Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2469: Sending You To The Underworld

Chapter 2469 Seven Volumes 173 Sending You To The Underworld

"It turns out that you still think so." After hearing this, Wanxi bowed her head lightly and smiled contemptuously, "It's really pitiful~~"

Concubine Xin was startled, then raised her head and sneered, "You are the one who is poor!"

Wanxi raised her eyes quietly, her lips curled up mockingly, "Concubine Xin, let me tell you a story."

Wanxi's eyes lit up, and she no longer paid attention to Concubine Xin in front of her eyes, as if her thoughts had been immersed in her own thoughts; it seemed that she no longer cared about Concubine Xin's words at all.

"The emperor made his second southern tour seven years ago. For me, that southern tour was both joyful and painful. The happy thing is that I was happy again during that southern tour; the painful thing is..."

Wanxi stopped deliberately at this point, turned her gaze back, and cast a cold glance at Concubine Xin.

Concubine Xin smiled triumphantly, "What hurts you is that you actually fell for me on the way! Even though you were pregnant with a child, the fetal gas was not stable. The emperor ordered the empress dowager and the whole entourage Jia's harem accompanied you on the way, but unfortunately your fetal gas still hasn't recovered."

"Your fourteenth elder brother, who is still a prince, and even your eldest son, has never survived the vaccination, so he died young."

Concubine Xin beat the kang proudly and laughed, "Look, don't you know it well? You said this, besides admitting that you have lost to me all these years, what else can you explain? Thanks to you just now You still call me pitiful for no reason... Wei Wanxi, if you ask me, the most pitiful person in the harem is you!"

Tea was placed on the kang table next to Concubine Xin.Wanxi grabbed the tea bowl directly, and raised the full bowl of tea directly to Concubine Xin's face!
Although the tea was no longer so hot, the tea dregs still stained Concubine Xin's face.

Concubine Xin was startled and annoyed, and couldn't help shouting, "You shrew!"

Concubine Xin hurriedly wiped her face carelessly, and shouted out, "Come on, prepare the washing water and wash my face!"

But she screamed happily in vain, but no one outside came in.It was as if no one heard her cry at all.

Concubine Xin couldn't help being stunned, she could only raise her hand to pick off the tea leaves on her face in embarrassment, and turned her head to look outside the door in panic.

Unfortunately, there was no one outside the door.The official woman who was supposed to be on duty in the palace and the eunuch sitting on the porch outside the window didn't know when they disappeared!
Concubine Xin was so nervous that she couldn't breathe, she raised her eyes and stared at Wanxi, "You sent away all my people?! Wei Wanxi, what do you want to do to me!"

It turned out that Concubine Xin noticed the reality, and it turned out that such a cruel and merciless person as Concubine Xin would be afraid~~ Wanxi then let go of her heart, with a faint smile on her face again, "You don't have to be so flustered, I'm the one who sent you away, and I didn't cut your neck with my own hands just now."

"Then why did you send my people away? Concubine Ling, I think you don't mean what you say!" Concubine Xin said contemptuously.

Wanxi's response was still like clouds and smoke on the water, clear and light.

"I said, I want to tell you a story. I just want to tell this story to you alone. Anyway, I am also the imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty, and I am the second only to the empress in the harem. I want my story to be heard by everyone under you."

Concubine Xin gritted her teeth, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Wanxi's eyes were half-lidded, "My story has just begun, and you interrupt impatiently. The most disqualified listener in the world is the one who loses the patience to continue listening before the story is understood, and only rushes to interrupt. , on the contrary, they don’t understand that the most exciting things are already in front of them; or they simply make up random arrangements according to their own speculations, thinking they are justified. What such people lack is patience, but they also need to be more long-term. eyes."

Concubine Xin sneered and said, "Look at what you said was better than singing, just like you didn't lose your tire gas back then! I didn't arrange things indiscriminately, what I said is basically the truth!"

Wanxi was noncommittal and just quietly continued her story.

