Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2405, Volume 7, 108 Hands-On

Chapter 2405 Seven Volumes 108 Hands-On (Complete)

Wanxi lowered her head slightly.Why didn't she understand Yuqin's regret?If An Ning escaped these crimes because of his death, it would indeed be an advantage to him.

An Ning used to plot against Sister Lu's father so much back then, almost destroying the entire Lu family, so this is a conflict.Now that she finally got hold of An Ning, but An Ning died, and there was mourning behind her, how could Yuqin hold on like this?

"Sister's thoughts, why don't I understand? An Ning died to wash away his crimes, and I look down on him!" Wanxi reached out and took Yuqin's hand, "But sister, the emperor is the emperor, and everything must be done. The emperor has served in Jiangsu since the first year of his enthronement, and now it has been 27 years, and he is also a veteran. Now that he has just died, if the emperor is in a hurry to pursue the case, it will make people feel cold, isn't it?"

Yuqin gritted her teeth, "I understand the emperor's position. I just...can't bear the grievances in my heart. How did An Ning die like this? I hope that the emperor will take him to jail, or sentence him to death, or call him It would be better if there is no day to come out of the prison alive!"

Wanxi paused, "...don't worry, sister. I don't think the emperor will let it go. Since the emperor sent Jin Hui to pick up Suzhou weaving and manage Hushuguan, the emperor just wanted to pick things up. .”

"Sister thinks, this matter first started with the 'leap month silver', and leap month does not happen every year, the last leap month was three years ago. And when Suzhou weaving took office, the shortage of leap month silver was 500 Two, based on 20 taels per month, it takes eight leap months to accumulate. And leap months only come once every two or three years, so eight leap months will take 2.5 years to go..." (Two years or Three years and one leap month, if the average is calculated as 2.5, 8*[-]~~)

Yuqin was overjoyed, clapping her hands and said, "An Ning has been weaving for Suzhou in the sixth year of Qianlong, exactly 20 years ago. Since the emperor is recovering the 20-year leap moon silver, this is the way to make peace with An Ning." Start from scratch!"

Wanxi smiled, and a shrewd light flashed in her eyes, "What my sister said is true. Since the emperor wants to settle accounts with An Ning for the past 20 years, how could he let it go because of his death?"

Yuqin tightly fixed Wanxi's eyes, "Then why didn't the emperor directly order Jin Hui, or Mr. Yin Jishan to copy An Ning's house and ask his family to compensate with family wealth? On the contrary, the emperor's order also has the meaning of appeasement. It is said that there is a huge shortage of money, if the predecessor is asked to make up for it every year from the money of the maintenance, how can he afford it?"

Wanxi smiled lightly, and nodded slowly, "Sister, how can you do it so easily to steal the house? What's more, An Ning just died, and his bones are not cold, so the emperor can't make such a decision lightly."

Yuqin sighed deeply, but just pinched her wrists, "...the emperor won't raid his house, and at this moment he is dead, what else can the emperor do?"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows lightly, "Sister, how come you forgot, the emperor asked in the imperial decree how he was able to take out such a large amount of money from his own money to make up for it... The emperor has handed over this matter to Lord Yin Jishan to personally investigate the answer."

Yuqin raised her eyes suddenly.

"You mean, after all, Jin Hui has just arrived in Jiangsu, and his official position is limited, so the emperor asked Jin Hui to withdraw temporarily, and left the rest of the matter to Mr. Yin Jishan?"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "Jin Hui has just arrived in Jiangsu, and his foothold is unavoidably unstable. In the Jiangnan border, everything is complicated, and officials will inevitably protect each other. If Jin Hui wants to continue the investigation, he will definitely encounter resistance."

"But who is Mr. Yin Jishan? Based on Mr. Yin Jishan's 30-year experience as an official in the frontiers and four governors in the south of the Yangtze River, he is a hornet's nest that Jin Hui can't poke, so Mr. Yin Jishan has nothing to dare to touch!"

Yuqin's heart finally warmed up again, "So we have to wait for the news from Lord Yin Jishan... Even the emperor, we have to wait for the local governor of Jiangsu to investigate in person before we can make a final decision?"

