Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2420: Saving People or Scaring People

Chapter 2420: Saving People or Scaring People
On March [-]th, the flames of the West Horse Plantation finally went out, and the "natural picture" returned to the tranquility of the past, and Concubine Xin had no choice but to suppress the desire in her heart to go.

"But it's okay, anyway, I don't have a prince, so I don't have to be angry." Concubine Xin comforted herself while helping the Eighth Princess Shunying to choose the fresh flowers on her head, "In this harem, there are Others are flustered. After all, what do we have to do?"

Le Rong also sighed, "I'm afraid Concubine Yu didn't care about it at the moment. Hu Shi, the maid under the fifth prince's position, added another princess to the fifth prince. In the past month, Concubine Yu has been doing nothing. Keep busy with this."

Concubine Xin snorted, "The blessings of the fifth elder brother's heirs are a bit thin, and it was so easy to raise a son before him. This time, I have to be careful with this one—it's just a pity that this one was born as a girl. .”

Le Rong nodded, "Not only is she a gege, but I heard that her body is not in good shape, and she was not born full-term."

Concubine Xin blinked her eyes, "That Mrs. Hu... also had a son who died in infancy before. At that time, Mrs. Hu must have been depressed in her heart, and her foundation may have been hurt. It was so easy to conceive another child, but her body was also brought If you can't stop, you will give birth in less than a month."

How could Le Rong not know about the schemes that E Chang was playing with his master back then, so he could only sigh, "But the two maids, Brother Wu, are very tenacious, and a child died On the other hand, Fifth Prince's Di Fujin is a bit pitiful, he has never had anything in these years, and instead wants to watch the two maids conceive and give birth one after another..."

Concubine Xin sneered, "Who told her to be the daughter of the E family! What is the situation of the E family now, a hairless phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken!"

"Since the past month, even Concubine Yu has only cared about her granddaughter," Le Yi also laughed, "So, this time, the fifteenth elder brother will go smoothly, and only the queen will be left in a hurry. It's on fire~~"

When Concubine Xin heard this, she became a little happy.

Le Rong understood, and blinked at Le Yi, "How dare she get angry? Oh, why doesn't she have a long memory?"

While talking, Le Si, a second-class woman outside the threshold, waved to Le Rong from a distance.

Le Rong then turned around and walked over to ask why in a low voice, with a serious look on his face.

"What's the matter?" Concubine Xin had seen it, so she raised her voice and asked.

Le Rong quickly walked over and replied in a low voice, "...Lu Changzai is here. There is a little panic in the expression, I don't know if it is convenient or inconvenient for the master to see her at this moment?"

Concubine Xin also frowned, "Why are you still so careless? You came to the door in bright daylight! If you have something to do, can't you find an opportunity outside?"

"The slave also said the same thing." Le Rong said, "Why don't the slave block it? Just say that the master is not in the bedroom at the moment, but went to worship Buddha in the Buddha city."

Concubine Xin lowered her head and thought for a while, "Although she is young and does not do things deeply enough, she is not in a panic. Since she came here in such a panic today, she probably has something important to do. .”

Concubine Xin summoned Le Rong to come closer, "Take her in through the side door, so that no one can see her."
After making a detour, Zi Lu often came in after a while.

When Concubine Xin took a look, she really looked at a loss.But that face was strangely red; his eyes even shone with an inexplicable light.

— as if extremely frightened, yet extremely happy.

Seeing this appearance, Concubine Xin couldn't help frowning, she stepped forward and grabbed Lu Changzai's hand affectionately, and asked with concern, "Sister Lu, what happened?"

Lu Changzai's hand was trembling slightly in Concubine Xin's palm.

Not only her hands, but also her whole body were shaking.

"Miss Xin, I, I got it, I got it!"

Concubine Xin suddenly raised her eyebrows, "What did you get?"

