Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2374, Volume 7, 75

Chapter 2374 Seven Volumes 75
E Ning raised his jaw high.With a choked breath, she stood up straighter.

At this moment, she is like an arrow that has been placed on the bowstring, she can only move forward, and there is no turning back.

The situation in front of her was already clear: Even if the mother-in-law smoked, she would rather ask for tinder to light a cigarette by herself than ask her to serve as a daughter-in-law.

It should be noted that it is only natural for a Manchu daughter-in-law to serve her mother-in-law to smoke; lighting cigarettes is also a relatively intimate thing for old ladies, and only the daughter-in-law and her unmarried daughter can have some... But, she Just standing in front of her mother-in-law, but her mother-in-law didn't ask her to serve her at all.

At this time, Yingyuan already had another child, and her mother-in-law had already put on face like this, so she had no way out.

"My aunt said that next year the emperor will tour the south again. This reminds her of an old incident from the emperor's southern tour, and makes her feel a little uneasy about Yin Jishan." E Ning raised her voice, her tone was a bit out of the ordinary Her own expectations were a little high.

Concubine Yu couldn't help but put down the pipe and pot for the time being, and raised her eyes to stare at her, "Oh? What's the matter?"

E Ning took a deep breath, "In the 22nd year of Qianlong, the emperor made his second southern tour. Just one year before the southern tour, that is, in the 21st year of Qianlong, Yin Jishan led a group of officials from the south of the Yangtze River to invite the emperor to hold a grand ceremony for the southern tour. Yin Jishan once In the memorial, it is said: "There are many scenic spots in Qixia. In addition to the original memorial, I have searched several places and have added them as appropriate. The rest of the famous projects have also been slightly added and changed. Now I draw one by one. When Rong Chen arrives in Beijing, he respectfully Presented to the royal audience.'”

Concubine Yu nodded, "Qixia Mountain is a grand sight in Jiangning. It is expected that Yin Jishan would invite the emperor to visit Qixia Mountain."

E Ning said: "It is that Qixia Mountain has long been a famous place, but Yin Jishan is not enough. In Qixia Mountain again, he brought the strange peaks of Youju Nunnery and Zifeng Pavilion that had been buried underground for years, all from the ground. Find out, brush the sand and remove the soil to a depth of three or four zhang, in order to please the emperor!"

"That's not enough. Yin Jishan still thinks that Qixia Mountain has few water features, so he specially opened two lakes, named 'Rainbow' and 'Mingjing' respectively."

After hearing this, Concubine Yu laughed, "Yo, Yin Jishan, who has always regarded himself as a celebrity, is just a hypocrite who flatters and flatters horses! It's because your aunt still looks so high."

E Ning's heart shook, but she could only follow her mother-in-law's words.She lowered her head and said, "Yes... Even Yuan Mei, who has never had a good relationship with Yin Jishan, once wrote poems to joke about this, saying, 'Where did the ambition of Shangshu ever develop? It's here to develop all your talents'."

"Even Fu Heng, the foreman of the military aircraft and the loyal and brave man, ordered his subordinates to write poems to ridicule him, saying, 'Famous places in the past are also incomparable, and today's search and visit is even more new'..."

Hearing that Fu Heng also ordered his subordinates to write poems to ridicule this matter, Concubine Yu couldn't help raising her eyes, "Oh? There is such a thing!"

E Ning lowered his eyes sadly, "It is said that Yin Ji is good at traveling to the south, and he deliberately caters to it, which hurts the vitality of the three Wus; otherwise, Yin Ji would not be able to supervise Jiangnan four times."

Concubine Yu couldn't help laughing out loud, "Okay! Just in time for the emperor's southern tour next year, and it just so happens that Fu Heng has done this... This is why God is helping us!"
On July [-], the sky finally cleared and the river gradually subsided.The emperor ordered Zhaohui to lead people to repair the bridge that was washed away by the flood on the way, and ordered Prince Cheng Yunmi to respectfully invite the Empress Dowager to come up.

On July 24, the Empress Dowager finally got up from the Old Summer Palace.

A group of inside and outside Fujin gathered in the Old Summer Palace again to send off the Empress Dowager and Empress Nala.

