Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2391: Only With You

Chapter 2391 Seven Volumes 94 Only With You (Bi)
The next day, Yuzhou headed north again, and stayed at Lin Xuezhuang on this day.

Wanxi knew the condition of her own body, and originally wanted to rely on the joy in her heart, so she was no longer afraid of seasickness.

But she didn't expect that she would vomit again on the boat that day.

She wasn't seasick at first, but this time it was because of one reason, the second reason that the ship didn't need to go on land after all, and the third reason might be that as she got older, her body was not as good as when she was on the southern tour last time.

The emperor was busy with his official duties and came to visit.

Wanxi naturally said it was all right, but Yuqin couldn't help it, and just complained, "You still say it's all right? On the boat, I almost lay on the deck holding my spittoon and didn't let go!"

Embarrassed, Wanxi hastily and quietly tugged on Yuqin's sleeve.

——In front of the emperor, it's indecent to talk about her vomiting on the boat, isn't it?

Yuqin understood it, so she sighed and grabbed her hand and said, "You are pregnant with the emperor's heir, this is not your own business. If you are not healthy, you don't want to call Your majesty is worried, so if you bear it, you will bear it, I will let you go, I just need to be careful to help you."

"But this is ultimately related to the emperor's heir. If you insist on holding on, if you hurt the emperor's heir, not only will you feel uncomfortable, but the emperor will not feel at ease, right?"

This time Yuqin is no longer like the emperor's concubine, but just like Wanxi's own natal sister.Yuqin's affection is called Wanxi's heart-warming.So he obediently raised his eyes to look at Yuqin with admiration, and forgot to continue arguing.

The emperor had seen Wanxi's concealed expression earlier, and the corners of her lips could not help but raised her long eyes.

Yuqin was eloquent at this moment, even in front of the emperor, she felt more at ease, and there was nothing she dared to say.

"It's a coincidence, Wanxi, you had another joy during your southern tour this time; the last southern tour, you also sailed south with your new body. Although you are traveling with the emperor, it seems that no one dares to stand in front of the emperor. What kind of hands and feet are you going to do to you and the emperor's heir?"

"It's a pity, that's what I said, but there are still people who don't pay attention to the emperor, and only care about calculating her own narrow-mindedness! Even if the emperor loves you, the merchants on the southern tour call the empress dowager, the empress, and the accompanying empress." We are recuperating with you in the Lingyan Mountain Palace together... However, what should have happened still happened, if it wasn't for the mobilization of the fetal gas... I think our little deer wouldn't have such a weak foundation. I couldn't survive the vaccination..."

Speaking of Yong Lu who died early, it is the deepest pain in Yuqin's heart.As soon as this was mentioned, Yuqin's eyes were full of tears.

She tried her best to hold back, Lingling raised her eyes, and looked at the emperor, "I believe that the emperor has not forgotten about the little deer... So this time, the emperor, please tell me, what should Wanxi do to return to Beijing safely? On the way, I was tricked by someone again! It is a good thing for Wanxi to be happy, but it is not a good thing for everyone... If someone wants to know the news, they will definitely not want to go there again!"

"Does the emperor still want to ask the empress dowager, the empress and the accompanying officials to accompany Wanxi again? Then how can the emperor ensure the safety of Wanxi's mother and child this time?"

Although Wanxi's heart was warm, when Yuqin said this, she still gently pulled Yuqin's finger again.

Speaking of Yong Lu, he and Jiu'er's eldest son, the emperor's eyes were also filled with dark clouds.

If it hadn't been for the fetal gas going on the southern tour last time, Xiao Lu'er might have a better foundation, so at this time... the child should still be under his knees.

The emperor said slowly, "I understand Concubine Qing's intentions. Concubine Qing blamed me. Last time, she was in a hurry to go back to Beijing, so she couldn't accompany Jiu'er to recuperate. She just left the empress dowager, empress and the entourage in charge. If you accompany me together, after all, it is better to accompany me personally."

Yuqin became even more indifferent, staring at the emperor's face, and nodded firmly, "This is exactly what I mean. I will have the courage to ask the emperor for instructions: What is the emperor going to do this time?"

The emperor raised his eyes to look at Wanxi, his eyes were deep, "I saw it, if I tell you to make a slight mistake this time, Concubine Qing will be the first to forgive me!"

