Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2392, Volume 7, 95

Chapter 2392 Seven Volumes 95

It was not until the eighth day of May that the Empress Dowager returned to Luan by water.

The accompanying guests, Empress Nala, Concubine Shu, Concubine Xin, etc., just came back with them.

After these few days of free time, Wanxi has adjusted her mood for the time being.

Why does Wanxi not understand that after everyone has returned in good order, the news of her happiness must be made public; at the same time, the matter of Debao cannot be kept secret.

This joy and sorrow, naturally some people rushed to make use of it, and she had to face it.

Taking advantage of the fact that the emperor went to Huangzhuang to meet the empress dowager in person, and had to send the empress dowager to the Yuanmingyuan in person after returning, Wanxi first asked Yu Rui to go and say hello to Concubine Yu on her behalf.

After all, among the heads of the inner court who stayed in the capital, the rank of Concubine Yu was the most respected, and the qualification was the elder.Wanxi is a noble concubine, so there is no need to visit Concubine Yu in person, but it is still necessary to say hello.

Besides, after returning this time, everything is fine for the children.Wanxi was also secretly glad in her heart.

Although it is clear that the child has nothing to do with Concubine Yu, it is Concubine Ying, Concubine Wan, and Concubine Rong who take good care of her, and it is not her turn to concubine Yu to accept this thank you... But how should I put it, Wanxi agrees. Love—at least Concubine Yu didn't move her mind this time, did she?

For such a person, thank God she didn't take the initiative to harm you.

Before Yurui left, Wanxi gave Yurui the gift she had brought back, and also instructed her carefully.

"Your Mama was an official with your uncle in the previous court, and you and Yingyuan were in the harem, so your family is of the same spirit. This time your Mama had an accident, although you and Yingyuan are not biological sisters, but Yingyuan has a heart. It’s not comfortable to leave. When you go, don’t forget to reassure Yingyuan as well.”

"The emperor is angry, but he can't directly warn King Annan, so it doesn't matter what the matter is. After all, you, Ama, are envoys and have no shirkable responsibility. Then Gu Ruxiu has been dismissed, and the emperor must punish you." Ma go."

"It's just that I'm thinking, no one in this world can compare to the emperor's clarity. After the limelight of this matter is over, the emperor will definitely use you, Ama. At least you can rest assured that you are called Yingyuan."

Yurui stared carefully at Wanxi, and then nodded slowly after a while, "Don't worry, sister... I know what to do."
Since the noble concubine ordered the dignitaries in the palace to send a gift from the south, Concubine Yu personally brought Yingyuan to greet her.

Concubine Yu was worried that it would be embarrassing to Yurui because of the grievances formed between Concubine Yu and Yongshou Palace, so she asked Yingyuan to bring her little elder brother together.

The three adults sat together awkwardly, and there was a child in the middle to interfere, which made it much more comfortable.

Yurui held the little elder brother in her arms, teasing and babbling.Concubine Yu was not at ease, but her face was fine, so she greeted Wanxi, "I don't know if the imperial concubine has been away for several months, everything is going well in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Only then did Yu Rui nodded with a smile, "Concubine Lao Yu asks, everything is fine, Concubine Gui."

Concubine Yu nodded, "That's right. Although the imperial concubine's mother's family voted for our Qing Dynasty long ago, her ancestors were still from Jiangsu after all. This time I'm traveling south with her, and I'm revisiting my hometown. I'm really happy in my heart. "

Yu Rui drooped her eyes lightly, but she couldn't hide her sadness on her face.

Concubine Yu naturally noticed and understood what was going on.

Concubine Yu sighed softly, "As for you, Mr. Rui, you haven't seen each other for a few days, but you feel a little relieved. This makes the imperial concubine come back to see you, how can you feel relieved?"

Yurui glanced at Yingyuan quietly, but she didn't try to restrain herself, but lowered her head naturally, raised her sleeves and wiped her eyes.