After the car drove away, everyone turned around and went back to the garden.Concubine Xin quickly caught up with Concubine Yu who was the leader, and bent her knees, "Little sister congratulates Sister Yu, now the harem in Beijing is up to Sister Yu."

This time, the emperor, empress, empress dowager, together with imperial concubines Wanxi and Concubine Shu all drove to Mulan, so among the inner court dignitaries remaining in Beijing, Concubine Yu was the head.

Concubine Xin blinked quietly, "Since sister Yu is in charge of everything in Beijing, then we can spend some time at our own pace."

It's rare for Concubine Yu to have such power in her hands one day, and she is also secretly happy at this moment.But his face was still reserved, "Even if I am the leader for the time being, the palace will be even more chaotic. Otherwise, wouldn't the emperor want to ask me, wouldn't I implicate Yongqi again."

Concubine Xin laughed, "Sister Yu is right. It is because Sister Yu is in charge that our palace should be more secure and nothing will happen."

Concubine Xin's pupils turned slightly, "Even if something happens, it must be in Mulan, right?"
Concubine Yu and Concubine Xin went back to the "Xingshuyuan" together, Concubine Yu also told Concubine Xin what E Ning had said.

Concubine Yu said it with joy, but she didn't expect that Concubine Xin wasn't too surprised.

"It turns out that our Wufu Jin only inquired about this." Concubine Xin said with a bit of disappointment, "It's all happened in the 21st year of Qianlong's reign, and it's also far away in the south of the Yangtze River. I just know; in fact, this matter is nothing new in Jiangnan official circles."

Her brother-in-law An Ning and Yin Jishan have had grievances for many years, and An Ning naturally knows these things by heart.

Concubine Yu was a little embarrassed, so she hurriedly said, "Although it's an old story, it shows that Yin Jishan is just a person who is trying to catch his name and play tricks on his name. Besides, the emperor will be on his southern tour next year, so this timing is good. It would be a good thing to bring up old things again.”

"Besides, Fu Heng asked people to write poems to mock them. This happened in the capital after all, and Jiangnan may not know about it. At this critical moment this year, if you borrow Fu Heng's reputation, then this matter will become a hot topic. "

As Concubine Yu said, she lowered her head and lit a bag of cigarettes, and said quietly by swallowing the clouds, "Use Fu Heng to stir up this matter, even if Yin Jishan can't be moved, it can still call Fu Heng and Yin Jishan's relationship." If this is the case, it can also implicate Concubine Shu."

"And if concubine Shu can be involved, Yongxuan can be involved; and Yongxuan, Yongxuan, and Yongxuan's first-in-law compatriots... If Yin Jishan has a grudge against Fu Heng because of this, he will also gradually develop a estrangement towards the three brothers. .Hehe, then for us, this matter has nothing but benefits and no harm."

Although Concubine Xin said that she was a little disappointed at the value of this matter, but now that Concubine Yu is so caring, it is not good to refute it face to face.

She lowered her head, looking for details that are beneficial to herself from this matter.After thinking about it for a while, I also thought of one of the key points, so I laughed, "It's still sister Yu Yingming, this idea is really good!"

Seeing Concubine Xin like this, Concubine Yu was very happy, so she stopped Concubine Xin and asked, "The matter of Mulan you mentioned is also arranged?"

Concubine Xin nodded with a smile, "Sister Yu, don't worry, it's already been arranged. Let's just wait quietly in Beijing, the news will definitely come soon."
On July 26, Emperor Luanjia finally arrived at the Summer Resort.

The Empress Dowager temporarily lived in the Changshanyu Palace and arrived at the Summer Resort on July [-].

This road was really difficult because of the flooding of the river after the rain, which washed away the roads and bridges.Because of this, Wanxi also got the opportunity to tell Jiujiu about the difficulties along the way.A princess of the Qing Dynasty, who is called a golden branch and jade leaf, also has the opportunity to experience such a difficult situation for herself, which is a reward for children.

"...Besides, we are still the royal family. Even if there are obstacles along the way, you, Huang Ama, and a group of ministers will work together with the local magistrates to clear it up; if we are ordinary people, this road will be impossible."

