Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2394 Volume 7 97 Misfiring

Chapter 2394 Seven Volumes 97 Dumb Fire (Bi)

Seeing that Rongpin's heart is so clear, Wanxi is naturally also happy.

Wanxi held Pin Rong's hand, raised her eyes and stared at Pin Pin's incomparably beautiful eyes.

"...Because I don't have any more precious gifts. In the eyes of a mother, all the gold, silver and jewelry in this world can't compare to that little man~"

Concubine Rong's eyes were filled with tears of joy in an instant, she was so excited that she couldn't speak, only her lips trembled.

Wanxi lowered her head and said with a smile, "Ah, you have been promoted to be a concubine. According to the rules, you are qualified to raise the heir of the emperor. It's just that there are two concubines above the concubine, Qing Concubine and Concubine Ying, and there are no heirs under the knees. That doesn't mean that Jiujiu can't be formally handed over to you for upbringing."

"But my heart, you should always understand, just like when you were still with the nobleman, my heart has already entrusted Jiujiu to you..."

With tears of joy in her eyes, Concubine Rong nodded without hesitation, "Of course I understand! Don't say that everything in the palace is distinguished by rank and inferiority. If there is no emperor's heir above the concubine, you shouldn't call me one at all." The newly promoted concubine will go up first."

"Besides, from a private point of view, Concubine Qing and Concubine Ying have been with you for many years, and they love you as sisters. I can't compare with you. It's the concubine who wants to entrust Jiujiu to others. It's still not my turn...but the imperial concubine has long since acquiesced to Jiujiu to be with me, how can I be ungrateful in my heart?"

"It doesn't matter if there is no formal decree from the emperor? After all, what I care about is that Jiujiu can be by my side, and that's the most important thing."

Wanxi felt relieved, and nodded with a smile, "If so... I will officially entrust this petal of my heart to you, Ah Mu. That child has a different temperament from Xiao Qi, and is more mischievous and lively. If someone disobedient As for the place, you can take care of it, so you don’t have to report everything to me first as before.”

Wan Xi patted Rong Pin's hand, "After all, I can trust you, and I can rest assured that Jiu Jiu will grow up with you."

Wanxi said and blinked, "If Jiujiu follows you and can become as smart as you, then I couldn't be happier..."

Concubine Rong blushed, quickly lowered her head to avoid Wanxi's gaze, and said shyly, "It's a shame that the imperial concubine still said that~~ everyone in this world says 'every flower is in every eye', no matter how I look, the emperor will Didn't even look at me..."

Concubine Rong couldn't help sighing, raised her eyes, and teased Wanxi in turn, "Why didn't the emperor take me with me during this southern tour? And during this southern tour...why are you called the concubine alone?" Empress, are you happy to go?"

Wanxi blushed, and hurriedly slapped Concubine Rong's hand, and turned away, pretending to ignore Concubine Rong.

Concubine Rong sighed softly, "Your Majesty is still angry with me... It's a pity that I took the title of 'Harem's Great Favor' for your Majesty, and everyone in the harem thought I was the only one who won the Sacred Heart. You shouldn't even argue with me."

Then Wanxi sighed softly, turned around, put away her laughter, and looked seriously at Concubine Rong's eyes, "Silly, why doesn't the emperor care about you? Let's say that your canonization ceremony is from head to toe. If you only use your own clothes and hat, you are still No.1. Even Concubine Shen, although she can wear Erut's clothes, but the hat is still in accordance with the rules of the palace... The emperor treats you, It’s also unique.”

Concubine Rong tried her best to smile, "It's not wrong for the imperial concubine to say that. But because of the friendship between the imperial concubine and me, I'm not afraid to tell the truth—we are all women, why don't we understand that this is the case?" "Unique", is it the same thing as the emperor's "unique" to your concubine?"

Bitterness still oozes out of Concubine Rong's smile after all, "The emperor's uniqueness to me is for the world to see, for my people to see; and the emperor's uniqueness for you, the imperial concubine, is the most important thing in private between the two of you." Go with true affection."

