Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2419, Volume 7, 122 The emperor, the slave does not obey~

Chapter 2419 The Seventh Volume 122

Wanxi has always been humble and submissive all the way, but she suddenly said such a sentence, which made Nalashi and Tana a little puzzled.

The words were directed at Tana, and Tana had no choice but to reply, so she squatted down as a gesture of respect, "Master, noble concubine, forgive me for being stupid, but I didn't understand what master concubine meant... Please, master, noble concubine, please explain clearly."

Wanxi's eyes drooped slightly, she smiled faintly, raised her hand and lightly brushed the right sleeve.

It was as if there was dust and dirt there.

This hand was exactly the one that had to hold back Nala's hand.

After brushing it off, Wanxi raised her head calmly, her eyes paused on Nala's face, and then fell on Tana's face again.

"Miss, have you forgotten that the Queen Mother said before that you should learn from me... In terms of mother's family, we are both from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When we entered the palace, we were all born as officials. If the empress asked the girl to learn from me, then she must have learned this! It is natural that the empress has the intention to praise the girl, so I naturally want to remind the girl to thank you, and I also want to congratulate the girl!"

Tana's face turned red, but her eyes showed fear, and she hurriedly raised her eyes to look at Nala's.

Wanxi saw it, so she put up her sleeves and covered her lips with a smile, "After all, it's better to get Miss Tana's nickname—Tana, that's Dongzhu. Dongzhu, of course, it shouldn't be buried in the dust, it should be decorated in the On our royal neck."

Wanxi's gaze specially stayed on the oriental pearl inlaid on the golden covenant on Nala's neck.

"The first-class Dongzhu on the golden appointment of the master and empress is so beautiful, just like Miss Tana. I have never forgotten it all these years, and the emperor must not have forgotten it either."

Wanxi is deliberately bringing up the past.Many years ago, when Tana was still young, the emperor touched Tana's hand once to warn Nala's master and servant, implicitly mentioning this meaning once.

It's a pity that time is merciless, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye, Tana is no longer young, and now she is in her 40s.If you mention anything about Jinfeng, you are afraid that Feng Da will flash your tongue.

What's more, the emperor is even more ruthless, even if he mentioned it back then, it was just a mention, and then let it go, let it go to death, and let it go for so many years...

Tana couldn't speak anymore, and she didn't have the face to look up, so she could only lower her head deeply, her fingers twisted around the veil.

Nala's face also turned red with embarrassment, as if someone had slapped him unexpectedly.

Tana didn't dare to speak anymore, but Nalashi was willing to bear the loss of being dumb.She raised her chin high, looked down at Wanxi, and smiled coldly, "You don't have to entertain the woman under me like this, imperial concubine Ling, she is not as good as you, and she is not as thoughtful as you!"

"My official daughters are all loyal to serve the Lord under my position; whoever is like you, at such a young age, was by the side of Empress Xiaoxian, and seduced the emperor!"

Wanxi raised her eyes wanly, withdrew her humble look little by little, chewed it between her lips and teeth, and swallowed it slowly.

Then it calmed down very quickly.

After calming down, she still smiled confidently and calmly.

"Loyalty to the master?" Wanxi slowly climbed up the stairs, walked to Nala's side, carefully looked at the blushing look on Nala's cheek, and there was a trace of pity in her eyes, "Master, the lady's face at this moment , it reminded me of the peach blossom ringworm that the mistress had just recovered from. This concubine has been with the mistress in the palace for so many years, but why didn't I see the mistress have this chronic illness before?"

As Wanxi said, her eyes turned slightly, and she glanced at Tana, Dege and the others, "Although it's not a serious illness, it won't affect the master or empress. But just because of the strangeness of this scar, I have to think about it. By my side, something has gone wrong..."

"If I were the mistress, even if the scar is a small matter, I can see the big thing from the small one, and prevent it from getting worse. Otherwise, if this opening is opened, it may be a serious illness next time! Then I will think about taking precautions." , but it’s too late to regret~~”

Nala's complexion changed drastically, as if waking up from a dream, she suddenly turned to look at Tana and Dege.

