Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2395 Volume 7 98 3 Hearts

Chapter 2395 Seven Volumes 98 Three Hearts (Bi)

Wanxi thought for a while, and couldn't help but sneer.

Yuqin hurriedly asked, "You must have thought of something, tell me quickly."

Wan Xi tilted her head, blinked and chuckled, "Sister, do you still remember what the emperor said many years ago—Concubine Yu, Concubine Yi, Concubine Xin, and nobleman Shen, these people all have a 'heart' in their titles." ' of...the emperor said that several of them are the emperor's "sweethearts"?"

"Concubine Yi is gone now, so there are only Concubine Yu, Concubine Xin, and Concubine Shen left. It's just that I didn't expect that there would be two more concubines Shen and Concubine Xun this year, but the latter two didn't catch up That's all the words the emperor said back then."

Yuqin clapped her hands, "I remembered, there is such a thing! That is what the emperor said when Mr. Shen was restless in the past, when he was demoted from the nobleman, and finally returned to the nobleman. "

Speaking of Shen Guiren's experience, Yuqin's heart also sighed.I think back then when Lord Shen and Lord Lin conferred the nobleman together for the first time, it was still in April of the 13th year of Qianlong, and just a month after Empress Xiaoxian died, the emperor sealed the Six Palaces.

And at that time, Yuqin herself was awarded the title of nobleman together with that nobleman and Lin nobleman.At that time, Yuqin had just been promoted from Lu Changzai to Lu Guiren.

At that time, there was a new nobleman, the Ba Lin family who had just entered the palace, who is now Concubine Ying.

Time flies, more than ten years have passed, Yuqin and Concubine Ying, although they have no children, have already become high concubines.However, nobleman Shen had ups and downs, from that nobleman was demoted to permanent status, and then he was reinstated as nobleman after stumbling.The emperor also showed kindness, and at any rate, after she was restored as a nobleman, she finally bestowed a title as a token of consolation.It's a pity that it is such a title, but this year, it still overlaps with Concubine Shen.

Unless Concubine Shen can be promoted again in the future, it is impossible for two Concubines Shen to coexist in the harem.At this time, the four concubines above the rank of concubine are full, and the chance of Concubine Shen's future promotion is not clear-this is equivalent to the emperor announcing in disguise that the nobleman Shen's position has ended with the nobleman, and it is difficult to advance to the concubine.

In addition to sighing in Yuqin's heart, she couldn't help but move slightly.

She couldn't help laughing, and covered her lips with her sleeves, "Oh, just thinking about it, I suddenly understand why the emperor wants to make another Concubine Shen!"

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows, "Let's listen to my sister."

Yuqin couldn't stop laughing, "The emperor showed mercy to Shen Guiren back then, but the emperor never forgot what happened to her back then. Now that he has the opportunity, he will take this 'sweetheart' first. Hit it and go back!"

"I also vaguely have this feeling." Wanxi also smiled, "Now the title conferred by Concubine Xun is also a 'heart', isn't it another 'sweetheart'. Concubine Xin's Clever, if she wants to talk about Concubine Xun's affairs at this time, it will inevitably remind people of this incident back then... Then why did she bother herself, so she can hide it naturally."

Yuqin couldn't help showing her brows and eyes, and lightly patted the table next to her, "I, I didn't worship the emperor as much as you do before. But this time, I can't do not worship him."

Wanxi wondered, "Sister, is this?"

Yuqin smiled and sighed softly, "...you see, when the emperor said 'sweetheart' back then, Concubine Yu was still a good person, where did we ever take precautions against her? It was Xin Concubine, it was not long before I entered the palace, and I haven't been so omniscient as I am now."

"But you see, the emperor has already said that they are 'sweethearts', and he is always on guard against them."

Wanxi couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly, "What my sister said... After all, the emperor saw farther and earlier than us. If we had the emperor's knowledge of people back then, we would be able to avoid the losses of Concubine Yu later. go."

Yuqin sneered, "I think it's not a coincidence that the emperor chose to start beating these 'sweethearts' this year after all those years! Among the three 'sweethearts', Mr. Shen Gui is undoubtedly a toss She is the one with the least income, besides, she has kept her own life all these years, and nothing has happened again. Therefore, the beating the emperor gave her was just to put an end to her desire to be promoted in the future."

