Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2375, Volume 7, 76

Chapter 2375 Seven Volumes 76
It was when Luanjia and the Empress Dowager Shengjia both arrived at the Summer Resort, at the end of July and early August, that Wanxi and the others heard the rumors from the capital.

The rumors say that in the 21st year of Qianlong, Yin Jishan wished he could "dig the ground three feet" in Qixia Mountain, and he did not hesitate to change the mountains and create water to cater to the emperor's southern tour; and Fu Heng once ordered his subordinates to write poems to mock him thing.

As a result, the old incident five years ago was linked with this year's Jinshi Jiadi, leading to more conjectures:

Because Zhao Yi is Zhang Jing of the military plane, the "penholder" of the military plane department, and a clerical person who was indispensable to Fu Heng every day, so some people guessed that the person Fu Heng ordered to write poems that day was Zhao Yi.

And Wang Jie, who "robbed" Zhao Yi's champion, was originally Yin Jishan's secret agent, and his daily errand was to write memorials for Yin Jishan.Therefore, some people said that Yin Jishan's rather flattering note was written by Wang Jie.

When the emperor won the first place in the palace examination this year, he changed the No. [-] scholar who originally belonged to Zhao Yi to Wang Jie. It was because the emperor was about to tour the south, and he preferred Yin Jishan's flattery and flattery, and warned Fu Heng's sarcasm...

The rumors became more and more mysterious, and finally turned into Yin Jishan and Fu Heng's disharmony; Yin Jishan and Fu Heng's official positions further evolved this conflict into a conflict between the local governor and the Military Aircraft Department.

What's more, this also involved the emperor's praise and annoyance of the two ministers.

After hearing this, Wan Xi couldn't help but frown, "Zhao Yi did mention in his notes that Lord Jiu ordered his subordinates to write poems to mock Yin Jishan. The original text of that poem was 'The Famous Places of Interest Are Unparalleled , Wen Gong's search and visit is more new', because Yin Jishan has always had the nickname of "Yin Gong" in the south of the Yangtze River, so the word "gong" directly refers to Yin Jishan."

"Although Jiuye has always been self-effacing and said that his Chinese knowledge is not deep, but at that time Jiuye still pointed out the word '公' in it, and ordered the subordinates to change it to the word 'now', which became 'Famous places before the fan are unmatched, This will weaken the target directed at Yin Jishan, and it will show Jiu Ye's reserved and tolerant heart."

"But now those people have taken advantage of the loopholes. They only say that Mr. Fu is mocking Mr. Yin Jishan. Instead of seeing Mr. Fu's generosity and restraint, it seems that Mr. Fu is a bit stingy." Yu Rui also frowned "Mr. Zhao's notes are circulated in the market. We know his true identity, so we are not sure that others will know his true identity. This happened to use Mr. Zhao's words as evidence, and because The relationship between Mr. Zhao and Mr. Fu, and this matter is settled, it is a death case."

Wanxi also sighed softly, lowering her head and frowning, "...Actually, Zhao Yi has lived in poverty and depression for these years, and his life sparked only after he met Jiu Ye. Therefore, Jiu Ye is in his heart. , is the first person to admire and thank. Therefore, Zhao Yi wrote this paragraph in his notes, in fact, he wanted to repay the favor of Lord Jiu and help Master Jiu spread the praises."

"He just never thought of it, but in the end, this has become someone's catch."

Yu Rui was also annoyed, "It's annoying to arrange Mr. Fu in this way; these words even implicate the emperor, saying that the emperor prefers to cater to ministers who flatter him... Next year will be the emperor's third southern tour. The rumors, this makes the emperor feel so much troubled!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes, "Besides, this rumor brings up the old story of Mr. Yin Jishan's transformation of mountains and rivers, and it is inevitable that the people who don't know it will think that the emperor's southern tour is for sightseeing...The emperor's southern tour is coming soon, If such rumors spread among the people, the people's misunderstanding of the emperor may deepen again."