For such a person, even arguing is not worth wasting.If you still want to argue with her, it will be flattering her.

"After returning to Beijing, especially after the death of my little fourteenth, I learned from the painful experience, and it was not difficult to connect the incident back then. Dai Jiashi, it's not that I can't guess that you went."

"You plotted against Sister Lu's Ama, and almost caused Uncle Lu to be killed, but your purpose was to beat around the bush and upset my fetus. You know too well that Sister Lu and I have been in the same breath all these years. Depend on each other."

Concubine Xin sneered triumphantly.

Wanxi shrugged her shoulders, "Since I figured it out, I also consolidated the new and old hatreds of you and me these years into one account: I, Wei Wanxi, have been in the palace these years, although I disdain to fight with others, let alone Take the initiative to plot people; but if someone dares to hurt the person I cherish the most, I can only retaliate with four words: an eye for an eye!"

Wanxi turned her head slightly, with contempt in the corner of her eyes.

"I know that your biggest wish at that time was to regain favor. As for the women in the harem, the ultimate goal of regaining favor is naturally to be able to give birth to a prince. Only with a prince can you rely on, and with a prince can you have a future— ——With your nature, you must hope that after you give birth to the prince, your son will be able to overwhelm all the brothers and be able to inherit the throne!"

"Let's take a step back, the prince just cannot inherit the great line, he will definitely be ennobled and found a mansion in the future. In the future, you may leave this high palace wall and go to your son's palace to spend the rest of your life and enjoy the family happiness. "

Concubine Xin's eyes were cold, but she did not deny it.

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never end in a hundred battles. You and I have been enemies all these years, and I am afraid that you are the person who knows you best in this harem."

"Man, when you want something the most, you will be negligent in this matter. You have left such a big gap in front of me, Dai Jiashi, you think I will let it go Such a good opportunity to go?"

Wanxi took a deep breath, and raised her eyes leisurely, "I know my chance has come. It's time to settle all the new and old grudges you have plotted against me over the years!"
Concubine Xin narrowed her eyes and stared at Wanxi, "What did you do?"

Wanxi shrugged her shoulders, but relaxed her mood.

"Dai Jiashi, you are so smart, don't you think of it now?"

Concubine Xin shivered, and raised her eyes to stare at Wanxi closely, "...that prescription?! That prescription was designed by you and Lu Yuqin together, and you used Lu Yuse to deceive me into trusting me, so you sent that prescription to me !"

"Smart!" Wanxi also clapped her hands and laughed.

Concubine Xin laughed even louder, "It's a pity, it's a pity! Even though that prescription is in my hands, I'm useless at all!"

"Wei Wanxi, do you think I really have no defense against that Fang Zi? In this harem, as long as there are people and objects that are even remotely related to you, I will be ten times more careful! "

The corners of Wanxi's lips curled up leisurely, "You are so careful to guard against me because you also have a realization in your heart: I will never let you go, and sooner or later, I will settle the score with you!"

Concubine Xin gritted her silver teeth and smiled triumphantly, "It's a pity that you made a plan for nothing. Even if Lu Yuse's performance is good, you have deceived me for the time being. But so what? I have no use for you at all." Fang Zi!"

Wanxi giggled, "Dai Jiashi, don't you understand what is meant by 'clearing the plank road in the open, and keeping the warehouse in the dark'? I, Wei Wanxi, want to avenge my child and settle the account with you. If you take it seriously, I will take it seriously." Just foolishly resorted to such a method?"

Concubine Xin was taken aback, and raised her eyes to stare at Wanxi's eyes, "...According to what you said, you gave me the prescription in Lu Yuse, but it was just 'brightly repairing the plank road'? Then your 'darkness of Chen Cang' is another What?!"
Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on the corners of her lips deepened.

"Continue to listen to my story: the battle in the harem has been inseparable from the imperial physician for thousands of years. Therefore, if I want to settle this matter with you, I have already started looking for a suitable imperial physician."

Concubine Xin's heart trembled suddenly, "Imperial physician? Which imperial physician beside me belongs to you?"

