Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2416, Volume 7, 119 Carpe diem

Chapter 2416 Seven Volumes 119 Carpe diem (Part 7000, [-] words)
"I have to say, my sister is wearing Han's clothes, she really looks very elegant and beautiful." Yu Rui blinked towards Wanxi, "From what I can see, the emperor must like it too. Otherwise, why would it fall under the stickers of sister and fifteen elder brothers?" I drew a picture of my sister wearing the clothes of the Han family, now I will draw another one!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes and smiled, biting the corner of her lips lightly.

She thought about what the emperor had said in the Nanshicao Palace, that she liked to see her in the Han family's clothes; she also said that she was allowed to wear them occasionally for him to see in front of him.

Yu Rui's eyes slid over the other four concubines again, "I'm used to seeing Concubine Qing wearing Han clothes; but this time, Concubine Shu from our Manchurian family and Concubine Rong from Huibu They are all dressed in Han family clothes, which makes me feel fresh when I look at them."

Wanxi's eyes only slid over the emperor sitting on the railing on the mountain pavilion.

Haha, Yurui is right.Concubine Shu, who came from a Manchu family, had never worn the clothes of the Han family; neither did Concubine Rong.But this happened to be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty who came from the Manchus, and it was not uncommon to see him wearing the clothes of the Han family; it could even be said that he was often seen.There are really too many paintings of the emperor wearing Han clothes in the palace. From childhood to this time, they also record the changes in the emperor's appearance over the years.

But Yurui was still a little worried, "It's just... if the queen sees this painting, will she use it again? We are tired of hearing what she said about sister, and we don't take it seriously; but she I'm afraid we have to turn to our two princes again..."

Wanxi nodded, "Don't be afraid. The whole painting is full of Han family clothes, including the emperor, Concubine Shu and Concubine Rong. If she picks on me, she is also picking on the emperor.

"Besides, the emperor explained it clearly a long time ago." Wanxi pointed to the poem on the upper right of the scroll, "The emperor said 'Song Nian powder book Dongshan fun, imitated as a picture of pleasure in the palace'. It is just a copy of Liu Songnian, one of the four Southern Song Dynasty masters. "Dongshan Silk and Bamboo Painting" is nothing more than a painting based on the real scene. The original characters in the painting are all dressed in Han family clothes, so the copy will naturally be dressed in the same way.

"Besides, the emperor also clearly stated in the following verses, 'The clothes are like the Han Dynasty, and the Danqing is written as a picture', indicating that this is just a game of copying Song paintings. If anyone has to criticize, it is she who repaired it herself. It's not enough."

Although Yurui came from the family of Hanlin Bannerman, he didn't know much about this Song Dynasty painter after all, so he was a little confused, "Liu Songnian, "Dongshan Silk and Bamboo Picture"?"

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "It's a pity that Sister Lu will be with Yuanzi at this moment, and she can't do without her. Otherwise, if Sister Lu were here, she would be able to explain more to you. I'll just give you a general idea: Jin Dynasty It is the era of famous officials, and the seclusion in the mountains and forests is also the feeling of the famous officials. Liu Songnian's original painting "Dongshan Silk and Bamboo Picture" is a painting of Xie An, a famous official in the Jin Dynasty. Before he became an official, he lived in seclusion in Dongshan in Kuaiji , the scene of feasting on mountains and rivers."

"The original picture depicts such a round of hills, beautiful shade and flying springs, Xie An and all the beauties walking on the bridge." Wanxi pointed to the concubines on the way in front of her, "it is in harmony with this mood."

Wanxi tilted her head and smiled mischievously, "It is because of this allusion that the term 'Dongshan Resurrection' came into existence later. Therefore, this 'Xie'an Dongshan' is a well-known allusion, not only for famous officials to live in seclusion, but also for the free and easy landscape; There is also the pride that once you get out of the mountain, you can control the pattern of the world. The tranquility in the picture is all a foreshadowing of the magnificence behind; A boy's dream."

Yu Rui opened her mouth wide, "... No wonder the emperor didn't choose the next picture to copy, but chose Liu Songnian's "Dongshan Silk and Bamboo Picture". This implies that the emperor has a moment of leisure, but he also has the pride of the world in his heart. !"

