Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2406: Green Reflects Red

Chapter 2406: Green Reflects Red (Bi)
On the ninth day of September, Wanxi's Qianqiu Festival.

At this time, the empress dowager, the emperor, and the queen's three palaces were not in the capital. Fujin and wives of the second rank or above outside the palace all handed signs in, asking to enter the palace to salute.

Wanxi didn't want to be so red tape, so she politely rejected the clan Fujin and foreign wives because she was pregnant with the child.

But the heads of the inner court should come, but they finally got it.

Yuqin got up early in the morning before dawn, and went to Tiandi's family early in the spring to help Wanxi wash and dress herself.After waiting for a while, the two of them sat down to have breakfast together, Yuqin held the porridge bowl and said to Wanxi with a smile, "Do you think Concubine Xin will come today?"

Wanxi swallowed Yanzhidao's porridge slowly, and smiled calmly, "It's fine if she doesn't come, but it will save me talking."

Yuqin put down the bowl and chopsticks, stretched out her hand to caress Wanxi's belly, "That's not true. Although I have countless things to say to her at this moment, these words are not important at all. It's you after all. Your body is the most important thing, An Ning has already received the retribution that An Ning deserves, if you quarrel with her at this moment, if it makes you angry, then the gain will outweigh the loss."

After hearing this, Yurui lost her appetite, and said in a hurry, "Then don't let her in at all! I'll go to the guard at the gate, and when she comes, I'll give her to you." blocked."

"Silly girl, let's eat your meal first." Wanxi smiled, and stretched out her hand to hold Yurui, "There's no need for that. All the sisters in the palace come to accompany me to have fun, if I just don't ask her to come in, it's not justified anyway. Then again, it's as if we were afraid of her."

Yuqin picked a piece of pickled melon, chewed it crisply, and said, "This pickled melon is good with this rouge rice porridge."

Yuqin finished chewing the porridge and pickles, then glanced at Yurui and smiled, "If you only stop her, she will have to go. If you really want to stop her, you can only stop all the chairs." I got in the way. But today is your sister's good day, and it's not worth not calling the other hosts because she's alone. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a success?
A grain of mouse porridge ruined a pot of porridge?Our rice porridge must be served with pickled melons, but not with mouse cakes! "

Yu Rui also nodded, "The two sisters are right, but I got angry. I changed my mind and didn't stop her. Anyway, today, if she panics with embarrassment and finds an excuse, then Forget it; if she dares to come, I will protect my sister, no matter what she says, sister, don't make trouble with me, just leave it to me!"

The three of them were talking, when the news from outside came in one after another.

Wanxi took her time and asked Yuchan to lead the people to remove the dining table. She stood up and tidied up in front of the mirror. Then, holding Yurui's hand, she walked out of the warm pavilion and into the bright room.

Wanxi didn't go to the main hall to be promoted, because she didn't want to formally accept the salute from the lords because of her Qianqiu Festival.After all, since Empress Nala's succession to the middle palace, every year's Qianqiu Festival feast has been avoided.At most, in the identity of the middle palace, wearing a dragon suit and leading the six palaces to salute in front of the empress dowager, but they have not been promoted to the middle palace, and have accepted the salutes of the heads of the inner court and the inner and outer Fujins.

Then she, a noble concubine, has to take care of the face of others in the palace, lest the empress should be reluctant to let her go.

Therefore, Wanxi also asked Yurui to inform everyone that she only needs to do a half-squatting salute to greet you later, and there is no need to go to the formal Qianqiu Festival salute.

Everyone arrived and stood back and forth according to their positions. Concubine Yu was the head, Yuqin was the second, and they all greeted Wanxi together.

Wanxi raised her hand with a smile, "I'm sorry for the sisters. I asked all the sisters to come and take this trip. I accept all the wishes of the sisters. Hurry up and invite everyone to sit down."

Everyone thanked in unison again, and they all presented the gifts they brought to Yuchan.

Yuchan took the officials and women to sort out the gift list, and then presented it to Wanxi.

Wanxi looked at them one by one with a smile, and nodded towards everyone, "It's costing my sisters, so how can I feel sorry for it."

