Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2393, Volume 7, 96 Lively

Chapter 2393 Seven Volumes 96 Lively (Bi)

Since she came back in May, Empress Nala knew that the Yigui in her palace was conferred with the word "Shen".

As soon as she came back, all the people in Liugong gathered to pay their respects.Facing concubine Shen in his own palace, and nobleman Shen in Concubine Shu's palace, Nala felt a little awkward when he spoke.

Moreover, these two people are also somewhat related to her: Concubine Shen belongs to her palace, but nobleman Shen is the same Nala clan as her.

In May, there are still many days when the six palaces gather together. Except that she just came back, everyone is calm in the morning and evening, saying hello in the morning and evening, and the Dragon Boat Festival will be over, so even the clan Fujin outside the palace will also come into the palace. The two people with the same title are making it difficult for others.

In terms of addressing the imperial family Fujin and the servants in the palace, they could have simply been called by their titles, and just called "Master Shen"; but now there are two "Master Shen", and they were confused One after another.

Nala was also helpless, so she ordered in a low voice, and asked Tana to inform everyone to be extra special, and to distinguish them as "Shen Concubine Master" and "Shen Guiren Master".

After Nala gave her orders, she glanced at Concubine Shu and smiled dryly, "I was caught off guard by this, and Concubine Shu must be the same. After all, we all just came back with the empress dowager, and no one knew the emperor's intentions beforehand. It’s such a fixed title.”

Nalashi paused, staring into Concubine Shu's eyes, "...I'm wondering, how could the emperor have misremembered this matter. It is said that nobleman Shen is a nobleman in Concubine Shu's palace, the emperor should not have forgotten it. ah."

How can Concubine Shu fail to understand Nala's words?
Nala's words were clearly satirizing the emperor's neglect of Concubine Shu for so long that even the nobles living in Concubine Shu's palace forgot.

Concubine Shu naturally understood the reason for the hidden needle in Nala's words.Who made her and Concubine Ling get back together now, getting closer and closer, and this hindered the eyes of the Empress of the Central Palace.

Concubine Shu thought clearly, so she smiled indifferently, calmly, and met Nala's eyes, "... what the mistress said is true. No matter whether nobleman Shen lives with me or not, nobleman Shen also came out with the mistress Nala, the emperor shouldn't forget about it."

"In the final analysis, the emperor can forget that the concubine is from the Yehenara clan, but he should not forget that the master's empress is also from the Huifanara clan~"

Concubine Shu's counterattack was just right, this one seemed to use no force, but it was hard on the sore spot in Nala's heart, and she couldn't breathe for a long time.

Concubine Shu lowered her eyes indifferently, hiding her smile, and said slowly, "Actually, although the title of the head of the inner court should not be important; but since it is already important, judging from the concubine's body, it is not bad."

"Careful, the word 'sincerity' is also used. Cautious, prudent, sincere, and guarding virtue. In this world, in this harem, there are a few more 'sincere' people. Isn't it a good thing? Therefore, in my concubine's opinion Come on, with the word 'Shen' as the title, it doesn't matter if there are two; even a few more, that would be even better!"

Concubine Shu nodded and smiled at Concubine Shen as she spoke, and shook hands with nobleman Shen who was sitting behind her seat, "Don't say that there will be Concubine Shen and nobleman Shen, in my opinion, there will definitely be Concubine Shen in the future." go!"

Concubine Shen and Lady Shen could not help but smile towards Concubine Shu.

Nala felt even more uncomfortable.

"Concubine Shu is getting better at talking now. She is not as straightforward as she used to be, but now she is more careful and slick." Nala raised her jaw high, showing the majesty of a queen, "This is a bit out of character. Our old Manchurian princess, on the contrary, has a bit of Jiangnan habits!"

"Could it be that Concubine Shu went on a tour to the south this time, and was also influenced by the atmosphere of the south of the Yangtze River, so she even forgot her fundamental purpose when she came back?"