Wanxi blinked her eyes, "Sister, don't worry for now, put your heart down first. After all, the emperor is still out at the moment. After the emperor returns to Beijing, everything will be settled."
On the first day of September, a solar eclipse.

This seemed to be another warning from heaven to the emperor.

On this very day, the emperor made public another more serious crime of An Ning:
When An Ning was a weaver in Suzhou, he was also in charge of the taxation of Hushuguan.Hushuguan is filled with servants of his family.In Anning, a family member named Li Zhong, who was in charge of the customs, measured the cargo ship to determine the tax amount, and secretly transferred the load that should have been taxed to the penalty.

This is the tax money that will be handed over to the court, and it will be converted into fine money that can be held at Hushu Pass.That is to say, the money that was going to be handed over to the court has become an income that can be controlled by An Ning, and can even fill one's own pockets.

Chen Hongmou, the governor of Jiangsu Province, found out that under Li Zhong's means, there was a shortfall of more than [-] taels of tax money in the main item; and the amount of the tax amount converted into fine silver was as much as [-] taels!
The emperor was furious, and issued an order to reprimand An Ning: "...he is dead now, and it is really appalling to be ungrateful! All the titles awarded to ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be cut off immediately. All piracy and wealth will still be strictly enforced." Seized to offset the loss."

The emperor felt that it was not enough after issuing this edict, so he even issued an order to Jiangning General Shu Hede (Zheng Yipin, stationed in Jiangning, governing Jiangsu. The title is above the governor.), Immediately seal up Anning's family property to offset the loss.He also told An Tai, An Tai, An Ning's younger brother, about what An Ning owed him.In addition, Chen Hongmou's original copy was sent together with banknotes, and ordered to be read.

If An Ning's home was confiscated after his death, and Chen Hongmou's memorial was made public, then An Ning's crime would be revealed to the world! .
The emperor's decree was sent back to the capital from Rehe, Yuqin got the letter, she didn't even bother to wear all the flag shoes, she actually stepped on the flag shoes with one foot, and stepped on the flat shoes she usually wears in the swallow's residence, one foot was high and the other was low Straight into Tiandi Family Spring!

Without waiting for anyone to notify, Yuqin ran directly into Wanxi's bedroom, hugged Wanxi, laughed and cried, and jumped up on the spot, "Have you heard? The emperor finally took care of the peace, even though he has Even if he is dead, the emperor still hasn't spared him!"

Yurui hurriedly stepped forward to support Wanxi, and softly reminded Yuqin, "Sister Qing..."

Xiao Shiwu, who was sitting on Kang Yan'er, clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "Ms. Qing'er, you are naughty!"

Yuqin blushed, and quickly let go of Wanxi, looking her up and down carefully, "...I'm crazy, didn't I hurt you, did I?"

Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "This good news deserves a good return."

Yuqin glanced at Xiao Shiwu through Wanxi, and said softly, "Yes, yes, everything Yuanzi said is right. Qingeriang is just being naughty, she even forgot that she is almost 40 years old. That's it. It's time for Mariko to make a joke~~"

Xiao Shiwu's second birthday is almost here. Although boys can't speak faster than girls, who told him that there are two older sisters above him? Little Shiwu's little mouth is going to be babbling.

"Mariko is no joke! It's so good, so good to see Qing'er Niang like this!"

Wanxi could only shake her head and laugh, but she didn't explain to Xiaoshiwu.

But Yuqin understood everything by herself, and glanced at Wanxi with a blushing face, "This villain really looks like a ginseng doll! He is trying to say that my usual temperament is either too quiet, or It's just that it's easy to be sad; or, you always remember your age, are you always old-fashioned?"

"On the contrary, he likes to see me being so unruly, crying and laughing..."

Wanxi laughed, "It's still my sister who understands his thoughts. As a biological mother, I didn't get it right away."

Yuqin was even more embarrassed, and gestured to shake off Wanxi's hand, "Bah, you said that, and where do you want me to put my face?"

Wanxi sighed softly, stretched out both hands, and held Yuqin together, "In the past few years, I know that there are several unavoidable things hidden in my sister's heart. One is that An Ning harmed her in the past. Uncle, my sister wished she could take care of An Ning and go away, she always regrets it; the second case... is that after my sister lost Xiao Luer, she also gave her happiness to Xiao Luer and took her away..."