The congratulatory gifts presented, because Wanxi is pregnant with a child, are mostly nourishing medicines; the rest include silk and satin fabrics, which are mostly dense but soft, suitable for Wanxi's upcoming child in winter, and cut into small clothes. of.

Everyone smiled and nodded, only Concubine Xin kept her head down since she came in.At this moment, he also deliberately turned his head away to avoid Kai Wanxi's gaze.

Yuqin couldn't help but glanced at Concubine Xin's congratulatory gift, and saw that it was also two pieces of brocade.

The brocade itself is not wrong, but the color called Yuqin raises eyebrows a bit.

——The peach red and water green brocades are only worn by girls.

Yuqin was a little annoyed, and her fetal membranes stared at Concubine Xin.But in the end, she still cared about Wanxi's body, and stopped talking.

Concubine Yu's ranking is still ahead of Yuqin, which is also seen.She glanced at Yuqin, seeing Yuqin holding back abruptly, Concubine Yu smiled softly instead.

"Today we are here to congratulate Concubine Ling, but Concubine Ling is pregnant with the emperor's heir, so we aunts can't help but put our minds on the emperor's heir. Even the prepared congratulatory gifts are all concerned with the future heir. It’s just that it’s hard to say whether the future will be the prince or the emperor’s daughter, so our congratulatory gifts are only for the middle.”

"Only Concubine Xin's congratulatory gift is special. Look at this pink and green, I'm afraid Concubine Xin has already foreseen something~~"

At the words of Concubine Yu, everyone still looked at Concubine Xin.Concubine Xin had no choice but to raise her head to face the eyes of everyone.

Concubine Xin rubbed her neck, "Today is Concubine Ling's lifetime, so I gave gifts to Concubine Ling. Concubine Ling didn't say anything, but Concubine Yu took the lead."

Concubine Xin glanced at Wanxi, "I don't know when Concubine Yu and Concubine Ling are so close that she can ask Concubine Yu to speak for Concubine Ling."

Unexpectedly, Concubine Yu and Concubine Xin started pinching each other, Wanxi thought it was funny, looked at Yuqin with a smile, but didn't speak.

Wanxi remained silent, but it was unclear whether she agreed with Concubine Yu to speak on her behalf, or disagreed.This surprised Concubine Xin a bit.

Concubine Yu smiled, and glanced at Concubine Xin, "But I think the gift given by Concubine Xin is quite reasonable - after all, the princes who have given birth to emperors in the palace are all born with princes, and only Concubine Xin Sister Concubine only gave birth to two princesses, so naturally Concubine Xin knows the omens of having a princess best, doesn't she?"
Concubine Xin couldn't help clenching her silver teeth, staring at Concubine Yu.

Based on her association with Concubine Yu these years, how could she not know what Concubine Yu is doing?

Concubine Yu deliberately provoked trouble, seeing that Concubine Ling did not take the initiative to speak, she took the initiative to avoid it in a low-key manner today, Concubine Yu wanted to stir up the fire between her and Concubine Ling.

After all, Imperial Concubine Ling is pregnant, and if the fetal gas is moved, it will be beneficial to Concubine Yu; and Concubine Yu can say that she is the one who caused Concubine Ling to move the fetal gas!

The second level... is what Concubine Xin is most unwilling to admit, but she has to face it.

That is - because of her brother-in-law An Ning, even the humble Concubine Yu dares to look down on her now!

It's not that Concubine Xin doesn't want to be patient today, but if she bears it in front of Concubine Yu making troubles like this, will anyone dare to jump out and fight against her like this in the future?After that, in this harem, is she going to be a human being with her tail between her legs?
Concubine Xin sneered, and glanced at Concubine Yu, "What Concubine Yu said is true. After all, Concubine Yu only gave birth to the fifth elder brother Yongqi. I think all the dignitaries in the inner court who gave birth to imperial heirs, There is more than one child, only Concubine Yu is the only one."

"Speaking of which, if Concubine Yu can have one more princess go, then Concubine Yu may have already been promoted to Concubine by now, and she will go with Concubine Ling in honor?"