"To tell you the truth, Concubine Yu, I can't take care of myself for the time being. I came to see Concubine Yu today, just to beg for Yingyuan's favor... After all, something happened to me, Ama. Yingyuan has nothing to do. At this time, my uncle is still a bachelor in charge of the Imperial Academy, and the emperor ordered my uncle to teach the nobles, which means that my uncle still has the emperor's trust."

"Please, Concubine Yu, please don't treat Yingyuan the slightest bit because of me, Ama."

Concubine Yu hurriedly smiled, "Oh, look at what you said, how could it be! First, you also said that this is not a matter of Guanbao; secondly, Yingyuan just gave Yongqi a son, how do I want to protect him?" It's too late for Yingyuan, why would you treat Yingyuan so slowly?"

Yurui still did not change her sadness, she lowered her head and shook her head sadly, "...Since Yingyuan has given birth to the fifth elder brother, the bond between my family and the fifth elder brother has deepened. Although the matter of my ama I don’t want to affect Yingyuan, but it’s unavoidable that someone in the harem will take advantage of the situation and do everything possible to influence Yingyuan’s position in the hearts of fifth elder brother and Concubine Yu.”

"Actually, it doesn't matter what Yingyuan herself does. After all, she is just a prince's maid; if the fifth prince is really implicated in this matter, that is the last thing my mother's family would dare to see."
Concubine Yu also narrowed her eyes slightly, stared at Yurui, and nodded slowly after a while.

"Mr. Rui's meaning, I also understand in my heart."

After all, in Yongqi's back house at this time, although E Bi has just been transferred from the governor of Shanxi to the governor of Shanxi, he is still the governor, but the situation of the E family is irreversible, and Yong Qi is more and more afraid to get too close with the E family. No matter whether Concubine Yu is willing or not, Yongqi can only pay more and more attention to Yingyuan's mother's family.

Besides, Yingyuan has just given birth to Yongqi, even though Yingyuan's status can only be the prince's servant girl, but now she is the biological mother of Yongqi's only child, and this status has actually been raised to the second only E Ning went to Fujin.

In this way, Yongqi and Suo Chuoluo's family are bound together, and there is a tendency of both prosperity and loss.

Although it was Debao who had the accident this time, not Yingyuan's father Guanbao, the current status of the Sochaoluo family was supported by the two brothers Guanbao and Debao.The loss of Debao means that the status of Suo Chuo Luo's family will be lowered, and Concubine Yu naturally does not want to see it.

Therefore, on this matter, although Concubine Yu and Yurui had been at odds for a long time, if she thought of Yong Qi, she still couldn't be happy about this matter.

Concubine Yu raised her eyes and looked at Yurui, "I dare not say that I have the ability to control the matter of going to the harem; but I can have a heart-to-heart with Mr. Rui: if you are worried about Yingyuan being in Yongqi's harem If you suffer a loss here, then you can rest assured. No matter what your mother's family is, Yingyuan alone has opened branches and leaves for Yongqi. This is the greatest contribution and the most sufficient reliance. Whether it is me or Yongqi Qi, she will definitely not make her feel sad in the institute because of this incident."
As expected, Concubine Xin returned home with the Empress Dowager, and heard about Debao that night.

Concubine Xin was aggrieved all the way, and finally heard the good news, and couldn't hold back.Early the next morning, I went to the "Xingshuyuan" early to see Concubine Yu.

It’s May again, although the apricot blossoms are best in March and April, but because of the moisture in the Old Summer Palace, the season is a bit late, so when Concubine Xin walked into the “Apricot Tree Garden”, she could still see the apricot blossoms on her head .

As she walked, the apricot blossoms fell from the branches and fell into her hair.

Concubine Xin was also taken aback, standing under the apricot tree feeling a little absent-minded.

I couldn't help but whispered, "Spring tour, apricot blossoms blowing all over your head. Is there any young and romantic family in Moshang?"

She also had such a cardamom age, and she also had such longing.Imagining the young man he will marry in the future, looking forward to the bright future of the romantic relationship...

Until, when she was 13 years old, her mother officially opened the conversation with her.Her mother told her that the daughters of the Eight Banners family had to be auditioned first, and only the ones who put up the brand could get married on their own.And based on their family's status, and her Ama's ability to be the governor of the seven provinces, she will definitely be marked.

