Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2417: Peach Blossom

Chapter 2417 Seven Volumes 120 Peach Blossom (Bi)
That night when Nala returned to the Peach Blossom Temple, although her spirit had calmed down somewhat, "peach blossom ringworm" suddenly developed on her cheeks.

It is early spring at this time, and Peach Blossom Mountain is full of peach blossoms, and the flowering period is earlier than other places, so it is quite normal for Nala to have peach blossom ringworm here.

After seeing the doctor, the imperial doctor also told the emperor, "... Peach blossom ringworm is mostly caused by accumulation of dampness in the spleen and stomach, excessive heat accumulation, or external wind and heat. It coincides with the early blooming of peach blossoms in this place, so the queen empress has scars. .”

"The scars on this surface are easy to treat. You can use some rose salt for external use, or take 'Xiaofeng Yurong Powder' internally."

Rose salt, the main ingredients are rose dew and silver salt.

The roots, branches, leaves and flowers of rose can be used as medicine. It is cool, sweet and bitter in nature, which can clear away heat and dampness, dispel wind, activate blood circulation and detoxify.According to medical records: Rosa twigs can cure alopecia; external application of leaves can promote muscle growth and mouth opening; flowers can clear away heat, harmonize stomach, and stop bleeding.

Nitrate has the effects of dissipating, pulling out pus, and removing rot, so rose nitrate can be effective for peach blossom tinea.

And "Xiaofeng Yurong San" is a medical book compiled by the emperor himself, and the emperor is more familiar with and relieved of this prescription.

For Xiaofeng Yurong powder, use mung bean flour, white chrysanthemum, white aconite, Atractylodes macrocephala, and white salt to grind into fine powder, add a little borneol, grind well and store.Wash your face every day and replace it with soap, which is specially used to treat tinea peach blossom.

The emperor nodded after hearing this, but squinted his eyes and asked, "... Then she was in the underground palace today, and suddenly she was obsessed with phlegm, but what happened?"

The several imperial physicians looked at each other, and they were right in their hearts.Since the emperor said that "phlegm has confused the mind", they can only talk in this direction.

"When I return to the emperor, I can see the reason from the peach blossom ringworm caused by the queen's empress - the yang energy in spring is stagnant and easy to get angry, and the empress's diet is more meat-based, so the humidity is even heavier. Combining the hatchback, That’s why the empress’s spleen and stomach have accumulated dampness and excessive heat, and the underground palace is damper and colder after all, causing the empress’s heart to be overheated and cold from the outside…that’s why the empress is like that.”

The emperor narrowed his eyes, "You mean, there is nothing wrong with her situation today?"

The imperial physicians all said, "Since tinea peach blossom has appeared, the root cause of the disease has been cleared up. The empress's situation today can be predicted, and there is nothing wrong with it."

The emperor brushed his cuff with his finger, "Is there anything wrong with her diet today?"

Several imperial physicians looked at each other again, then shook their heads, "The empress's diet today has been checked by the humble ministers, and there is no mistake. Besides, from breakfast onwards, the empress's diet has been shared with the emperor and other empresses. Sit together and have a meal together. The food is the same, there is nothing wrong with the emperor and those empresses, which fully proves that everything is correct."

"Therefore, we only need to clear away the heat, detoxify, and help the empress relieve the anger, and the disease will naturally heal."

The emperor squinted his eyes and recalled that during the breakfast, it was not the same person who served the porridge, cloth vegetables, and poured the milk tea.Almost all the concubines got up to serve, and all of them used the porridge, vegetables, and milk tea handed over by others.

Today, except for Nala, no one else felt any discomfort; and Nala happened to have ringworm all over her face, which proved that the root cause of the disease was her own internal heat and dampness, and the external cold of the underground palace. Get confused.

The emperor nodded slowly, "It makes sense."
The news that Nala had committed ringworm spread among the harem attendants.Several people couldn't help lowering their heads and laughing lightly.

Peach blossom ringworm is common, even among them there are quite a few people, and I also suffer from this problem every spring.

This is not a serious illness, just get some ingredients from the Tai Hospital, and make some nitrate to rub it on yourself.

