Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2470 Chapter 7 174

Chapter 2470 Seven Volumes 174

Concubine Xin was shocked.

"You, are you trying to say that my intestinal dryness and constipation are caused by that soil?"

Wanxi still gave a wicked smile, raised her eyes and looked at Concubine Xin pityingly, but refused to give a positive and clear answer.

"But you see, there is a clear contradiction in what I said just now: Ma Maocai's memorial said that the stone smells fishy and greasy; but the soil is also called 'glutinous rice soil', which is said to be a kind of soil. It looks and tastes as smooth and sweet as glutinous rice flour."

"Because of the sweetness of this kind of soil, some people relied on it to survive the great famine and survived. Some people said that it was the mercy of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who could have this kind of edible soil in the world. Guanyin Bodhisattva led the hungry people to find this kind of soil. Therefore, this kind of soil is also called "Guanyin soil" by the people."

"Sister Xin, did you hear that? Don't these two statements just contradict each other? Sister Xin, you are so smart, help me decide which statement is correct and which one is false?"

Although it was obviously Wanxi who was praising her for being smart, how could Concubine Xin have the mood to accept it?
She just yelled, "Don't talk about anything else with me! Tell me, is it this kind of soil that I ate?"

Facing Concubine Xin's impatience, Wanxi just shrugged her shoulders, but still didn't answer.

She just continued to immerse herself in her own thoughts, raised her hand and rested her chin, tilted her head and thought carefully, "Sister Xin, tell me, will the soil mentioned in Ma Maocai's performance be different from the Guanyin soil in folklore?" Is it the same thing? Or maybe there is more than one kind of soil like this in this world."

"I just don't know, which one of them did you eat? Or, maybe what you eat is not among these two, but the third or fourth?"

Concubine Xin was going crazy when she heard that, she hurriedly denied it, "Neither of them!"

"Isn't it?" Wanxi calmed down more leisurely, and smiled peacefully, "Oh, yes, what you took was obviously the bone foam that your brother-in-law An Ning gave you... The bone foam is white, and so is the earthy face. Bai, tsk tsk, if they are mixed together, I don't know who can tell the difference."
At this moment, Concubine Xin felt her soul trembling, and only then did she understand how her swelling came about, and when did it start!

It turned out that from the first moment she thought her dream had come true, that deadly face had already entered her stomach mixed with her bones!

Thanks to her, she was still so flattered when she gave up those white faces!
Thinking of it this way, even she herself is a little unclear whether the "poison" that caused her to this time is the Guanyin soil, or the bone foam that her own brother-in-law gave her and was regarded as the most precious treasure by herself. go!
Wan Xi stared at Concubine Xin's expression with a smile, but slowly raised her thumb, "Your brother-in-law An Ning is really amazing, even if she died, she has the ability to kill you with her own hands... Tsk tsk, I don't know it was him The method is too clever, you two are to blame yourself, evil will be rewarded with evil!"

"If you had followed what you said, I should have been suffocated to death by that shameless job! But I didn't. After eleven months, I'm still fine?" Concubine Xin shouted unwillingly.

Wanxi smiled softly, "Sister Xin, what's the matter? You are so smart, why are you talking so stupidly now? Could it be that the time has come, and the stuff in your stomach has gone retrograde into your brain?" ?”

"I've said it all, the dirt and bones are white, and you can only take it willingly if you mix it together, without any suspicion. Then the amount of mixing each time is naturally limited."

"But those hungry people in the famine, they have nothing to eat, they can only rely on the dirt to feed their stomachs, so when they eat, they are all gobbled up, and there is only such a thing as dirt in their stomachs— —Hungry people who only eat dirt face will soon die from abdominal distension, but you, sister Xin, the damage to your internal organs from that dirt is superimposed bit by bit.”

"I didn't take that shame, and I won't die—" Concubine Xin shouted in despair, "I won't follow your ways!"

During those long eleven months, she would not have found out about Wei Wanxi's plan at all!