Chirp Chirp, who always loves to have fun and liveliness, therefore, this journey is extremely quiet.No noise, just opened the curtains, looking at the difficult scene outside.

Wanxi was relieved, so she also pointed to Zhaohui who flashed by from time to time on the way, and told Jiujiu, "Did you see it? That is the great hero of the imperial court who pacified the Northwest Zhuangbu and Huibu, from Wuya Sir Zhaohui."

"That is a great hero with a sword in front of thousands of troops and a majestic mountain and river. Your emperor Ama has entrusted him with commanding local officials to build bridges along the road, which shows the hardships of this journey. It is no easier than going to the Northwest with troops."

Jiujiu looked at Zhaohui's figure from a distance, and although he didn't speak, he nodded vigorously.

Wanxi also accompanied the child to look out, feeling a little sigh in her heart—in the past, the person who accompanied the emperor on tours, guarded the emperor himself, and was so busy was always Jiuye.But now, they have all been replaced by Lord Zhaohui.

The identity of Master Nine comes from the Great Jinchuan Battle; and as time goes by, the Great Jinchuan Battle has gradually faded from people's memory.In front of him, Zhaohui's military exploits are still the most outstanding.

Wanxi saw Zhaohui's hard work, so she asked Yurui softly, "Master Zhaohui came here this time, did he bring his family with him? He is so busy that he can't take care of his family. Help me to see, if He also brought his family, so please come and sit with us, at least we can help Lord Zhaohui take care of it, and save him from worrying about the future."

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Rui understood, so she hurriedly smiled and got out of the car to make arrangements.

Not long after, Yurui brought Zalantai in person.

Concubine Shu couldn't help but slapped Wanxi, and said softly, "How do you know that this child is coming too?"

Wanxi also smiled and shrugged, "I was just guessing. Who would have thought that I guessed right."
Zalan Taiguo is a child of a noble family, so he saluted and greeted him when he got off the car.No matter how muddy the ground is, he will fall to his knees.

Yu Rui hurriedly grabbed her, and said with a smile, "Brother Zhalan's clothes are brand new. They are made of such beautiful materials. If you kneel in muddy water, you will be buried. Brother, don't be too polite, or else I can’t get on this carriage anymore.”

Inside the carriage, Jiujiu saw Zha Lantai coming, and clapped his hands happily, "It's little brother!"

Wanxi pretended not to know anything, and only looked at the little daughter's face that brightened instantly, and asked deliberately, "Oh? You still remember him? I almost forgot when I met him .”

After all, Zalantai is different from Lawang and Qilinbao. He didn't grow up in the inner court. He just walked in the palace in the past two years as a servant in the study.His family has no in-laws in the inner court, so there is no chance to enter the inner court casually.Therefore, Jiujiu and Zalantai have not seen each other for some time.

Although the daughter is still young, it is the flesh that fell from her body after all, isn't it?This bento mother has to create opportunities for her daughter, doesn't she?

Wanxi thought about how many years in advance she started worrying, and she couldn't help laughing, but also couldn't help feeling melancholy.

After all, the daughters of the royal family are all married early, so take He Jing and He Jia as an example, they all married at the age of thirteen or fourteen.After all, the time to stay by your side is too short, so it is for them to plan for the future, and it has to be done as early as possible.

Chirping, like beans poured out of a bamboo tube, while Zha Lantai was struggling with etiquette outside the car, Gaba quickly told Concubine Shu about the several times he met Zha Lantai.

Concubine Shu could only shake her head and sigh, she stretched out her fingers and tapped Jiujiu's forehead, but narrowly glanced at Wanxi, "...this little girl is bigger than Douer!"

Although Wan Xi said she was calm on the face, she actually listened more carefully than anyone else.She heard that Jiujiu could remember the details before and after the two meetings with Zha Lantai clearly. At the age of Jiujiu, she didn't even forget it at all... Then she smiled quietly and picked up the curtains by herself. To summon, "Zhalan, there is no need to be polite, get in the car quickly."
But as soon as Wanxi finished speaking, Jiujiu let out a low exclamation, then turned around and crawled behind Wanxi, trying to get into the corner behind Wanxi.

