Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2369 Volume 7 70 Muddy Waters

Chapter 2369 Seven Volumes 70

The eighth prince's daughter Fujin and Yin Jishan, this Zhang Jia family, was welcomed into the palace in April.At this time, during the Dragon Boat Festival in May, Fang officially appeared at the palace banquet for the first time.

Although she had just entered the palace not long ago, she was bound to be a bit cautious when she followed the rules at the palace banquet, but Cuihuan could tell that Zhang Jia was Yin Jishan's daughter after all, and her bearing as the daughter of the Governor of Liangjiang made her feel a little more cautious during the palace banquet. He was dignified and upright, and his demeanor was not inferior to Fujin, who was the other princes present.

What's more, although Yin Jishan is a child of a Manchurian family, Yin Jishan's biological mother is a Han woman, and Yin Jishan has lived in the south of the Yangtze River for many years, so his temperament does not look like a Manchurian family, but more like a Han.

As for Yongxuan's Fujin, she was also a concubine, and her biological mother was also a Han woman; therefore, the superposition of the two sides, although Zhang Jia's origin is still a Manchu family, three of the four bloodlines are Han.

In addition, Zhang Jia's family grew up in the south of the Yangtze River, and his father was already a great talent, and the family was like Cao Xueqin, who was nourished by the ten-foot soft red and rich poetry and books since he was a child, so he kept silent and just went there quietly. Sitting quietly, it looks dignified and elegant from a distance, graceful and graceful.

When Cui Huan looked at her, she suddenly felt ashamed of herself.

After that one glance, Cui Huan didn't even dare to take a second look, and almost ran away in a state of embarrassment.

Standing on the edge of the back lake, surrounded by luxuriant flowers and sparkling in front of her eyes, such a beautiful spring scenery could not decorate her state of mind. For a while, in her eyes, this world faded to the point where only The lower part is gray and white.

——Thinking about it, the eighth elder brother must have never met this Zhang Jia family before he got married, otherwise he would not have done such a stupid thing before marriage.Now after getting married, with such a beautiful person as Zhang Jiashi, Eighth Prince is determined to only care about happiness, and will not think about others anymore.

The more Cui Huan thought about it, the heavier her heart became.

Perhaps it was because I had just finished reading the full version of "A Dream of Red Mansions", so I couldn't help but put my own fate in the book.I always feel that I should be that Lin Daiyu.Obviously they agree with Baoyu, but there is an extra sister Bao... She always believed that since Zhang Jia was the daughter of the governor of Liangjiang, she was dignified, and she might not know how to love.

But what she saw today caused all the beliefs in her heart to collapse in an instant.

Looking at Zhang Jia's beautiful demeanor and the unique elegance and gracefulness of Jiangnan women, it is even more like Lin Daiyu who walked out of the painting...

Then who will she become?After all, I can't be the graceful and elegant Xue Baochai, nor can I be the straightforward and enthusiastic Shi Xiangyun.

It's just that she has a bond with the eighth elder brother in her heart, but she is destined to have a humble status and a life that is thinner than paper-not even a flowery girl.

Perhaps, it can only be compared with Qingwen, whose heart is higher than the sky and whose life is thinner than paper.

But Qingwen, even though she was born with such a good appearance and such ingenuity, in the end... still ended up in such a miserable place.

Her mind was in turmoil, and for a while, all thoughts in Cui Huan's heart were turned to ashes.

"Have you seen the eighth elder brother's Fujin? Oh, Yin Jishan's daughter, although she is a noble character with a yellow flag inlaid in Manchuria, but have you seen that look? She actually looks like a Han girl! She's so tall and graceful. , how can there be the slightest Manchurian look!"

"Fortunately, when Yongxuan was engaged that day, the palace still rewarded her, her father, and mother with horses and saddles and bridles according to the rules of the "Hui Dian", but according to me, it was all ruined. She must I don’t know how to ride a horse! I really want to get a chance in the future to bring her a horse and tell her to ride it. Most likely, she might fall off the horse—oh, if she falls too If you're lame, then you'll be more like a husband and wife with Eighth Brother!"