Wanxi smiled, and pointed to the last few lines of the imperial poem, "You're right, look, didn't the emperor write this: 'Lin Quanji's pride is not my business, and Baotai thinks hard about Yongtu'... The emperor just said that he doesn't have the literary arrogance of Xie An's love for mountains and rivers, the emperor cherishes the peace of the world in front of him, and all he thinks about is how to work hard so that this prosperous world will last forever."

Yu Rui sighed softly, "Only my sister can interpret so many stories in this picture, so I asked me to look at it, and I only saw the emperor's love for the mountains and rivers, but I didn't understand the 'resurrection' However, it is an ambition to foreshadow the general trend of the world just to enjoy the temporary happiness in front of you.”
With Wanxi's pointing, Yu Rui couldn't help but move her gaze away from the characters in the painting, to the emperor's long imperial poem.

Apart from the story of Xie An Dongshan that Wanxi told her just now, and the emperor's feeling of being prepared for danger in times of peace, Yurui pays special attention to one sentence: "The Yan family has not prepared the list of nine concubines, and the sedan chair wins the Ming concubine going out of the fortress."

Yu Rui lowered her eyes and thought, and couldn't help laughing, "I just wanted to say, why didn't the queen be drawn in the picture of the emperor? After all, the queen is also the lord of the six palaces. If the emperor doesn't draw her, if she is called She saw it, and she might make a fuss. I looked for it in this painting, and thought that the queen might not be on the bridge, but somewhere in the shelter of the mountains and rivers on the bank..."

"But it turns out that my eyesight is still stupid. The emperor made it clear a long time ago, it's simply that 'the Yan family is not prepared', that is, there is no queen in the painting!"

Hearing Yurui's interpretation, Wanxi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Yanshi" is the name of the queen of the Huns, and it can indeed refer to the queen here. "The Yan family is not prepared" can indeed be interpreted as the absence of the queen.

Wanxi also smiled and winked at Yurui, "These two sentences must always be explained in a coherent manner. Later, in the "Picture of Concubine Ming Going Out of the Fortress", the concubine of Ming Dynasty is Wang Zhaojun. , so these two sentences refer to the beauty of Zhaojun."

Wanxi said, her cheeks flushed slightly, "The emperor said that although Wang Zhaojun went to get married, he was not among the nine concubines of the emperor. But even so, there is nothing to regret, because the Women, their looks are 'better' than Wang Zhaojun..."

Yu Rui laughed loudly when she heard this, "Your majesty is saying that the emperor's own harem is even more beautiful than Wang Zhaojun's!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes shyly, "The emperor is so confident, how can I afford to wait?"

Yu Rui made a grimace, "But in the picture, who is in the center? The emperor said that his harem is more beautiful than Zhaojun, so who is he talking about?"

"Go!" Wanxi's ears turned red, she turned her back, and refused to talk to Yurui.

Yu Rui clapped her hands and laughed, "That makes more sense! Since the emperor is using this picture to praise someone's beauty, surpassing Wang Zhaojun; then there really shouldn't be a queen in such a picture. ... Cough cough, if she is here, how can the emperor have the nerve to boast such a big mouth?"
Wanxi's heart is also quietly sweet.

She thought for a while, then nodded, "Actually, these two sentences of the emperor are a bit abrupt. Since it is a copy of Liu Songnian's "Dongshan Silk and Bamboo Painting", it is said that Xie An's rule of the world, Dongshan's resurgence, or the beauty of mountains and rivers, it is fine. Why did you suddenly mention Wang Zhaojun?"

"The dynasties, characters, and situations are all irrelevant... But the emperor just wrote it like this, and the most reasonable explanation is what you just understood. Your majesty, I just said it clearly, but the queen is not drawn in this picture. .”

"The Yan family didn't prepare the list of nine concubines, it means that the queen is not among the concubines in this painting. If she insists on making trouble after seeing her, then the emperor can call her into the list of 'nine concubines', that's all. It's up to her to see if she wants to go!"