Concubine Shu smiled lightly, and raised her lips, "Since the mistress dislikes Jiangnan so much, the concubine can't help but plead with the emperor on behalf of the mistress when the emperor is on his southern tour next time... There is no need to beg the emperor." It’s embarrassing for Mistress Mistress, so I have to ask Mistress Mistress to go on a tour to the south. It’s better to wait for the emperor to go on a tour to the north or east, and then pass by Mistress Mistress Huifa City’s hometown, and then Master will go with him.”

Concubine Shu tilted her head on purpose as she spoke, "However, the Empress Dowager is in high spirits this time on her southern tour, and the master and empress are serving the Empress Dowager all the way. I'm afraid that she is actually unwilling?"

Nala finally couldn't hold back anymore, she gritted her teeth and scolded, "Concubine Shu, you are talking too much of yourself! Presuming the meaning of the middle palace without authorization, is this what a concubine like you should do?"

Concubine Shu got up quickly with a smile, and gave a half-squatting salute to Nalashi, "It's my fault for daring to be affectionate. The master and empress are happy to accompany you on the southern tour, so Jiangnan must have made the master and empress happy. Who said that the master The empress doesn’t like Jiangnan anymore? The mistress just said that the concubine has brought back the habits of Jiangnan, so it is a compliment to the concubine, and the concubine should thank the mistress for her kindness.”

Concubine Shu's string of witty words made Wanxi, Yuqin and the others laugh.

Nala was most annoyed to lose face in front of this group of Jiangnan Han women, at this moment her cheeks were flushed with anger, but she asked Concubine Shu to block her words at both ends, and was unable to refute for a while.

Concubine Yu sat at the side, listening, and chuckled lightly.

This opportunity is very good, when the words fell to the ground, Concubine Yu naturally picked up the words.

"According to me, whether it's the master or the concubine Shu, the emperor naturally cares about it. After all, both of them are from the Nala family, one is Huifanara, and the other is Yehenara. They are all old Manchurians, and all of them are of noble status."

After all, Nala's words were more pleasing to her ears, she raised her eyes to stare at Concubine Yu, but nodded, "Concubine Yu rarely speaks, but what she said is reasonable."

Concubine Yu was waiting for this, so she responded with a smile, "It's just that the master and concubine Shu are the empress of the palace, and the other is the concubine, so there is a difference between concubines and concubines. The emperor naturally cares more about the master. Empress Dowager, this reminds me that Yi Guiren in the master's empress palace has been promoted to be a concubine and should have a good title; let's forget for a moment that there is already a Shen nobleman in Concubine Shu's palace, maybe there is."

It was only then that Nalashi heard that something was wrong, but it was too late to stop it.

Concubine Yu finally got the chance, and said with a faint smile, "Or, if the emperor takes the title of concubine in the empress's palace, it is not necessary to say hello to the empress first. So I thought, maybe it is The empress really likes the word 'sincerity', that's why she helped Concubine Shen get this good title from the emperor, right?"

"Again," Concubine Yu glanced at Nala with a smile, "Even if the emperor is busy on his southern tour, he might forget for a while. As the empress is the queen of the palace, she can naturally remind the emperor. As long as the empress says In other words, I believe that the emperor will definitely change the title of one of the concubine Shen and the nobleman Shen with the next word... Since the emperor is knowledgeable, this matter is not difficult; besides, there are officials from the Ministry of Rites, and they will draw up a few more words. It’s just a matter of choosing a word.”

"But I see, the emperor didn't think of this at all, and he didn't plan to change it again. So the empress didn't remind the emperor from the beginning to the end, right? I always believe that as long as the empress reminds me How could the emperor not care about Zhonggong's opinion?"

Concubine Yu calmly raised her eyes and smiled at Nala, "The Empress said, is this concubine right? The emperor has always respected the opinions of the middle palace, is there anything wrong with my concubine?"

Only at this moment did Nala realize that she had missed another move, so she stared at Concubine Yu, but was too obsessed to speak.

She didn't want to admit that she didn't remind the emperor, but she didn't want to admit that the emperor never paid attention to her opinion of the middle palace!
Picking the lesser of two evils, she swallowed the bitterness abruptly, raised her jaw, and tacitly agreed to Concubine Yu's words.