Cui Huan was in despair when she suddenly heard such voices coming from far and near outside the flowers.This undisguised malice towards Eighth Prince and Zhang Jiashi made Cuihuan's heart twitch.

Although Cui Huan was startled, she was a woman from Yongshou Palace after all, so she immediately calmed down and stepped back quietly, hiding her body behind the big tree, hiding her figure, and looking out.

The person who spoke was Concubine Xin.

And the person walking next to Concubine Xin is Concubine Yu.
Cui Huan bowed her head, and quickly recounted the situation in front of her in her heart.Then she immediately understood that Concubine Xin deliberately said something bad about Eighth Prince in front of Concubine Yu, in order to please Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu sighed, "That being said, Yongxuan's Fujin is still the daughter of the two governors, Gege of the Yellow Banner of Manchuria, this identity cannot be changed at all."

Concubine Xin laughed, "Oh, sister Yu, you don't have to be like this. The Fujin of our fifth elder brother, Ama Obi, is also the governor of Shanxi. Although the governor is one level lower than the governor, he is still a big official in frontiers In terms of family background, fifth elder brother's Fujin is not inferior to eighth elder brother's Fujin."

Concubine Yu looked up at Concubine Xin, but held back her words.

Logically speaking, this is correct.After all, Yongqi's concubine Fujin is also Ertai's granddaughter. If it was in the Yongzheng period of the first emperor, this Yin Jishan would not be able to compare with Ertai; The E family has fallen as a whole, and Ladu can't be pulled back; but Yin Jishan is still highly valued by the emperor, and the front and rear palaces all know that Yin Gong must do everything in the south of the Yangtze River.

Concubine Yu lowered her head and frowned slightly, "...it is Enke's champion this year. I heard that there are some stories in it. The original No.1 champion should not belong to the current Wang Jie. But the emperor However, the original No.1 was changed, and the first No.1 of Yijia was given to Wang Jie.”

Concubine Xin shrugged, "It's because Wang Jie is from Shaanxi, and there has never been a champion in Northwest China before."

Concubine Yu frowned, "But there are many rumors outside that the emperor made such a change because Wang Jie was once a secret agent in Yin Jishan's residence."

"Yin Jishan's return to Beijing this year was originally for the purpose of Yongxuan's marriage, but the emperor specifically asked him to participate in the reading... Obviously Wang Jie is his secret agent, he should avoid it anyway, but the emperor not only did not ask him to avoid it, on the contrary Ask him to read the paper; in the end, he specially selected Wang Jie as the number one scholar—this is because the emperor wanted to show kindness to Yin Jishan."

Concubine Yu raised her eyes and looked at Concubine Xin worriedly as she spoke, "After all, next year the emperor will go on a tour to the south, and Yin Jishan is still needed for Jiangnan affairs, so the emperor will be especially kind this year."

If this is the case, then Yin Jishan and E Bi are put together, and it will be clearer who the emperor cares more about.

Concubine Xin lowered her head and thought for a while, then smiled, "I've vaguely heard of this legend. After all, this is the No. The fifth elder brother is worried, after all, the fifth elder brother's "little father-in-law" Guanbao is not only the deputy examiner of this subject, but also one of the examiners. At least in this subject, he is as popular as Yin Jishan, isn't he?"

Concubine Yu silently raised her eyes to look at Concubine Xin, "It's a pity that Yingyuan is only the prince's maid, not Fujin after all. When it comes to Yongqi's father-in-law, it's Ebi, not Guanbao."
When Cui Huan heard this, her heart was raised high.

Considering her age and her situation in the palace, she never thought that Concubine Yu would bring such hatred towards the eighth elder brother and the eighth elder brother's Fujin in both words and deeds.

Originally, in the eyes of Cui Huan, it was because the emperor was over fifty, and the princes were gradually becoming adults, so the competition among the princes for the crown prince became more and more fierce-but because of the eighth prince's foot disease, this fight seemed It shouldn't be involved with the eighth elder brother either.