"That's exactly what he said!" Yu Rui was so anxious that he also beat Kang Yan'er, "The people don't know how many times the emperor issued an order not to allow local officials to use the opportunity of the emperor's southern tour to build large-scale construction projects. Back then, Mr. Yin Jishan rebuilt Qixia Mountain because of this. I was also reprimanded by the emperor for 'making a good name for tricks'..."

Wanxi hung her head in silence, and after a long while gently pressed Yurui's hand, "Then this year's rain, it's not a bad thing."

Yu Rui was surprised, "Sister, are you talking about...?"

Wanxi raised her eyes slowly, "This heavy rain came quickly, and the rivers in many places flooded the dikes and washed away the bridges. The capital is located in the north, and we have encountered many obstacles on the way from the capital to the north of Mulan; what about the south of the Yangtze River? As far as the water system is developed, after this heavy rain, the river will burst its embankment again."

Yurui narrowed her eyes and looked at Wanxi.

Wanxi laughed, "The emperor is still thinking carefully. If the rumors spread like the capital, he must not know that the emperor saw the disaster of the river spreading along the way after leaving the capital, so he made an order halfway, so that Mr. Yin Jishan doesn't have to follow along." Drive Mulan, and immediately go south, return to his post, and lead the flood control."

"This is when the capital is still spreading the word that the relationship between Mr. Yin Jishan and Lord Jiu is not good, and Mr. Yin Jishan is already on the front line of water control... Who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and who is really serving the country and the people, and the people's hearts are clear. own opinion."

Yu Rui's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help clapping her hands, "Besides, the emperor's third southern tour should be scheduled for this year. After all, this year is the official day of the Empress Dowager's [-]th birthday; But last year was also due to the flood in the south of the Yangtze River, and the emperor was worried that if the local officials had to prepare for the emperor's southern tour and control the flood at the same time, this would distract them, and the southern tour would affect the flood control work."

"That's why the emperor postponed the southern tour, because he is sympathetic to the people in the south of the Yangtze River. And this year, there was heavy rain. Even if Mr. Yin Jishan wanted to prepare for the emperor's southern tour, he would first take people to control the floods himself. The other side is thinking about preparing for the southern tour... The eyes of the people can see clearly, and this will put down the doubts about the emperor's southern tour."

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "The people who spread the rumor in the capital are scheming enough; even Mr. Yin Jishan himself, or even Lord Jiu, may not have a perfect way to fight against it."

"But it's a pity that they still have another opponent, and it's the emperor. If it comes to these fascinating things, how can they play against the emperor?"
On the first day of the eighth month, the emperor sent his prince Hong Zhou to offer sacrifices to his ancestor Confucius.

On the second day of August, the emperor sent Guanglu, Prince Yu, to perform the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the Dasha Daji on his behalf.

From this day until the eighth day of the eighth month of August, the emperor served the empress dowager to the "Juan'a Shengjing" for several days in the summer resort, and gave a banquet to the accompanying princes and ministers, the Mongolian prince Taiji.

This brought all the princes, ministers and Mongolian princes together to one place, where they sat face to face.Even if someone wants to pass something on, they have no chance to pass it on behind their backs. Instead, they can only spread it face to face on the table.

Under such a series of quiet actions by the emperor, although the rumors of the capital had spread to Rehe, they had no chance to spread in Rehe.At least, no one has the opportunity to continue brewing and add fuel to this rumor.

But the emperor chose to withdraw his hand, and personally sent the academician Liu Tongxun and the co-organizer Zhaohui to rush to Henan to control the water.The emperor also said emotionally in the decree, "The flood came suddenly, the houses were emptied, and the victims were screaming. How can we wait?" For disaster relief, the emperor specially ordered Liu Tongxun to "meet the place where the relief should be provided, and the relief will be provided as soon as possible. There is no timely remittance All the newspapers." And "in the hard-hit states and counties, we set up porridge factories according to the four townships. So that we can live nearby and not lose our homes."