It's just that in the bottom of my heart, I feel that Nala's ringworm is quite interesting.

Everyone went to pay Nala's greetings, and it was naturally inconvenient to see Nala's side.Tana gave the words and said, "The queen's master has committed a crime, and I'm afraid I will hurt the masters. Please go back first, and wait for the queen's master to recover, and then meet with the masters."

After everyone dispersed, Concubine Xin finally evoked a smug smile.

Le Rong couldn't help laughing, "It's not uncommon for peach blossom ringworm. What's rare is that the Queen's master is at this age, and she can still commit this kind of crime. I've heard that young girls in their teens and 20s are guilty of it." This is common; there is no need to worry about this scar, after the age of 30, it will naturally disappear gradually. But the empress is 45 this year, and she can still rejuvenate, and she has this young sickness."

Concubine Xin knew the reason, so she couldn't help but smile even more proudly.

It's all because of the cuckoo's brain.That secret recipe can make a woman spring up, and when she is in a daze, she just feels that she is your little girl in her teens. She is so cute and foolish just to keep her lover...The medicine will definitely make a woman rejuvenate, which makes her feel aroused again. Go to tinea peach blossom, which is more common in little girls.

"Isn't that right? It makes people feel that the queen is not old-hearted and does not accept the old. Therefore, a 45-year-old woman can still look like a girl in her teens and 20s, with peach blossom ringworm on her face! Then she What you do with the emperor in the underground palace is nothing more than natural, and this is what is called 'life crime'."
Le Rong smiled enough, and looked carefully at Concubine Xin, "...It's just that the empress behaves so abnormally today, won't the emperor be suspicious? The master gave the empress a good thing of 'filial piety', I'm afraid it won't be found out by the imperial physician ?”

Concubine Xin snorted proudly, "The imperial doctors couldn't find out! This brain bone is just the end of a bone, and it's not a poison. It's even more difficult to tell if it's mixed in milk tea. How did the imperial doctors know?"

"Besides, these imperial physicians in the palace are all recommended by local officials and called into the palace after passing the examination of the Ministry of Rites. Therefore, these people are all the children of famous medical families from all over the world, and they are even more well-educated. They all walk the 'Yangguan Avenue', and some of them have never even been in the Hualou. Otherwise, they are not eligible to be recommended just because they have been in the Hualou."

"That's why, it's okay if you tell them to cure diseases and save lives. If you tell them to understand the twists and turns in those flower houses, it's really hard for them. After all, they are all high-ranking famous doctors from a family, even the girls in the flower houses have Firstly, they can’t afford to invite them, and secondly, they don’t bother to treat those girls, which makes them have nothing to do with Hualou.”

Le Rong thought about it, and it was indeed the reason, so he also smiled.

"As for the emperor..." Concubine Xin put away her smile, a little cautious, "What can he investigate? The cuckoo's brain is not poisonous, and the emperor is not from Jiangnan, and it is impossible for him to set foot in Jiangnan Hualou. It’s Son Shengming, and he won’t know about that stuff.”

"Again, I'm not the only one serving the meal this morning. Everyone has touched the meal. If you really want to investigate, then naturally all the people who are driving will be investigated! You feel that the emperor is visiting the mausoleum. On the way, would you go through such a lot of trouble, and ask the ancestors in the spirits of the sky to watch him go through such a toss?"

In order to treat Nala's illness, the emperor had to stay at the next stop for five days, from the 24th to the 28th.

On the 29th, although Nala's ringworm was still not healed, her madness finally passed the medicine and calmed down.

On this day, there was also good news in Yuanmingyuan.

One day, the little eunuch from the Guiyuan faction came to report to Wanxi, and relayed Cai Shijun's words, saying, "My elder brother is in good spirits, his pulse is slight, and sometimes he is hot. See Xin Miao at the left corner of his face first." grain."

Wanxi knew that this was an official acne breakout.

This is not only good news, but it is also at a critical moment, which makes Wanxi happy and her heart is pulled even tighter.

The little eunuch was also clever, and hurriedly said, "The slave master said that the doctors who check the acne are all very careful, and the number of times of checking the acne has increased from twice a day to three or four times a day; and they have already used 'Yimiao Toxi' Soup's cooking, please rest assured, the concubine and master."