Lu Chang was looking up at Concubine Xin, with that strange and frightening light in his eyes, "...the prescription. I got the prescription for pregnancy!"
Concubine Xin trembled for a while, but tried her best to suppress it, telling herself to at least look calm, as if she was standing by and watching.

"The prescription? Hehe, sister Lu, how did you get it?"

Concubine Xin's eyes turned, "If the prescription is really so effective, the imperial concubine will naturally keep it in a safe place, how can you show it to others easily? What's more, even if you are Concubine Qing's sister, she is willing to be with Concubine Qing." You are close, but you may not be willing to ask you to rummage through her palace!"

Lu Changzai was still smiling, "...She may not be accurate, but after all, I took the opportunity!"

Concubine Xin narrowed her eyes, carefully hiding the prying eyes, "What chance?"

Lu Changzai excitedly said, "The emperor ordered my sister to move to the 'Natural Picture' island! Since she is moving, she must rummage through everything; and she herself has to stay on the island with Brother Fifteen. Let me go."

Concubine Xin was also taken aback, "The emperor asked Concubine Qing to move to the natural picture island?"

Lu Changzai calmed down, and then said, "...the emperor is also for the fifteenth elder brother. The fifteenth elder brother has just finished sending off the saint there, and he still needs to be raised. The emperor will not ask him to make trouble anymore, and keep him in place. That’s fine. The emperor gave Wufutang to the fifteenth elder brother to live in, and in the future he will also ask the fifteenth elder brother to study there.”

Even Concubine Xin herself does not have a prince, upon hearing this news, her heart is filled with sadness.

"Listen, listen, the Langyin Pavilion on the natural picture island is the place where Emperor Kangxi gave the late emperor to study when he was still a prince; and the Wufu Hall is the place where the late emperor gave our emperor to study when he was young. The place. Now, the emperor is going to grant the fifteenth elder brother to study on that island... Hehe, what a three-generation inheritance."

In the imperial poem "Six Rhymes of Wufutang" written by the emperor in the 24th year of Qianlong, there is a line "this hall in the garden is ancient, and the ancestor Enhuang passed it down", and he wrote "the name of the hall is also given by the emperor's ancestors".Therefore, the significance of Wufutang being passed down through three generations from Lord Kangxi is pointed out.

There is another line in that poem: "Thinking of the heart and virtue, and the holy will expresses the grandeur", it even said that every time he came to Wufutang, he would think of the emperor's deep meaning for him, and he was grateful that the emperor had hinted that the country would be controlled by him. Come and inherit the intention... Therefore, the meaning of Wufutang's inheritance has been known to everyone in the palace since that year.

At that time, there was no fifteenth elder brother, but there was already fourteenth elder brother Yong Lu.The emperor's verse makes people feel uneasy, but Xiao Lu'er has not survived the vaccination for 25 years, so the deep meaning of Wufutang has also been suppressed, and no one pays special attention to it.

But now—the [-]th elder brother was successfully consecrated in the Wufutang, and was officially granted by the emperor to live in the Wufutang!The words of the emperor back then are approaching again!

Although Concubine Xin said that she did not have a prince, her heart was really throbbing!
Lu Chang was hanging her head, as if she was only immersed in her own thoughts, and didn't talk to her.

Concubine Xin took a deep breath, withdrew her thoughts, and lowered her eyes to focus on Lu Changzai, "...but even if Concubine Qing moved to that island and needed to rummage through everything, how did you get the prescription from Concubine Ling? Concubine Qing moved, but it wasn't Concubine Ling who moved, do you mean that Concubine Ling's prescription actually exists in Concubine Qing's hands?"

Lu Chang was also trembling in his heart.

I can't blame the imperial concubine and elder sister for being so cautious, accompanying her to rehearse and understand every sentence, several people pick mistakes together, and only when they can't find any mistakes, they are willing to call her here.

Lu Changzai raised his head and smiled, "Ms. Xin, why did you forget that the island was originally the residence of Concubine Ling. Concubine Ling has already moved to the Tiandi family for spring, but she still has Many objects exist on that island."

