Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2407: Two Foxes

Chapter 2407 Seven Volumes 110 Double Fox (Bi)

Wanxi sat by the window, looking up at the pavilions outside the window.

Although it is already September, the sight of autumn is already everywhere.Although there are no more flowers, red willows and greenery, the mountains and forests are all dyed, and the layers of golden and crimson are still the beauty of this world.Not as delicate as a daughter, but as generous as a man.

Wanxi couldn't help but think of the painting that Jiufujin painted for Jiuye back then, in which he used cinnabar ink to dye the colorful autumn colors like that.

Time is easy to get old, and it is already how many years ago, when I lower my eyes, half my life has passed by.

Yuchan walked in, pursed her lips and smiled, "Back to master, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has just received a letter from Luanjia, saying that the emperor will come to the palace tomorrow. Master will rest early tonight, and prepare to pick him up tomorrow." .”

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "I see."

Wanxi also put away her thoughts, and prepared to rest earlier.

But Yuchan was still standing there, hesitating to speak.

Wanxi raised her eyes, "If you have something to say, you don't have to hide it."

Yuchan hurriedly took a few steps forward, until she reached Wanxi's side, "...the emperor came back from the summer resort, and these days he has been prosecuting criminals from various provinces."

Wanxi's heart trembled slightly.

Anyway, Jiqing is also from the Wei family.

Even as a minister, he was punished by the court for making mistakes, but whether he was in prison or exiled, he couldn't bear to be beheaded like this...

Wanxi took a deep breath, raised her eyes as calmly as possible, and smiled lightly, "As usual in the past, the emperor should return to Beijing at any rate before starting to hook up criminals from various provinces. Why is the emperor so anxious on the way back to Luan this year? Already started to hook up?"

"Your majesty was exhausted all the way, but he didn't rest when he arrived at the palace, and even wanted to execute the criminals. It's really hard work for the emperor."

To convict criminals with the punishment code is originally a national rite, so the emperor can't just hook him up in the bedroom, he has to go through the main hall in the imperial palace and go through all kinds of rituals before he becomes the minister of military affairs. Accompanied by others, we will complete this matter together.

This will always take time, and it must be done with caution. It is inevitable that the emperor will sacrifice a lot of rest.

Even though Wanxi tried her best to be calm, how could Yuchan not hear the sourness in her master's words.

Yuchan took a careful breath and said, "I want to come, I'm afraid it's because the emperor cares about the master's body, and doesn't want to make the master sad..."

Wanxi lowered her head and tried to smile.

Isn't that right? If the emperor really returns to the capital to make a decision as usual, then she will naturally hear the news... At that time, how can she be ruthless and not feel sad at all?

"It is customary for the emperor to convict criminals one by one according to the provinces. Have you heard that the emperor has already convict the criminals reported by which provinces?"

Yuchan nodded, took a careful look at Wanxi, and said in a low voice: "On September 110th, the emperor stayed in the two-room palace, the Yuxing Palace, and began to go to Jiangxi, Yunnan, Shandong, Zhili, Henan, Shanxi, and Sichuan. , Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces. More than [-] people will be hooked."

"On September 160th, the emperor stayed in the palace at Yaoting, and arrested criminals in Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian provinces. [-] nine people were arrested..."

Although Wanxi said that she had already made preparations in her heart, last year because of the empress dowager's [-]th birthday, the emperor kindly exempted them from being executed for one year, so this year, the number of criminals who will be executed for two years will naturally not be small.

But hearing these two sums, Wanxi's heart still couldn't help but tremble, "More than 110 people, plus 160 and nine people, that's 280 people..."

The emperor's decision to go to such a person all of a sudden shows that the laws of the country are strict, so Jiqing may not be able to escape the guilt this year.

Wanxi didn't want Yuchan to see that she was worried, so she reached out to bring the milk tea bowl.Hot milk tea is the most comfortable to drink in this autumn evening; but Wanxi seems to have forgotten how hot the milk tea was, so she picked up the tea bowl, her fingertips trembled, Spilled some milk tea out.