She can lose to the empress, she can lose to the emperor, but she can never lose to Wei Wanxi, a humble woman with a Chinese surname!
Otherwise, even if she died, she would not rest in peace!
Wan Xi nodded in agreement, and raised her eyes with a smile, "You're right, sister Xin, I don't want you to die either!"

"Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I don't want you to die so quickly. I'd rather make this process as long as possible, so that I can carefully see your embarrassing appearance step by step as you walk towards the underworld. The joy in my heart has been doubled—you say, isn’t this one of the greatest joys in the world?”

"Thinking about you saying that October is the full term and you are starting to prepare for your childbirth. By this time, another whole month has passed. Your confinement period, whether it is a big confinement or a small confinement, should be full. You can still hide from people this month, but from tomorrow onwards, you will have no reason to see people anymore."

Wanxi clapped her hands while laughing.

"But I can't even wait for one day, so I can't help but go to Lele first—think about it, from tomorrow onwards, as long as all the lords of the palace go to the queen to pay their respects, I can treat you If everything is revealed, the entire harem will laugh and lift the roof!"

"I didn't go to bed, but I insisted that I was happy, so that the whole world knew about it; and with an empty stomach, I stood proudly in front of others... Sister Xin, how did you lift yourself up in front of the big guys that day? Chin, from tomorrow onwards, I will tell you why you were pushed back by the spitting stars!"

"Besides, it's April 29th today, and the Dragon Boat Festival will be in a few days. At that time, all the clan members will come into the courtyard to celebrate the festival with the Empress Dowager. At that time, it will naturally be even more lively!"

"How dare you!" Concubine Xin's face was already pale, even paler than that of Guanyin.

Wanxi smiled sweetly, "Why didn't I dare? Just because you thought I had suffered from you all these years, and you thought you were going to win a big victory; then since I have actually won a big victory, in fact Going to ruin your dream, and already holding your life in the palm of your hand—then why can’t I spread this to everyone?”

Concubine Xin closed her eyes sadly, her lips were ashen, and the cold trembling plowed the lines on her lips even deeper.

Wanxi sighed, "Concubine Xin, when it comes to tit for tat, I'm not interested in taking care of your relatives for you; but you have to think about it yourself - when the time comes, everything will be shaken off, your eighth princess How should I face a mother like you, and how will your father, Governor Nasutu, continue to receive incense and sacrifice in Xianliang Temple!"

Wan Xi stood up and stretched her waist.

"Sister Xin, I'm done telling my story. But don't take short-sightedness, you must live well. Otherwise, who will I count on for my future fun?" Caressing Concubine Xin's cheek gently, "Please, sister Xin, you must survive with tenacity. No matter what situation you will face tomorrow, you will definitely be able to get through it. After all, after tomorrow, there is still the day after tomorrow, isn't it?" ?”

Yu Rui also burst out laughing beside him, "That's right, sister just needs to break up this joke and tell it a little bit tomorrow, and then a little bit later. After all, Concubine Xin has already argued with sister in the palace. Ten years have passed, and the stories in these ten years are really good enough to be told for many years."

Wanxi nodded in satisfaction, "That's right. I love seeing Concubine Xin clearly still alive, but her body has been dragged down and her internal organs have been suffocated...Anyway, from now on, there will be no more chances." She is pregnant with the emperor's heir."

"I really look forward to watching Concubine Xin's younger sister live so desperately and being ridiculed so slowly, that the account between me and her can be settled slowly."

Yu Rui nodded with a smile, "The imperial concubine, this is the real victory. Only a short-sighted and self-righteous person would be ashamed to dream of the dream of the sky for ten years and ten months, but now he still has a big dream." I can't figure it out."

Wanxi held Yurui's hand, "Let's go, now Yongyan should follow Sister Lu to our palace to greet me. I, really, have a son and everything is fulfilling, but I want to have nothing to do with him again." Those who wish, what talk is there?"

Yu Rui sneered, "After all, the people who were victimized by the Guanyin soil didn't have long lives. I heard that in the end, their intestines were broken, not to mention how ugly the death is..." Yu Ru said, looking back and staring Glancing at Concubine Xin, she couldn't help laughing, "Concubine Xin, wait until dawn, at least put on more makeup powder. Otherwise, this complexion is really too ugly, as if it's already - almost dying."