Tana and Dege were also completely defenseless. They looked at each other and hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down, "Master, the slave will never dare to betray the master!"

Nala gritted her teeth, and turned her eyes to stare at Wanxi fiercely, "Stop provoking me! How can I trust you but not them?"

Wanxi shrugged, "Believe it or not, it's up to the mistress. After all, the scar is on the face of the mistress, not the face of the concubine."

"The concubine is just worried about the master's empress. I am afraid that this scar is a bit strange. As for whether someone plotted against the master's empress, and who did it, and whether those methods came in through the side of the master's empress, that is It's the master's own business."

As Wanxi said, she finally let out a breath of anger in her heart, smiled and bowed slowly, "That's all for the concubine's body and words, and the rest is naturally up to you, the mistress. The concubine resigns, please rest the mistress."
Wanxi turned around and left without looking at the face of the master and servant behind her.

Yuchan and Yuying excitedly followed up from left to right, both stared at Wanxi with twinkling eyes, and couldn't help laughing, "Master is really amazing, I finally taught them a lesson! Seeing from this morning, they are a nest of master and servant, What kind of faces are they!"

"If it wasn't for the master's good temper, if he followed the temper of the slaves, he would have had a good fight with them!"

Wanxi sighed softly, looked back at the two of them from left to right, "That's the queen, don't talk about you, even I can't be careless when I speak. There is also that Tana who pretends to be a tiger, although she is the same official as you Girl, but she entered the palace early, why don't you call her 'Auntie' respectfully? If she offends, tell them to hold you accountable."

Yuchan and Yuying also laughed, "I understand. After all, I will leave it to the master in the future. The master has his own way to slap them!"

Yuying added another sentence, "This is called - first fat is not fat, then fat will crush the kang!"

Wanxi boarded the boat from the pier and went back to "Natural Picture".Standing on the boat, looking back and looking into the distance.The water and the sky complement each other, and the firelight over the West Horse Factory has been replaced by the red sun.

The sky and the earth are finally completely bright.
Returning to the "natural picture" island, the chief eunuch Liu Jinchao is leading people to take off the hard and soft colored pebbles, and those hanging on the brocade auspicious square, and the Wufu hall is gradually restoring its original peaceful and beautiful appearance.

Gui Yuan supervised at the side, saw Wanxi coming, hurriedly came forward to salute, and asked for instructions, "The island is tidying up, there is a bit of chaos and movement, I'm afraid it will disturb the rest of the fifteenth brother. The slave is still there I need to ask the concubine and master to show me——can this servant please ask Concubine Qing and brother fifteen to move?"

Wanxi smiled and shook her head lightly, "No need."

Gui Yuan didn't understand what it meant, so he had to raise his eyes to sneak a glance at Wanxi, trying to find some clues from Wanxi's expression.

Hearing the commotion outside, Yuqin has already come out, meeting Wanxi's four eyes, they all smile.

Yuqin said to Gui Yuan, "I have lived here for 20 days, but I am reluctant to leave. Besides, this island is the original residence of your concubine and master, so I will simply ask your concubine and master for it this time." Go to this small island, I want the dove to occupy the magpie's nest once!"

Gui Yuan suddenly realized, so he also laughed, "I also secretly thought that the idea of ​​Concubine Qing and Master is really good~~
Wanxi raised her eyes, walked forward with a smile, and stared at Gui Yuan, "You also think this is a good idea? Gui Yuan, you said this, I remember it!"

Gui Yuan was a little silly, and couldn't understand Wanxi's meaning for a while.Yuqin next to her was stunned, but she already had a heart, so she laughed.

Wanxi Chong Yuqin blinked quietly, "However, it's just one of our thoughts at this moment. After all, we have to go back to the emperor, and the emperor will decide. Guiyuan, you should discipline your subordinates and tell them to be careful." Just don't disturb your concubine Qing and go. The others don't need to be so careful."

Gui Yuan hurriedly responded, so he immediately went to inform the chief eunuch Liu Jinchao and others to make arrangements.

Wanxi took Yuqin's hand, "My sister has to go with me, let's go back to the emperor together."