Concubine Xin deliberately raised her hand to cover her mouth as she said, "Oh, I seem to have said this too late. Concubine Yu will be 50 years old next year. According to the inner court practice, Concubine Yu's green head card should be removed. , Concubine Yu shouldn’t be serving bed anymore! Then how could Concubine Yu give birth to another princess?”
Concubine Yu blushed with embarrassment, and said bitterly, "I am not the only old man in the mansion, everyone has reached this age! Even if I will withdraw the green card next year, but this is the palace The usual rule here is that if you are younger today, who will not go there in the future?"

Concubine Xin pursed her lips and smiled, "I am only 26 years old this year, and there are still more than 50 years before I turn 20. Oh, there is still such a long way..."

Wanxi had heard enough of concubine Yu and concubine Xin biting each other.

After all, today is Wanxi's own Qianqiu birthday, even if she is happy to hear a few lively words, she can't let Concubine Yu and Concubine Xin argue like this in front of her.

Wanxi stopped smiling, sat up straight, and looked up at the two of them.

"Concubine Yu is right, but she has misunderstood Concubine Xin. Concubine Xin is here today to give gifts. Although the pink and water green materials are not suitable for the prince to wear; but today is my birthday after all, Concubine Xin's The gift was also given to me, so I think that Concubine Xin's peach red and water green are for me to wear."

Concubine Xin was a little surprised when she heard that, she didn't expect Wanxi to say anything to defend her, so she didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only nod her head.

Wanxi smiled and raised her hand to caress her cheek, "But to be honest, although the peach red and water green were originally my favorite colors, they are really not worn by people of my age. If you are like Concubine Xin , I wear ten years younger than me, but it's more appropriate."

Wanxi turned to Concubine Xin and smiled red-cheeked, "But Sister Concubine Xin gave me this color. Look, sisters, she nodded vigorously at me, so it's true... Then I think, Concubine Xin Sister Concubine must have felt in her heart that I am actually as young as her. The ten years between me and her are nothing the same!"

"Oh, how dare I do this?" Wanxi slowly put away half of her smile, sat up straight, her chin proudly raised, "I remember that whenever Sister Xin concubine got angry with me over the years, Always pointing out that I am ten years 'older' than her... Then this kind of intention today, isn't it to come with me to destroy the preface, and to apologize and admit my mistake?"

As Wanxi said, her eyes were fixed on Concubine Xin.

"Since Sister Xin is so caring, how can I, as an older sister, care about it? Sister Xin, I accept your wishes, and I forgive you."
Concubine Xin stopped her breath, raised her eyes and stared at Wanxi, she was so choked that she couldn't speak.

If she denies it, then the two words Wanxi said earlier for her will be untenable; but if she admits it...wouldn't it be like trying to subdue Wanxi?

Concubine Xin was hesitant, but Wanxi didn't intend to wait for her to finish her hesitation.

Wanxi only smiled slightly, "The brocade sent by Sister Xinpin, I think it is the best material. It must be from Jiangnan No. [-] Weaving... and Sister Xinpin's brother-in-law An Ning was originally weaving in Suzhou, so this I'm afraid that the material is what Concubine Xin got from An Ning in the past?"

Hearing An Ning, everyone in the middle bowed their heads and chuckled tacitly.

Wanxi sighed softly, "Oh, I made a mistake again. An Ning is no longer weaving in Suzhou..." Wan Xi frowned and weighed it, "Then, does this brocade also count as An Ning's family wealth? Here, should it be seized by the imperial court to make up for the more than 1 taels of silver shortfall?"

"Then if I accept this gift, wouldn't it be bad?"

Wanxi said and looked up at Yuchan.

Yuchan understood, and hurriedly turned around to pick out Concubine Xin's congratulatory gift, and handed it back to Concubine Xin.

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "I accept Sister Xin's wish. But this gift is unnecessary. If Sister Xin has a heart, she will return the two pieces of material to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At least it can be considered as compensation for your brother-in-law. Bar."

"Although these two pieces of clothing materials are nothing compared to the shortage of more than 1 taels of silver taels. But at least one tael can be compensated. What do you think, Sister Xin?"

Sitting on the spot, Concubine Xin's face turned red and white, turned pale and green again, but she asked Wanxi to speak her words so tightly that she couldn't refute.