"Ernie! Don't tell little brother that I'm here!"

Concubine Shu was startled, and hurriedly supported Jiujiu, for fear that she would be in a hurry, and where would her head bump again.

"What did you say Jiujiu? Didn't you say that you recognize Brother Zalan, aren't you still happy? Why are you hiding from people?"

Wanxi also coaxed softly, "Come on, tell Ernie, what's wrong?"

Jiujiu's face was flushed red with anxiety, and panic appeared in his eyes.She shook her head vigorously, "...I have, I have pockmarks! I can't let my little brother see it!"

Jiujiu was vaccinated, the little acne mark left between the eyebrows, if Jiujiu didn't mention it, even Wanxi would deliberately want to forget it.At this moment, Wanxi felt a sharp pain in her heart when she heard her daughter bring it up in such a panic.

She hurriedly hugged Jiujiu, and comforted him softly, "...don't be afraid. Regardless of our royal family or the families of ministers, all children have to be vaccinated. It is little brother Zalan, since he can go to school in the palace, That must have been vaccinated."

"Vaccination will inevitably leave acne marks, and you are not alone in having this small pit, maybe Zhalan has it too. Therefore, he will not dislike it."

But Jiujiu still shook his head in a panic, "No~~ I don't have any on my little brother's face~~ I've seen my little brother's face, it's as white as a white jade pendant, so smooth, there's nothing~~"

While talking, Yurui outside had brought Zha Lantai to report.

Wanxi didn't have time to think too much, just followed her daughter's mind, hid Jiujiu behind her back, and pulled the curtain to cover it.

At this moment, the most important thing is to make my daughter feel at ease first, not to panic her.

Zalan got into the carriage, and the interior of the carriage was cramped, so he couldn't salute anymore.He had no choice but to sit down, but he still raised his hands flat, kowtowed his forehead on the back of his hands, and kowtowed for the time being.

Both Wanxi and Concubine Shu laughed, "It's hard for you, a young elder brother, to be so sensible and respectful. Let's leave it alone, let's have a good talk, and let you Ama concentrate on running errands outside. "
After a while, Zhaohui was also notified, and far above the saddle, he also saluted and thanked him from afar.

Wanxi just smiled and nodded through the curtain.

Wanxi, Concubine Shu, and Yurui alternated, asking Zha Lantai some homework and homework in turn, so that the child could finally relax a bit and stop being so restrained.

Maybe it's been a long time, Jiujiu was tired from staying behind Wanxi, so he wriggled around like a bug about to break out of its cocoon.

Zha Lantai is also keen, so he discovered it.It's just that it's not appropriate to ask directly in front of the three heads of the inner court, and just keep staring.

Wanxi exchanged glances with Concubine Shu, Wanxi cleared her throat, deliberately held back a smile and said, "Zhalan, what are you looking at? In this carriage, only you, Concubine Shu, Master Ruigui and I are in the carriage." , there is no fourth person."

Zha Lan blushed, and hurriedly lowered her head and said, "...the servant will understand, maybe the three masters brought a little civet cat from the palace?"

Wanxi and Concubine Shu looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Isn't it just a raccoon cat?" Yu Rui also smiled and joked, "It's soft, small, sweet, and rare."

Concubine Shu played tricks on purpose, "But our cat, why hasn't we heard meowing for a long time?"

Behind Wanxi, the wriggling little man hurriedly squeezed his throat and called out: "Miaoer..."

Wanxi couldn't stop laughing, knowing that this silly girl was sold by Concubine Shu.

Sure enough, when the sound came out, Zalantai's lowered head suddenly lifted up again.

Isn't that right? People imitate meowing, so they naturally leak their own voices.

Wanxi also suppressed her smile, and only stared carefully at the expression on Zalantai's face.

A child who was only seven years old this year suddenly showed a gentle smile.The previous restraint melted away, and there was a clear and flowing tenderness in his eyes.

Wanxi's heart swayed leisurely, and she couldn't help laughing.

Wanxi then deliberately said, "Princess Ninth actually came with me this time, but she really wasn't in my car, and she didn't hide behind me. She actually remembered the two meetings with Zhalan you It's not that she doesn't want to see you... It's just that the Ninth Princess just got a pox inoculation this year when she was born in spring, leaving a small pit on her face."