Before the words fell, someone laughed loudly from the bamboo forest, "You two are going to hold hands, and go back together, what can you tell me?"

Wanxi and Yuqin glanced at each other, then they both laughed, and turned around to salute together, "My concubine, please take care of the emperor."

Gui Yuan was also taken aback, and hurriedly ordered everyone to stop and came forward to salute.The emperor waved his hand from a distance, "You're all busy, don't worry. Those who pick the lottery on the ladder have some roots under their feet, don't fall down in a hurry!"

All the eunuchs relaxed, and each continued to do the work at hand, no longer flustered.

The emperor looked back and looked at Wanxi and Yuqin, "I have heard the report, and I have sent you off safely, and I have a good luck. I can't come here, but you two have worked hard."

Wanxi understood that it was not because the emperor couldn't come to send the saint today, but because according to the customs of the Manchus, the gods of the master's descendants were mostly goddesses, which fell into the category of "family sacrifice".The Manchus also have the tradition of "carrying lanterns" to these goddesses, so they can't let men come and bump into the goddesses.Therefore, such etiquette can only be presided over by the queen, and the emperor cannot show up.

After all, Yuqin was born as a Han girl, not like Wanxi's family has long been a bannerman, so Yuqin felt a little more wronged, and her eyes turned red when she heard the emperor's words.

Wanxi held Yuqin's hand and explained softly, "It's the same as the family sacrifice in Kunning Palace. There are differences between men and women, and there are divisions between inside and outside. This is not something the emperor can participate in."

Yuqin was satisfied at this moment, and a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and smiled shyly, "Then I have wronged the emperor, and I ask the emperor to punish me."

Yuqin is 40 years old this year. Facing the 53-year-old emperor, all the feelings of the past have long since faded away, leaving only a loving mother's heart to protect Xiaoshiwu.

The emperor snorted softly, "Punishment? That's fine. Now that Xiao Shiwu has been sent to the Holy Spirit safely, the next step is to study at the Enlightenment. Then Concubine Qing, you should be more wronged. I want you to see it with your own eyes from today on." I'm staring at Xiaoshishi studying."

Wanxi laughed, "Sister Lu is a descendant of the 'Jiangnan Erlu' family, so it's perfectly appropriate for Xiao Shiwu to be handed over to Sister Lu."

Yuqin squatted down hastily, "Don't worry, the emperor, don't worry, the imperial concubine, I will do my best to go."

The emperor's eyes turned towards Wanxi, and he snorted softly, "Since we are talking about studying, I have to choose a suitable place for Yuanzi to study. After all, he is still young and has not yet officially entered school. Son, I can’t even go to the study room—it’s better than this, since the “Langyin Pavilion” on this island was originally the place where Huang Kao studied when he was the prince, and Wufu Hall was my study room when I was young. There’s a sense of style here.”

"Then Yuanzi doesn't need to move anymore, just stay on this island!"

Wanxi and Yuqin looked at each other and smiled, and Wanxi even clapped her hands, "This is the reason why this slave and Sister Lu want to go back to the emperor! Speaking of which, the slave was given to live on this island by the emperor. In fact, Xiaoqi, Xiaoluer, and Jiujiu were all born and raised here; only Xiaoshiwu is not here, but he is a little strange to here."

Wanxi said, raising her eyes and looking around, "But every plant, every tree, every house and every tile here are so important to this servant, so unforgettable... Then this servant also has selfishness, thinking that it is to make Xiao Shi Wu stays on this island, so that he can also develop a bond with this place, and help the slaves remember the past years, remember—his brothers and sisters.”

When Wanxi said this, the circles of her eyes couldn't help but turn red.

The emperor stretched out his hand and grabbed Wanxi's hand, "Why don't you understand? You don't need to tell me, I already have such a heart in my heart."

"It's inconvenient for me to come here to accompany you to see off the saints, but I have already made a wish with the pox god ladies in my heart. If Xiao Shiwu can go well this time, then I will keep Xiao Shiwu to live here. Don’t move any more. Now it really comes true, so there’s nothing else to say.”

Yuqin was overjoyed and didn't know what to do, so she bowed down and asked for an order, asking the officials and ladies to go back to their original bedroom and formally move all the objects into the island.