In addition to sending two academicians to self-manage the water for disaster relief, the emperor also issued a special decree stating that Yin Jishan, together with Gao Jin, the governor of the river, "choosed the soldiers in each river battalion and transferred them as soon as possible in advance. In order for Liu Tongxun and others to When you arrive at the workplace, you can use it.”Yin Jishan has already gone south and returned to his post, and the story of taking the lead in water control with a pioneering attitude has finally spread.

Under such a flood, flood control and disaster relief are greater than the sky.Yin Jishan returned to the south in a starry night, taking the lead, even if he wanted someone to take the opportunity to spread rumors at this moment, he was too embarrassed to open his mouth again.

If this is the case, under the emperor's careful arrangements, not only the rumors in the capital disappeared, but even the floods were basically brought under control on the seventh day of the eighth month, and disaster relief in various places was orderly.
These rumors failed to spread in Rehe, let alone have any influence, which really disappointed Concubine Yu and Concubine Xin in the capital.

Concubine Yu was rather unwilling. "This incident was such a big deal at first, but neither the emperor nor Fu Heng had any quarrel with Yin Jishan because of this incident; instead, the emperor sent Yin Jishan to return to the governor of Liangjiang to assist Liu Tongxun and Zhaohui in water control. They told him that not only did he not have done anything wrong, but he also made meritorious deeds!"

Concubine Xin was naturally anxious.As the date of the Southern Tour next year drew closer, she became more and more anxious to help her brother-in-law bring down Yin Jishan first.

But since this matter was off the hook again, Concubine Xin calmed down very quickly after being upset.

"Sister Yu, don't worry, everything has two sides. Although this incident failed to bring down Yin Jishan, it also distracted Rehe's attention... After all, the emperor and the ministers only cared about it for seven or eight days. After this matter is over, there will naturally be no time to take care of the harem."

Concubine Yu squinted her eyes slightly, and nodded approvingly, "Yes~~ For seven or eight days in a row, the emperor served the empress dowager and led the ministers in the 'Juan'a Shengjing'. Come and stare at the harem again."

Concubine Xin snorted coldly, "What's more, Guo Guiren is just a small nobleman. No matter who the emperor cares about, let's not take care of her for the time being."

Concubine Yu was a little worried, "Guo Guiren is the princess of the Guoerluosi Department, and the Guoerluosi Department is divided into the Front Banner and the Rear Banner, both of which belong to Horqin's left wing... This time the emperor Qiuxi, the two banners of the Guoerluosi Department must both go forward. Come to the pilgrimage. This is Guo Guiren's mother's family gathered together, there may be dozens of people."

"If so, Guo Guiren will naturally be surrounded by iron hoops. How can there be a chance to tell her what happened?"

Concubine Xin laughed instead, "Sister Yu is indeed Gege from the Eight Banners of Mongolia. She knows more about the various tribes of Mongolia than I do. I didn't think too much about it."

Concubine Yu couldn't help feeling worried again, "...Then, can this matter still work?"

Concubine Xin shook Concubine Yu's hand with a smile, "Even if it's like this, I think it's more interesting. Sister Yu, tell me, on the grassland near her mother's home where Mongolians have lived for generations On the contrary, if something happened to Guo Guiren, would anyone suspect that an outsider harmed her? At that time, they would only think that she was careless, and we would naturally be relieved."

Concubine Yu carefully watched Concubine Xin, "You should tell me. These days, you still keep your mouth shut!"

Concubine Xin smiled lightly, holding Concubine Yu's hand and shaking it lightly, "Didn't I dare to talk to Sister Yu until everything was safe? - Naturally, everything has been arranged. Mulan Xingwei, finally The ones that are prone to accidents are the horses."

"Guo Guiren is a Mongolian Gege, and when she is on the grassland where her ancestors live, she must get on a horse and show off. And the horses used by the emperor and the harem should be served by the Shangsiyuan..."

Concubine Yu's eyes lit up, "Did you arrange someone in the Shangsi courtyard?"