"Back then, it was because the fourteenth elder brother failed to survive the vaccination that made the noble concubine abandon the island sadly, so she didn't have time to find many things on the island, especially those related to the fourteenth elder brother. Tidy up, let alone take it away, it is still stored on the island."

"This time when my sister moved in, all the boxes and cabinets kept by the imperial concubine had to be moved away, and they needed to be counted, and they were all opened up...I thought there must be something good in there, so I kept it. Liao Xin stood by and stared at it, and finally told me to find this prescription!"
Concubine Xin stared closely at Yuse's expression. Although she tried her best to stay calm, she couldn't help the corners of her lips twitching slightly, and there was a gleam of light in her eyes.

"I didn't expect the emperor to grant the fifteenth elder brother to live in Wufutang, and I didn't expect the emperor to ask Concubine Qing to move in too... But neither the noble concubine nor the concubine Qing could have imagined that they would benefit the most from this move." , but you, sister Lu!"

Lu Chang breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately lifted his robe and knelt down in front of Concubine Xin.

"I already have the prescription, but how can I get what I want only by the prescription? After all, the emperor has to summon me!" Lu Changzai raised his head high, tears welling up in his eyes, "I will I still have to worship in front of Empress Xin, and I beg Empress Xin to help me make it happen—I beg Empress Xin to teach me and help me think of a way so that I can get the emperor's call to go!"

As Lu Chang was talking, with trembling hands, he carefully took out a small bag wrapped in a handkerchief from his lapel.Carefully unfold the veil to reveal the old paper inside.

"If Miss Xin is willing to help me, even though I have a low status and my mother's family is also humble, I can't repay you... I would like to share this prescription with Miss Xin!"

Concubine Xin's hands finally trembled.

She has heard of this prescription for many years.But this prescription is the secret of the imperial concubine Chunhui and the imperial concubine Ling, and she never reveals it to others. In fact, her curiosity about the prescription has been hooked more and more.

Now this recipe is in front of her eyes, she just needs to reach out, and she can get it at her fingertips!

When the emperor first ascended the throne, the noble concubine Chunhui relied on this prescription to obtain so many heirs; later, the noble concubine obtained this prescription, and created a miracle of one child a year in the harem... No matter how suspicious she was, she no longer wanted to... Believe it, but she can't deny the living fact of the two favorite concubines in front!
Therefore, if she said that she didn't desire this prescription at all from the bottom of her heart, she would be exaggerating.

If she was young back then, when she first entered the palace, with her vigor, she was able to have a child by herself; but now, she has been out of favor for many years, even if she racks her brains, she can only say that she can count on the emperor's golden wind and jade dew... Meeting late... If there is only one night, or a few nights, then she will have to take this rare opportunity to give birth to the baby—then she can't just rely on chance, she must hold a steady hand It's a winning ticket!

Isn't the prescription in front of me a life-saving straw?
What's more, now that the fifteenth elder brother has been sent to the holy place safely, and the emperor has given the so important Wufutang to the fifteenth elder brother to live in, there is a vague meaning of inheritance-the tenth elder brother Fifth elder brother's biological mother, wouldn't the status of the imperial concubine be more stable in the emperor's heart?

At this moment in front of her own eyes, there are not many steps left.If she can't go all out again, then...how can she bring down Concubine Ling, and how can she snatch the favor of the emperor from Concubine Ling?

Concubine Xin took a deep breath, and a thought, like a ripe fruit, finally fell from the branch by itself and landed firmly on the ground.

She knew she should do this, and she knew she could only do this!
Then she bent forward and grabbed Lu Changzai's hand - together with the prescription in Yuse's hand, she also grabbed it into her hand.

Like a drowning person who is about to die, he finally grasped a life-saving straw that fell from the sky.