Yuqin led the girls to get busy, Wanxi walked to the emperor, tugged on the emperor's sleeve lightly, and said in a low voice, "...the slave also wants to plead guilty to the emperor."
The emperor raised his eyebrows and asked with a helpless smile, "What crime did you ask for?"

Wanxi tilted her head, glanced at Gui Yuan who was still busy leading people from a distance, and rubbed the handkerchief on her palm with both hands, "The crime I want to ask is... the former emperor chose Gui Yuan to take charge of Yuanzi's vaccination. At that time, I still questioned the emperor. I always felt that this Gui Yuan had never been heard of before. Besides, since it was in the Old Summer Palace, there was a ready-made Hu Shijie there anyway, so why suddenly choose Gui Yuan? To take care of this?"

Wanxi's wonderful eyes are full, and the waves of her eyes reflect the green bamboos on the island and the water in the back lake.

"...But from the first day when the emperor left and the little fifteen started blowing into the flower seedlings here, the servant knew that he was wrong. The mistake was small-minded and superficial-so this Gui Yuan is like this You are capable, and you are so thorough in handling things, you didn't even think of the slaves, and you thought of them all."

"That's why, I feel that the number one hero who protected Xiao Shiwu and sent him to the saint this time is Sister Lu, and the second hero is this Gui Yuan!"

The emperor spat softly, "Now do you know that Gui Yuan is needed?"

Wanxi smiled slyly, stretched out her hand and gently grabbed the emperor's arm, "...Since the emperor has chosen such a useful person as Yuanzi's envoy, and since he gave Yuanzi the whole island to live in, why not give Guiyuan to him as well?" Stay, don't take it away?"

The emperor's long eyebrows were raised, but he spat lightly from the side of his eyes, "Bah! The little abacus is clanging like a mountain!"

Wanxi blushed, but didn't let go of his sleeves, "I don't care...it's what the emperor said, Guiyuan's name is good, it's 'Gui', and it's 'Yuan', it's my mother and son. There is a predestined relationship...then it was so easy to form a good relationship, why did the emperor cut it off so quickly?"

The emperor pinched his waist helplessly, "Gui Yuan is here to take charge of Yuanzi's vaccination. After the job is over, he should go back to the palace prison..."

Wanxi grabbed a pouch on the emperor's waist and did not let go, stomping on the spot to refuse to obey...not to obey. "

The emperor couldn't hold back any longer, and laughed loudly, "Look at your unreasonable appearance! What's the matter, these years, for myself, I have never forced anything from the Lord; this time, for our children, I will do anything. Are you free?"

Wanxi nodded her head vigorously, "...If the master doesn't agree, the slave will not let go, and the master will leave!"

The emperor was very happy, and he hurriedly glanced around.

Wei Zhu and Gao Yun hurriedly backed away from the two of them, and even turned their heads away.The angle at which the two stood was just to help the emperor block the sight from the outside.

The emperor was satisfied, and under the cover of the pillars, he reached out and hugged Wanxi.Cupping Wanxi's cheeks with both hands, she couldn't help but put her mouth together.

"...I am really surprised by your arrogant and unreasonable appearance! If you wriggle your waist and stomp your feet in front of Ye, I won't be able to bear it anymore!"

Wanxi was so ashamed immediately, she hurriedly pressed the emperor's hand, and took a step back, "Master! Xiao Shiwu is here, and sister Lu is also here, besides, there are so many people..." Wanxi was serious Pointing to the sky, "The gods of the heavens have just been sent away, and they are probably still on the clouds, the emperor can't rush~"

The emperor spat softly again, "You little hoof... the more you do this, the more the fire in my heart will burn!"

Wanxi bit her lip, her eyes turned lightly, "Then... Master agreed?"

The emperor gritted his teeth reluctantly, "Then you first agree to the Lord. The Lord has to see your performance first—"

Wanxi raised her eyes recklessly, "No way! Master has to agree to the slave first, and slave has to get Master's order to go—"

The emperor couldn't hold back anymore, he raised his head and laughed out loud.He reached out his hand and tapped Wanxi's forehead, "Look at your stupidity! Linghu Jiu, you are sometimes clever but you are fooled by your cleverness!"