Yuqin was startled, and her eyes became wet again.

"Look at you, why are you saying this now?"

Wanxi smiled and lowered her eyes lightly, hiding her sadness.

"Actually, what I'm going to say next has already been discussed with the emperor. It's just that I didn't rush to talk to my sister after the emperor left Beijing. I was thinking in my heart, why don't I wait until the matter of An Ning comes to an end?" , I will also say that I will go with my sister, and it will not be too late to gather a double happiness for my sister."

"Since the matter of An Ning has finally come to the end of making my sister feel at ease today, then I will tell my sister all about it here—the little deer has already left, and I can't return another little deer to my sister; then I will formally entrust Yuanzi to my sister, who will be inherited from brother to brother."
Yuqin was stunned, thousands of words poured into her throat, but the tip of her nose was sore, she swallowed it in one breath, turning into a choked sob.

Nothing can be said.

In fact, Wanxi has revealed such thoughts more than once before, but firstly, she has not yet obtained the emperor's approval, and secondly, she has not yet officially entrusted her.

At this time, all the good things are finally in sight.

Yuqin was so choked up that she couldn't speak, so she reached out and hugged Wanxi.

Yuqin's tears dripped down beside Wanxi's ear.

Maybe the tears should fall silently, but Wanxi could clearly hear Yuqin's tears, and they sounded so clearly on her shoulders.

Wanxi patted the back of Yuqin's hand lightly, helping her to get over her breath, and said with a smile, "Sister, don't be silly with joy. In fact, what I handed over to my sister is a heavy burden. Although Yuanzi and Xiaoluer said They are native brothers, but their temperaments are different, this little thing has been blessed since childhood, both the emperor and the empress dowager like it, if there is even the slightest misstep when he grows up, the emperor and the empress dowager will have to intervene."

"My sister wants to calm down now, and think about what I said. If you retreat now, there is still time..."

How could Yuqin not understand Yuanzi's weight in the hearts of the empress dowager and the emperor, especially the emperor?In the Si Yong Zhai, the emperor put up a large sticker on the wall in his bedroom, just to watch Xiao Yuanzi wave his hands at him.Which prince ever had this kind of father-son love?
Yuanzi's weight is so high, and Yuqin also knows that with her status as a Han woman, if she is not careful in the future, it's all right to ask the emperor and empress dowager to ask her to blame; the most worrying thing is that Xiao Yuanzi will be delayed...

Yuqin bit her lip, thought hard for a while, but still nodded resolutely, "Jiu'er, let me tell you today: Although Yuanzi was born by you, I must pay more attention to him than you! "

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Yuqin was also embarrassed, and hurriedly said, "I'm not saying that you don't care. As a concubine in the harem, you have paid more than anyone else for the safety of the children... What I want to say is that you will eventually pay back There are Xiaoqi, Jiujiu, and the child who is about to give birth in the belly. Your heart will be divided into several pieces after all, and there is no way to use it on only one child."

Yuqin raised her eyes, her eyes were firm and bright, like a diamond harder than red gold.

"But I will put my whole heart, all my strength, and my life... only on Yuanzi, a child."

As Yuqin spoke, she couldn't help but shed tears, "I've already lost a little deer, so I'll do whatever I want, no matter what I do, I must make sure that Xiaoyuanzi is safe and sound..."

With Yuqin's kind heart, Wanxi is tearful, and she can nod her head in peace.

"In this palace, the only person I can trust most is my sister. Yuanzi is the only prince under my eyes, and entrusting it to my sister can make me feel at ease."

Yuqin hugged Wanxi again, "Now that the emperor has already taken care of An Ning, I have no other thoughts. From now on, the most important thing in my life is to raise Yuanzi."
When September comes, it will soon be Wanxi's Qianqiu birthday.

On the seventh day of September, Hu Shijie sent the emperor's reward early.In addition to the silver rewards and appearances in the noble concubine's Qianqiu rules, Hu Shijie also presented Wanxi a small box mysteriously and alone.

The wooden box was carved from agarwood, and when Wanxi took it, she felt the dark fragrance stain her sleeves.

Wanxi couldn't help laughing, "...Mr. Hu, are you sure this wooden box was given to me by the emperor, not for Concubine Rong?"