Concubine Yu wanted to fight for the fifth elder brother, so she should also compete with the twelfth elder brother born by the empress, and then maybe the fourth elder brother who was also the same age, but she couldn't win the eighth elder brother!
Cuihuan hid behind the tree, and when she heard her heart was about to jump out of her mouth, she quickly grabbed her collar and tried her best to calm her breathing, lest she pant loudly and be caught by the two people outside again. hear.

Those two people were also speechless for a while, as if there was no way to improve the situation for the time being.

It took a long time to hear Concubine Xin say quietly, "...Since the ones who can bless Eighth Prince at this time are his Fujin and Yin Jishan's father-in-law. Then we might as well find some solutions from Zhang Jia and Yin Jishan. "
Concubine Yu and Concubine Xin finally walked away, and Cui Huan waited safely in the flowers until the two disappeared, then ran back to "Tiandi Family Spring" in a panic, entered Yurui's side hall, and returned to Yurui.

Yurui had originally asked Cuihuan to go "Wanfang Anhe" on purpose, but when she saw Cuihuan running back in such a panic, Yurui thought it was because she had met Zhang Jiashi.

Yu Rui laughed, "Look at you, why bother to be so flustered. I have seen Eighth Brother's Fujin, and I know what a dignified person he is, so I didn't ask you to meet him in April. Stay in May, let me make some preparations in my heart, and see you again."

"After all, you have already met such a person, and you should have an idea in your heart: how to choose the future path, let yourself know what to do."

Cui Huan hurriedly said, "The slave understands the master's intentions... But the slave is so panic-stricken not because of Eighth Prince's Fujin, but, but..."

Cui Huan recounted to Yu Rui the conversation she had heard behind the tree.Yu Rui was also surprised when she heard this, so she temporarily pressed the green maid, got up and went to Wanxi's bedroom, and relayed the words to Wanxi.

After hearing this, Wanxi frowned slightly, "Concubine Xin is actually fanning Concubine Yu like this! Do you think she is really helping Concubine Yu and Yongqi? I see, she clearly wants to use Concubine Yu and Yongqi's excuse to help Concubine Yu and Yongqi. She takes care of herself!"

Yu Rui also nodded, "Sister, you said that An Ning and Yin Jishan had an old grudge; and now Concubine Yu is also quite dissatisfied with Yin Jishan because of Yin Jishan's marriage to the eighth prince. Finding a way from Yin Jishan, Concubine Yu naturally has no objection."

Wanxi narrowed her eyes slightly, "Next year will happen to be the emperor's southern tour, and An Ning is thinking of taking this opportunity to make meritorious service to the emperor. But Yin Jishan is a big stumbling block for him. As long as Yin Jishan has the prestige in the south of the Yangtze River, So I can't show him. Therefore, Concubine Xin hopes that something will happen to Yin Jishan this year, or that he will not go back to Jiangnan."

Yurui also shook her head, "Concubine Yu is also confused. There is clearly Yin Jishan's step-wife, Fujin, who is Ertai's niece. It is supposed to be the fifth elder brother, Fujin, who is close to her aunt and nephew. Instead, she is going to listen to Concubine Xin. Is it impossible to harm Yin Jishan's father and daughter? Can she tell the difference between closeness and closeness?"

When Wanxi heard this, her eyes turned suddenly, "You're right! Originally, we were worried that after Yongxuan's wedding, Yin Jishan and Yongxuan would get closer to Concubine Yu because of this inner relationship. ...But Concubine Yu obviously cared more about the emperor's regard for Yongxuan, which in her view threatened Yongqi's status, so she didn't care about any in-laws, and only thought about how to suppress Yongxuan .”

"In this case, she helped us solve this worry."

Yu Rui's eyes also brightened suddenly, and she smiled slightly, "In this case, we have found a ready-made solution. Since Concubine Yu does not use this level of in-law relationship, why don't we use it the other way around?" !"
During the month of May, there are many happy events in the royal family.

Following Yongxuan's big wedding in April, the wedding of the two emperor's grandsons Mian De and Mian En will be held in May.