Wanxi hurriedly said, "Sister Lu loves the emperor's heir...After all, the servant vomited on the boat, and he couldn't help it in the stomach, right?"

The emperor clenched Wanxi's hand tightly and nodded with a smile, "My Lord has already made a decree, but I haven't told you two yet. However, seeing that Concubine Qing is so anxious for you, I am really happy."

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "What did you decide?"

Yuqin even made a big red face and glanced at the emperor, "How does the emperor plan to arrange Wanxi?"

The emperor stared at the two of them, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Since Jiu'er was so displeased on the boat, I don't want to let her go to such troubles on the boat every day. Today, I will go to the emperor's mother's imperial boat to say hello, which is already a tactful general." I sent my mind to Empress Empress: I plan to ask Prince Zhuang Yunlu to wait for Empress Empress to return to Beijing by boat, and I will personally accompany you to return to Beijing by land."

Wanxi couldn't help but froze.

This is the emperor's third tour to the south. The route and schedule of each tour to the south are set months or even a year in advance. How can it be changed without authorization?

However, the emperor made a total of three southern tours, and the schedule has been changed since the last time, and these two times were all for her.

The last time, it was because she was pregnant and accompanied her on a southern tour, and her fetus was gassy on the way. The emperor wanted to use his talents for the imperial examination for the country, and the schedule could not be delayed, so he went back to Beijing by himself; but the empress dowager was left to accompany her; And this time, she was going to abandon the waterway and accompany her back to Luan by land...

Wanxi bowed her head hurriedly, her eyelashes filled with tears.

"How is this good? The empress dowager is old and should be served by the emperor himself. How can the emperor separate from the empress dowager for the sake of slaves..."

The emperor smiled lightly, "Are you worried that the Queen Mother will be unhappy? Silly girl, although the Queen Mother is also a hard-tempered old lady, she is not an old man who discriminates between black and white. Besides, the master let her go , she understood it as soon as she heard it, so she was so happy that she hurriedly agreed."

The emperor raised his eyes to stare at Wanxi, and patted her hand lightly, "Although the Queen Mother never told me face to face, but after all, mother and child are connected. I vaguely understand that she is actually going back to the south for you. After the fetal gas, I was very upset. Especially, Xiao Luer died early after all...how could her old man not feel uncomfortable?"

"This time, God also made you happy during the southern tour. This is not a compensation for what happened last time. Her old man is willing to do so, and she pushed me to say that I don't need to be with her. Set up a rule in front of the old man, tell the master to hurry over and accompany you."

Wanxi smiled too, with her head down, her heart soft.

Yuqin clapped her hands and laughed, "I knew I was just worrying about my life. It's a pity that I asked the emperor like that just now. I should be punished."

The emperor also laughed, "Then I have to think about what crime you have committed against Concubine Qing—well, it's not as good as this, I will punish you to accompany Jiu'er all the way back to Luan by land. When I can't take care of you in time, I will entrust her mother and daughter to you."

Yuqin was very happy, Wanxi hurriedly pushed Yuqin, and Yuqin stood up and bowed to thank her.
The next day, the emperor boarded the empress dowager's boat again, and after greeting the empress dowager, he ordered Prince Zhuang Yunlu and others to follow the empress dowager's boat and continue to return to Luan by water according to the scheduled route and schedule.

And the emperor himself took Wanxi, Yuqin and concubines Yu to land, and returned to Luan by way of Xuzhou.

The news came suddenly, Concubine Xin and the others were still on the boat, and went north with the boat.Concubine Xin ran to the side of the boat, looked at the figure of the emperor going ashore, and couldn't help gritting her teeth annoyed, "Why did it happen suddenly? Doesn't that mean that I will say goodbye to the emperor, and we won't see each other until we return to Beijing?"

——That also means that Xin Concubine's dream of "recovering the southern tour" has come to an end at this moment.

Both Le Rong and Le Yi also just found out, and were caught off guard just like their masters.

Concubine Xin gritted her teeth, "It's fine to say that you don't know the whereabouts of Concubine Ling and Concubine Qing, but Concubine Yu lives in the same courtyard as us, why didn't you notice it at all?"