Because Concubine Rong's birthday is also in September, which is September [-]th, it is a few days later than Wanxi's.As Concubine Rong, the Emperor will definitely reward her a lot in the future; moreover, this year is the first birthday of Concubine Rong, so the Emperor should pay attention to it.

This is why the House of Internal Affairs prepares a reward, or it may be prepared together with Wanxi and Concubine Rong.The emperor is not in the capital at this moment, and the craftsmen who want to come to the House of Internal Affairs don't know which ones are rewarded to Wanxi and which ones are rewarded to Concubine Rong.

Let's not talk about what is in the wooden box, but the wooden box already has a scent, Wanxi just joked, so as not to make a mistake, and Hu Shijie and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will bear the blame instead.

Hu Shijie laughed and said, "Although the birthdays of the master and the master Rong are adjacent, there is always a difference in their status. Whether it is a slave or a person in the manufacturing office, how can you reward the status of a concubine with the favor of a concubine?" Are the rewards being mixed together? Let the master accept it with peace of mind, this is what the emperor specially asked the building office to do, and give the reward to you, the master."

Wanxi smiled and nodded, then opened the wooden box.Looking down, I couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice.

It was a "Gem-Encrusted Tourmaline Butterfly Flying Flower Hairpin".

The flower hairpin is made of gold-plated copper with dots of emerald, inlaid with tourmaline, pearl and emerald.Three-dimensional hibiscus flowers are made of tourmaline, the stamens are small millet beads, the flowers and leaves are finely carved from thin slices of jadeite, the flower buds are carved from tourmaline, and the receptacle is dot green.

On the flower, a butterfly landed lightly.Its wings are carved from emerald flakes and inlaid with pearls and tourmalines.The entire flower hairpin is made of exquisite and luxurious materials.

The flower hairpins use various crafts such as carving, golden silk, beading, inlaying, emerald emerald, etc., all of which are delicate and exquisite.It takes at least several months for craftsmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make such an unrivaled craftsmanship.

Hearing Wanxi's low exclamation, Hu Shijie also smiled knowingly, pointing to the flowers and leaves carved from those jadeite flakes, and replied: "Please take a look, master, these jadeite flakes are craftsmanship from the Guangdong Gemstone Carving Company. It is called 'Guang Pian'. What they carve is different from other places. It is extra thin and even, fine and fine. It is often used to carve flowers, leaves and butterfly wings. It is only made by top craftsmen..."

Wanxi stared carefully at the exquisite craftsmanship, and the tourmaline light reflected Wanxi's cheeks red.

"...When the emperor gave this job, did he leave any words? These butterflies and flying flowers are more suitable for young lords to wear; if I wear them, I will feel embarrassed."

Hu Shijie laughed, "The emperor said that the reason for this is that the emperor has seen the butterfly hairpin on the head of the nine princesses. The emperor knows that it is the design of the master, and the emperor also thinks it is vivid, lively and lovely. The emperor said, if It looks better when mother and daughter wear it together."

"The emperor borrowed the design of Master Ling, who is also called the best craftsman in the Inner Mansion Office, and carefully made this butterfly hairpin with flying flowers. The nine princesses are young, so it is better to use a golden hairpin with a pole; Master Ling The status is precious, so I switched to using tourmaline to spot emerald, so as not to lose my status as the master."

Hu Shijie smiled slyly, "I also feel that the tourmaline is lively and precious, and with the inlaid beads and dot emerald, it is colorful and gorgeous without losing dignity. Let the master wear it with confidence, it must be worthy of the master's visit." ..."

Wanxi could only smile, "Then, what's the other reason?"

Since the emperor used the words "one reason", he naturally had other intentions.

Hu Shijie shook his head with a smile, "The emperor only gave this first level of meaning to the slave. The rest... the emperor didn't show it, so the slave can't guess."

Wanxi was not disappointed, instead she lowered her head and chuckled, nodded, "I'll take care of you, Mr. Hu. When the emperor comes back, I will definitely ask the emperor to reward you."

——Flowers and butterflies, how can Wanxi not think of the sea of ​​flowers where she grew up here; how can she not think of the sea of ​​flowers in Yongshou Palace where she reunited with the emperor when she first entered the palace...

But the butterfly passes through the flowers, and only stays for the most favorite one.I don't know which master said it himself.