Yuchan also trembled, and hurriedly raised her voice, "Master, don't worry! ——The emperor also has criminals who have been suspended!"

Suspending the decision means that there has been no decision this year.

"...Stop executing officials and criminals. One person was executed in Henan. In the area of ​​ethics and discipline, one was executed in Zhili, three in Anhui, two in Jiangxi, one in Fujian, one in Henan, and one in Shandong. One prisoner, three criminals in Shanxi, three criminals in Sichuan, one criminal in Yunnan, and three criminals in Guizhou... You see, master, he was sentenced to behead prisoner, but the emperor didn't , still stopped so many people!"
Wanxi raised her eyes to look at Yuchan, nodded, and tried her best to smile.

"Silly girl, it is possible for the suspension of execution to be pardoned by the emperor, but it is not always the case. It is also reported by the provinces, and after the investigation by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, or the emperor feels that the case is still unclear, it is handed over to the provinces for further investigation. That's all."

Yuchan bit her lip, her eyes were already a little wet, and she knelt down at Wanxi's feet, "This slave deserves to die. I shouldn't have said this today. I'm afraid that the master will be worried. But the slave is also thinking about the emperor. All of a sudden, a fight started on the way, this situation is really different from previous years, the servant is worried, worried..."

Yuchan couldn't go on.

Wanxi nodded, reached out to grab Yuchan's arm, and pulled her up.

"I, I know what you think. You are worried that the emperor will do this because the emperor is suddenly on the way, and this year Jiqing is involved in the matter again. Before returning to Beijing, Ji Qing was dealt with in advance... It also saved me from going back to Beijing to make another deal, let me know, and it made me even more sad."

Yuchan's tears fell down.

"...The servant knows that if he talks about it now, it will make the master sad; but if he doesn't say it now, after the emperor returns to the capital, everything is a foregone conclusion, and the master will feel even more uncomfortable. This is how the slave weighs the two. , I still feel that maybe it’s better to go back to Ming Master first.”

Yuchan raised her head eagerly, and fixed her eyes on Wanxi with tears in her eyes, "The emperor asked the master to come to Nanshicao Palace to pick him up in advance, so it means that the emperor has not returned to Beijing. If the emperor changes his mind now , everything is still in time! The slave thinks, this is the only chance left for the master..."

"Now the master is pregnant with the emperor's heir, if the master is willing to plead with the emperor, then Lord Ji Qing may not have a chance..."
The night fell, and Wanxi was lying on the bed. Although she had closed her eyes a long time ago, she still couldn't fall asleep.

Yuchan's words kept ringing in her ears.

The sons and daughters of the officials are thinking of her, and she also understands that Yuchan's words are naturally reasonable-this is really a good opportunity, if she is willing to intercede with the emperor on Jiqing's behalf, she may not have a chance at all.

After all, Ji Qing didn't pretend to sell at a loss by himself, but just didn't strictly guard his subordinates, which is indeed excusable.

Wanxi sighed softly and turned over.

Yuchan is her official woman, and after Yurui was enfeoffed, she replaced Yurui as the woman in charge of her Yongshou Palace.Yuchan is not the kind of slave who mutters in front of her master, she is actually very cheerful and very funny.

Yuchan brought this up in front of her this time, not because Yuchan couldn't tell the difference, but because this time something peaceful happened just now.

During these four months, Xinpin's brother-in-law, An Ning, has quickly gone through the experience of sudden illness death - posthumous title of Ai Rong - exposure of criminal evidence - ransacking of family and resignation, and destruction of everything; If it is cut off, Concubine Xin will have something to say again.

Then this year's original celebration was also discounted.

Wanxi thought about it, the night was long, the fifteenth full moon was hanging brightly outside the window, it was hard to sleep in the end.
The next day, that is, September [-]th, Emperor Luanjia finally returned to Nanshicao Palace.

Because Wanxi was pregnant, although she didn't have to kneel outside the gate of the palace to greet her, she just stood at the gate of the inner court with a smile to meet her.