In particular, Mian De's concubine Fujin is the daughter of Princess Hejing, so in the royal family, this is a close relative; because this big princess is also born to Princess Hejing, the royal family also has to add the dowry that Princess Hejing gave her daughter as a dowry. Add an extra dowry.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs requested an order for this.

The emperor decreed that "according to Princess Shushen's rules, the amount should be reduced as appropriate."For the items purchased, "those who have in the inner court will be handed over for use; the rest will be dealt with if there are insufficient materials."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs then wrote down the dowry items of Princess Hejing into red slips, together with the reduced amount in the original list of Princess Shushen's wedding dresses, they were written into a memorial and presented to the emperor.

The emperor brought these lists back to the inner court and handed them over to Empress Nala and Wanxi for proper handling.

As the empress of the main palace, Nala is in charge of Mian De's marriage, so she is both a grandmother and a maternal grandmother.Especially the bride is still the daughter of Princess He Jing, so she can vaguely regain the feeling of rivaling Empress Xiao Xian, so she is very attentive.

De Nala's arrangement for Wanxi is all there, and she doesn't mention anything else, just a favor.Don't make the mistress feel that someone is going to steal her limelight again.

Wanxi only went back to her palace before telling Yurui, "Brother Mian De and Brother Mian En are getting married together. Since Brother Mian De's Fujin is a big princess from Princess He Jing, no matter the emperor If she is still the queen, she will naturally have to make a big deal of it. In comparison, that child Mian En will inevitably be left out in the cold."

"Remember to help me to ask Yonghuang's side Fujin Ergenjue Luoshi to see if there is anything wrong with what she has prepared for Mian En. If there is something short, feel free to come back to me, my side It is natural to remind the emperor tactfully."

At this time, the two grown-up emperor's grandsons, Mian De and Mian En were born in the same year, but one is a legitimate son and the other is a concubine son.From the very beginning, there was a distinction between superiority and inferiority. Mian De had already become Prince Ding at a very young age, while Mian En was only a flat-headed elder brother until now.

Even though they are all grandsons of the emperor, there is a big difference in the level of marriage between the prince and the ordinary flat-headed elder brother.What's more, Mian De's elder brother is the daughter of Princess He Jing; and Mian En's descendant Fujin Fucha family, his father Fu Jing is only a deputy governor, which is too far behind Mian De's descendant Fujin.

Yurui also sighed, "Brother Mian En clearly surpassed Brother Mian De in homework, riding and shooting. It's a pity, just because he was a concubine, from childhood to adulthood, he was crushed to death by Brother Mian De all the time. dead."

Wanxi has been more sympathetic with Mian En since she was a child, and once recommended Zhao Yi to Mian En to enlighten her.Therefore, at this moment, Zizi felt a little grievance for Mian En.

Wanxi bowed her head and thought for a while, then smiled and pressed Wanxi's hand, "Tell him the emperor's will, that is, even if Miande's concubine Fujin is the daughter of Princess Hejing, but the dowry ordered by the emperor is not Also compare with Princess Shushen's grid and subtract~"

Yu Rui also laughed when she heard it, "Is that so?!"

Who is the daughter of Princess Heshuo Shushen? That is the third elder brother Yongzhang's concubine Fujin.Even though Princess Shushen is only Princess Heshuo, and Princess Hejing is Princess Gulun, and also the emperor's direct daughter and the only daughter left in the world by Empress Xiaoxian, the dowry that the emperor gave to this direct granddaughter has to be compared with Yongzhang's Fujin was reduced accordingly.

It can be seen how much the emperor loves this granddaughter.

What's more, when Yongzhang was reprimanded by the emperor and deprived of his inheritance rights, it was because of the so-called disrespect at the funeral of Empress Xiaoxian; Yongzhang ushered in his big wedding under such fear and fear, and married Princess Shushen. Fujin's; and now, it's the turn of Empress Xiaoxian's daughter of Princess Hejing to get married, and the emperor instead ordered the dowry for this granddaughter to be reduced compared with Yongzhang's first-born Fujin... These two things are in the One place, not without deep meaning.