Wanxi was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly tried to think back, then even though she blushed, she smiled reassuringly.

But no, she was stupid.Why did the emperor choose a Gui Yuan, who was originally unfamiliar, to take charge of Xiao Shiwu's pox vaccination?That's because Gui Yuan has to be used.Then the emperor took so much trouble to pick someone for Xiao Shiwu, could it be said that it was only for Xiao Shiwu to spend these ten or twenty days?

——The emperor may have made up his mind a long time ago, as if he had already made up his mind to ask Xiao Shiwuci to live in this Wufu Hall.

Fortunately, she went to beg for this Gui Yuan in every possible way, but this did not hit the emperor's tricks, causing the emperor to laugh at her for a long time!
Wanxi's face was full of grief and anger, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes flickered, "I'm cheating on your slave! That slave, I've retracted all my words!"

But the emperor grabbed Wanxi's hand, "Dare! I agreed in front of the Lord, and I will take it back!"

The emperor turned around and ordered, "Gao Yuncong, pass on the decree, ask Gui Yuan to take charge of the affairs on the 'Natural Picture' island, and ask him to personally serve your fifteenth elder brother in the future!"

After the emperor gave the oral order, he squeezed Wanxi fiercely, "My lord promised, and I kept it. Next, it's your turn!"
Like a little prisoner, Wanxi was escorted by the emperor all the way, and went to Wufu Hall to see Xiaoshiwu first.

Although Xiao Shiwu said that everything was going smoothly, he was still tossing around these days, so he fell asleep again.

Neither of them woke Xiao Shiwu up, the emperor kept holding Wanxi's hand tightly, and then whispered softly, "... Yuanzi can't save his mother anymore, so don't try to get her to run away .Let's go, obediently follow the master."

Wanxi wanted to cry without tears, staring at her son's little face that was sleeping soundly, she really wanted to quietly reach out and pinch him, wake him up, and tell him to stop the emperor.

It's a pity... Mariko slept soundly.

Wanxi bowed her head resignedly.

The emperor couldn't help laughing, dragged Wanxi's hand and left.There was no time to say goodbye to Yuqin, let alone watch the eunuchs take off the color square and clean up the island.

The emperor took Wanxi straight to Siyongzhai.
Since I gave birth to pomegranate on November [-] last year, it has only been three months since February this year.

The emperor was in Yeling again these days, and he had to worry about Xiao Shiwu's acne, so neither of them had that kind of thought.

Now, all the worries hanging in my heart can finally be unloaded; and my body is ready...

In Siyongzhai, outside the window is the miniature garden built in imitation of "Xiaoyoutian Garden", one of the three famous gardens in the world, and on the wall inside the window is the huge poster... The emperor's love for her is as strong as ever. The emperor's deep affection for Xiao Shiwu all turned into invisible hands at this moment, together with his real fingers, one by one touched her heartstrings again.

Wanxi's body couldn't help arching, because of his plucking, but also because of the bubbling love and tender memories in her heart, she was willing to turn into a piano, and calmly played it under his fingers, just For him alone, clank and ding-dong.

The emperor couldn't hold back any longer, he used his body to refer to him, and rushed up...

"Yin 猱" was originally the method of playing the piano.Press the string with the left hand and move it back and forth to make a trembling sound.

The small one is called Yin, the big one is called Yi.

The chanter presses the strings to pick up the sound. At the position pressed by the finger, it sways back and forth, up and down within three or four points, first big and then small, one turn and one turn, about four or five turns. end.

The scorpion refers to the pressing place, and shakes back and forth, about five or six points beyond the standard position, which is more intense than singing.The sound is broad, big and old, and at the same time seeks to be ancient and light, just like a monkey raising wood, the sound is just right, and it is perfect.

This method of playing the piano, this finger of chanting, the emperor practiced it with his own body...

But she can only sing, twirl, and support her to the fullest, relying on his cleverness and plunder.

(Mariko wishes you all a happy Lantern Festival~~)

(End of this chapter)

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