Concubine Xin giggled, and said in a low voice, "Originally, I wanted to cooperate with Sister Yu's previous arrangement, that is, arrange people, and naturally also arrange for people related to Fu Heng. It's a coincidence, it is destined to be God to help us , let me find out that among the guards in the Shangsi Courtyard, there is a nephew of Fu Heng, son of Fu Qing, named Mingyi."

"On the other hand, Mingyi has a deep friendship with the eighth elder brother Yongxuan. As long as this matter quarrels, it will naturally implicate Yongxuan... The relationship between Yongxuan and Yin Jishan's son-in-law, hehe, can also be left here It's over."

Concubine Yu's eyes lit up, "That's great!"

Concubine Xin smiled slightly, "It's already arranged, but we can't just sit and wait for a ready-made one at this moment. Since the rumor didn't spread last time, it died down within a few days, so let's go We have to come up with another way to divert the emperor's thoughts away for the time being, so that we won't be able to hide it from the emperor."

Concubine Yu narrowed her eyes, "Stirring up the conflict between Yin Jishan and Fu Heng is not enough to attract the emperor's attention; what else can we do to distract the emperor?"

Concubine Xin took a deep breath and smiled slightly, "Sister Yu thinks, one of the purposes of the emperor's visit to the south is to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday; and this time when Qiu Xi comes back, I'm afraid I'll have to go there in October or November." Now, after coming back, it will be the empress dowager's [-]th birthday... Therefore, for the emperor, whether it is the harmony between the ministers or the floods in the south of the Yangtze River, it should not be as important as the empress dowager's [-]th birthday. It's important to go. Sister Yu said, didn't she?"

Concubine Yu stopped her breath, "...You mean, we can make some changes in the preparations for the Empress Dowager's birthday celebration?"

Concubine Xin smiled, "My little sister is not capable of this matter, and besides, my little sister has to worry about returning letters with Mulan, and personally keeps an eye on the people who are arranged in the upper fourth courtyard. Therefore, this matter Ah, or I won’t do it; but if I want to do it, I still have to rely on you, Sister Yu.”

Concubine Xin stared at Concubine Yu with eyes full of admiration, "After all, it is you, Sister Yu, who is in charge of the harem at this moment. Even Concubine Qing and Concubine Ying are also staying in Beijing, but they are all in line with you, Sister Yu." The following. It is up to you to arrange these things, which is the most appropriate."
On the eighth day of August, Wanxi was relieved at the Summer Resort because the flood had calmed down.Unexpectedly, when the emperor came over that day, he left with a look of hesitation on his face.

Wanxi hurriedly asked Yurui to take Jiujiu out, and she stepped forward and said softly, "Five days later, it will be the celebration of my long life. But I am still worried about the settlement of the people after the flood, so this is still Not happy, is it?"

The emperor sighed softly, and grabbed Wanxi's hand, "Hmm, thank you for being able to relieve me like this. It's not about the flood. Both Liu Tongxun and Zhaohui are capable, and Yin Jishan and Gao Jin are even more experienced. They did a great job working together to control the water.”

The emperor raised his eyes to look at Wanxi, but he said a little too late, "It's another displeased thing from the palace."

Wanxi's heart also followed with a "click".

"My lord... what happened in the palace?" Wanxi tried her best to calm down, but the emperor still noticed that Wanxi's fingertips became cold, and her voice trembled.

The emperor laughed lightly, and hugged Wanxi into his arms, "Shh, don't think about it, it's not our little fifteen and little seven! It's not Qing Concubine, Ying Concubine, and Concubine Wan. They are all good. My name is Wei Zhu. You and Hu Shijie are staring at each other separately, and you must not make any mistakes, or you will take their heads when you return to Beijing!"

Now Wei Zhu is the Chief Superintendent of the Palace, and Hu Shijie is the Chief Superintendent of the Old Summer Palace, both of them are watching separately, no matter whether Xiao Shiwu and the others stay in the garden or return to the palace, they must be safe.