Yurui raised her eyebrows, and then she understood, and she bent her waist with a smile, "Isn't that so! "Book of Rites · Hunyi" stated that the concubine system of the Zhou Dynasty said: "In ancient times, the emperor established the sixth palace, the third lady, the nine Concubine, 27th concubine, 81 imperial wife'. Nine concubines are just concubines of the emperor, below the empress. If she insists on being the ninth concubine herself, it means that she does not want the position of the main palace, but must be a concubine went!"

"The emperor used this line of poetry to point out that the painting deliberately did not paint her; and if she wanted to make trouble, the emperor would have prepared all the words to scold her. Let's see if she dares to make trouble? If there is trouble, the emperor will simply do what she wants, demote her hollowness, and call her a real concubine."

Yurui snorted coldly as she spoke, "It's not that we in the Qing Dynasty never had an abolished empress. The empress was abolished and demoted to a concubine, which has long been the case."

Yurui raised her eyes and focused on Wanxi, "Sister...why did I suddenly feel that from this poem and this painting, the emperor has revealed his intention to abolish the empress?"

Wanxi also flickered in her heart.

"Yu Rui...you have to be careful about what you say, we shouldn't say it." Wanxi held Yu Rui's hand, "Abolishing a queen is a big deal, and both the heaven and the common people will blame the emperor. If something like this happens The emperor will be under too much pressure—so, I hope it won't happen."

Yurui also nodded, "Don't worry, sister, I understand. I will guard my words carefully, and I will never talk nonsense with others. I just..." Yurui raised her eyes and looked at Wanxi, "I just feel that, the emperor Even for the sake of our fifteenth elder brother, for the sake of the emperor's long-awaited love, we have to abolish the empress."

"If the empress is not abolished, there will be a direct prince like the twelfth elder brother standing in front of us, and our fifteenth elder brother will have a difficult future. Only when the queen is abolished, the twelve elder brother will no longer be a direct son. Then we ten The fifth elder brother will succeed in the future to be justifiable!"

Wanxi took a deep breath, looked up at the night sky outside the window, "...I don't want to be so far away at this moment, I only think about the present, I only think about tonight. If God really wants it, he will protect me first Please send Yuanzi to the saint safely."

As soon as Wanxi finished speaking, she suddenly saw Yuchan Yuchan running in in a panic.

Wanxi's heart suddenly rose to her throat, and she hurriedly asked, "But what's wrong with Wufutang?"

Yuchan didn't dare to speak, but just nodded her head vigorously, "One of the two apprentices that Manager Gui arranged to run errands to deliver the letter came and said he wanted to go back to the master."

Wanxi hurriedly looked at the Western clock on the table.

It is the unitary time.That is to say, only one hour has passed since the auspicious time for the little fifteen acne.

A letter came suddenly so soon, could it be that Xiao Shiwu's body had an adverse reaction to the flower seedling, is this bad?
Wanxi staggered, and raised her hand to grab the collar tightly.

"What about others? Tell him to come in."
Yurui had already lied in his heart, but now he insisted on stopping Wanxi, "Sister! Tell me first to hear what he reported. After all, he just came from Wufutang, so don't bring it with you." Get sick."

Wanxi felt cold and began to tremble slightly, but she still firmly looked up at Yurui and shook her head.

"No... No matter what it is, I have to listen to it myself."

Yuchan then went out with trembling feet, and brought in the little eunuch who sent the message after a while.

Wanxi felt her heart was stuffy and she couldn't breathe, but she tried her best to calm down, and asked in a deep voice, "What did Director Gui ask you to pass on? You have recovered your breath, so please answer now."

The little eunuch knelt down and didn't dare to raise his head, he couldn't see the expression on his face, he could only see his shoulders shrugged because he was panting heavily.

The little eunuch finally managed to catch his breath, but suddenly raised his face and smiled happily, "Return to the noble concubine master, the Rui noble master, the eunuch Zhao Xingbang who served by the fifteenth elder brother's side at the second quarter of the first year of the new year Come and report that Elder Brother Fifteen sneezed!"