"But then again, she had no favors or children, and her mother's family had nothing to do with Jiangshan Sheji, so naturally there was no reason to be promoted to be a concubine. Therefore, it is not considered that the emperor will keep her in the position of nobleman forever. Wronged her to go."

Yuqin's eyes turned slightly, looking at Wanxi.

"The emperor is still beating up nobleman Shen. After beating up nobleman Shen, is the emperor planning to continue beating and punishing Concubine Xin and Concubine Yu this year? The emperor chooses the least of the three evils. Starting with nobleman Shen, who did the least harm, does that mean that the emperor will not just beat Concubine Xin and Concubine Yu later on?"

What Yuqin said, even Wanxi hadn't thought of it before.

Wanxi's heart couldn't help but cheer up, and her heart beat a little faster.

"... My brain is slow again. Not to mention I can't keep up with the emperor, even my sister has left me behind. Hearing what my sister said, I feel a sense of enlightenment!"

Yuqin spat softly, "Your brain is slow, and you are so lucky! Having a child again, all the nourishment goes to the belly, so your brain must slow down?"

"But, there is someone who will help you remember everything when your mind slows down like this! Look, isn't the emperor going to start to deal with those 'sweethearts' already?"

Wanxi also lowered her head and smiled lightly, stretched out a finger and lightly hooked the Gou Yuqin, "Look at what my sister said~"

Yuqin sighed deliberately, "I don't want to say that, but I have to ask the emperor to give me a chance, don't do it every time!"

"You don't have to be embarrassed, tell me yourself, when you are pregnant with a child and your brain slows down, the emperor will not try to please you?"

Wanxi raised her eyes with a smile, her eyes drifted quietly over the faces of Concubine Yu and Concubine Xin.

"...Sister, tell me, what will the emperor do to Concubine Xin and Concubine Yu?"

Yuqin snorted softly, "The emperor has blocked nobleman Shen's access to the throne, so what the emperor has done to Concubine Xin and Concubine Yu is naturally more serious than this."

"However, I have to admit that this is all I can guess. I can't guess the emperor's heart full of holes. It's better to wait until your child falls to the ground and your mind recovers." When you get back, it's up to you to guess."

Wanxi couldn't help but sigh softly, "After all, Concubine Xin and Concubine Yu are different from nobleman Shen. They not only have higher status, but also have princes and princesses under their knees. The emperor is thinking of the prince and princess Why don't they show mercy to them? If they can understand the emperor's warning back then, be willing to keep their own place, and raise their children well, the emperor would rather be lenient if they think about it."

"But this year, we've all seen the two of them getting more and more lively. I'm afraid that even the emperor won't be able to tolerate it any longer."

Wanxi quietly glanced at nobleman Shen who was sitting behind Concubine Shu, "Now that the emperor starts with nobleman Shen first, why isn't it the last warning to Concubine Xin and Concubine Yu? After all this trouble, the emperor is willing to tolerate them for a while because Yong Qi has just had a child and the eighth princess is still young."

"After all, both of them hold their own happiness in their own hands, and it's up to them how to choose at this moment. If they are willing to cherish their blessings, they will change their minds from today; if they don't stop, I'm afraid there will be no way back gone."

Yuqin patted Wanxi's hand, "You don't care what they do now! After all, it's important that you take care of your own body at the moment. As for the two of them, I don't think eight horses can pull them back. You didn't look at this moment, these two are still beaming, as if they didn't understand the emperor's warning at all~"
There is a leap month in this year, and after May is not June, there is a leap month in the middle.

Because the leap month is rare, it seems that every year the leap month does not stop, always sad or happy, and there are many events that will affect the past and the future.

On the first day of this intercalary May, the orchard in Kashgar of "Dahezhuo" Braniton was discovered, which opened the curtain.