She was branded from that day on, knowing that her future must be spent in the harem.The boy she had dreamed of would eventually become the emperor who was 26 years older than her.

From then on, there was no such innocence in her head full of apricot blossoms, and in her heart, there was no longer the boy she dreamed of... The person she is destined to follow all her life can only be the older man. She was a 26-year-old man, and it was no longer possible for her to get his youthful love.

So her heart can only start to age from that moment, she must learn to be as scheming as that man, only in this way can she survive among the group of older women after entering the palace more importantly, this is the only way for her to get closer to that emperor...

Over the years, was she right or wrong?
If she was wrong, where did she go wrong?
Fighting for favor regardless of everything, whoever stands in my way in this harem will die... Isn't this the consistent law of survival in the harem for thousands of years?She just did what all harem women would do, so how could she be wrong?
Thinking of the grievances along the way, Concubine Xin's mood suddenly changed again.Then I looked up at the apricot blossoms, no longer the innocent and innocent apricot blossoms, but I only felt that the apricot blossoms were withered, and spring was getting old.

Her heart also sank, and she groaned for the second half of the sentence: "I plan to marry and divorce for the rest of my life. Even if I am ruthlessly abandoned, I can't be ashamed..."

It's so sad to say, always being ruthlessly abandoned, but still have no complaints or regrets.

This looks a bit like her again!

Even if he was abandoned by the emperor, her heart for him was still alive.She still hopes to regain his gaze, she still wants to regain his favor!

She has already put her heart into this, but the emperor, why can't he understand her heart?
She was absent-minded under the apricot tree for a long time, until Concubine Yu had personally picked it up, standing on the steps and smiling, "Sister Xin concubine came back from Jiangnan with her car, so she also got tainted with the sentimentality of Jiangnan women?"

Only then did Concubine Xin come back to her senses, her face blushed, and she hurried forward to salute, "I haven't seen you in four months, how is Sister Yu?"
The two of them sat inside and finished their tea before Concubine Xin got down to business.

"...I didn't expect to hear about Debao just after I came back. Thinking about how many things the imperial concubine Ling has relied on Debao all these years, Debao suddenly got offended. Also flashed away."

Concubine Xin said with a sneer, "I don't know if the emperor is getting older, and now he is becoming more and more moody. How many ministers who have been appointed for many years have lost the emperor's favor for no reason. fine."

Jiqing, An Ning, and Debao are all from aristocratic families in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They are all old men in the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have been used by the emperor for decades. He was punished, and Ji Qing was even sentenced to beheaded, which made people feel really sad.

Concubine Yu cared more about Concubine Xin's implication, "Sister Xin is watching the emperor showing signs of getting old and confused?"

Concubine Xin raised her eyebrows, she knew what Concubine Yu cared about.Concubine Xin smiled, "Sister Yu, don't worry too much. Thinking about coming to the emperor, he always takes Lord Kangxi as a model, and Lord Kangxi only went there in his 60s after all..."

Concubine Yu quickly shook her head and denied, "I don't mean that. I just worry that the emperor will be over half a hundred years old after all. It will be thousands of miles and a few months for such a southern tour. It is inevitable that he will be tired. It is inevitable when making a decision." It's kind of confusing."

Concubine Xin smiled coldly, "Sister Yu has always been so careful even in front of me."

Concubine Yu raised her eyes, "How dare you be careless? As sister Xin said, it is an old man who the emperor has used for many years. After many years, maybe the emperor will catch the pigtails at any time and find out some mistakes, and that would be bad."

Concubine Xin took a deep breath, "That's right, my sister has been carefully sailing for ten thousand years, and I admire my little sister. Even today, my little sister wants to learn from sister Yu."

No matter what happens to Concubine Yu, she gave birth to a prince and won the position of concubine.As for Concubine Xin herself, there were only two princesses, and one of them died; as for the position of concubine, now that there are four concubines above the concubine position, the road to enfeoffment is already difficult for her.