Wanxi, however, was a bit nervous because she couldn't recover, "Sneezed? Then... But it was cold in the Wufu Hall, so Yuanzi caught a cold, huh? Is there enough charcoal? The charcoal, this is called the Ministry of Internal Affairs to transfer it to use!"

On the contrary, Yurui also had the experience of having the princes and daughters vaccinated several times before, so she calmed down, but reached out and grabbed Wanxi's hand, and said softly, "Sister, don't panic, I think it's a good letter." !"

He clasped Wanxi tightly with his fingers, but asked the little eunuch, "...I just ask you, what did Director Gui Yuan and the doctor Cai Shijun say?"

The corners of the little eunuch's eyes were smiling, "My master asked several imperial physicians, and the imperial physician Cai said, 'I can see my elder brother's pulse and spirit are very good. Since the beginning of the year, Miao Jixiang has sneezed more than ten times in succession..." They all said This sneezing is so good, I am afraid that the flower seedling has already survived in the nose of the fifteenth elder brother! "

Wanxi was shocked and overjoyed, and then she shook, "What? So fast, in just an hour, it has already been planted?"

The little eunuch also said happily, "My master and the imperial physicians all said that I have served so many princes, grandchildren, and elder brothers of the clan before getting vaccinated. It went so smoothly, and our fifteenth elder brother is the first one!"

Wanxi was so happy that her legs went limp again, and she almost fell to the ground.It was Yurui who had sharp eyes and quick hands, and hurriedly pulled an embroidered pier over and placed it under her head.

Wanxi's eye circles were already red, and she was speechless.Yu Rui hurriedly laughed and shouted, "Reward! Cuihuan, Cuixiu, take out all the purses I have prepared, and reward this little eunuch, together with Director Guiyuan, and the imperial doctors on the island!"
Cui Huan took the little eunuch out to receive the reward, and Wan Xi finally felt relieved and shed tears.

Yurui was already full of tears, and she pointed to the painting on the table with a smile, "Picture of Carnival, Jiaqing... Your Majesty's use of these words is really good. This is what our fifteenth elder brother is doing. I was happy to see you from the very beginning! Sister, don't worry, this matter is so smooth, it means that the heaven is protecting our fifteenth elder brother."

"Then the emperor's intentions are not wrong, our fifteenth elder brother can also bear the expectations of the heavens and the emperor!"

Wanxi herself raised her sleeves to wipe away her tears, which turned her tears into laughter.

It's such a coincidence, she said just now that she didn't care about the emperor's intention to abolish the empress, she just wanted to tell Xiao Shiwu Shun Shun Shun Shun to get rid of the acne... As a result, Xi Xiner came so soon, does that mean that Well, God also agrees with the emperor's wish to establish a crown prince and abolish the empress, so that makes everything go so smoothly?

But Wanxi didn't dare to be careless, she still grabbed Yurui's hand, "...After all, it's the first day, that is, Hua Miao survived smoothly, but there are still a few days left. Let's be happy It should be, but don't just think that everything is going well."

The next day, he also nodded, "At this moment, nothing is more important than the safety of our fifteenth elder brother. As long as fifteenth elder brother is going well, we can't let go of the rest; after all, fifteenth elder brother is still young, so wait There are still so many years before the fifteenth elder brother grows up, so there is nothing we can't wait for, so we don't need to hurry."
Peach Blossom Temple Palace.

This palace is located on Taohua Mountain, eighteen miles east of Jizhou City.There are peach blossoms on the mountain, which bloom earlier than other places, so it is named "Peach Blossom Mountain".

There is Dijin Spring in the middle of the mountain, with meandering streams, green and lovely.There is a temple named Peach Blossom Temple.Fifty miles east of the imperial mausoleum, it is the only way for Luanyu.

Since the establishment of the palace here in the 18th year of Qianlong, the emperor visited the mausoleum every February and stayed here.

Concubine Xin was familiar with the palaces along the way, and she smiled when she saw the name "Peach Blossom Temple", "...the name of this palace is to help me."

I stayed all the way out of Beijing until February 23, the day of the mausoleum sacrifice, and I happened to stay in the Taohua Temple Palace.

Concubine Xin originally had a heart of anticipation, but after these days, it turned a little bit bad.