Concubine Xin thought of Shi Shiqi who had diagnosed her pregnancy as impotent, so she screamed, "It's Shi Shiqi, isn't it? He's an imperial doctor and has been on duty in my palace for many years, so you, a noble concubine , I bought him off a long time ago, didn’t I?”

Wanxi was still noncommittal, just smiled lightly, "Concubine Xin, your mother's family comes from the Dai Jia family, and your ancestors are the royal family of Bohai Kingdom, so your family has a noble status, and the one with the highest status is Manchuria with the Yellow Banner."

"Speaking of the Bohai Kingdom, the history is far away, but you are not the only concubine Xin who is related to the Bohai Kingdom in this harem."

Concubine Xin narrowed her eyes, "You want to say Wanbi? That's right, her family is the Chen family in Haining. Although it sounds like a Han surname, her family's ancestors were originally from the Bohai Kingdom, and they moved to Jiangnan later. This just changed the local Han surname."

Wanxi laughed softly, "Sister Wanpin's mother's family name is Chen, and her uncle is Chen Shiguan, a scholar of the Hanchen University... When I drove with me on the southern tour last time, I also specially suggested that the emperor give the Chen family's garden in Haining an imperial gift. It's called 'Anlan Garden' - Concubine Xin, what are you thinking about?"

Concubine Xin's heart skipped a beat again.

Back then, Wanxi used her wrists to ask the emperor to give the garden the name "Anlan Garden", and Concubine Xin was also there, so she had personally experienced the whole process.But she just thought it was Wanxi deliberately trying to please the emperor, because the emperor was concerned about the water control of the dam in Haining, so the name "An Lan" was an auspicious wish.

Therefore, Concubine Xin didn't think much about it at all, but when asked by Wanxi at this moment, she felt that something was wrong.

Concubine Xin lowered her head and racked her brains hard, "You specifically mentioned Concubine Wan, taking her mother's surname as Chen, and Chen Shiguan, a Hanchen University scholar—are you trying to say that the one next to me was bribed by you?" The Imperial Physician is actually Chen Shiguan?!"

"Anlan Garden is the private garden of the Chen family in Haining, and it was used as the residence of Haining during the emperor's southern tour. You encouraged the emperor to give the name 'Anlan Garden', so you will give the Chen family a face in Haining..." Concubine Xin raised her eyes eagerly, "Wei Wanxi, Could it be that Chen Shiguan really came from the Chen family in Haining? So Chen Shiguan was found by Concubine Wan for you, quietly sent to the imperial hospital, and finally buried beside me one day?!"
Wanxi was still noncommittal, she refused to give Concubine Xin a stable answer, even Concubine Xin was not sure which of her guesses were right and which were wrong.

Wanxi only smiled more leisurely, lowered her head slightly, and fiddled with the jade bracelet on her wrist leisurely.

It's almost the Dragon Boat Festival, and the jade bracelets on my hands will soon be replaced by summer fragrance beads.Just like in this harem, the person who should go, no matter whether she wants to or not, she can't stay after all.

"There is a saying in the ancients: it is easy to hide the open spear, but it is difficult to guard against the dark arrow. I can only put your spiritual head in the light and have no time to guard against the dark one."

"But Chen Shiguan is not from the Chen family in Haining!" Concubine Xin roared unwillingly, "His surname is Chen, and he has such a name. Do you think I'm worried that he also comes from the Chen family in Haining? I'm being careful." Ask someone to check his relatives and confirm that he is not the Haining Chen family, so I dare to use him!"

Wanxi nodded, raised her eyes and smiled at Concubine Xin with a wink.

"But haven't you ever thought about it? The country of Bohai went to the country 1000 years ago. When people from the country of Bohai moved south to live in the south of the Yangtze River, the family has been passed down for thousands of years. A thousand-year-old family, in this 1000-year-old family In the long years, how could there not be a few descendants who were expelled from the family tree?"