Concubine Yu finally became happy when she heard that, and she couldn't help clapping her hands gently, "If Concubine Xin is reluctant to return the material to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she might as well keep it for herself. After all, An Ning is dead and her family property has been confiscated, so there will be no more in the future." Bring this kind of material to Concubine Xin~"

Concubine Xin gritted her teeth coldly, raised her eyes and glared at Concubine Yu fiercely, "...What are you so proud of?"

Concubine Yu sighed softly, "Sister Xin concubine's words are interesting, what should I be proud of? The ones who have investigated An Ning this time are Lord Yin Jishan, Governor of Liangjiang, Lord Chen Hongmou, Governor of Jiangsu, and Jin Hui, the brother of Imperial Concubine Shujia... …These ministers are able to do things well, they are proud of it, so what does it have to do with me?"

Wanxi raised her eyes to look at Concubine Yu, and said with a smile, "Concubine Yu is an old man in the emperor's hidden residence. She has a profound experience in the inner court, and it is definitely not comparable to me. I feel that what Concubine Yu said Very much."
The crowd dispersed, and Concubine Xin's back was filled with anger and determination.

Yu Rui looked out of the window and couldn't help but chuckle, "...it's almost a kick."

Yuqin has never ridden a donkey or horse, but Wanxi has ridden a small green donkey since she was a child. After hearing Yurui's comparison, she also burst out laughing. .

"It's an image."

Yuqin said in a soft voice, "...you have favored Concubine Yu today."

Wanxi nodded, "Three sweethearts, Mrs. Shen has already learned a lesson; at this moment, Concubine Xin is singing and fighting on the stage, so it's not Concubine Yu's turn yet. Since the two of them love to fight, I So I was happy to push the boat along with the current, and add another handful of firewood."

Yuchan came over and spread her hands to Wanxi, "Look, master, Concubine Xin just left in such an annoyed manner, and threw the material down again. Should the servant chase after her and return it to her? Or, wait until night Then go to her bedroom and throw it back to her?"

Wanxi stared at the two orphaned cloths, bowed her head for a moment, then shook her head, "People are unpredictable, but there is nothing wrong with the cloth itself, so why bother being pushed around like motherless children?"

"Since Concubine Xin didn't take it away, let's keep it. These two colors are good, I really like them."

Yuqin also nodded, "Isn't it? This peach red is very similar to your favorite begonia red; and this water green has been this color since the first day you entered the palace to choose."

Talking about the memories of her youth, Yuqin couldn't help but sigh, "... When you were in your teens and twenties, you really often wore this water-green robe and waistcoat. That's called a Fresh and slim, like vines by the water, clear and graceful.”

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, "After all, it has passed the fresh and watery color. But I keep this material, as long as I can see it."
On September [-], the emperor asked the empress dowager to return to Luan from the summer resort.

Hearing the news, Wanxi couldn't help but jump for joy.

It has only been two months since the emperor left, and he is already anxious to come back.Then in the two months before she gave birth, she could feel more at ease.

Wanxi hurriedly called Hu Shijie to come, and told Hu Shijie to deliver an order to the palace supervisor, to clean up the two bedrooms of Jiuzhou Qingyan and Siyongzhai in advance, and prepare to pick him up.

However, Hu Shijie smiled mysteriously, and said softly towards Wanxi, "...Master, do you still remember that when the slave came to present the emperor with a gift of thousands of years, he once asked the noble concubine if the master could endure the labor?"

Wanxi nodded, "Of course I remember. Are you saying that the emperor will go back to the palace if he can return to Beijing, so there is no need to clean Jiuzhou Qingyan and Siyongzhai and other bedrooms?"

However, Hu Shijie shook his head with a smile, and said on his knees, "It is the emperor who left an oral order with the reward to the servant, telling the servant to listen to the letter. As long as the emperor has returned from the summer resort, he will invite the noble concubine and master in advance to move." To the South Shicao Palace..."

Wanxi was also surprised, "The emperor asked me to go to Nanshicao Palace?"