"...What a coincidence, Wei Wanxi's fifteenth elder brother is the auspicious time for vaccination on February 24, and the emperor chose to visit the mausoleum the day before! Isn't it true that he wants to rush to the fifteenth elder brother specially? Before vaccinating, go to the ancestors for blessings?"

After all, there is still fifty miles away from the Taohua Temple Palace to the imperial mausoleum, but the emperor, regardless of the distance, insisted on going to visit the mausoleum on this day, how can it be said that it was not the emperor's intention!

Le Rong carefully persuaded, "Master is so unhappy, if you want to come to the queen master, you must feel even more uncomfortable..."

Concubine Xin raised her eyebrows, looked at Le Rong, and smiled faintly.

"That's right, you're right. I'm getting a little angry today, and the empress must be in chaos today~~ Wouldn't it be more God helping me?"

The more Concubine Xin thought about it, the happier she became, and she calmed down, so she glanced at Le Rong, "... let's go."
On this day, because the emperor was about to go to Yeling, Nala led the accompanying concubines to serve the emperor for breakfast.

The concubines sat together and had breakfast with the emperor.

Several concubines got up one after another and served the emperor and queen personally.Some serve porridge, some cloth dishes, and some pour milk tea.

Concubine Xin is the one who pours the milk tea.

Thinking about going to the mausoleum later, with strict etiquette and so many rules, Nala's family couldn't eat.But there are still fifty miles to go, and those rituals are required, and it will not work if there is no food in the stomach.

Although Nalashi didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food, he still drank two more bowls of milk tea.

Satisfied, Concubine Xin withdrew, and did not raise her head during the whole meal, she just finished her meal in silence.
On this day, the emperor led the harem to pay homage to Zhaoxi Tomb, Xiaoling Tomb, Xiaodong Tomb, and Jingling Tomb.

Before reaching the stele pavilion, I got out of the sedan chair and wept bitterly.

Step into the Longen Gate, salute in front of Baocheng, bow and mourn.

Officials from the harem and ministers of civil and military affairs below the king accompanied them to salute.

Amidst the wailing voices of the crowd, the whole world was shrouded in an atmosphere of solemn mourning.Only Nala's breath suddenly became short of breath, and his body became inexplicably hot.

He stood half a step behind the emperor, just as he was saluting.At this time, there must be no mistakes at all.

Such a solemn atmosphere helped Nala temporarily suppress the frizzy scorching heat in his body, and managed to maintain it and finished the salute.

Afterwards, when Empress Xiaoxian, Imperial Concubine Huixian and other inner court officials who had already entered the imperial mausoleum made a drink in front of them, Nala couldn't hold back any longer.

Fortunately, not everyone can enter the imperial tombs. The world behind the emperors is also one of the top secrets in the world for the former ministers and ordinary inner court officials.Therefore, for the libation this time, the emperor only brought Mrs. Nala inside, and the rest of the concubines could only wait outside.

Let the emperor have a libation, although the Nala family does not need to salute the imperial concubines as a rule, but at any rate, Empress Xiaoxian is the first wife of the Yuan Dynasty.

She also picked up the wine cup, but she didn't go to the golden coffin to make a salute, but she suddenly looked back and smiled sweetly, "Your Majesty...why didn't your majesty drink this wine? The wine tastes sweet, so your majesty took a sip Bar."

In the end it was the underground palace, the surroundings were gloomy, and Nala's sudden smile and words made the emperor startled and stared at her in a daze.

"Queen! What's wrong with you..."

But Nalashi didn't realize what was wrong with him, instead, holding the wine cup, he simply turned around and left the altar, and walked towards the emperor to sit down.

Her cheeks were tinged with peach blossoms, and her eyes were also full of water.

"Grandfather... This is Heying's wine. I can drink it only after I drink it."

As Nala said, he had already walked in front of the emperor, and brought the wine cup to the emperor's mouth.

"Drink quickly, sir! I'll drink it when my master finishes it; I'll finish it...it's ours. It's wedding night in the bridal chamber."

The emperor was startled again, stepped back abruptly, raised his hand, and dropped the wine cup to the ground.