Wanxi blinked quietly, "Let's just understand this in our hearts, and whisper it to Mian En to make him feel more at ease, that's enough."

Yu Rui got up with a smile, and was about to go out, but she turned around and came back, and said with a smile, "...Yingyuan is happy again. It's been exactly three months, so I just reported it."

"Oh?" Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "This is a happy event. Congratulations to Yingyuan."

"If Concubine Yu can temporarily suppress all other thoughts because of this good deed, and just concentrate on waiting for the birth of the emperor's grandson, and enjoy the family happiness with peace of mind, that would be her blessing."

Yu Rui snorted softly, "I'm afraid she doesn't think so."

Yurui's eyes turned, "Even if Concubine Yu would be happy, but in this matter, the fifth elder brother Fujin is hardly happy. At least Yingyuan has a heart this time, and she should know how to guard against her." .”
Because Yingyuan is happy again, this is a happy event for Yongqi's family.

Take Yin Jishan's Fujin E clan as an example, her niece is now the fifth elder brother Fujin, and her daughter is the eighth elder brother Fujin. She herself is married to the two princes Fujin, and she is naturally among a group of foreign wives, without the limelight for a while. two.

Then I heard that Yingyuan was happy, so she also went to the palace to congratulate Yongqi.

Yongqi Fujin led Mrs. Yin to meet Yingyuan, but due to Yingyuan's status, she didn't stay for long, so Yongqi Fujin took Mrs. Yin back to her own bedroom.

"My aunt came to the palace specially, which makes me ashamed." Yongqi Fujin took Mrs. Yin's hand, and said sadly, "If I had a child, it would be reasonable to ask aunt to go through such troubles; but it's a pity, It's just the good news from my elder brother's handmaid."

Mrs. Yin also comforted her with a smile, "Don't worry about Fujin, after all, you are the fifth elder brother's direct Fujin, and that Yingyuan Gege is just a maid, even if she gives birth to a child, she is still your son. Mother's."

"Besides, the Fifth Elder Brother's knees are indeed empty at this moment, so everyone in the harem is putting pressure on Fujin, aren't you? You haven't seen the joy for a long time, and you must be worried. This is Yingyuan Gege Having a child is also calling Fujin, so you can let go of one of your worries for a while."

But Yongqi's Fujin is still young after all, so he still can't let it go, "...you call me mother, but I am not the child's mother after all. When the child grows up, he will be closer to his biological mother after all. "

Mrs. Yin lowered her head and smiled, "Fu Jin is troubled, so the servant will use himself as an example to help Fujin feel at ease: Don't hide it from Fujin, Ge Ge from the servant's family betrothed the eighth elder brother to Fujin, and the emperor rewarded him The gift included a reward for 'Eighth Prince Fujin's mother'. Fujin said, is this reward given by the emperor to the servant, or to Gege's biological mother and concubine Zhang?"

Yongqi Fujin couldn't help raising her eyes.

Mrs. Yin nodded with a smile, "...it's for me. Although Mrs. Zhang is Gege's biological mother, she is still a concubine, has no status, and is a Han woman. Even if her daughter becomes the prince Fujin, she has nothing to do with her .Even in the future, the eighth elder brother will only pay respects to me, but not to her."

Yongqi Fujin raised her eyebrows slightly.

Mrs. Yin said with a smile, "Can Fujin feel more at ease now? I also listened to the servant's persuasion, after all, Fujin has firmly secured the seat of the prince's heir, Fujin, no matter which prince's servant girl gives birth to a child, it's all about those servants A girl is still a servant girl, so she is not qualified to share any money with Fujin."
Mrs. Yin resigned, and had just left the door when the door curtain of the side hall happened to be lifted. Yingyuan held the maid's hand and walked out cautiously.

Yingyuan smiled when she saw it, "Mrs. Yin is leaving? I really have a relationship with Mrs. Yin. Just now, Mrs. Yin came to visit me in my house, and now I'm talking to come out to get some air, just in time for Mrs. Yin to come back Mansion, it is appropriate to ask me to see off my wife."