Concubine Yu succeeded, she smiled and looked back at nobleman Shen with pity, "I remember that nobleman Shen lived in seclusion for a period of time after being restored to nobleman, and his body was also weak, so he seldom even came to greet the empress. Is it because of this that the empress also forgot her younger sister's title? The younger sister will learn a lot of wisdom, and she can serve the empress cautiously in the future, and she will never miss her again in the morning and evening."

Concubine Yu sighed as she spoke, "Alas... Anyway, nobleman Shen is also from the Nala family. It is said that the empress should never forget her younger sister. Maybe it's because my younger sister was the 'noble person' back then, and she was restored later. When I was a nobleman, I only got the word 'Shen' as a title. In the empress's palace, Lin Guiren entered the palace with her younger sister, so the empress forgot that her younger sister's name was changed."

Concubine Yu turned her head to look at nobleman Shen, "It's a coincidence that Lin nobleman back then and concubine Shen today are both from the empress's palace. Lord Shen, you are from the queen's palace. , it is really destined~"
Concubine Yu's words fell to the ground, and everyone present had their own feelings.

It's just that other people are in the middle, so it's not easy to interrupt, but Concubine Xin smiled when she heard it, but suddenly turned her head and stared at Concubine Yu.

"...Sister Yu's words, my little sister can't agree with them."

Concubine Yu was also startled, and raised her eyes to stare at Concubine Xin.

Concubine Yu did not expect that Concubine Xin would speak out against her today.This clearly means that Concubine Xin has remembered the grudge from the day before yesterday, so does it mean that she wants to break up with her?
Concubine Xin knew what Concubine Yu thought, so she was a little proud of herself, and instead looked straight back at Concubine Yu.

"The Empress is from the old Manchurian family. Originally in the harem, she could only speak and write Chinese characters. The Empress disdains to delve into those Chinese characters the most. Therefore, sister Ruoyu is talking about the two The sisters' titles in Manchu are fine, we empresses can think about it, so I can remind the emperor; but, the word 'Shen' refers to the titles in Chinese characters."

Concubine Xin smiled sweetly at Nala's concubine, "Our empress really doesn't bother to delve into the meaning behind this word. So it's not that the empress doesn't care about concubine Shen and nobleman Shen. It's just the overlapping of Chinese characters, our empress didn't care about it."

Seeing Concubine Xin suddenly save her from the siege, Nala was overjoyed, nodded her head and praised, "That's exactly what Concubine Xin said! If Concubine Yu wants to tell me about this, at least you should say that full of words." Words! — Oh, I forgot, if you were asked to speak Manchu characters, you might not be able to speak them. Who told you that you are not Gege from a Manchurian family, but the daughter of a Mongolian armored man~”

Concubine Yu stared fiercely at Concubine Xin as if she had been slapped on the cheek.

Even Wanxi was a little surprised that today's "lively" event came.Even the others present don't know how to help round up the situation.

Wanxi was concerned that Concubine Shu and Lin Guiren were being involved in a roundabout way, so she was thinking about how to speak for them in a tactful way, when she suddenly heard a report from outside that Gao Yun had never passed the decree.
Such a sudden situation caused the hearts of all the concubines present to thump.

Nala didn't bother to quarrel anymore, she hurriedly stood up, led all the concubines to stand up, saluted and received the order.

Gao Yuncong smiled and said hastily, "The emperor's oral order is not a decree, so I invite all the masters to invite you. The emperor has ordered, just ask the slaves to come and speak. There is no need for the masters to be so cautious."

Nalashi still took a deep breath, unable to relax, "You say so."

Gao Yuncong smiled slightly, and after saluting Nala, he suddenly saluted Concubine Yu, "Congratulations to Master Yu."

Everyone's gazes were like splashed water, they all turned towards Concubine Yu.

Concubine Xin was even more suspicious, thinking that Gao Yuncong's words were to confirm Concubine Yu's happiness.

Concubine Yu was also taken aback, her face turned pale, and she asked Gao Yuncong in a panic, "I don't know where you said that?"