Fortunately, the wine cup was not broken, but the wine in it was spilled all over the floor, and then innocently rolled to the side, slumped to the corner of the wall.

"Queen! What kind of madness are you doing today?"

The emperor held on, so he didn't wave Nalashi aside.

The emperor raised his finger and pointed to the sleeping golden coffins, "You don't even look, what is this place! Anyway, Xiaoxian, Huixian, Zhemin, and Shujia are all buried here! In front of them, you How embarrassing it is for you to say such things in such a mood as me!"

Nala's eyes were blurred, and he giggled, "The emperor said, they are watching? Okay, okay, let them watch! Compared with them, although I entered the palace the latest, but I am older than them." They're all young! The emperor won't like them when he has me."

Nala stepped forward, softly pounced on the emperor, wanting to fall into the emperor's arms, "...the emperor will only like me alone."

In Nala's mind, she has returned to the time when she married into the palace.At that time, she was just a 15-year-old girl; at that time, she was the side Fujin who was assigned to the fourth son of the emperor by the late emperor—it was the side Fujin, the one who married and entered the palace in a serious manner. Fujin!

It's not comparable to those hooves who were posthumously crowned imperial concubines. They are all just "princes and maids" and slaves; and she is the side Fujin pointed out by the late emperor, who was married into the palace. It's the master!

Even Huixian was later promoted to be the prince's side Fujin, but that was also "superior"!She was the original prince's maid, and even later she made up for the wedding, but she was already in the palace, unlike her who was married into the palace in a serious manner!
Even if it's just temporarily inferior to a filial piety, what's the matter?She is young, she is six years younger than Xiaoxian!

Doesn't the emperor like lively and cute little girls?Wasn't the imperial concubine Ling at the age of fourteen or five when she entered the palace... Then she was too, she was only that old when she married into the palace to serve as the emperor's fourth son!
The emperor must like her, it must be.

She smiled, like a dream, and called softly, "Your Majesty... Come quickly. Look, Your Majesty, the red curtains have been lowered, and the red candles are almost burnt out... Your Majesty, I have been waiting for a long time, Your Majesty, don't call me any more." I waited."

She giggled, smiled innocently, and finally hugged the emperor's arm, and was about to pin him down.

The emperor was horrified, and he violently pushed her aside with both arms.

"Queen! Are you crazy?" The emperor's roar reverberated in the underground palace, like an angry tiger roaring and a dragon roaring.

Nala was shocked, but didn't want to give up, so she wanted to step forward and throw herself on the emperor's ankle...

The emperor hurriedly strode away, and then called, "Send the imperial physician quickly. The empress is obsessed with phlegm, so call the imperial physician to serve her!"
Concubine Xin who was waiting outside the imperial mausoleum, saw the emperor's expression when he came out, and she already knew something in her heart.

She lowered her head and looked at her nails, which had already been washed clean.

This morning, there was some porcelain white powder in the crevices of the nails.

That's the skull of a cuckoo bird.

She was in Suzhou during the southern tour, and it was her brother-in-law An Ning who gave it to her.It is said that it is Jiangnan Hualou, those women use this method to charm their benefactors.

There are many kinds of rhododendrons, the sad cuckoo cuckoo, which screams "It's better to go back, it's better to go back" every spring; but there is another kind of white cuckoo, which sounds like a partridge, singing like a partridge. It's also "I can't do it, brother"...

It was the cry of the white rhododendron that echoed the heartfelt wishes of the girls in the flower building to stay with their benefactors.As if the heaven responded, the cuckoo's brain was ground into powder, and he had the ability to charm people's hearts.Let the girls cry out "I can't do it, brother", and use that method to successfully keep the benefactors.

She had just obtained this good thing, but before she could use it, the emperor parted ways with her on the way back to Luan, and accompanied the noble concubine Na Ling on the road alone.After returning to Beijing, so far, the emperor has never visited her, let alone had the opportunity to meet her alone.

Later, the brother-in-law died.Whether this thing works or not, she has nowhere to ask.

In this case, use the queen to try the medicine.

Killing two birds with one stone, taught the queen a lesson, and told her to understand the effect of the medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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