Only then did Wanxi breathe a sigh of relief, carefully clearing up her panic, and said embarrassingly, "Look at my servant, I lost my composure in front of the master."

The emperor was also sympathetic, and tightened his grip on Wanxi's shoulders, "...After all, I was staring at you in the past, and things have happened so many times. How can I not understand your cautiousness at this time?"

Wanxi lay in the emperor's arms, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at the emperor, "That makes the Lord unhappy, what happened?"

The emperor sighed deeply, "It's Wei Zhubao. The sunshade mats on the front eaves of the main hall of Shou'an Palace caught fire and spread."

When she heard that it was not someone who had an accident, but the palace was on fire, Wanxi finally lost her heart.

What in this world is a palace, how can it compare to the preciousness of human life?
It's just that Wanxi didn't dare to take it lightly, and said slowly, "Shou'an Palace... was remodeled by the Lord to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday. I remember that in August last year, just two days before the Lord's longevity, the Lord didn't care about it. Congratulating myself on my birthday, I was still thinking about how to properly celebrate the empress dowager's 32th birthday this year, so the decree was to build a three-story theater building in the Shou'an Palace, with three rooms on each side; There are five rooms in one building; [-] rooms in two corner rooms in east and west; one value room in the back of the east side hall, three rooms in total; and four rooms in two side halls.”

The renovation of Shouan Palace actually started ten years ago.At that time, the Empress Dowager celebrated her [-]th birthday and renovated the Shou'an Palace; a three-story stage was temporarily built in the Shou'an Palace.When the empress dowager's [-]th birthday came this year, the temporary ceiling on the stage was fixed, and it became a large stage for permanent use.

For the elderly, the most important thing to celebrate a big birthday is to watch a big show happily.This big stage specially built for the empress dowager's birthday will be ready to use when Qiu Xi returns, who would have thought that the Zishou'an Palace would be on fire right now.

Although it was not the big stage or the palace itself that caught fire, but the straw mat pergola built in front of the main hall for shading the sun, after all, the fire started in the Shou'an Palace, and even in front of the main hall, it is enough to show that Shou'an There is indeed a fire hazard in the palace.

The more the emperor thought about it, the more anxious and angry he became.

"What's even more annoying is that the guards clearly discovered that the Shou'an Palace was on fire, so they stepped forward to call the door, wanting to enter the palace to help put out the fire. But the chief eunuch in the Shou'an Palace, named '91' is really pedantic , cover up, even the guards are not allowed to enter, and they say through the door that they will put it out by themselves!"

Wanxi bowed her head and thought for a while, then gently twirled the emperor's finger and said, "...Master, this case cannot be charged with the chief eunuch's crime. How could I forget that Shou'an Palace is also an inner court, and there is a difference between inside and outside. The guards are not eunuchs, so they are not allowed to enter the inner court; the inner eunuchs of the Shou'an Palace will naturally close the palace gates and not let them in."

The emperor was stunned, and then he smiled in a deep voice, "No, I'm so confused! Although this is the rule in the palace, but look at it, the eunuchs just don't want the guards to find out that they accidentally set fire to the candle, or the Caused by smoking!"

Only then did Wan Xi nod with a smile, "I don't know if the situation after going too far is important?"

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, and clapped Wanxi's hands, "Fortunately, there is no serious problem, but the reed mat shed fell down. The rest of the palace and the stage are all fine. The Lord has already ordered Debao to come Investigate those eunuchs, if you dare to lie and confess, you will be punished!"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "Since the master has made the arrangements so clearly, and Mr. Debao has always been a cautious and capable person, then this matter must be investigated and understood. Don't be angry, anyway, it will be my longevity and Mid-Autumn Festival soon." It's festival."
On August [-]th, the emperor celebrated the Longevity Festival at the Mountain Resort. Originally, he would leave for Mulan from the Mountain Resort after the Wanshou Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival. At the beginning, it rained heavily again in Rehe and other places.

The emperor's original itinerary was changed again.

Until August 26th, the emperor took the empress dowager's holy car and departed from the summer resort for Mulan.