The emperor rushed over in a few strides, and with a smile all over his face, he bowed and helped Wanxi up.

The autumn sun in September illuminated the emperor's eyes, his thin lips curled up, trying to restrain his joy, but his fingers clenched Wanxi's elbow tightly.

"You're here... are you tired?"

Wanxi looked up at the emperor.Although it was only a two-month separation, the longing in my heart was already overflowing, and then my eyes finally met, my heart was relieved, but it jumped up excitedly because of joy.

"...Don't worry, your Majesty, although it is a temporary residence, the Nanshicao residence is only a few steps away from the garden; the carriages and horses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are well arranged, and Hu Shijie's preparations are well done. How can the servant be tired?"

The emperor nodded with a smile. At this moment, in front of so many people, he didn't say much.It's just that the hand holding Wanxi never let go, and the other hand naturally went around Wanxi's waist, wrapping around Wanxi's waist and abdomen in a protective manner.

The two stood embracing each other like this, each with their heads tilted, their four eyes facing each other alone.

The autumn sun in September also shone straight down from the high sky, falling on the shoulders and eyes of the two of them.It has its own warmth and floating feelings.
Except for the emperor, no one could have expected Wanxi to appear here.Especially the accompanying inner court ladies, they couldn't believe their eyes.

After seeing the scene in front of him at this moment, Concubine Shu, Concubine Ying, Concubine Yu, Concubine Rong and others who were accompanying them were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed.

Although it was unexpected, it was not surprising that it was Wanxi who came instead of someone else.If someone else is pregnant with the emperor's heir, and this month comes again, the emperor will not call.

But Wanxi has always been a special case.

Although Wanxi is pregnant, and the date of delivery is not far away, when the emperor is pregnant, even Jiangnan will take Wanxi with her; Take her to Mulan.In this month, Nanshicao Palace is only so close, even if Wanxi comes, there is nothing to worry about.

Among the others, Xin Changzai was originally a Concubine Yu who was studying the rules, and the status was low, so he didn't have any other thoughts.

Concubine Shen was really surprised, the corners of her lips pursed, and she wanted to say something.But after all, caring about his status, he forcibly endured it.He only raised his eyes and looked towards Queen Nala.

In front of the imperial concubine, the only one who does not need to hide is the empress.

Sure enough, when Concubine Shen raised her eyes, she saw Nala's sullen face.Nalashi stared at Wanxi closely, her whole body tensed up.

It's just that in front of the Empress Dowager at this moment, Nala had no choice but to suppress her anger for the time being, and send the Empress Dowager back to "Yushou Palace".After the empress dowager had settled down, Nala turned around and looked at Emperor Le from a distance, "What is the emperor doing? We have already arrived at Nanshicao, and there is only a stone's throw away from the capital. I can go back to the garden no matter what.”

"Why does the emperor bother to make the noble concubine come here today? She is also pregnant with the emperor's heir!"

The emperor smiled faintly, "The empress is right, you can return to the garden tomorrow. If you have anything to say, just wait until tomorrow when you return to the garden."

The emperor raised his eyes and looked at the crowd, "It's been a day of walking today, and everyone is tired. So I skipped all the red tape, and I didn't have to pay my respects to the queen tonight, so I left immediately and went back to my own Let's go to the bedroom and rest."

Concubine Shu and Concubine Ying looked at each other, but before Nalashi could say anything else, they both bowed and left immediately.

The emperor nodded with a smile, and Concubine Shu and Concubine Ying took the lead, turned around and left.

The other concubines and Xin Changzai naturally had to leave with her.Then only the empress left behind, couldn't help being angry, and stood there staring at the emperor.

It is not pleasing to ask Nala to stare at him so angrily.Wanxi gently scratched the emperor's palm.

The emperor snorted, let go of Wanxi's hand for the time being, walked in front of Nalashi, and patted Nalashi's shoulder lightly, "...The queen should go back and rest too. You are not tired, the emperor's brow Mother is always tired."