Wanxi smiled secretly, "... the dignified son of heaven, can you say that you are a crazy bee and a wave of butterflies?"
Hu Shijie looked happy at Wanxi, but he still knelt on the ground and did not leave.

Wanxi also hurriedly hid her emotions, raised her eyes to look at Hu Shijie, "Boss Hu...do you have any other errands?"

Hu Shijie lowered his eyes and smiled, "The slave wants to ask the noble concubine master to show me, is the imperial concubine master's fetal image stable recently?"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows, thinking that the emperor asked Hu Shijie to ask, she didn't think too much about it, she just nodded, "This is the safest month."

Hu Shijie said quickly, "Then... can the concubine and master suffer from the fatigue of the horses and horses?"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "What are you doing? Could it be that we have to go back to the palace first? Then let's not wait for the emperor?"

It's already cold in September, so there's no need to stay in the Yuanmingyuan to escape the summer heat, and you can move back to the palace.

Hu Shijie just smiled and said nothing.

Wanxi was helpless, but also smiled softly.Recalling what the emperor said to her when he was about to get up, and adding that the emperor dealt with An Ning so happily and neatly while he was away, then I don't know what the emperor is holding back to please her. .

Wanxi snorted softly, but nodded firmly, "Of course it's fine."

Hu Shijie leaned over and smiled, but still didn't understand, so he resigned.

Wanxi knew that it was the emperor who played tricks, and he didn't do anything about Hu Shijie, so it was not difficult for Hu Shijie, so she refrained from asking, and let Hu Shijie go. "
Just as Hu Shijie left, Yu Rui walked in with her lips pursed.

Wanxi glanced at Yurui, "Hu Shijie just walked away without end, and I can't spare you girl. Tell me quickly, what are you hiding from me?"

Yu Rui couldn't help giggling, "Sister, the emperor ordered Shu Hede to seal up Anning's property at the beginning of September, and Shu Hede has already played the performance today! Anning's property has more than [-] taels, so the emperor ordered it The extra [-] taels he used to buy raw silk, plus the [-] taels of intercalary silver, will all be compensated from his property!"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows and let out a sigh of relief.

"If this is the case, An Ning will lose his life, and all the glory and sorrow will be taken away after him; and his family property will be confiscated from now on. An Ning's life, decades of business, will be in vain."

Yu Rui nodded, "Exactly!"

Wanxi nodded, "Go and tell Sister Lu, tell her to have a good time too."

Yu Rui said, "I have called Cui Huan long ago. Sister Qing is more anxious than Sister Qing to wait for this news!"

Wanxi laughed for a while before she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "But...something is wrong with life. The emperor ordered Shu Hede to seize An Ning's family assets on the first day of September, and the decree was sent from Beijing to Jiangsu. It will take time; it will also take time for Shuhede's memorial to be sent from Jiangsu to the capital, not to mention that Shuhede still needs to check after receiving the order, and it can't be done in three or five days."

"In this way, it will take half a month at the earliest? But how come Shu Hede's memorial has already been delivered on the seventh day of September today? Then... since when did he start checking An Ning's family property? went?"

Yu Rui finally burst out laughing, "Miss, now I'm getting to the point! As soon as I heard the date, I already knew it in my heart—— Your Majesty, even though it was the first day of September, the decree to call General Shu Hede Check, but there must have been a secret order in private!"

Wanxi sighed contentedly, sat up straight with a smile on her face.

"The emperor hasn't returned to Beijing yet. Why is this matter handled so urgently like chopping melons and vegetables?" Wanxi blushed and glanced at Yurui, "Really, the emperor is still so worried when he is away. It will be too late to deal with it after returning to Beijing."

Yu Rui cleared her throat on purpose, "...from the first day of September to the seventh day of September, it's so urgent, I don't know if I want to finish it before the Double Ninth Festival, so that the old empress dowager can go happily?"

Wanxi was immediately ashamed, turned around and spat, "Bah! You naughty little hoof, I won't talk to you anymore!"

(Annual gift for the first day of the new year~~ Dear friends, are you enjoying it? I wish you all a prosperous Year of the Dog, ten dogs and ten beautiful dogs, O(∩_∩)O~)

 Ask for a monthly ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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