Although the big and small He Zhuo had died three years ago, and the contribution to the peace of Huibu has been determined; but from the fact that the orchard was hidden and not reported, it can still be seen that the influence of the big and small He Zhuo in the hearts of the Huibu people should not be underestimated .The great contribution to the pacification of Huibu has been determined, but the Huibu did not become stagnant because of World War I.

Moreover, Dahe Zhuo still had wives and concubines, and his son fled abroad, and many Hui people still regarded them as their masters.

If this is the case, it is reasonable that Concubine Rong was promoted to concubine just this year, and she can uniquely wear back clothes and a hat for canonization ceremony.

On the sixth day of the fifth lunar month, or because the "ghost" of Yamato Zhuo was still reverberating, the emperor made a special mention of the hero who pacified the Northwest.The emperor ordered the minister of military aircraft to find out more than [-] meritorious officials, and all of them were rewarded to the world.

Jiu Ye's eldest son, Fu Ling'an, was awarded the post of "Yun Qiwei" in this award for his work.

So far, in addition to the salary of Duo Luo's son-in-law, Fu Ling'an has another job as a child.

Although Fu Ling'an is not the ninth master's direct son and cannot inherit the title of Duke of Zhongyong from the ninth master, but because of Duoluo's forehead status and Yunqiwei's world position, he has a reliance on which he can live and work.

When Wanxi found out, she was also happy for Master Jiu and Fu Ling'an; at the same time, she couldn't help feeling sorry for Fujin Jiu and Fu Kang'an.

"This was originally a decree of kindness, but after Jiufujin heard it, it was inevitable that he would feel uncomfortable again..."

Yu Rui also sighed, "That's right. It's a pity for our brother Bao, who is also the son of the eldest son, but unfortunately he is not the eldest son, so he can neither inherit the title of the loyal and brave Duke of Jiuye, and now he is being let down by the elder brother of the concubine." The farther you go. If Brother Bao wants to make a fortune in the future, he can only earn a world job for himself by making military exploits."

Wanxi raised her eyes to look at Yurui, but she still suppressed a sigh and lowered her head.

Why doesn't Yurui not understand, this is also Jiufu Jin's heart knot for a long time - if Brother Bao can also become a son-in-law, and the salary of this son-in-law itself is like a worldly job, then there is no need to fight for his life on the battlefield went.

But in the final analysis, the relationship between Brother Bao and the Seventh Princess and the Ninth Princess is always a matter that adults can't control.After all, we can only look at the future, see if Brother Bao can gradually change his temperament, and can ease up with the Ninth Princess.

But... the thought of that calm little elder brother Zhalantai makes even Yurui's hair turn gray with sorrow.

But Yurui could only persuade Wanxi, "Sister, don't worry about it for now. The emperor's heir is the most important thing in everything now, and these things can take a lot of effort. After all, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and it depends on you." Go to their own good fortune!"

Wanxi shook her head lightly, "I'm not thinking about them right now, they're still young after all; I feel a little distressed for Zhuanxiang right now."

Fu Ling'an became more and more competitive, and Rue Xiang's status in Jiu Ye's mansion was also rising; Fu Long'an was already the fourth son-in-law, and Fu Kang'an was protected by Jiu Fujin. On the contrary, among Jiu Ye's children, only Fu Ling was pitiful. a little bit.

After all, it is a girl, and it is born of a concubine, and its status is not as good as that of a concubine; what's more, it is not a boy, and it cannot go to the battlefield to make military exploits and win a patent for its mother... This makes Zhuan Xiang more and more can only be drowned Under the halo of Jiufu Jin and Ruxiang.

Pian Zhuanxiang is also a person who does not fight or snatch, and these years have become even more stubborn, and he is not even willing to ask for a title.Now that I am getting older, I feel more pity.

Yu Rui also sighed, "Sister said yes. I am also worried for Zhuanxiang. In fact, as long as she is willing, how can Jiuye not try to ask for her seal? She gave birth to Ge Ge, not Elder Brother, as usual Being named a side Fujin, but maybe one can call himself a side Fujin or a Shu Fujin in the mansion anyway, it's better than still being a Tongfang girl."

Wanxi nodded, "I'm just glad that Jiufujin is also a sensible person, and he hasn't treated Fuling's child badly all these years, and told her to learn from the housekeeper, and she is still a legitimate girl in Jiuye's mansion."