Nala raised his neck, "I will take care of the empress's mother, don't worry about it! Just a few words won't waste much time... The emperor summoned the noble concubine to the palace alone, but he didn't inform me of this before. Empress go!"

The emperor thought for a while, then looked back at Wanxi, and laughed, stretched out his hand and patted Nala's arm, "Yes, yes, yes, I forgot to inform the queen again. The queen is right, yes I haven't given it much thought."

"I'm happy today, so the queen shouldn't be angry with me." The emperor said and winked mischievously at Nala, "When I get back to the palace, I still have something good to give to the queen, ah~~"

It was rare for the emperor to talk to Nala's like this. Nala raised his eyes and stared blankly at the emperor, but he couldn't express any joy on his face.

But the emperor didn't care. After finishing speaking, he withdrew his hand, turned around and left.

Back to Wanxi's side, the emperor wrapped his arms around Wanxi's waist in a protective manner, and the two walked in together, looking back at Nalashi together.

The emperor shook his hand at Nala, "Why is the empress still standing there? Kneel down."
The emperor went back to the "room in the big palace" together with Wanxi, and Wanxi looked back quietly in the arms of the emperor.

Finally seeing Nala's figure no longer, Wanxi smiled mischievously, "The emperor is unreasonable. That is the empress, neither in Beijing nor on the day of the grand ceremony, why did the emperor ask the empress to kneel down?"

After all, she is the main wife of Zhonggong, how can she kneel casually?

The emperor shrugged, "I coaxed her to go back to the palace to rest, but she refused. I have to ask the master to say harsh words to drive her away... This is her own benevolence, so what can I do?" she?"

Wanxi lowered her head, "It must be the servant who suddenly appeared in the palace, making the queen unhappy."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "I called you here. If she's not happy, then she's dissatisfied with you! She's embarrassing you, so I'm going to drive her away?"

The two talked, hugged and helped each other into the bedroom.

The emperor carefully supported Wanxi to sit down on the edge of the kang, and then stretched out his feet freely, "Come on, take off my boots! I have been riding a horse all day, but I am tired."

Wanxi hurriedly got up, wanting to do it herself, the emperor hurriedly pressed down, "Sit down! My master told you to come here, it's not that I don't need someone to take off my master's boots."

Both Wei Zhu and Gao Yuncong hurried in to serve.

Wanxi also took the opportunity to get up, went in and took off her outer clothes, revealing her water-green robe and pink waistcoat, and inserted the tourmaline flying flower butterfly hairpin between her temples.
After taking off the two boots, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

Wanxi walked out slowly, but the emperor was defenseless, seeing Wanxi's attire all of a sudden, he was suffocated again.

The breath just now was all in vain.

Wanxi saw it all, secretly happy in her heart, but she couldn't bear to just glance at Wei Zhu and Gao Yun, deliberately pretending that she didn't see the emperor's eyes.

Waiting for Wei Zhu and Gao Yun to go out, he calmly held Yuchan's hand, walked back to the kang and sat down.Holding onto the emperor's words just now, he tilted his head and asked playfully, "I just said that I called the slave to come here, not to take off my boots... Then, why did I call the slave here?"

"What the empress said just now is also reasonable. The emperor will definitely be able to return to the garden tomorrow, and then he will naturally be able to see the servant tomorrow. Why do you need the servant to come for a trip today?"
In front of Wanxi, although her belly has been rounded twice, she is still looking forward, her eyebrows and eyes are vivid and picturesque.

Coupled with the combination of peach red and water green, it is as clear and ethereal as it was back then.

Wanxi intentionally turned bitter, "...Could it be possible that the master made up for the slave's birthday? But why did the master forget that it was Ah Lu's birthday yesterday. Even if the master wants to accompany you today, you should Ah Yu is the one. Even if you return to the palace tomorrow and make up for the slave, it won't be a day, the slave can afford to wait."

The emperor stared straight at Wanxi, he couldn't bear to turn his eyes away, so he reached out and grabbed Wanxi's wrist.

His palms were hot.