Concubine Yu smiled faintly, "Sister Xin was joking. With her family background, young beauty, how can she not be superior to me?"

Concubine Xin couldn't help raising her eyebrows and staring at Concubine Yu, "... I hope that my younger sister is careless, why do I feel that my sister Yu and I seem to have some differences after returning this time?"
Concubine Yu stared at Concubine Xin, the corners of her mouth twitched, but she finally swallowed that sentence and just smiled faintly.

"Sister Xin has been away for a few months, and she saw me when she came back. After all, it's inevitable that she looks a little strange, right?"

After all, Concubine Yu couldn't explain clearly that Concubine Xin brought up the matter of Debao when she came back, which made Concubine Yu feel a little unhappy.

Mrs. Rui's worry is not unreasonable. Concubine Yu understands that if there are people in the harem who want to make use of it, not to mention others, Concubine Xin must be one of them.

But if Concubine Xin really did this, it would be detrimental to Yong Qi; Concubine Yu also wanted to use this as a test - if Concubine Xin really took her and Yong Qi to heart, she naturally shouldn't take the initiative to bring this up thing.

It's a pity that when Concubine Xin came back, she became elated when she heard about it.

Concubine Xin looked at Concubine Yu quietly, "Little sister has been away for a few months, but I don't know that sister Yu is in the palace, what happened to her?"

During this southern tour, Concubine Gui and Concubine Qing both went. Concubine Yu stayed in the palace. She is the person with the highest rank. Concubine Xin is not without expectations. What Concubine Yu might do... At least the fifteenth Brother is still in the palace.

But to Concubine Xin's disappointment, the palace has been so peaceful these past few months.

Concubine Yu couldn't understand what Concubine Xin said, she just lowered her eyes lightly, "In the past few months, I wish I could be with my little grandson every day, how can I care about others?"

Concubine Xin just squinted her eyes.

——No wonder Concubine Yu has been so peaceful these past few months, so why is she trying to accumulate blessings for her grandson?

Concubine Yu stared at Concubine Xin, but did not evade, "Yongqi has already lost two children, both of whom are pitiful and died just a few days after they were born... This time, I, the mother-in-law, also Naturally, we must accumulate virtue and good fortune for this child."

Concubine Xin tried her best to hold back a sneer, and lowered her eyes.

Forget it, after people have a prince, they naturally look forward to the prince's grandson; and she, who has not given birth to a prince, can only focus on the present, and can't enjoy the joy of Concubine Yu's next generation.

"Sister Concubine Yu is really full of children and grandchildren now, and she is content."

Concubine Yu stared at Concubine Xin, and said slowly, "Sister Xin accompanied her on the southern tour, she should have fulfilled her wish, won the emperor's favor again, right?"

Concubine Yu deliberately stared at Concubine Xin's belly, "...May I be the first to say congratulations to Sister Xin?"

Concubine Xin finally couldn't hold back, her complexion had changed, she bit her lips and didn't move, "I'm afraid it's someone else who is happy!"

Concubine Yu was startled, "Who?"

Concubine Xin narrowed her eyes, "Sister Yu, don't worry, after all, it won't be a month or two before that person's belly should show up. We will know about it by then."

Concubine Xin slowly glanced at Concubine Yu, "From what I see, it's just the situation in the 24th year of Qianlong's reign. There must be one of Concubine Ling and Concubine Yu!"

Although Concubine Yu was shocked, her reaction was not as big as Concubine Xin's.

After all, Imperial Concubine Ling already had a prince, even if she gave birth to another prince, these two would be just babies.Compared with her Yongqi, there are still nearly 20 years in the middle, and she is not a threat to Yongqi for the time being.

Concubine Yu's heart is still grudged at this moment, it is still the first prince who has turned ten years old and is about to become an adult, go forever!
So Concubine Yu just nodded lightly, "Oh, that's how it is."
Concubine Xin didn't expect Concubine Yu's reaction to be so calm, she couldn't help staring at Concubine Yu.

"Sister Yu is... not shocked?"