Gui Yuan, the imperial physician Cai Shijun and others were cautious, but even Wanxi couldn't find any faults.Wanxi could only nod with a smile, "Director Gui and Imperial Physician Cai are both acting according to orders, so I can rest assured."

The little eunuch finished his reply and left.

Watching the back of the little eunuch, Wanxi suppressed everything before she wanted to ask the question—Gui Yuan and Cai Shijun, can they also report the situation of Xiao Shiwu to the emperor?What did the emperor say?

Although according to the rules of the palace, the situation of the prince's vaccination must be reported to the empress dowager, the emperor, the empress and the prince's biological mother at the same time.But at this time, the emperor and the others were not in Beijing.Come to think of it, Gui Yuan and Cai Shijun couldn't report it so quickly, could they?As for the emperor, I'm afraid it will take many days to find out.

Wanxi had no choice but to comfort herself: After all, this was Xiao Shiwu's first acne.It's still far from the time when the whole body is full, Gui Yuan and the imperial physicians don't have to be in such a hurry to ask people to go out of Beijing to report, right?
Wanxi didn't expect that three days later, that is, on the second day of March, she suddenly received a notice saying that the emperor had returned!
After the emperor sent the empress dowager back to the Changchun Garden, he rushed back, and boarded the "natural picture" island together with Wanxi, and personally listened to the reports of Guiyuan and the imperial physicians.

Wanxi was originally a strong mother, and these days she was holding on alone. Although she was sad, she did not express it in words. She endured even more and did not go to ask Gui Yuan and the imperial physicians every day, so as not to put them under extra pressure; Xi even called Yu Rui, and informed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send one hundred percent gold noodles, nine gold noodles, and ten gold ingots to the imperial physicians and eunuchs who were sitting on the island. Use it for entertainment when it's worth it. (The cards played and the money won or lost~)

There is a limit to the flexibility of the human heart, and no one can be tense all the time day and night.As a mother, she couldn't bear it, so how could she keep the serving doctors and eunuchs tense all the time?Besides, she always remembered the emperor's words, "Jiaqing", this is a happy event, she would rather make everyone happy.

Tell the imperial physicians and eunuchs who are waiting by Xiao Shiwu's side day and night to have a way to rest in their hearts. When they are on duty and return to Xiao Shiwu's side, they will feel more comfortable in their hearts. Naturally, you can serve more attentively, right?

But today, she suddenly welcomed the emperor back, she relieved all the pressure on herself, and stood beside the emperor, her legs felt a little weak.

——When the emperor is not around, if there is something wrong with Xiao Shiwu, what should she do, and how should she explain to the emperor?

The emperor held Wanxi's hand tightly, supporting her to go, but with a calm smile on his face, listening to Gui Yuan and the imperial physicians' reports, nodding from time to time.

However, the emperor's long eyes slid across the faces of the eunuchs, taking their panic into his eyes.

The emperor came back to the palace suddenly, and came rushing to the island, leaving the eunuchs completely unprepared, so there was no time to hide the cards and ingots.Facing the emperor so suddenly, everyone was a little panicked.

The emperor tilted his head and glanced at Wanxi.

Wanxi hurriedly nodded vigorously to the emperor.

The emperor snorted softly, and finally said: "...you have served well, and you have dealt with everything appropriately."

All the doctors and eunuchs secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The emperor walked out of the window of Wufutang again and stood side by side with the magnolia tree.

At this time, it is already March in Yangchun, and although the magnolia has not yet bloomed, the business has already sprouted.

The emperor softly said to the window, "Yuanzi, Ama is back. Don't worry, Ama was not locked in the magnolia tree... But, Ama temporarily stored her heart in the magnolia tree and called it Be with you day and night, ah~~"

The emperor said, the corners of his eyes were wet, "Yuanzi, you have to be obedient, and the Pox God Empress will definitely like you. Pox God Empress, I want to keep you for two days, and play hide-and-seek with you. Two days have passed , Empress Pox God, go back to the fairy position in the sky, and you will be fine."