It is the appearance in front of him, the expression of this little girl, who understands the righteousness and holds the small sourness; this is the most real appearance of a daughter, and it is also the demeanor of a good wife that makes his heart move the most; His heart, from the time we first met, until now, has been tied tightly for so many years, and he can't stop cutting him, and he can't let go.

"What else do you need?" He greedily devoured her delicate and lively appearance with his eyes, "...Just because I miss you, can't I? Just because I see you one day later, I can't bear it anymore, Can't you?"

"If it wasn't for taking care of your body, I would have asked you to go to a further palace to wait for my grandfather, so that I would have seen you go a few days earlier! I really can't bear it for a day."

Wanxi's whole heart is like the first dye of the spring river, and the first redness of the peach blossom; her face is hot, and she hastily raised her eyes to look at Yuchan.

Yuchan laughed, and hurriedly lowered her head, looked at her nose and mouth, bowed and said goodbye.

As soon as Yuchan went out, the emperor grabbed Wanxi's wrist and brought her into the conversation, his lips pressed against her.

It was hotter than the palm.

As soon as the long-lost intimacy was pasted, Wanxi couldn't help but groan softly.

I miss her grandpa so much...

Who said that a woman who is pregnant with a child has no desire to go?

She never had to hide her feelings in front of the emperor, so she stretched out her arms to wrap around the emperor's neck, and responded proactively.

Instead, the emperor groaned, his hands slipped down from her wrists, and grabbed her left and right waists. "

"Linghu Jiu! ——You, how dare you treat me like this right now? Are you trying to tell me to make a mistake?"

Wanxi tilted her head on purpose, her beautiful eyes were covered with mist.

"Don't you...don't want to make mistakes?"

How could the emperor bear it, but he still couldn't help but hug Wanxi on his lap cautiously.

He was so eager to gnash his teeth, but he still raised his eyes carefully to look at Wanxi's eyes, "...my lord promises to be gentle, just a few times, okay?"

Wanxi shook her head vigorously.

The emperor suddenly sweated, "You Linghu Jiu... Since you can't, why are you teasing me like this? You have been able to bear it for the past two months?"

Wanxi burst into laughter, and lightly bit the side of the emperor's neck, where the pulse was beating.

"...The slave shakes his head, it's not that I don't want you to touch me; the slave is——you are not allowed to do it twice. The slave wants it, three times~~"

A wave of heat suddenly overwhelmed the mountains and engulfed the emperor's mind in an instant.No matter how wise and calm the emperor was, he was completely burned out at this moment, and he only thought about those three times.
Sitting on top of each other in the tent, like the mother of Buddha on the lotus platform, Wanxi is careful but at ease, this is more than three times...

Although she didn't dare to make mistakes, Wanxi still cooperated with the little hands, so that the emperor finally had a good time.

The emperor was satisfied, but after all, he was still a little bit unsatisfied, so he lightly bit Wanxi's shoulder.

"I know you can't make mistakes, but it's not enough, what can I do? It's all up to you, if you insist on teasing me like this, my fire will burn so hot that I can't suppress it!"

Wanxi held the emperor's cheek with both hands, and kissed her soft lips.

"...Master will wait for the slave for a few more months. As long as the master is willing to wait obediently, then the slave will definitely live up to the wait. When the time comes—there is only one that is ten times better than this time!"

The emperor's eyes lit up, and then he rolled his eyes, and he understood everything.

He pinched Wanxi, but then rubbed again, afraid that she would hurt.It was only then that she got tired of whispering in her ear, and said hoarsely, "...Stupid, you still worry that I will give my heart to others during your few months? I have spent all my energy on you, so I have to save some more days later, huh?"

Wanxi also blushed, wrapped her arms around the emperor's neck, and giggled.

"...The slave is still my little girl today, and I am still the same lively man as before. What is the age of the master? The man who is so troubled that the slave wants to cry aloud, Could it be a fox?"

The emperor laughed, and pinched her lightly again, "Fox is good at charm, then who is the one who charmed the other, huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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