Yu Rui laughed, "...Isn't that why my sister mentioned Jiufujin back then? Otherwise, Jiufujin may not be so good to Fuling. Speaking of which, Fuling's name is not for nothing. She is really a lucky girl, to be able to make my sister think about it so much."

Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "In the end, Zhuanxiang earned her good fortune. If it wasn't for Zhuanxiang's treatment to me back then, how could I care about a girl next to Master Jiu?"

Yu Rui also sighed softly, "When people get along with each other, after all, sincerity is the most important thing. All blessings can only be cultivated by one's sincerity."

Wanxi also smiled, "Look at you, you're talking more and more old-fashioned now. Stop talking like that, you'll chase me even older."

Yu Rui laughed, "Sister, don't say that. My sister is favored by the emperor, and she will always be a little girl in the eyes of the emperor; and someone like me will grow old early, and I should be more old-fashioned now." of."

Wanxi also couldn't explain why, hearing Yurui speak so old-fashioned, she felt a little uncomfortable.

I don't know if it was caused by the concubine Xun's posthumous title, but I always thought that concubine Xun would die early at such a young age... Women in the harem, sometimes the length of a life has nothing to do with age.There have been too many people, who are obviously very young, but their lives are running at an accelerated pace, they are getting old early, and they have reached the end.

Wanxi pressed Yurui's hand, "I don't care. After all, I watched you grow up, and you shouldn't be so old-fashioned in front of my eyes. You should forget about your Ama for a while, Don't feel sorry for others, you just need to liven up in front of my eyes."

Yurui had no choice but to nod and smile, "Look at sister, aren't you acting like a baby with me now? This makes me smaller again, and I have to follow the appearance of being so young that I'm babbling?"

Wanxi simply played tricks and stretched out her arms to hug Yurui, "Okay, I'll teach you to recite the Three Character Classic."

Both of them laughed, and the inexplicable gloom in their hearts dissipated.
As if Wanxi's mind was checked by the heavens, two pieces of good news came from her family in the next few days.Her cousin, Yingyuan's father, Guanbao, was rewarded by the emperor within a few days: first, he served as a commentator on the daily life of the emperor, and was responsible for recording the emperor's daily life; Bao, to teach the duties of Shu Jishi.

This is called Suo Chuoluo's family. Although there are moral protections to blame, they are still useful because of the observation protection, and they have not lost their wings.

At this point, Yurui was able to breathe a sigh of relief, and she smiled in front of Wanxi, and she was no longer so old-fashioned.

Guanbao's daughter, Yingyuan, had just given birth to a son, and her position in Yongqi's Zhaoxiang Institute became more stable.

This also makes Concubine Yu and Yong Qi feel relieved.

Concubine Yu was relieved, and she couldn't help but sigh, "How many times the matter between that Cuihuan and Yongxuan has come to my lips, but I can't ignore that she is a woman under Ruigui, and I can't help it." I don't want to bear it for now. After all, Yingyuan and Mr. Rui are very much in the same breath, if you tell about the Cui Huan, it will not be a good thing for Yingyuan and Yongqi, so I have to bear it for now."

"But then again, at this time, the two brothers Yongxuan and Yongxuan are Yongqi's opponents. Especially this Yongxuan, with Yin Jishan as a relative, always makes me feel a little uneasy... in front of my eyes Such a good chess piece, I can afford it but can't put it down, it always makes me regret."

Concubine Yu hooked her lips as she said, "Fortunately, the crisis of the Suochuluo family has been resolved for the time being. After all, Debao has not lost his errands in the former court and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Guanbao still needs to be used... Maybe, this one I can still use the chess pieces again.”

Sandan thought for a while, and then persuaded, "My slave is thinking, the master can't be too hasty. Just as the master said, after all, Mr. Ruigui and our Yingyuan Gege are in the same spirit, and if we are not careful, we will implicate the five of us." Bro."