She had no choice but to hold on tightly.
The spring time of this year is still a bit late, so the mulberry leaves haven't grown yet when Empress Nala kisses the silkworms, so she has to perform the "Mulberry Bowing Ceremony" again on March 28. ".

When bowing to the mulberry ceremony, Nala's silkworm altar in Beihai still has to fast for three days first.The tranquility of Beihai and the solemnity of the altar made her heart calm down, and she had the opportunity to think about the whole thing again and again.

When she was in Yuanmingyuan, her heart could not calm down.Firstly, the fifteenth elder brother was sent to the saint safely, and secondly, the emperor gave the fifteenth elder brother the special Wufu Hall to live in—although the fifteenth elder brother was only two and a half years old, it is logical She still can't threaten Yongzheng's position as the first son, but she is getting more and more troubled!
After a few days of silence in the silkworm altar, she felt more and more that the ringworm on her face seemed to be a little strange.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't help feeling that there was indeed some truth in what the imperial concubine Ling said that day.

After paying tribute, she didn't go directly back to the Old Summer Palace, but went back to the palace to stay for a couple of days.

She called Tana and Derger in, and asked her in detail what happened to herself in the days before and after she got ringworm.

Tana and Dege hesitated a little, not knowing whether to speak or not, Nalashi knew that something was wrong when he saw the expressions of the two women, he was annoyed, and slapped the table to tell them to speak out.

Only then did Tana and Dege tell Nala Shi what happened that day in the underground palace of the Imperial Mausoleum.

Nala was stunned.

She herself knew that she had asked the emperor to favor him that day, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It was also the kindness she, as a queen, asked for from the emperor... She just didn't expect that her own attitude was different from outsiders From the sidelines, it seemed so—unbearable.

Nala's clenched his fists and pounded his heart.

"...How did that happen? What did the imperial doctors say?"

Tana carefully said, "All the imperial physicians said that since the master has developed the scar, it can be seen that the internal fire is smoldering. There is internal fire smoldering, and it is cold in the underground palace, and it is cold when it meets cold air. This kind of internal heat is cold outside. , will, will..."

Nala clenched her fists tightly, "Go, send me the imperial doctor, I want to ask clearly!"
As the middle palace, Nala naturally understood what kind of people the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital were.So this time she didn't call the eunuchs on duty in her palace, let alone those famous imperial doctors who had already become famous and had grades in the Imperial Hospital. She only asked Tana to go to the Xuntai Hospital where the young , The one with the lowest qualifications to enter the palace.

Tana, Dege, together with Zhou Delu, the chief eunuch of Yikun Palace, discussed together, and then Zhou Delu went to the imperial hospital and invited someone from the "doctors".

Although the doctors in the Imperial Hospital can be collectively referred to as "Emperor Physicians", they are actually of different ranks.There are four grades of doctors in Taiyuan Hospital. The first grade is called "Royal Doctor".

The second class is called "Limu", and there are only 26 people, 13 people each for the eighth and ninth grades.The third class is called doctors, a total of 20 people, "give Cong Jiupin a crown belt".

The fourth class is called "Doctor", with 30 people and no rank.

Among these doctors, only the three levels of imperial physicians, officials, and doctors can independently see a doctor and prescribe prescriptions; while the fourth level "doctors" can only serve as assistants, and cannot independently see a doctor, nor can they prescribe prescriptions. prescription.

Therefore, "doctor" is the position assumed by many newcomers to imperial hospitals. The people here have only a short history of entering the palace, and they have not learned to be as slippery as other imperial physicians.

When Zhou Delu led a very young "doctor" into Yikun Palace and came to Nala, the young doctor's legs were trembling.

Seeing her, Nala felt satisfied, and asked with a faint smile, "What's your name? Where is your home?"

The doctor kowtowed to the ground, "Hui empress, Weichen, Weichen's surname is Chen, and his name is Shiguan. They are from Jiangnan."