"If I had to choose, I would rather let go of the uniqueness that is displayed in the face; to exchange for the uniqueness of the imperial concubine, which is unknown but known to the heart."

They are all women, women in the harem, Wanxi is the actual winner, but why not feel bitter for Concubine Rong?

Wanxi nodded, and gently patted Rongbi's hand, "I understand..."

Concubine Rong laughed to herself, and shook her head lightly, "Young concubine, come to your senses, don't think too much! I, I just said that, but I didn't take it seriously. Don't feel that you can't get rid of it in front of me, empress. ——The imperial concubine, please don’t forget that I am a member of the Hui tribe. I have a true god that is completely different from the emperor. If the emperor refuses to convert to my god, then I will not be able to do that intimate thing with the emperor, otherwise I will not be able to ascend to heaven after death of."

"Besides, the imperial concubine has already given me the most precious affection in this world, how can I not be satisfied, how can I have the audacity to seriously care about and compete with the imperial concubine?"

Wanxi also blushed, "Silly auntie, that's because you have a good nature and don't bother to fight. If you want to fight, I can't compete with you."

Concubine Rong "giggled" with a clear smile, "How does the imperial concubine want to embarrass me? Is it possible that I have to be like the empress and the empress, saying my title 'Rong' means that I have a beautiful appearance, but in the end it is not enough Iser servant?"

Wanxi has also heard such words.

It was Nala's story with Concubine Shen.

Concubine Shen and Concubine Rong were enfeoffed together, and they were both from the Queen's Palace, so Nala had to use the means of the middle palace to pull one and step on the other.

Concubine Shen is Mongolian Gege, concubine Rong is Huibu and Zhuo Nu, with Nala's old Manchu style, she naturally chooses Concubine Shen and despises Concubine Rong.Therefore, on the day when the two were canonized together, Nala's interpretation of the word "Rong" as a title was made in order to show that she valued Concubine Shen.

Wanxi lowered her head, but she smiled faintly, "Rong, is the beauty of appearance, but why is it that tolerance is great? Huibu returned to China, and China became a unified world. Isn't this a matter of tolerance?"

Wanxi gently shook Concubine Rong's hand, "With the word 'rong', what the empress sees is the beauty of your face, Ah Mu; but in the eyes of the emperor, it is the broad mind of the unification of the world. Therefore, in my opinion, What I see is the 'heart', it is the emperor's tolerance and tolerance towards the Hui tribe, and it is the heart that you have contributed to the Ronghe court and your mother's family."

Concubine Rong finally smiled in relief, but her eyes were hazy.

"I can get what you said, ma'am, why should I feel wronged?"

Wanxi nodded slightly, "I know that you have lived with the queen for so long, and I have really wronged you. But you used to be a nobleman, so you can't move out no matter what. Now that you are a concubine, I believe the emperor will plan for you sooner or later."
After the canonization ceremony, the emperor needed to fast because of the summer solstice sacrifice, so he returned to the palace from the Old Summer Palace.

Since the emperor returned to the palace for fasting, he was not accompanied by the harem.

Only then did Wanxi have leisure, and she still noticed Yurui's sickness and unhappiness.

Wanxi found some free time today to talk to Yurui alone.

"...You don't even eat delicious food these few days, so why don't I understand what you are going for?"

On the day of the canonization ceremony of concubine Shen and concubine Rong, the emperor decreed that Wohe, the deputy capital of Mongolia with the red flag, should be the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Speaking of which, this Wohe and Debao can also be regarded as "old enemies" in the position of minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Back then, Debao was dismissed from his job as the Chief Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs because of Nala's finding fault.

"...and just now that something happened to my Ama, this Pooh has a chance to come back again!" Yu Rui bit her lip.

Wanxi sighed softly, "Although the emperor used Wohe again, this time he did not remove your ama from the position of chief minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This means that Wuhe and your ama don't have to commit any crimes again, and work together Just do your job."