Concubine Yu sighed, "Oh, I'm 49 after all, and next year I should completely remove my green head card, and I will never sleep with you again. After all, it doesn't matter who has children in the harem, it won't be Me. Me, this child Yongqi is the only one in my life, and I have accepted my fate."

Concubine Xin couldn't help but secretly gritted her teeth.

Concubine Yu has reached her age, and her desire to compete for favor is dead; now she doesn't want to compete for favor anymore, and all her thoughts are only on Yongqi.

If this is the case, Concubine Yu's jealousy towards Concubine Ling will gradually fade away, so how can she expect Concubine Yu to continue to help her restrain Concubine Ling?
"Sister Yu accepts her fate, but our fifth elder brother can't accept his fate after all! Sister Yu, don't forget that Concubine Ling already has a fifteenth elder brother... The emperor loves the fifteenth elder brother more than Zhenbao, and always says that child is the most similar to him. His!"

Concubine Yu felt a little sour in her heart, but the reaction was still not as strong as Concubine Xin expected.

Concubine Yu was perfunctory, but instead stepped forward and squeezed Concubine Xin's hand and asked, "On the way, I wonder if Sister Xin gets along well with the empress?"

Concubine Xin understood that Concubine Yu's thoughts were less and less about Concubine Ling, and now she was more concerned with the Empress!
If she continues to join hands with Concubine Yu in the future, will the price be that she will help Concubine Yu to plot against the Queen?

But... the empress is not her goal. If she wants to regain her favor, the person she must bring down is Concubine Ling, not the empress!
The queen does not monopolize the favor of the emperor, she does not want the queen's seat now; she just wants to regain the favor, and only wants to overthrow the stumbling block of the imperial concubine Ling, does Concubine Yu understand it? .
Concubine Xin never expected that when she came back to the palace and broke up with Concubine Yu, it would be another setback.

Aggrieved on the southern tour road, she had a bad nose just after returning to Beijing, her heart sank severely along the way, and she couldn't be ironed by the spring in May.

"Concubine Yu may not be able to count on her..." She sprinted and wrapped the handkerchief around her fingertips fiercely, "She is an ungrateful old woman, she forgot how I helped her !"

Le Rong also said, "Concubine Yu really only cares about Brother Fifth and my little grandson now. I'm afraid it's because Concubine Yu is getting old, so her heart will also fade away."

Concubine Xin gritted her teeth, "Without her, I can definitely get things done on my own! I don't expect her to be, and she won't have to rely on me in the future!"

Concubine Xin twisted her handkerchief fiercely as she said, "Go, separate the things I brought back from Jiangnan, and give them to Langui, Xianggui, E Changzai, and Lu Changzai! No matter who they are, As long as it can help me, I am willing to make friends!"

It's just that Concubine Xin feels discouraged when she talks about it. Look at the people she can think of. They are all nobles or regulars. They are all the people with the lowest status in the harem!
The one who disappointed her the most was this Lan nobleman.Gege from the good Niu Hulu family, a good junior from the empress dowager's family, how come they have been in the harem for several years, it's just so useless, and they can't expect anything!

Le Rong knew that the master was in a bad mood, so he hurriedly agreed, "Don't worry, the master. After the slave returns, we will arrange to put it back. When the score is settled, we will send it out tomorrow."

Hearing what Le Rong said, Concubine Xin felt even more sad.

Is there anything else that needs to be specially arranged?If there are many things brought back, why bother breaking them into eight petals?After all, it was she who went to Jiangnan this time, and she didn't bring back much at all.I thought that I could bring back a lot of good things by relying on An Ning's rich family fortune; but this time, An Ning didn't dare to reveal her wealth at all. , not to mention the limited quantity, and they are not worth a few taels of silver!

Want her to come back and still count on these things to hand over people and do things?Heh, she herself was worried that it would be good if these things were not thrown out by others, so did she dare to count on these things to succeed?

She bit her lips anxiously, with confusion and loneliness in her eyes, "...It's okay, even if they can't count on them, it's okay! I only have myself, I have a lot of ways, and I will definitely be able to regain my love!"

"This is what I must do. I will spare everything, and no one can stop me!"

(End of this chapter)

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