Concubine Xin was stunned in the end, "...Chen Shiguan's genealogy has nothing to do with Concubine Wan's mother's family, but their family was expelled from the clan before?"

Wanxi still didn't answer directly, but said calmly, "The most recent proud descendant of the Chen family in Haining is the scholar Chen Shiguan; I can only think of a good name."

Wanxi couldn't help laughing as she spoke, and glanced at Concubine Xin, "Aren't you curious, if it's really someone who has nothing to do with it, why doesn't the other name be chosen, and the concubine should choose someone who is almost exactly the same?" What about the name?"

"This way of naming, unless it is a person of the same clan, the younger generation will do this to commemorate the ancestors, right? Dai Jia, don't you?"
Concubine Xin is a smart person, but smart people also think too much, so they are inevitably suspicious.

Concubine Xin was finally speechless.

After a long time, I roared in despair, "I never thought that the person who killed me was actually Chen Shiguan! No wonder he kept saying that my happy pulse is steady and my happy form is very good!"

Wanxi sighed softly, "Your greatest wish is to regain favor and have a child. I'll 'prescribe the right medicine', and I'll pinch your wish to prepare this bright and dark method. In fact, although they are one One is bright and one dark, but in fact different routes lead to the same goal, one is a prescription and the other is an imperial physician. The prescription is dead, so it is easier for you to see the flaws, so I put it on the bright side; "

"And the imperial doctor is alive and more adaptable, so I put him in the dark—don't you want to regain your favor? Then let you swallow the bone foam you prepared yourself, and pretend in a daze that you have already won it." ; Don’t you want to conceive the prince, then go as long as you wish, and make you think that everything is going well, you can come and go whatever you want..."

Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "I didn't arrange this in vain, and my trick really got you caught!"

"Concubine Xin, at this moment, do you understand what it means to fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain? 'Conceived in October', but the stomach is actually empty for ten months. At best, it feels like ten months of useless waste, but Are you feeling well?"

"It's said that you gain wisdom by eating a ditch, but what about you, you have a long memory this time? Do you want to plan to regain your favor in the future, and then dream of being pregnant with the prince? I see, it's you who is still the same. I still have this heart, but if you dare to say that you are happy in the future, no one inside or outside the palace will dare to believe it."

"The crime of deceiving the emperor is not for fun. You asked so many people in your palace to accompany you to bear such a crime, but you thought they could still return to you and continue to serve you loyally No way? Being the master of others is not just about domineering, so you can’t protect the people under you, but instead ask them to accompany you to die—then in the end, you deserve to be betrayed by everyone. In the end, the only person who deserves to die is You are all alone!"

"I just don't know, on the day you die, will there be any people under your position who will sincerely shed a tear for you, huh?"

Concubine Xin was so angry that her shoulders trembled, but she was speechless.

Wanxi couldn't hide her complacency, she smiled sweetly, "Do you still remember how proud you were in front of my eyes when you were 'happy' just now? Concubine Xin, in fact, you didn't even know when you were showing off in front of me. I laughed in my heart about how you laughed..."

Wanxi laughed deliberately as she spoke, and Yurui couldn't help but laugh too.

Wan Xi laughed and then mocked, "You, the majestic and noble Manchurian Gege with the yellow flag inlaid, is actually like an ugly boy, jumping and jumping hard on the stage, but in the end it's just a show to win the audience Just laughing out loud. Dai Jiashi, thank you for letting me get such a big joke, and it made me laugh for months, oh, your performance is really wonderful."
Concubine Xin was stripped naked by Wanxi on the spot. She was so anxious that she couldn't control herself, but she had no choice but to shout hoarsely, "...you, you, Wei Wanxi, are Xin Zheku's slave , you should be an actor!"

Wanxi's eyes turned cold, she raised her hand suddenly, and slapped Concubine Xin's cheek urgently and loudly!
"It's a pity that this palace is the noble concubine of the Qing Dynasty at this time. How can you tolerate a concubine who has not even been canonized—in fact, there is only a concubine, and in fact it is still a concubine. Such insults!"