Wanxi had already walked to the door of the Nuan Pavilion, she looked back after hearing this, and smiled softly again.

"You're scaring Concubine Xin again. That makeup powder is a waste of face, maybe there is something bad for her hidden in it, how dare she use it?"

Yu Rui followed up with a smile, "Isn't it? If you think about it, the Queen's master will definitely not let her go, so she may not give her Avalokitesvara soil, but maybe there is something else in the makeup powder... Oh, I remembered, arsenic seems to be white face? And arsenic is mixed in makeup powder and applied on people's faces, and it will make people look extraordinarily good-looking."

As Yurui said, she turned her head and stared at Concubine Xin, "I remember that Concubine Xin thought she was more beautiful than Huajiao when she was pregnant. As everyone knows, the face of a person who has used arsenic to smooth her face is so beautiful. It will also fester faster."

Wanxi smiled and stepped out of the threshold, "When the time comes, not only will the guts be gutted, but also the face will be completely ruined... Well, this is really the best justice. After death, the emperor will definitely not want to think about it at all." gone."

Yu Rui also said, "Without the emperor's concern, the dead are fine. The poor ones are still living in the world... For example, the eighth princess, will the emperor not even want to see the eighth princess anymore? Then the eighth princess Isn't the princess so pitiful?"

Wanxi took Yurui's hand and went out together.

"Forget it, she won't care about this. Because she is not only childless, she doesn't even have a heart."
After leaving Concubine Xin's bedroom, Wanxi and Yurui walked arm in arm in the darkness before dawn.

Yu Rui asked nervously, "Sister...can she submit?"

Wanxi shrugged lightly, "Follow her. Anyway, if she still refuses to give in, I will indeed have more fun in my daily life. As long as her heart is strong enough, why should I begrudge her every day?" How about a smile?"

"I didn't expect her to be like this until now, she has such a thick skin!" Yu Rui couldn't help but spit.

Wanxi raised her head in the darkness and looked at the morning star in the sky.

"Because of her noble birth, there will always be a retreat behind her. It's just that she forgot that if she is dead, even if there is a retreat after death, what's the use of it?"

Wanxi returned to the palace, washed her face and hands thoroughly, and rinsed her mouth with refined salt water.

As the sky was getting brighter, Wanxi prepared the pastry for the morning, and waited for Yuqin to bring Xiao Shiwu to greet her.

At this moment, Ma Lin was a little flustered from outside, but rushed in with bright eyes, knelt down and said, "Return to the master, Concubine Xin—is dead!"

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she reached out to support the legs of the Kang table.
When Wanxi changed her clothes, she deliberately delayed going there for a while.

Wanxi is a noble concubine who is above Concubine Xin, so even if Concubine Xin dies, Wanxi still doesn't need to take off her hairpin, or even wear plain clothes.

But Wanxi thought about it, and still only used a set of Suyu's face.

When Wanxi and Yurui rushed to Concubine Xin's bedroom again, Concubine Xin's palace was already full of tears.

Wanxi's gaze first went to find Le Rong and Yue Yi.

Sure enough, Le Rong and Le Yi cried the most.Especially Yue Yi kept knocking her head towards Concubine Xin's Kang Yan'er, with bloodstains on her forehead, as if she was dying.

Wanxi looked back at Yurui.

Yurui held back her laughter and said softly, "...my sister deliberately picked Chen Shiguan away in front of Concubine Xin. But there are people who want to protect Chen Shiguan, and this will never allow Concubine Xin, who has already known the truth, to continue living. Even one I can't stand the hour, I can't even wait for the dawn."

Wanxi squinted her eyes, "She was the one who refused to give her a decent chance to die! Then don't blame her for blocking the way of others, and let the woman under her end her life after all. !"
Both the emperor and Nala had arrived first.