Mrs. Yin quickly bowed her knees and said, "How dare a slave."

Yingyuan's belly hadn't shown yet, but she was already very careful, so she told the children around her, "Go and support Mrs. Yin for me, and don't call Mrs. Yin polite. I'm just the prince's maid, but It's all about the status of an official woman; but our Mrs. Yin is the wife of the governor of Liangjiang, and she is the wife of the order, so I dare not accept this gift."

The woman hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and Mrs. Yin also laughed, "It's Yingyuan Gege who is too modest. Although Gege is still an official woman, she is Gege in the prince's office. When the fifth elder brother gets the title in the future, Gege will not be the king yet. The prince's Ge Ge went? The slave got the imperial order to go because the master of the family worked for the court, but after all, he is only a concubine, so naturally he should salute to Ge Ge."

Yingyuan nodded with a smile, "Madam's imperial order comes because of Mr. Yin. Mr. Yin is the governor of Liangjiang at this time, so he should be the second-rank lady, and my wife should be the second-rank wife; but I remember, Mr. Yin is also the second-rank wife. With the addition of the title of Crown Prince and Taibao, the governor-general of Liangjiang should be Cong Yipin, right? Then madam, it should be Mrs. Cong Yipin."

Mrs. Yin said yes with a smile.

Yingyuan clapped her hands, "But madam will definitely be ordered to be a first-class madam soon. Because ah, madam's daughter is already a eighth elder brother Fujin, and after the whole wedding process is completed, the emperor will decree to grant madam an imperial order." Already!"

This is naturally a customary rule, Mrs. Yin is also waiting in her heart, and she is very happy to hear Yingyuan say it.

It's just that Mrs. Yin still has to humble herself, "It's because of the decent family, that's why I'm lucky to match the eighth elder brother as the prince Fujin. But after all, Ge Ge was not born by the slave, so the slave didn't dare to think about it."

Yingyuan also laughed, "Where did Madam come from? After all, Madam is Lord Yin Jishan's concubine Fujin and the mother of eighth elder brother Fujin. Naturally, the court's blessings and orders are all for Madam."

"I'm young, so I don't dare to talk nonsense about these palace rules in front of Mrs. Yin. After all, it was the concubine Yu who said this, so I didn't understand. Madam, don't worry, just wait for the court's decision." Xi Xiner is."

"Although we are in Elder Brother's office and not in the inner court, Concubine Yu is in the inner court. Even if the emperor has something to say, Concubine Yu is not clear about it. Since Concubine Yu has said so, this It’s a matter of certainty, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Mrs. Yin was even more delighted, "Then I will entrust the good words of Concubine Yu and Concubine Yingyuan. Although the servant and Concubine Yu are not considered relatives, the imperial concubine Shujia has passed away long ago, and the servant is on the other side of Brother Ba. My son doesn't have a biological mother. From my point of view, I also regard Concubine Yu as a biological mother in my heart."

Yingyuan raised her eyebrows slightly, and nodded, "Well, I think Concubine Yu also values ​​Mrs. Yin. Even if there is any trouble in the palace, I and Fujin don't know about it, and Concubine Yu will definitely try to inform Fujin. Don't worry about Fujin, just wait for the good news in the mansion."
For Yongxuan's wedding, from the appointment in April, the preliminary ceremony in May, to the wedding on June [-]th, Fang Dali was completed.

The prince's wedding was held in the Forbidden City. After the wedding, the emperor returned from the Forbidden City to the Old Summer Palace.

Little Shiwu is already eight months old, and it's time for him to crawl.

Wanxi's eyeballs dare not make mistakes at this moment, for fear that the little Yuanzi will crawl from the kang to the edge of the kang, and then fall off the kang.

When the emperor came in, he saw Wanxi was using a long cloth belt to tie Xiao Shiwu's waist while holding it in his hand.This is to prevent Xiao Shiwu from falling off the kang.

The emperor laughed, and stepped forward to hold Xiao Shiwu in his arms, "Look at how you, Er Nie, abused you. How dare you treat us Yuanzi like puppies? We are obviously little dragons, how can we be chained like this?" ah?"