On August 27, Luan drove to the Polo River Tun Palace.

Because she walked with Jiujiu along the way, Wanxi also carefully told Jiujiu about the scenery and legends along the way.

Arriving at the "Polo River Tun Palace", Jiujiu was puzzled, thinking that the palace was located by a river called "Polo River".

The child's straightforward heart naturally made Wanxi and Hegui laugh endlessly.

"Jiujiu made a mistake, the name of this palace cannot be understood according to the literal Chinese characters." Wanxi patted Jiujiu's hand, but glanced at He Guiren, "This Boluohetun is Mongolian. "

"Following your emperor Ama northward along this route, there are grassland boundaries everywhere, and most of them are named in Mongolian."

He nobleman caught Wanxi's gaze, and even though he bowed his head a little, he just smiled in relief, instead he personally grabbed Jiujiu's hand, and said softly, "After all, you Enie is a Han surname, and you know Mongolian well." Not much to gain. Come and tell your mother about it.”

Wanxi was delighted, her eyes were filled with admiration, and she blinked at the nobleman.

The cheeks of the nobleman and the nobleman were a little red, so they turned around and pretended not to see them, and only patiently talked to Jiujiu, "It's not 'Polo River', but 'Polo-Hetun'. The word 'Hetun' means 'City ', and 'Polo-Hetun' put together means 'green city'."

Jiujiu clapped her hands and laughed, "So it's this!" She pointed out the window, "It's all blue!"

It's already autumn in August, but the grasslands and mountains outside the window are still green and green.

Jiujiu opened the window and took a deep breath of the air outside, "It smells like grass, fresh and pleasant!"

Wanxi laughed and gave a thumbs up, "Oh, our family is so good at chirping, we all say 'fresh and pleasant'!"

The nobleman pouted slightly, "I think it must be taught by Concubine Shu. Didn't her family have such a great poet as Nalan Rongruo, so she is naturally the best at poetry."

Wanxi could only shake the nobleman's hand with a smile, "Ah..."

The nobleman also nodded, "I understand. No matter what happens, I am still just a nobleman at this moment, and I am not qualified to raise the emperor's heir. Besides, even if Concubine Shu is taking care of Jiujiu, the emperor did not clearly say that Jiujiu will be brought up by her." Go. Jiujiu is still in the imperial concubine's palace, so she and I can still come to the imperial concubine's palace to see Jiujiu."

Only then did Wanxi nodded with a smile, "The emperor's wish, according to my opinion, is also the same."

Feeling much more comfortable with the noble, he raised his eyes and stared at Wanxi, "Your concubine, you don't have to worry about me. Just like I was willing to explain Mongolian to Jiujiu just now, I have already solved this matter." .I have always understood the intentions of the emperor and the imperial concubine, and I will not go into a dead end by myself, let alone hold grudges."

While talking, Yu Rui walked in with a nervous expression.

Wanxi asked in front of the nobleman, "What's the matter? Could it be that the Shou'an Palace was on fire, and your Ama was implicated?"

After all, Debao is the Minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the construction of the palace is all within the jurisdiction of Debao.Although the emperor asked Debao to interrogate the eunuchs in Shou'an Palace, it was inevitable that those eunuchs would talk nonsense for a while, and then go to the craftsmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under Debao's rule, relying on the craftsmen to leave fire and so on.

Yurui shook her head quickly, "It's not me, Ama, don't worry, sister. I just sent the news, saying—Guo Guiren, she passed away."

"What?" Wanxi was startled, and stood up, "What did you say?"

Guo Guiren is a Mongolian Gege, good at riding and shooting, and his physical foundation is much better than that of Han women; besides, he is still young, and he has never heard of any illness. How can he die when he dies?
He Guiren also turned pale, staring at Yurui.

Yu Rui took a deep breath and said, "It's called an 'emergency' from the outside, but inside it's—falling from a horse."