Le Rong was in a dilemma, bowed her head and thought for a while, and hurriedly said, "Ever since Concubine Yu started to vomit when she left Beijing and went south, she began to guard against us intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, in the past few days, she secretly packed up and prepared to disembark, and the servants also No way of knowing."

Concubine Xin clasped the side of the boat, gritted her teeth unwillingly, "But I have to understand why the emperor changed his course so suddenly!"

Le Rong frowned, and said slowly, "Since the emperor brought Concubine Yu...the servant guessed, could it be that Concubine Yu was seriously upset, that the Emperor changed the route, changing the water route to a land route?"

"For Concubine Yu?" Concubine Xin squinted her eyes, thinking carefully, "It's been a month since we left Beijing to go south, and it's already April now. If Concubine Yu is happy, she should show off at this moment." Pregnant! Can you see signs of her pregnancy?"

Le Rong and Le Yi looked at each other with blank eyes.

Concubine Xin gritted her teeth tightly, "If Concubine Yu is really happy, I'll tolerate her! As long as...not Concubine Ling, not Wei Wanxi!"

Both Le Rong and Le Yi were taken aback, "The master is suspicious, is it because the imperial concubine is here again? But...how could it be?!"

What Le Rong and Le Yi thought in their hearts was, it couldn't be such a coincidence, the last time Concubine Ling went south with a child, but this time she went south with a child during the southern tour?She is not young anymore, how can she say she has it and then have it again?
Besides, the emperor's trip to the south of the Yangtze River, there are many outsiders. There are rumors that some officials presented beauties to the emperor... The emperor can welcome a few more beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, so why would he devote all his energy to the noble concubine Go to this old man!

"Why not!" Concubine Xin gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, "Her stomach has been blown up in the past few years, one after another; who can guarantee that she has been in Jiangnan for the past few months? Soon there will be another!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty...Even in Jiangnan, the Emperor has not let her go. Leaving others alone, maybe she will have another child!"

Both Le Rong and Le Yi's scalps also became numb, and they couldn't tell if they were trying to comfort themselves or their master, so they both said, "After all, the emperor left three people behind. Concubine Yu already had symptoms of nausea." Not to mention, there is another possibility—maybe Concubine Qing has the letter to go!"

After all, it can't just be Ling Guifei's turn, right?Even if it rains, you can't always get wet all by yourself, right?

——Anyway, I can't believe it anyway, why is it always the imperial concubine?Given that the emperor has a vast harem, how could it be that the only concubine Ling is always happy?

"Concubine Qing?"

Concubine Xin squinted her eyes and thought for a while, then lowered her head and pinched her fingers to make the calculations, "Concubine Ling is 16 years younger than the emperor, and Concubine Qing is three years older than Concubine Ling. In this way, Concubine Qing is also 39 years old this year. I'm so old...do you believe that a woman who has never been married before, at the age of 39, still has the hope of conceiving a child?"

Both Le Rong and Le Yi were speechless.

Concubine Xin was even more desperate, clutching the side of the boat tightly and smiling sadly, "I thought that during this tour to Luan in the south, if someone could meet Xi, it should be me... How could it be Concubine Ling again? After all the calculations, the final winner is still her!"

What makes her even more desperate is that now things are going the same way, and they are parting ways. She can only watch the emperor take the imperial concubine Ling to the shore from a distance on the water.Then along the way, the methods she used before, and the opportunity to use her wrist, this time, there is no room for her to use it!

His Majesty, this time, he actually guarded Wei Wanxi more thoroughly than last time!
Just thinking about it makes her want to laugh!
wry smile! !
A 52-year-old man is so careful and caring for a 36-year-old old man who has given birth to so many children. Even the route and schedule of such a grand ceremony as the Southern Tour have been changed!

Do they still think of themselves as young and in love? !
Since then, the emperor and the empress dowager traveled separately by land and water.

On the way, the emperor sent his son-in-law Fu Long'an and his bodyguard Wu Fu to pay respects to the Empress Dowager on a boat many times, but he himself never returned to the water.

Accompanied by Wanxi, the emperor inspected Hegong all the way, went to Qufu, worshiped Confucius and Mencius, and went to Tai'an Mansion to burn incense in Dai Temple.