Concubine Xin was taken aback by the beating, she never imagined that she, a Manchu Gege who was good at riding and shooting, was beaten like this by a Han woman who couldn't even ride a horse!
She covered her cheeks, startled and annoyed, "Wei Wanxi, how dare you hit me!"

Wanxi sneered, "You're so stupid. I've already finished beating you, and you've heard the sound yourself, but you still have to ask me 'dare to hit you'? For someone like you, what else do you ask?" Dare or not, let’s talk about it after the fight!”

Concubine Xin was choked for a long time and was speechless.

She had been beaten up by Dege under Nala's position for several days, but today she never expected that Wanxi, who always said nothing, would personally slap her!

She hates, hates so much!

But nothing can be done.

Who made one of them a queen and the other a noble concubine, all above her!What's more, the emperor made it clear that he was more partial to the two of them, but secretly encouraged them to treat her like this!

"I...I want to see the Empress Dowager!" Concubine Xin roared in despair.

So far, she has only such a life-saving straw left.

Wanxi laughed, "Stop shouting. First, the Empress Dowager is in Changchun Garden. Without the emperor and queen's will, you can't get out of this garden, and you can't see the Empress Dowager. What does the queen mother want to say, do you want to tell the secret of the eighth princess?"

"You said, the empress dowager is over 70 years old, but I heard that the princess can't tell whether it should be her granddaughter or grandson... Will the old empress be mad at you? What about the emperor? Will you take this risk and ask you to meet her old man?"

Wanxi said and shook her head sympathetically, "Concubine Xin, don't dream. You won't see the Empress Dowager and her old man. If you still want to preserve the last bit of dignity for your daughter, then you, a mother, should Stop being crazy!"
Concubine Xin gritted her teeth, "... so what if I lost this round to you! I'm still young, ten years younger than you, as long as I recover, I still have a chance to take revenge on you!"

Wanxi smiled, "Continue with our story - don't you even wonder why you were so bloated for so many months when you were obviously not pregnant with an emperor's heir?"

Concubine Xin said angrily, "It's just intestinal dryness and constipation!"

Wanxi chuckled, "It's that simple? Concubine Xin, I've gone to punish you with a two-pronged approach. How could I just give you such a simple result and let you go so easily?"

"Intestinal dryness and constipation are just the result, but you should ask the reason. There are thousands of different causes of intestinal dryness and constipation in this world. Some of them are nothing to worry about, but some - they can be fatal."

Concubine Xin was shocked again, and stared closely at Wanxi, "...I have dry bowels and constipation, and you asked Chen Shiguan to harm me?!"

Wanxi shrugged, "Look at you, if it's just simple intestinal dryness and constipation, you've been taking the medicine for soothing the liver and relieving depression that Shi Shiqi prescribed for you for a month, then everything should be fine by now. But how do you Not only did he not get better, but he was too weak to get up?"

Concubine Xin's eyes widened, "Tell me! How did you harm me?!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "The story says that during the reign of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty, there was a great famine in Shaanxi, and there were frequent scenes of cannibalism. Ma Maocai, the governor of Shaanxi, said in "Preparing for Chen's Great Hunger": The people struggled to pick the grass in the mountains For food, its grains are like bran bark, its taste is bitter and astringent, and it can only be eaten without dying. When the puffiness is exhausted, the bark is peeled and eaten. Among all trees, elm is not good, and the bark of other trees is mixed for food. You can slow down his death."

"It's almost the end of the year and the bark is exhausted, so they dig up rocks from the mountains and eat them. Ganshi is called Qingye, which smells fishy and greasy. If you eat less, you will always be full, but you will eventually die from abdominal distension..."

Concubine Xin was shocked again, and roared angrily, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Wanxi smiled, "That kind of soil is white and delicate, like glutinous rice flour, and it's even a bit sweet when eaten. But the soil cannot be digested. Over time, the intestines become dry and constipated, and the internal organs are destroyed. It is inevitable to die."

(End of this chapter)

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