Gao Yuncong was also clever. Seeing this scene, he knew that what he said had caused a misunderstanding, so he quickly knelt down again and slapped himself.

"It's the slave's outspokenness, which caused the masters to misunderstand... The slave actually wanted to say - the slave passed on the emperor's oral order, bestowing Xinjile, an official woman in the womb of Lord Yu, to learn the rules under the position of Master Yu..."

Everyone understood and was shocked again.

This kind of familiar yet unfamiliar vibration happens every two or three years.Ordinarily, over the past few decades, this matter has long been commonplace; but in the end, no one wants to get used to it.

——Official women learn the rules, which means that they will soon be enfeoffed.

"New Jill?" Nala's voice turned cold, "Which Xinjill?"

Concubine Yu herself was a little confused, and Xin Jile, who was serving her, was Zhang Er's monk.

When Concubine Yu saw the Queen asking about it, she couldn't take care of others for the time being, so she had to fight back and pull Xin Jile over, and said in a low voice, "Don't you formally pay respects to the master and empress?"

Xinjile's legs were so frightened that he didn't have time to kneel down firmly, but when his knees softened, he fell limply on the ground.

Concubine Yu held back a sigh, so she had to introduce, "I'm a lowly official girl, Xin Ji Le, from Xin Barhu."

"New Barhu" is relative to "Chen Barhu", which means "the Mongols who came to Barhu later".Chen Balhu came to the Hulunbeier area two years earlier, and the new Balhu is a Mongolian who migrated from the former Khalkha Chechen Khan to Barhu.

Because Concubine Yu's father led his family back east from Junggar, the emperor granted him a residence in the Hulun Buir area, which is on the same prairie as the Barhu Banner.And because Concubine Yu's mother's family is the Borzigit family who is a descendant of Genghis Khan, her family was originally Khalkha Mongolia, but was conquered by Junggar and had to surrender to become Erut, so her mother's family and the group originally belonged to Khalkha Mongolia was transferred to the "New Barhu Mongols" of Barhu Banner, and there is a natural connection.

After concubine Yu was promoted to the throne, the emperor selected Xin Jile from the Barhu Banner for her to serve in the palace.

Nalashi stared at Xinjile with his breath held, his heart churned.

This time, she and Concubine Yu accompanied her on the southern tour, and she had never seen the emperor show any favor to this official woman, so why did she suddenly come back to learn the rules?
Since when did the emperor fall in love with this official woman?Or was it because Concubine Yu pushed out her sons and daughters on the way and took the initiative to invite the emperor to favor him?

Thinking of this, Nala couldn't help but look up and down coldly at Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu was already 30 years old when she entered the palace, and she is even older now.After Concubine Yu lost that child three years ago, she was no different from being out of favor... Could it be that Concubine Yu was unwilling to remain silent, so she picked a young official woman by her side and pushed it to the emperor.

Nala's heart became very anxious: After all, the child that Concubine Yu lost that year was her hands and feet.Then this concubine Yu is unwilling to be silent, does she still want to use this newcomer to take revenge later? .
Nala was thinking about the past three years ago, but Xin was thinking about the present.

Concubine Xin's heart was pounding, and she stared at Concubine Yu's stomach even more closely.

——Concubine Yu is already a concubine at this time, but there is no room for concubine. Could it be that Concubine Yu is happy, and the emperor has no way to confer concubine Yu for the time being, so "Ai Wu Ji Wu" will confer the officials around Concubine Yu woman go? !
Today's situation was already lively enough, but now such a sudden incident happened, even Wanxi couldn't turn the corner.

After everyone dispersed, Wanxi went back to her dorm, but couldn't help hiccupping twice.

——Too many things happened today, which made her a little choked.

Yu Rui also sighed, "It's really lively today. I just stared at the changes in the faces of the Queen, Concubine Yu, and Concubine Xin. They are also emotionally ups and downs, and all of them have pink ink on their faces."

Wanxi smiled, "Then you describe me. I was also restless at that moment."

Yurui smiled embarrassedly, "...I'm not the same as myself."