And on Mount Tai there is the famous goddess of Mount Tai, Bixia Yuanjun Empress, who is in charge of giving birth.From the 24th year of Qianlong, the emperor officially decreed the system of sending officials to Mount Tai and offering sacrifices to Yuanjun.Every April, before Bixia Yuanjun's birthday, the emperor sent a member of the imperial court to offer incense.On the [-]th, I fasted and stayed at Daiding, and at dawn on the [-]th, I went to Bixia Temple to salute.

Take it for granted.

That is to say, the Bixia Yuanjun who once made Empress Xiaoxian yearn for a son, and Empress Xiaoxian even died because of this long journey, but the emperor's system of formally offering sacrifices to Yuanjun is It was officially established when Wanxi gave birth year after year.

The system of offering sacrifices to Lord Yuan each year was established 11 years after the death of Empress Xiaoxian, which has nothing to do with Empress Xiaoxian; it is more directly related to Wanxi.

This year happened to be Wanxi and she was happy, so the emperor specially brought Wanxi to Dai Temple to salute and pray for the safety of mother and child.
On the fourth day of May, the emperor accompanied Wanxi all the way back to the north, returned to Beijing, and stayed in the Old Summer Palace.

It has been four months since I set off on the twelfth day of the first lunar month and returned to Yuanmingyuan on this day.

Wanxi and the children, concubine Ying, concubine Wan, Yurui and others have not seen each other for so long, and when they reunited, they were all crying with joy.

What's more, Wanxi came back with such good news, Concubine Ying, Concubine Wan, Yurui and others were overjoyed.

Until that night, all the people who came to pay their respects dispersed, and the children were too tired to fall asleep. Wanxifang left Yurui alone.

Wanxi raised her eyes and stared at Yurui, "What happened to you? There is no one else at the moment, so you should be able to tell me."

Yurui's eyelashes trembled, she hurriedly restrained herself, and tried her best to smile, "I just miss my sister... Don't worry about it, the most important thing is to raise your baby with peace of mind."

Wanxi smiled bitterly and shook her head, "You girl grew up in front of my eyes. Although we are sisters, why don't I treat you as my own child? You have something to do, and you can't hide it from me. If you don't To put it bluntly doesn’t make me feel at ease, but instead makes me guess wildly.”

Wan Xi lowered her head and thought, "Could it be that girl Cui Huan who hasn't given you peace of mind these past few months?"

Yu Rui quickly shook her head, "Sister wronged that girl. That girl got along very well with Qing Zao in the past few months, and she has already opened up with Qing Zao."

Wanxi stared at Yurui, didn't speak, just waited.

Yurui called Wanxi's eyes fixed on nowhere to hide, she was anxious and embarrassed, her lips trembled a few times, and finally said, "... something happened to me, Ama."

"What's wrong?" Wanxi's heart trembled slightly.

With Debao's carefulness over the years, the emperor has been promoted several times in a row, which shows the emperor's trust in Debao.

Yu Rui's eyes turned red, "During my sister's southern tour with the emperor, it happened that King Annan passed away. His heir succeeded him and asked the imperial court for his title."

Annan (Vietnam) is a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty, and the new king succeeds to the throne. Only when it is canonized by the Qing Dynasty can it be justified.

Wanxi nodded, "I know about this. Your Majesty, you sent your Ama as the official envoy, and Gu Ruxiu, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, as the deputy envoy to Annan to sacrifice the old king and canonize the new king. This is the emperor's treatment of you What's wrong with Ma's respect?"

There is an inherent saying among scholar-officials, "I can't be a commander, but I hope to be an envoy", because civil servants cannot lead troops, only as envoys, acting on behalf of the imperial court, can they show their talents and integrity.

Therefore, Wanxi originally heard that Debao was appointed as the envoy, and she was very happy for Yurui.

Yurui nodded vigorously, but finally shed tears, "I didn't expect that something would happen to my Ama just because of this mission."

"Sister, do you know that although Annan has been a vassal state of China for many years, he is often unruly. In the previous Ming Dynasty, King Annan only bowed five times and kowtowed three times to the emperor of Ming Dynasty; but in the Qing Dynasty, King Annan was required to kneel three times and kowtow nine times. gift."