Nalashi was very happy at first, but when he heard the doctor's name suddenly, he almost choked, "Say it again, what's your name?"
The Nala clan was so shaken because there was a Han scholar, Chen Shiguan, in the previous dynasty - that was the grand scholar of the Chen clan in Haining, who was also Wanpin's uncle.

It's just that Chen Shiguan has passed away for some years.

The doctor Chen Shiguan was not surprised, he really understood why the empress was like this - because he was recommended by the magistrate of his hometown, and then went to Beijing to take the exam held by the Ministry of Rites. The people all have the same expression as the empress.

Chen Shiguan hurriedly kowtowed, "Go back to the empress, my name is Chen Shiguan. I'm from Jiangnan, so I've heard the name of the great scholar Chen Shiguan from the Chen family in Haining for a long time——Weichen and Mr. Chen Ge The names are pronounced the same, but one word is missing."

Zhou Delu also quickly drew the three characters of Chen Shiguan's name on his palm and showed it to Nala.Nala read it several times before he could barely confirm the difference between the two Chinese characters.

"Oh, it's a bit short." Nala also raised his sleeve and wiped his forehead, "Why did the elders of your family give you such a name? Then again, seeing you with such a name, Local officials, officials from the Ministry of Rituals, and the ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs didn't think about it, why did you come directly to work in the Imperial Hospital?!"

Nalashi was really taken aback, and his words were a bit unpleasant.

Chen Shiguan was just a doctor with the lowest rank enshrined in the Gangtai Hospital. When the empress said so, he didn't even dare to feel unhappy at all, so he could only suppress his unhappiness quietly in his heart.

Nalashi sighed, "No matter what, since I found your head today, I'll ask you. If you answer clearly, I will have a chance to praise you in the future; if you don't answer well, then... ...I would like to remind the imperial hospital to go, why did you recommend someone with such a name to enter the palace to worship, is it here to save people, or to scare people!"

Chen Shiguan naturally kowtowed on the ground, not daring to raise his eyes, "I will answer cautiously, and I will ask the empress to show me."

Nala nodded, raised his jaw high, "Peach Blossom Ringworm, do you think it was caused by peach blossoms?"

Chen Shiguan thought for a moment, then shook his head, "Go back to Empress, although ringworm is called 'Peach Blossom', it has nothing to do with peach blossoms."

"It's called 'Peach Blossom Tinea', but it's more because the scar usually occurs in spring, when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the scar itself is pink, which is why it got its name."

Nala's eyes narrowed, "Does it really have nothing to do with Peach Blossom?"

Chen Shiguan thought about it cautiously, "If there is a relationship, it is pollen... In spring, peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the pollen of peach blossoms may be more pollen than other pollen; but in fact, it is not only the pollen of peach blossoms, other pollen can also cause this scar. The disease is coming."

"Pollen?" Nala became more suspicious, "If someone has never been to peach blossoms, can she get ringworm from peach blossom pollen?"

Chen Shiguan said cautiously, "...This matter should always depend on the specific situation. I will only dare to answer the question after hearing the details."

Nala held his breath, "Then let me ask another way: I just ask you, if someone intentionally schemes to harm someone, is it possible for someone to get this scar?"

Chen Shiguan was stunned again, "Harming people? This peach blossom ringworm is not a serious illness, and it can't hurt people's lives... It's just itching, why bother to use this method to harm people?"

Nalashi was a little impatient, "I just want to ask you, is there any way for someone to get this! You don't have to worry about whether this disease can kill you, just answer and say if you can; how can it be done!"

Chen Shiguan was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe, he fell on the ground and kowtowed again.

His forehead was red, it looked like other people's ringworm on his cheeks, but in his case, it was on his forehead.

"I am guilty, and I ask the empress to forgive me... I told the empress, just like what I said before, pollen can cause peach blossom ringworm; then the rest of the powder can also have this possibility. Therefore, if someone wants to use it For this calculation, you only need to prepare the corresponding powder, or ask people to inhale it, or touch it, and it is all possible."

(End of this chapter)

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