Yurui shook her head, "Sister, why have you forgotten how this Wohe came out and replaced my Ama? It was the queen's support... This time I am worried that there is the queen behind this matter."

Wanxi smiled softly, "You mean, our empress can't stand being lonely anymore, right?"

Wanxi thought for a while, then nodded, "After all, the Concubines Shen and Concubine Rong who were entrusted this time are all from her palace, so she has the same limelight as the Queen of the Palace. It is inevitable that she has to show herself even more. After all, Yongzheng is already 11 years old, and she will be married in two years, and she will be an adult. Just for Yongzheng, she has to stretch the majesty of the middle palace these few years of."

Yu Rui couldn't help but spit softly, "Isn't it enough for her to fight Concubine Yu right now? What are you doing to provoke us again!"

Wanxi bowed her head, "...she probably never let down her vigilance against us one day. Besides, the emperor hangs such a big poster in Siyongzhai. Sooner or later, the news will reach her six into the ears of the lord of the palace."

Yu Rui nodded after thinking about it, "Sister is right! In this way, I believe more and more that this Wohe was supported by her again! It must be that she saw that my Ama was offended in the previous court, and this is incompatible with the emperor. Chewing my tongue, I want the emperor to go to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs... If my Ama is dismissed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then of course Wohe will be on top again."

"And the emperor's dissatisfaction with my Ahma just now, it would be reasonable to dismiss my Ahma's job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Yurui choked up a little, but looked at Wanxi and smiled.

"I should thank the emperor. Although the emperor has annoyed me, Ama, and used Wohe, but this time, he did not remove all my posts from my ama. He is still in the position of minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Give me ama There is a glimmer of hope left. This must be because the emperor is thinking about you, so he let me go, Ama."

Wanxi's heart ached when she heard that, and she quickly grabbed Yu Rui's wrist, "Nonsense! How can the emperor not think that Debao is your Ama, and because of you, he will give Debao a little room for change; besides, these Nian Debao is in charge of the position of Minister of Internal Affairs, and he has made great efforts in publicity and hard work, and the emperor will be sympathetic."

Yu Rui tried her best to smile, "No matter what, the emperor has not dismissed me, Ama, from my official position this time, regardless of the previous court or the Ministry of Internal Affairs... I can finally breathe a sigh of relief when I am worried."

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand, "I tell you, Ama, the situation in front of me is somewhat similar to his situation back then. But in fact, the situation at this time is much better than it was then - after all, your Ama was only three years old. As a teenager, you are the youngest and the most junior in charge of internal affairs, so you are most likely to make mistakes; but now, you, Ama, have long been experienced, and you have many years of experience as a servant in the previous dynasty. It's Wohe coming back, but it's no longer the same situation as before."

"Besides, even back then, you, Ama, opened up the situation immediately; now that you have such a foundation, the situation in the future will only be better than before. As long as he shows the courage and patience of the past, there is no need to be afraid To see the moon when the clouds open?"

Yu Rui's heart also brightened, and she hurriedly bowed her knees to salute, "I'm on behalf of Ama and myself, thank you sister for calling~"
Three days later, the emperor returned to the Old Summer Palace from the palace after the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the land.

But after not seeing her for three days, Wanxi realized that there was something vaguely wrong with the way the emperor looked at her again.

Wanxi put down her job, tilted her head and glanced at the emperor, "Why are you secretly having fun? Could it be that after returning to the palace for three days, after fasting, it's already Qingming in Lingtai, so you have some kind of epiphany?"

Why couldn't the emperor hear the sarcasm in the little girl's words, so he spat, "A three-day fast? How can you be so blessed, it's only three days?"

The emperor purposely aimed at Wanxi's waist, "...it will take a few more months. After all, three days is not enough to make the Grand Master's Lingtai clear, but a few months may be enough."

Wanxi put up her sleeves to cover her lips and smiled, "Then tell me, what happy things have you encountered in the three days since you returned to the palace?"

However, the emperor was reserved on purpose, and glared at her with his lips pouted, "You've offended me, so I just don't want to say anything!"