Xiao Shiwu was in the window, and when he heard the emperor's movements, he was still a little anxious, and asked in a childlike voice, "But Ama, why can't I see Empress Pox God? Where is she and what does she look like. Why did she leave me to play hide and seek?"

The emperor was also questioned, and he stood outside the window and bit his lip lightly.

After a while, the emperor suddenly turned his long eyes, and lowered his voice with a smile, "...Pox Goddess, she looks just like your imperial mother! Yuanzi, do you like imperial mother?"

Yuanzi laughed when he heard this, and giggled crisply through the window, "My son knows! My son cares about Huang Mamu!"

Wanxi suddenly let go of her heart, and raised her eyes to look at the emperor, her eyes and heart were filled with admiration.

The emperor is really good at coaxing children.

——But yes, only the emperor dares to make such a metaphor in this world, and she doesn't have the courage.

Besides, I have to say it again, the emperor has to say it to whom.The Empress Dowager liked Xiao Yuanzi, so Xiao Shiwu was happy when the Emperor made such a metaphor; but if it were her, and the Emperor wanted to use the Empress Dowager as a metaphor, she would have to be even more worried.

But don't worry about anything now, the one who cares more is the child.As long as the old lady is kind to the child, and the child is only happy when she thinks of the old lady, then she will no longer have any resentment towards the old lady in her heart.

No matter in the past or in the future, no matter what the old lady has done to her, or what she will do in the future; just for this moment, to make Xiao Shiwu feel at ease, then she can let go of everything and think about it .
Xiao Shiwu was relieved, and the emperor went to burn incense before the offering, and went to see the Yuqin in person, and then left the "Natural Picture" island with Wanxi on his arm.

With the emperor by her side, Wanxi felt more comfortable in her heart than ever before, and now she felt that the sky was falling and she was not afraid.

Standing on the small boat, with sparkling eyes, she tilted her head and looked at the emperor, "Why didn't the empress come here? 'The Yan family has not prepared nine concubines', but this time, it is the prince who has the pox at any rate. The prince's aunt should come here to offer incense and salute to the Goddess of Pox God. The empress is not just because Xiao Shiwu is my child, is this petty?"

The emperor snorted softly, "Don't bother with her this time, it's not that she doesn't want to come, she can't wait to take a look in person. She didn't come today, it's because she has ringworm on her face. Although ringworm is not It's serious, but it's also a keloid, so I don't want to call her here, lest I get sick again."

Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled reassuringly, "It would be better not to come. If you come... the slave must follow her every step of the way this time."

The emperor patted Wanxi's hand lightly, "Guiyuan's errands are done well, and the security is strictly guarded. Without the will of the Lord, no one outside can go to the island. Even the queen, it's not that she said she wanted to go to the island." I can go there. Besides, I just got this scar, so I think it's good, so I just don't want her to come near me!"

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyes, "But I don't seem to have seen the empress have this scar before? If you have peach blossom ringworm, shouldn't you suffer from it every spring?"

The emperor shrugged, "Whatever she got it for! After all, this scar can make her stay in peace, don't come to the island to meddle, I will be satisfied! I will take care of Xiao Shiwu for a while. Before it's too late, I don't even have the time to find out how she got into trouble!"
Perhaps it was the Xixiner who came back from the emperor who reminded him, and the acne on Xiao Shiwu's body went out smoothly.

On the fourth day of March, Cai Shijun and four other imperial physicians jointly wrote: "The [-]th elder brother's hi-acne granules are distinct, rosy and radiant."Shangshun is overjoyed, and it is reasonable to make offerings to the saints. "

The emperor readily agreed to play.

On this day, Guiyuan led people to set up sacrifices for the holy in the Ming Room of "Bamboo Deep and Lotus Quiet".

The offerings of the saints are as follows: on the front is the Empress of Immortals, on the left is the Empress of Spots, and on the right is the Empress of Vision.

The East Wing enshrines: Brother Puer, King of Medicine, and City God.

The west chamber is enshrined: sister pox, medicine saint, and land.

After the arrangements for the offering to the saints were completed, Gui Yuan enlightened the queen, Wanxi, and Yuqin.

Wei Zhu even obeyed the emperor's orders and rushed to the Changchun Garden to report the good news to the empress dowager.