Wan Xi gritted her teeth, "It's a dragon. He hasn't grown all his scales and horns yet, and he can't fly into the sky. He has to crawl on the ground obediently, so he has to be tied up by his mother. Wait. He's grown up, he's capable, let's talk about it when his wings are hardened."

Xiao Shiwu obviously disagreed with what his mother said, so he tried to make a fool of himself.It's a pity that he still took the risk, and ended up spitting out another bunch of saliva bubbles.

Wanxi was afraid of being sprayed on the emperor's clothes, so she quickly grabbed the gauze and came over to wipe her mouth, and couldn't help jokingly said, "Cheng Chengcheng, Er Nie can see it, you are a dragon, you can spray water, it's not enough What? My little ancestor, don't throw up, how many gauze veils have been wet since this morning?"

The emperor couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Oh, you can spit water? It's amazing, we Yuanzi seems to be able to learn how to spread rain soon. After that, Ama doesn't have to go to the Black Dragon Pool to pray for rain. Just find you."

Wanxi was startled when she heard that, and hurried forward to grab the emperor's arm, "Sir, don't talk nonsense!"

The emperor was startled, and quickly stared at Wanxi, "...my lord made a mistake? What's inappropriate?"

Wanxi smiled, and shook her head gently, "Don't worry, master, the slave didn't say anything else. The slave is talking about it--if you talk about cloth rain again, be careful that this little ball will be splashed on your body! This kid , this time, all the quilts and bedding in the servant hall have been smashed all over. I can’t even prepare the urine meson!"

Isn't it because Xiao Shiwu is keen on crawling all over the ground at the moment, so he catches where he is tired from crawling, so he directly "spreads the rain", and Wanxi has no way to spread the urinals somewhere in advance to prepare with.

Zhu Shi and Cui Shi, the mothers who served Xiao Shiwu, also told the joke of "Dragon King Bu Yu".Although Xiao Shiwu said that he couldn't resist verbally, as if he could understand the words, he used more "cloth rain" to show his dissatisfaction.

Wanxi is afraid that the emperor will say the word "buyu" at this moment, and Xiao Shiwuyi will be rebellious again, so she is really being rude to the emperor.

Naturally, she was not worried that the emperor would be unhappy, she felt sorry for the robe on the emperor's body.That is a robe for daily use, it takes a lot of labor to weave it, and it is a shame to ask Xiao Shiwu to clothe it with rain.

While the two were talking, Wanxi suddenly heard something was wrong, so she stretched out her hand and turned away Xiao Shiwu's face in a jerk.

Sure enough, Xiao Shiwu's face, which looked like a dumpling of white jade, suddenly flushed red.You Qi's eyebrows were red, and he was brewing.

Wanxi screamed, "Xiao Yongyan, hold it back, you must not!"

Wanxi stepped forward to snatch the child, but the emperor laughed and avoided, the old man spread his knees apart most naturally, and pinched Xiao Shiwu in the middle - this became the most natural way pee pose.

As soon as the posture was set, there was only a soft sound, and the little dragon king was already raining cats and dogs.

It turned out that the emperor didn't ask Xiao Shiwu to spread rain on the ground casually, but he helped Xiao Shiwu aim at the spittoon on the ground.

It's a pity that it's a cloisonné enamel amphora... The inner wall of the extravagant mouth is decorated with the pattern of turning branches of lotus, and the turning branches are decorated with smooth double hooks; the outer wall is decorated with cloud heads, circles and longitudinally parallel chrysanthemum petal patterns, etc. A circle of lotus petal patterns with cloud patterns inside, four pairs of chi and dragon patterns in the middle, filled with hooked clouds and small circles;

This time, he installed this for Xiao Shiwu...

(Thank you for the monthly tickets and rewards, everyone. It’s worth the expense~~ The Ministry of Internal Affairs will give you a dowry, so He Jing’s daughter is her own. If she is not her own, the royal family will not give her as a gift.)
(End of this chapter)

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