Concubine Yu also sighed, "Yeah, I'm so indecisive, but I'm still a gamer. Anyway, I will bear it for now. This chess piece is not used to deal with Yongxuan, but it can be saved for future use. Let the fifteenth brother of the noble concubine go... The fifteenth brother is still young and can't see any threats, but he will grow up slowly after all. If the fifteenth brother also hinders Yongqi, then I will You have to be ruthless and press down on this pawn."

Concubine Yu was relaxed and was talking to her official daughter, so she didn't pay attention to the window.

Outside by the window, E Ning stood leaning against the window, his eyes couldn't help turning.

Now that Yingyuan has a son, her mother's family has not been affected by Debao's incident, and her position in the hearts of her mother and concubine and elder brother has become more stable, and her heart as the successor Fujin has become more bitter.I should think of a way to reverse my predicament, then this matter in front of me is a good move...

A concubine is a concubine, and if she is her, she will do her best for elder brother, but her attitude towards Yingyuan in her heart is completely opposite after all.

In order to protect Yingyuan, the mother and concubine used to be wary, but she——is worth doing the opposite! .
On this day, E Ning, Qing Zao and other princes and the emperor's grandson Fujin also gathered in Changchun Garden to pay their respects to the Empress Dowager.

The empress dowager also asked to see Yongqi's little elder brother by name, but Yingyuan had no status, so E Ning hugged her to show the empress dowager.

This is already the little great-grandson of the empress dowager, and the empress dowager was also happy to hold her in her arms. She looked at E Ning with a smile and said, "Look at the eyebrows and eyes, they are just like Yongqi when she was a child. Only this small mouth is more like Ying Be nice."

Today, E Ning is the little elder brother's "fore mother", Yingyuan is not qualified to come; but the empress dowager still mentioned Yingyuan, and accurately named Yingyuan, which is called E Ning I'm very upset.

Ordinarily, an elder brother's maid is only an official woman, how could the empress dowager remember it so clearly.But the empress dowager knew, so it can only be said that the Suochaoluo family is also a family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after all, and a generation of brothers actually produced two bannermen Hanlin, whose prestige is so outstanding that the empress dowager even took it to heart.

E Ning thinks of her mother's family again, which is obviously a wealthy family, but now it has fallen to such a state... This makes her feel even worse.

E Ning had already made up her mind, so she didn't want to hide it anymore.E Ning made a few perfunctory sentences, then turned around and went towards Qing Zao, grabbed Qing Zao's arm with a smile, and looked up and down, "The eighth brother and sister are newly married, I think the eighth brother and sister should have good news, right?"

Qing Zao was startled, and when she looked up, her complexion was slightly pale.

Asking E Ning to say this, the other princes, Fujin, also came forward with a smile and joked.

Because Yongxuan and Yongxuan are blood brothers, Yongxuan's Fujin Ergenjue Luoshi is closer to Qingzao. Seeing that Qingzao's expression was a little off, she hurriedly stepped forward to support Qingzao, and said with a smile, "Look at you Fifth sister-in-law, I am so anxious for you, I forgot that we are also waiting for her happy news!"

E Ning was taken aback for a moment, as if she had been slapped.

E Ning knew that Ergen felt that Luo Shi was protecting Qingzao, so E Ning smiled, "Sister-in-law Si was joking. Sister-in-law Si is the eldest, and now she has nothing to do. How can I, as a younger brother and sister, have the nerve to preemptively go? "

Ergenjueluo's family is the daughter of Heshuo's son-in-law, a wealthy monk, and her mother is the princess of Heshuo—the daughter of Prince Yi Yunxiang. This kind of family background is naturally incomparable to E Ning.

After listening to E Ning, Ergen dared to refute, so he smiled contemptuously, "It's rare for the fifth younger siblings to be so orderly, respectful and courteous."

How could E Ning not hear the sarcasm of Ergenjue Luoshi, so she gritted her teeth lightly.

Ergenjue Luoshi saw it all, stared at E Ning's eyes and said with a smile, "Since the fifth sibling said so, why bother to ask the eighth sibling? In fact, I don't even bother the fifth sibling to worry about my affairs." Just like in the fifth younger brother's house, you have nothing to do with younger brothers and sisters, but there will always be Yingyuan and Hu's who will help the fifth younger brother, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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