"The Ninth Princess said that she was afraid that you would think she was ugly, so she avoided seeing you."

Wanxi carefully observed Zalantai's expression, "She only said that the little brother is good-looking, but there is nothing on his face; but she has a small hole, so she is not good-looking."

There was a twinkle in Zalantai's lacquer-like eyes, and he shook his head with a smile.

"Actually, I was vaccinated when I was young, and I also left a pockmark hole. It's just that the slave is lucky, the pockmark hole is not on the face, but on the body. It's not easy to show it. The slave, please ask the noble concubine master to tell it on your behalf : Ninth Princess, don’t worry, we all have our own pitfalls.”

Wanxi and Concubine Shu smiled knowingly, but before they could finish laughing, the cat in the back couldn't help it, pulled open the curtain and jumped out.

"Little brother, you also have a hole? Where is it?"
It was the royal carriage. At any rate, there were three adults and two children sitting in this carriage, so it was a bit cramped.

Therefore, Jiujiu just jumped straight into Zalantai's arms.

Zalantai blushed but shook his head, "It's on me."

Jiujiu was still young after all, so he went directly to Zha Lantai's clothes, "Show me!"

Zha Lantai's face looked as if it had been covered with rouge, and it was already flushed. He carefully blocked Jiujiu, and was afraid of hurting her hand, so he controlled his strength.

"Ninth princess, be good... it's on the slave, you can't see it through the clothes."

Jiujiu became anxious, "But the little brother should see me, and I want to see the little brother too!"

Wanxi sighed softly, but she had no choice but to stretch out her hand to pull Jiujiu back, and pressed it firmly on her knee.

"Jiujiu, don't make trouble! Forget that you are a girl, how can you make such a fuss with your little brother?"

Only then did Jiujiu realize that he had just been rude, so he was ashamed to see others, turned around and put his face into Wanxi's arms, covering it with both hands, not daring to show even a crack.

Wanxi hugged her daughter tightly with a smile, and then asked Zha Lantai again, "... Zha Lan, tell your mother the truth, is that little hole between your eyebrows ugly?"

Zha Lantai smiled, his eyes were soft and clear, "It's not ugly. It's like... a little star."

Jiujiu was fooled again, Huo Di turned around again, let go of his hands, and stared hard at Zalantai's eyes, "Really?"

Zha Lantai deliberately smiled, "Fake..."

Jiujiu flattened his mouth and was about to cry.

Zha Lantai hurriedly said, "It means that the stars are fake. Naturally, the stars in the sky will not be embedded between the princess' eyebrows, but... the princess is really not ugly, but even more beautiful."

Jiujiu let out a cheer, and jumped towards Zalantai again. The two children looked at each other and smiled, both of them giggling.
When they arrived at the Summer Resort, Wanxi couldn't help but smile when she recalled this scene.

Yu Rui also said, "Oh, I was an adult in vain at that time, and I was so shy that I couldn't lift my head in front of the two children... This little brother Zhalan, I don't know who it is. Who did you learn from, how did you have such a sweet mouth, so good at coaxing people?"

Wanxi lowered her head to think about it, but instead she put away her smile and sighed melancholy.

Yu Rui was taken aback, and quickly approached and asked, "Sister...is this?"

Wanxi shook her head, "Zhalan is so sweet, isn't it because Mr. Zhaohui is in the army and has been away for several years, and the family is lonely?"

Yu Rui raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean, sister?"

Wanxi raised her eyes, "I'm talking about this child's filial piety. Think about it, Mr. Zhaohui has been away for many years. Besides, life and death are uncertain before the battle between the two armies. The female family members of Mr. Zhaohui's mansion feel even more miserable. It's extremely painful. At a time like this, only the youngest son can comfort me with joyful words."

"I want to come to Zhalan because he was at home since he was a child, and he learned to comfort his mother and sisters in this way. Therefore, what he said is very nice, especially for us women... This child is patient, meticulous, pure and kind. Shan, although he may not be a battlefield hero like his Ama in the future, he can be a good husband."

(End of this chapter)

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