Wanxi nodded and held Yurui's hand, "The women in the harem, no matter how old they are or how senior they are, will never be able to calm down when they encounter such a situation. Newcomers , they are all so young after all, making us feel ashamed."

Yurui looked at Wanxi carefully, "Sister...could it be said that when the emperor was in Jiangnan, it would be impossible to go if he fell in love with this woman? I can't figure it out. If the emperor loves a Han girl in Jiangnan, I still think Feelings can be forgiven; but why did you go to the south of the Yangtze River to favor a new Mongolian woman, who is still a Barhu?"

Wanxi smiled and lowered her head, "I don't understand either."

On this journey to the south, Wanxi is the closest and clearest to see the emperor's daily experience.The emperor has devoted all his energy to the seawall in Haining, and because of the careful planning of the Xuzhou River Works, the emperor has engraved all the sweetness in his heart.

She really couldn't figure out why the emperor had the leisure to pamper an official woman who never attracted attention.

Hearing what Wanxi said, Yurui finally smiled slowly, "...No matter what the emperor thinks, but because of this person and this incident, the whole thing has become lively today. Everyone is staring at Yu My concubine and her newcomer have gone, and today it is rare that no one attacked you; my sister didn't even say a word today."

Wanxi also burst out laughing, "That's right. I'm so 'in the cold' today, and I'm not used to it~"

Yurui grabbed Wanxi's hand and said, "No matter what, sister, don't take anything to heart at the moment. The most important thing at this moment is how to raise the baby in the stomach, so that anyone outside who wants to make a fuss Let's make trouble, just don't provoke us!"

Wanxi lowered her head, but bit her lips lightly, "...I don't know if this will hurt Concubine Yu. The moment she got out of Beijing and got on the boat, she used the plan to vomit from seasickness. Help me block Concubine Xin and the others. But this time, because of Xinjile's incident, Concubine Yu will return to Beijing, and there will be some days of unrest."

Yu Rui nodded, "Then let's not disappoint Concubine Yu's wishes! Sister has raised the emperor's heir well, and we will go when we can repay Concubine Yu!"
On May 21, the emperor ordered Zhaohui, Shangshu of the Ministry of Family Affairs, as the assistant envoy, and Wu Ling'an, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, as the deputy envoy.

At the canonization ceremony, both concubines Shen and Concubine Rong should wear court gowns and crowns.

But Concubine Shen and Concubine Rong are special.Because Concubine Shen is also from Erut Mongolia, and originally had Erut's court clothes, the emperor specially allowed Shen Concubine to still wear Erut's costumes for the canonization ceremony; only the court crown was re-prepared according to Yu's style , wear it on top and salute.

Concubine Rong is even more special. Not only can she still wear the traditional clothes of Huibu, but she is also exempted from the imperial crown, and still wears her own crown and hat.

The special feature of this two-person canonization ceremony just reflects the special treatment that the emperor and the court gave to Erut and Huibu.

The two were led by the internal management to make Fujin a female official, and they announced, received the book, and saluted.The next day, the female officials led them to the empress dowager's palace, in front of the emperor, and in front of the empress, respectively, and each performed the ceremony of six auspiciousness, three kneeling and three knocking, and the canonization ceremony was completed.

All the heads of the inner court congratulated the two new concubines.The gift Wanxi prepared for Concubine Shen was a black velvet "braid" with a silver chain hanging from it, following Concubine Yu's advice and the unique Mongolian costume of Erut, plus a pair of Erut-style pointy skirts. , wisp of flower boots.

Wanxi congratulated Concubine Shen first, then Concubine Rong.

When she came to Concubine Rong, Wanxi was very embarrassed and said, "Oh, look, I didn't bring any congratulatory gifts...Ah, are you blaming me?"

Both Concubine Rong and Concubine Shen lived in the same palace as the Empress, so they both saw that Wanxi brought congratulatory gifts to Concubine Shen.

But instead of being annoyed, Concubine Rong's deep and beautiful eyes suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance.

"The imperial concubine doesn't bring anything, but I'm the one who likes it the most! If the empress does, I'm going to cry!"

 Are you all "biting spring" yet? O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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