Wanxi thought about things in her mind, but she really didn't think of anything that could be related to herself, so she didn't think much about it.

He just sighed intentionally, "The servant will understand—this year is the year when the women of the Eight Banners are elected every three years, so the emperor must have seen something good again."

Originally, these elections were all selected around February, but because the emperor set off on a southern tour in the first month of this year, and only came back in May, this matter has faded away.

Besides, the emperor is 52 years old this year, so even the officials of the Ministry of Rituals, who remember this matter, don't have to go forward to remind the emperor that he is coming.

Therefore, the emperor didn't mention this matter much this year, and he only gave a symbolic gift to an official woman to learn the rules, which can be regarded as making up for the matter of choosing a woman this year.

The emperor looked at Wanxi's bad behavior of picking which pot before it was opened, and he was very itchy at all, "What's the matter, I have a body, and I am so virtuous, I hope the Lord will choose a few more newcomers to enter the palace? That's fine, Since the noble concubine is so virtuous and virtuous, then I can’t let the noble concubine’s heart down, so I will issue an order to the Ministry of Rites to start over the selection of women this year!”

Wanxi blushed, and her eyes were fixed on the emperor.

The blush on his face was shameful, but why didn't he get annoyed?
Only then did the emperor sigh softly, stretch out his hands on the left and right to pinch Wanxi's bulging cheeks, and took advantage of the situation to embrace Wanxi into his arms.

"...I'm obviously not happy, but I insisted on talking up! This year, how could the master have such thoughts, and he tried every means to hide from the empress, and didn't want her old man to bring up such a thing, but you still insisted on bringing it up." !"

Wanxi pursed her mouth, and leaned softly into the emperor's arms, "It's not a problem if you don't choose, after all, the Lord chooses the women of the Eight Banners, not only to enrich the harem, but also to match for the princes, grandchildren, and close clans. What about marriage. This is only once every three years, if you don’t choose this year, how many good years of the clan’s children will be wasted?”

The emperor snorted softly, "Yongxuan is already married this year; as for Yongxuan and Yongxuan who are under Yongxuan, they are not yet old enough, so they are not in a hurry to choose Fujin for them. The Ministry of Rituals didn't dare to mention it during the southern tour for a year, as long as the empress forgets about it, then let's talk about it a year or two later."

Wanxi gently squeezed the emperor's hand with her little hand, "... If it wasn't for the matter of choosing a woman, the servant would never have thought that the master had only been back to the palace for three days, and it was still for fasting, so what good things would happen to him, so that the master would be here I couldn't help but secretly laugh in front of the servant."

The emperor feigned anger, grabbed Wanxi's hand, and lightly bit the back of her hand.

"You're stupid! Why do you still want to provoke me? It must be because of other people's business, isn't it?"

Wanxi was dumbfounded, she raised her eyes and blinked at the emperor, "But... but this servant himself, this is the biggest joy in my stomach, so I have nothing else to do~"

The corner of the emperor's lips pursed lightly, as if something was about to be blurted out.

But he still held back, tilted his head and smiled slyly, "That's not your happy event! I'm not afraid to tell you clearly, I just want to torment you and punish you for today's past!"

Wanxi wasn't frightened, but she really couldn't think of what kind of fox elixir was sold in the emperor's gourd. She was not fooled anyway.

Wanxi then made a grimace, "I don't mean to pull you down. After all, when the weather cools down, the slave will naturally have to go back to the palace from the garden, and I will know everything by then."

Anyway, Zi Wanxi can't think about the affairs in the palace at this moment, if there is no matter of choosing the women of the Eight Banners in front of her, then there will be the matter of the emperor Qiu Mulan in July.

The emperor has already discussed this matter with his ministers, and he will arrive in Rehe before July [-]th.Then it will start at the beginning of July.

And that was the time when her belly was showing its full bosom, and she couldn't hide it anymore.

This year, she just came back from the emperor's southern tour, for the sake of the child in her womb, she didn't dare to go to Rehe again.Therefore, she had already made up her mind to stay in the palace.Then at this time, she had to prepare in advance, if the time came when the emperor left Beijing and her belly just got bigger, how would she protect herself and the child safely in the palace.