Hu Shijie suppressed a smile and nodded vigorously, "This servant will inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the servant will prepare chariots and horses and food for the master together. I also ask the concubine and master to start preparing from today. In three to five days, it is time to move drove past."
Hu Shijie smiled and retreated, Wanxi's heart suddenly beat violently.

It was like going back to more than 20 years ago, also in September, she was somehow called to Yongshou Palace.Across the high palace walls and thick palace gates, she had no idea what was waiting for her in Yongshou Palace, and she was only surprised and hesitant.

That time, what was waiting inside the gate of Yongshou Palace was nine flowers like a sea, and it was the emperor standing in the sea of ​​flowers with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

Wanxi's cheeks became hot, and she raised her eyes to look in the makeup mirror.

In the mirror, it seemed that she was still the little girl with bright eyebrows, not the 36-year-old imperial concubine.

She laughed, tilted her head and thought of the two pieces of cloth that Concubine Xin sent.

She raised her voice and called Yuchan, "Take these two pieces of cloth and give them to the sewing women. Let them make something I can wear within five days. Even if the robe is too late, I can't wear it." You can only make a waistcoat; if you can’t fit a waistcoat, then you can make sleeves. At worst, you can also make a pair of purses in the same color.”

Yuchan was completely surprised, and looked at Wanxi stupidly, "Master...do you really want to wear it? Well, this is because Concubine Xin didn't take it easy!"

Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "Go ahead, I have my own reasons. You just keep an eye on the working hours for me, and you must make it within five days."

Yuchan had no choice but to quickly count the number of people first: "Master, there are two internal managers and ten servants Sura to accept. There are 77 needlewomen who do the work... The internal managers led the servant Sura to buy the goods. The lace, tassels, and accessories needed should be enough; and if the 77 women who do the work temporarily put down their work and come together to take care of the urgent mission just ordered by the master, they will be able to catch up within five days. If you can make a robe, I'm afraid you can do it too."

Wanxi nodded, "Then let's go on with this order, and then start to get busy."

Yuchan went there suspiciously, and seeing Yurui outside, she couldn't help telling Yurui about it in a low voice.

Yuchan muttered, "Master Rui...you try to persuade the master, what's wrong with the master?"

Yu Rui couldn't let go of herself, so she hurried in to ask.

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, "Do you think I'm crazy? Or is my head turned into a mallet because I'm pregnant?"

Yu Rui also nodded, "...At least I can't explain the errand that my sister ordered."

Wanxi laughed, hesitated a little, but still took out the tourmaline flying flower butterfly hairpin bestowed by the emperor, and showed it to Yurui.

This was a gift from the emperor in private, the materials and workmanship were exquisite, Wanxi cared about Yurui's feelings, so she never showed it to her.

Yurui stared at it, her eyes widened, "It's so exquisite..."

Wanxi lowered her head, her cheeks were slightly red, "Look at the butterfly above, its body is carved out of pink tourmaline; while the hibiscus flower is carved out of water green tourmaline..."

Yurui had a little comprehension, "The two colors that Concubine Xin gave me are surprisingly matched with the colors on this hairpin!"

"That's exactly what I meant." Wanxi held Yurui's hand, "Of course it wasn't what Concubine Xin intended, but ah, she made such a mistake, and it made me even better... I will take the bad thing for granted. All of them have become good things, and they can be regarded as good things, so they simply used them."

"Well, it's more satisfying than scolding her face to face, and asking her to make me a wedding dress for me!"

Yu Rui laughed too, "I understand. I'll just go and watch the sewing women myself!"
Shengjia's itinerary was sent to the palace every day, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the government offices of the previous dynasty were all ready to pick him up.

Wanxi got up on September [-]th and arrived at the Nanshicao Palace.

The emperor Beishou built many palaces from the capital to the summer resort.Among them, the Nanshicao Palace located in Shunyi is the largest one.It has a palace, one gate and three houses, a large palace with a middle room, Yuqing Palace on the east and Yushou Palace on the west.

There are not only many palaces, but also theater buildings, verandahs, stone mountains, grape trellises, etc.Although the scale is not comparable to the Forbidden City and the Old Summer Palace, it is very elegant, private and more intimate.

(End of this chapter)

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