Wei Zhu specifically informed the Empress Dowager, saying, "Brother Fifteen is not afraid of the Pox Goddess at all, and even likes the Goddess of Pox very much. Brother Fifteen said that the Goddess of Pox is as kind as Queen Mother, so fifteenth Elder brother only thinks about the emperor's grandmother, so he is not afraid at all. Presumably the queen mother of acne has also inherited the blessing of the empress dowager, so she is as loving as the empress dowager, which is why the fifteenth elder brother's vaccination is so auspicious go."

The Empress Dowager laughed and sighed again, and finally shed tears, and kept saying, "Tell that child to get better, just say Queen Mother, I'm still waiting to hug him and kiss him. "

From this day on, Guiyuan would arrange for people to go to the holy case every day to burn incense and pray for blessings.

Cai Shijun, an imperial physician, also proposed to add "Songji Touxi Decoction" in the prescription, which means Xiaowu conditioning.

With Guiyuan, Cai Shijun and others so capable, the emperor was relieved to get up again on the seventh day of March to pay respects to the Tailing Mausoleum.

Just before the emperor left, he decreed to appoint the chief and deputy examiners for this year's examination.Amadebao of Yurui was appointed as the deputy examiner.

This is after Debao was sent to Annan as an envoy and was convicted and demoted three levels in a row, the emperor finally officially gave Debao another important errand in the previous dynasty.Such a dark cloud hanging over the heads of Yurui and Suo Chuoluo's family has now dissipated.

It's just that this time the emperor paid respects to Tailing, but left the empress dowager and the Nala clan in Beijing.
On March [-]th, Cai Shijun and others joined forces to play again: "Fifteen brothers planted hiccups, and eight dynasties successively produced more than [-] pimples on the head, face and body. became pustules."

The hiccups have come out completely and turned into pustules. After the pustules scab and fall off, it is a sign of successful vaccination.Therefore, Xiao Shiwu's reaction at this time is already a sign of success.

Therefore, Cai Shijun and others all said in the memorial, "I look up to the emperor's blessings, and I will be happy with you. On March [-]th, it will be twelve days. It is reasonable to send it to the saint. I am here to hear about it."

On the same day, the memorial was sent along with the palace newspaper to the Banbidian Palace where the emperor stayed.Even though the emperor was on the way, he personally heard about Xiao Shiwu.

Since the empress dowager stayed in Beijing, she also paid close attention to the news of Xiao Shiwu.On the same day, Gui Yuan specially asked the eunuch Liu Jinyu to take the booklet from the imperial physicians and ran to Changchun Garden to announce the good news.The empress dowager also stood up in joy, and said again and again, "As expected of my grandson, you have regarded that acne god empress as me! Sure enough, it is so lucky, this is the blessing of the emperor and that child, and it is even more important. It's our grandparents who are united..."

As the queen, Nala's family also got the report.

It has been more than half a month since she got ringworm on February 23, and her face has completely healed.

She looked at herself in the mirror who had finally returned to her original appearance, but she couldn't feel happy.

Because of the inexplicable ringworm on her face, not only did she fail to get close to the emperor all the way, she even couldn't go to the natural picture island after returning to Beijing!Now the ringworm is cured, but the fifteen elder brother's vaccination is also safe!
Now that I got this letter, I want her, the empress of the palace, to accompany Concubine Ling and give the child a holy gift!

Because of this ringworm, not only did she lose all she could think of, but she had to stay in the capital, accompany her, and go happily for her son!

She is a queen...hehe, she is really aggrieved.

This time, when the emperor went to pay a visit to the Tailing Mausoleum, he didn't ask her to go, saying that he was asking her to recuperate from her illness, so that's all. Grandpa.In order to reassure the fifteenth elder brother to vaccinate the pox, the emperor even avoided the "reunion" between the empress dowager and the late emperor!

Just like in the past, during the southern tour, because the concubine Ling moved her fetus, the emperor asked the empress dowager and her queen to stop and raise the concubine Ling along the way; but today, for the concubine Ling's son, he called again The empress dowager and she put aside the most important matter of worshiping the late emperor, and stayed in Beijing to accompany the child to consecrate and celebrate!
(End of this chapter)

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