"This time, my Ama and Gu Ruxiu went to the canonization, and the new king of Annan proposed to only do five prostrations and three kowtows; my Ama and Gu Ruxiu disagreed, and insisted that the new king kneel three times and kowtow nine times."

Wanxi raised her eyebrows slightly, "Annan is a small country, but his heart is unruly. I have heard about it. I heard that when the former Ming Dynasty was replaced by my Qing Dynasty, they declared that 'China is gone', and they Annan claimed that They are China."

"So Yelang is so arrogant, the emperor will not tolerate it. So insisting that they kneel down and kowtow nine times is to let them understand that China still exists, and they are still just a vassal state of China. Yelang's arrogance can be put away."

Wanxi held Yurui's hand, "Since you, Ama, have insisted on asking the new king to kneel down three times and kowtow nine times, this is the honor of an envoy. What are you worried about?"

Yurui shook her head and shed tears, "Because the deputy envoy Gu Ruxiu edited his own book and scolded Annan's new king after he was canonized. He didn't discuss this matter with me, Ama, so he made it on his own. The minister reported this matter to the emperor. , the emperor also reprimanded Gu Ru for repairing small things—the emperor said that as an envoy, it is his duty to criticize him face-to-face; but since he did not dare to criticize him face-to-face, it is ridiculous to turn around and write a letter to reprimand him."

"The emperor ordered Gu Ruxiu to submit a strict discussion to the Ministry. The ministers have already discussed dismissal, and the emperor has approved the dismissal of Gu Ruxiu..."

Wanxi frowned, "That's right. As an envoy, you should be virtuous. Just like Su Wu in the Han Dynasty, as an envoy, he would rather shepherd the sheep in the wind and snow; if it's just 'shooting the cannon after the horse', it's really hard to say a word of integrity."

Wanxi raised her eyes, "But this is the fault of Gu Ruxiu, the deputy envoy, and it's not your Ama..."

But Yurui shook her head vigorously, "But I, Ama, is the envoy after all, and I am also responsible for neglecting Gu Ruxiu's matter. The emperor also decreed that my Ama be demoted to a third level..."

Wanxi also thumped in her heart.

With Debao's age and title at this time, coupled with the smooth sailing of the past few years, the blow this time is not small.
Wanxi didn't sleep well that night, besides feeling sorry for Yurui, why not take care of Wanxi for Debao.

Born in Baoyi of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the two brothers Debao and Guanbao passed the Jinshi examination and became Manchurian Hanlin. These years have not been easy.Now that he was implicated because of the mistake of his deputy, this is somewhat similar to Ji Qing.

Although Wanxi didn't rely on Jiqing and Debao to get everything today, after all, these two people also helped her a lot. uncomfortable.

Every time at this time, a test is placed in front of her, and she has not thought about whether she should ask the emperor for them.

After all, these two people were blamed because of their assistants, not because of their own deliberate mistakes, but because of their negligence...

But after thinking about it again and again, Wanxi finally pressed the idea down.

Wanxi couldn't fall asleep, so she simply got up and went to the Nuan Pavilion opposite to see Xiao Shiwu.Little Shiwu fell asleep sweetly, even though he was weaned from breastfeeding, but he still clicked his lips subconsciously in his sleep, as if he was still savoring the delicious taste of sucking.

Wanxi grabbed Xiao Shiwu's hand, sighed softly, and said quietly, "Yuanzi, if you dare to do something, you have to be a man. If you make a mistake, you are wrong, and it is not your own direct fault, but since you have taken on that errand , you have to shoulder that responsibility.”

"Although I can't bear it, I can't beg for mercy... because if I beg for such a small favor, it will mess up the court's general rules and regulations. What's more, what kind of person is your emperor Ama? Zhang Mingjing went. He deserves to be punished or let go, and who can compare with your Huang Ama?"

Wanxi gently shook Xiao Shiwu's chubby hand, "Tell me, is what Er Nie said right? If you help Er Nie break it, will they be disappointed in Er Nie?"

Xiao Shiwu slept soundly, but the little hand subconsciously held Wanxi's fingers tightly.

The child's palm was soft and firm, this small grasp gave Wanxi peace of mind.

Wanxi took a deep breath, tried her best to smile and said, "...Ene is for you, and I can't do such a thing. Because, only Ene can tell you how to do it in the future. ~"

(End of this chapter)

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