the corridor, he was both happy and sighed in melancholy, "Isn't that right. My grandson will marry Fujin!"

Wanxi cast a glance at Concubine Shu, "The emperor's choice for Brother Mian De is the daughter of Princess Hejing, the emperor's granddaughter. For Brother Mian De, of course, the Emperor personally made arrangements; then we These elders should prepare a dowry reward for Da Gege, right?"

Concubine Shu also nodded, "Princess Hejing is so lucky. My daughter can now be assigned as Fujin to Elder Brother Mian De. That's Fujin who is the appointed prince, and it's the intention of getting closer. After all, Elder Mian De is the Emperor's wife." The eldest grandson of the eldest house is naturally of extraordinary significance."

The emperor nodded with a smile, looked at Concubine Shu and said, "Yongxuan has grown up, and you are lonely all day long, so you might as well come to Concubine Ling for a walk. After all, she has a lot of children here, so it's good for you to come to Lele. I am also happy to see the two of you standing on the porch talking so intimately."

The emperor sighed softly, "Lan Jin, do you still remember what I said to you two in Jiangxuexuan when you first entered the palace?"

The emperor did not forget the words of that year, Wanxi did not forget, and when did Concubine Shu herself forget?
That year the emperor said that she and Wanxi were the closest in age, so they should be the closest to each other in this harem, so they can get along well and be companions.It's a pity that Wanxi was just an official woman at that time, and she was already a concubine when she entered the palace; and because she was the daughter of the high-ranking Yehenala family and Gege of Zhenghuangqi, there was no way to get a Xin Zheku The woman surnamed Han under my eyes.

One thought, and then many years of wasted time.

But in front of him, it is really a strange fate, the fight is over, the fight is over, but after 20 years, the wish of the emperor has come true.

Should this be said to be a trick of good fortune, or did the emperor have a pair of poisonous eyes back then, able to see through the years and people's hearts, and laid out this inescapable fate in front of her eyes early on?It's a pity that she herself didn't have such wisdom back then, so she couldn't understand it.

Concubine Shu couldn't help sighing, and she bowed sincerely, "I can only admire the emperor's sage at this time."

The emperor smiled with satisfaction, and stretched out his hand to support Concubine Shu himself, "Good wine is not afraid of age. Seeing you two so well today, although my wish is 20 years late, this meeting is finally fulfilled."

The emperor looked at Concubine Shu with warm eyes, "Concubine Shu, I want to thank you too."

Concubine Shu's complexion turned red, and she was a little at a loss.

The emperor smiled and tilted his head to look at Wanxi, "Concubine Shu has already raised Yongxuan, so I think she doesn't care much about the bald boys. Concubine Shu has never had a princess... In my opinion, if you are always busy If you don't come, let Concubine Shu come and take care of Jiujiu for you."
Concubine Shu said goodbye happily.

The emperor grabbed Wanxi's wrist and walked in, and Wanxi couldn't help staring at the emperor suspiciously.

"Master... what did you mean by what you said just now?"

The sky in May is bright and picturesque, with colorful eaves and shadows falling one after another.

The emperor smiled and looked sideways in this colorful scene, "Isn't it good? Although Hegui is good to Jiujiu, she is a Hui person after all; and you are a Han surname, Jiujiu has already bore half of the Han people's blood, if this will The son is only with the Hui people, and in the future it will be another excuse to go."

"Concubine Shu comes from Yehenala, a common surname in Manchuria, and she is the descendant of Minister Yehe. She has a noble status. If someone says that she is not dissatisfied with Confucianism, how many people in the harem are more Manchurian than her? Therefore, you can call Jiujiuye and Shujiu without hesitation." Concubine to get closer, and ask Jiujiu to learn Manchu and Manchu customs from Concubine Shu."

"Besides... and the nobleman's status is not enough now, and Xiao Shiwu is getting older every day, Jiujiu is still by your side, so it is inevitable that some people are anxious about it. Let's let Shu Concubine's words go, Shu Concubine is in the four Among the concubines, she ranks first, and in the entire harem, she is only below the empress and you. That means there are still people who are eager to chirp, but they can't surpass Concubine Shu. What do you think?"

Wanxi's heart lit up, and she understood the emperor's heart.He bowed his head with a smile, and answered obediently, "Zunzhi~"
"Wan Fang is in peace", Cui Huan followed Yu Rui's order, went to inform Fu Ling, Concubine Shu took Fu Ling and left first in a sedan chair, Cui Huan fell behind, and was not in a hurry to go back. Walking around the back lake among the flowers and trees, stroke your mind.

From the eighth day of my elder brother's big wedding, for almost a whole month, Ling Guifei and Master Rui didn't send her any errands, and told her to meet Ama and Erniang first, and had time to finish reading "A Dream of Red Mansions".She knew that this was because the masters were sympathetic to her, so she vowed not to do it again.

Now it was the Dragon Boat Festival in May, and the masters gradually resumed her errands.

Today, Master Rui asked her to go to "Wanfang Anhe" to inform Fuling Gege, and she also understood in her heart that it was Master Rui who made her perfect, so that she could also take the opportunity to take a look at the eighth elder brother's Fujin, so that she could feel at ease .

(That's right, Wang Jie is also one of the team selected by Lord Qianlong for Xiao Shiwu ~ Xiao Shiwu's master.)
(End of this chapter)

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