Thinking of this, my heart is naturally already apprehensive.So for the time being, I can't take care of guessing what kind of happy event the emperor is hiding.
Along with the canonization ceremony of Concubine Shen and Concubine Rong, Concubine Guo, who passed away in the autumn of last year, finally got her title.

This posthumous title is similar to posthumous title.

Concubine Guo was posthumously named Concubine Xun.

Xun, it means being serious and respectful, but it also means being humble and careful, which is also in line with the fact that Concubine Xun has been treading on thin ice and being cautious in the palace for the past few years, but she has not been able to escape the fate of the harem's calculations after all... Hearing this title, Wanxi and Yu Qin and others, no one is sorry.

Concubine Yu even shed a few tears in front of everyone, wiping her tears with her sleeves in a serious manner, and muttered several times, "...but she went with the car, I didn't go, and I didn't take care of it at a glance. Tell her to go when she is so young."

"I don't know who actually harmed her. She has been buried in the ground at such a young age, but there is no way to tell her how to rest in peace until now?"

In April, before the emperor returned to Luan from the south of the Yangtze River, Concubine Xun had been enshrined in the concubine's bedroom.

Concubine Yu's tears also made everyone feel a little sad.

But Nala couldn't hear it, Concubine Yu wanted to find fault again, and used the matter of Concubine Xun to talk about the case between Yongqi and Yongxuan.The spearhead was directed at her again.

Nala held a sneer, and proudly squinted at Concubine Yu, "Concubine Yu Yu, you still remember that Concubine Xun stayed with you for a while, but went away without knowing why, and went to the soil with grievances at such a young age... ... After all, the people in the harem have been poking around all over, except that she has something to do with you because she lives with you, but there is no one else who would plot against her!"

"All the sisters who are here today have nothing to do but listen; if there is anyone who should talk about it, it is you, Concubine Yu."

Concubine Yu's gaze suddenly turned towards Concubine Xin.

Concubine Xin's heart trembled at first, but then she sat up straight and raised her eyes to look back at Concubine Yu proudly.

——In any case, the two of them discussed this matter together. If Concubine Yu wants to grab Concubine Xin, how can Concubine Xin spare Concubine Yu?

Concubine Yu only knew that she was wrong, so she hurriedly looked away in a somewhat disheartened manner.

Concubine Xin curled the corners of her lips proudly, smirked softly, and went to talk to Mrs. Lan on her own.

Concubine Yu adjusted for a while, and then met Nala's gaze again, "... Concubine Xun has gone, and she has been buried forever, there is no proof. But fortunately, there is still Yongxuan's Fujin."

"At that time, Qingzao and Concubine Xun were riding together, and both of them were injured. Thinking about the consequences of the previous relationship, it should be Qingzao who knows the most detailed information." Concubine Yu raised her eyes triumphantly, "Master, if you want to ask It is clear that I should ask my concubine and Yongqi, and I think they did a good job last year. Now is the time to ask Qingzao."

"Last year, Qingzao was injured and frightened, so it was inappropriate to ask her at that moment. But now it has been nine months, and Qingzao's injury has healed early, so she can come before the mistress Talk back."

Yuqin couldn't help frowning when she heard it, and whispered to Wanxi, "What is she thinking? She still wants to hold on to Yongxuan and Qingzao?"

Wanxi also felt chills in her heart, "After all, Concubine Xun's death was unknown, and she didn't want to be suspected because of it; more importantly, because of this incident last year, Yongqi was tortured by the queen in Mulan for so long, and her heart It's not worth it for my son, so I have to make use of it no matter what."

Yuqin raised her eyes and looked at Concubine Xin from a distance.

"That's strange. Concubine Xin didn't say a word when she said such a thing, and she even focused on talking to the official woman under her, as if she didn't pay attention to her eyes. This doesn't look like that Xin who is afraid of chaos in the world." Is the concubine gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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