Wanxi hurriedly grabbed Yurui, "While changing clothes, tell me briefly."
Wanxi took Yu Rui, and the nobleman, and hurriedly changed all the colorful clothes and jewelry on her body, and the three of them rushed to Guo Guiren's palace together.

During the process of changing clothes and walking, Wanxi has already got a general understanding of the matter.

It turned out that because the emperor was in autumn and the Longevity Festival had just passed, the Hui and Mongolian tribes had donated horses as a congratulatory gift.These horses donated to the emperor, those who choose the best horses are all collected in the Siyuan.

The emperor decreed today after arriving at the Polo River Tun Palace that the siege will begin tomorrow.

A woman with a Han surname like Wanxi, who doesn't know how to ride a horse anyway, didn't cause much alarm; while the rest of the inner court dignitaries from Manchuria and Mongolia were all eager to try.

Not only the heads of the inner court, but also the Fujins of the princes and grandchildren who came with them.

The eighth elder brother Yongxuan who just got married this year is the first time in these years that he is officially the emperor, so naturally he is attracting attention.However, no matter whether it was the royal family or the ministers, there were some people with malicious intentions, rumors spread, and it was certain that Yongxuan would not dare to mount a horse.

Such words also reached the ears of Eighth Prince's Fujin Qingzao.

Even the annoyance that Yongxuan could bear, but Qingzao couldn't bear it either.

After all, Yongxuan's legs and feet are not convenient, so Qingzao made up his mind and insisted on getting his husband on the horse.

Although Qingzao is also Manchurian Gege, who came from the Zhang Jia family, so it is inevitable to get on a horse; but after all, Qingzao's biological mother is a Han woman, and she grew up in the south of the Yangtze River, so her demeanor is more like a Han woman. In this way of riding and shooting , is still unfamiliar after all.

Qing Zao is weak on the outside, but strong on the inside.So, taking advantage of today's stay in the palace, he secretly brought a young lady to practice horseback riding outside.

Because the heads of the inner court, the princes and grandsons Fujin all asked for horses from the Shangsi Academy, the rehearsal of the Shangsi Academy could not be held for a while; and it happened that such a batch of tribute horses had just entered the Shangsi Academy, so these horses were also arranged Come in.

Guo Guiren is Mongolian Gege, and he is not afraid that these horses will take time to adjust, so he cheerfully pulled a horse and galloped on it; and the officials of the Shangsi Academy only knew that Qing Zao was also a Manchurian family. He thought that Qing Zao was also good at riding horses, so he gave Qing Zao such a new tribute horse.

Qingzao was walking his horse on the grassland outside the palace, when he met Guo Guiren.

Guo Guiren is naturally skilled in horse skills, so he took Qing Zao and ran away.Guo Guiren did not expect that Qing Zao was not good at riding horses, let alone controlling an unfamiliar horse.As a result, the two horses ran away with the bridle, Guo Guiren's skill was very skillful, and he took the lead; but Qing Zao's horse was frightened under the competition.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and Guo Guiren realized that the situation was different, but he was unable to stop Qingzao's horse.

Guo Guiren knew that Qing Zao was involved in the risk because he suggested the horse race. Before he had time to think about it, he took Qing Zao's horse from his back when the two horses were approaching each other...

Guo Guiren wanted to jump on Qingzao's horse and help Qingzao tame the frightened horse.But she was a woman after all, and under panic, she made a mistake in calculating the distance... As a result, although Guo Guiren held the reins tightly, he was dragged to the ground by the frightened horse.

Frightened, Qingzao also rolled off the saddle and fell to the ground.

When the surrounding guards found something abnormal, and the horse held the harness pole to trap the frightened horse, Guo Guiren, who was dragged underground, had already... gone away.

Arriving outside Guo Guiren's palace, he could already hear the miserable crying inside through the wall.

Wanxi stood up holding her breath, and first asked Yu Rui and He nobles to enter.She turned a corner by herself and went to the palace of Yongxuan and Qingzao first.

(Ask for a monthly pass from my friends~)

(End of this chapter)

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