The emperor was really affectionate, regardless of Nala's obstruction, he went in and took a last look at Concubine Xin, and covered Concubine Xin's face with the red cloth with his own hands.

No one could lift the emperor's covered corpse.This is to see off, and it is just to go into the warm pavilion and look at a piece of red cloth.

After Wanxi looked at it, she carefully probed, "What did you say...Concubine Xin was fine yesterday, why is it...?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows lightly, "Where is today, I couldn't survive last night. It's just that the door of the uterus was unlocked at that time, and the woman under her didn't know that she was gone, and thought she was gone last night. It's rare for my son to sleep soundly."

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyes to look at the emperor.

The emperor deliberately turned away, and only stared at Nala, "The queen is busy with the Dragon Boat Festival these few days, and I just couldn't take care of her, but I didn't expect that she couldn't make it through last night." Go. What a pity."

"I think, if the empress can be here all the time, then Concubine Xin will not be able to survive last night... Well, at least the Dragon Boat Festival is over, so I can go eat some zongzi."

Nala obviously wanted to be happy, but tried her best to hold back, and raised her hand to cover her lips.

"Look at what the emperor said, she was already bloated and suffocated. If the emperor still told her to eat those sticky rice dumplings, it would make her feel even worse? Therefore, the concubine felt that she was leaving a few days earlier. Yes, it’s a blessing.”

The emperor nodded and looked at Hu Shijie with raised eyes, "I passed on my oral order that Concubine Xin passed away on Yiyou Day, April 28. Ask the clan's mansion to find out who is wearing filial piety, and report it to me immediately."

Wanxi looked back, and met Yurui's eyes.

The emperor's golden words, the emperor said it was April 28, so it was April 28.

Then anything that happened on April 29th, anyone who has been in this palace, it is as if nothing happened.

If anyone insisted on saying that someone came to see Concubine Xin before dawn on April 29th, it would be that this person wanted to say that the emperor's imperial decree was all wrong.

Yurui held back her secret joy, and quietly squeezed Wanxi's hand.
It is not suitable to stay in the place of the dead for a long time. The emperor left first to deal with official business.

Wanxi, Yuqin and others are ahead of Concubine Xin in terms of status and walking order, so there is no reason for Concubine Xin to guard them.

Wanxi and Yuqin left together, leaving only Yurui to guard.

Yuqin's face was flushed red, and she held Wanxi's hand tightly until she went outside, "She is finally willing to go to Huangquan Road!"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "It's not a bad thing for her to die early and give birth early. In her life, God has treated her well. She was born into such a good family background and has such a smart head. But she has been ruined in vain. It would be better to overthrow it earlier and start over, and wait for the next life to change and start a new life."

Yuqin stared at Wanxi, "How did she finally figure it out?"

Wanxi shrugged, "When all the dreams of a person are shattered, and all the expectations are no longer possible, my sister said, how many more days can she live? Besides, if she still refuses to die, she is not alone. If someone suffers, all the servants in her palace will have to suffer with her."

"Speaking of Guiqi, the masters and slaves in this palace are said to be divided into masters and servants, but in fact they are all connected with one another, and all will be lost."

Yuqin also sighed when she heard it, and squeezed Wanxi's hand.

"I understand, you are also for Yuye..."

Wanxi closed her eyes tightly, "No, sister, don't call her Yuye anymore, call her back to her original nickname Erniu. Looking back at that time, what I regret the most is that I agreed to keep her in the In your palace, you even personally changed her name to Yuye... If time can be repeated, I only hope that I will drive her home immediately the first time I see her!"

Yuqin also had red eyes, thought about it, but still shook her head.

"No, I don't think it would be better. Think about it, if she didn't come to the palace, how could she meet Mao Tuan'er again? Even though the relationship between them violated the rules of the palace, It is considered a treasonous thing - but in this life of a girl, the length is not the most important thing, on the contrary, if you can meet someone who is sincere and good, that will make this life worthwhile."

Wanxi couldn't hold back the tears.

What Sister Lu said was really good... Yes, it is such a heartache at this time, but looking back, imagine the years when the two of them stayed together in Huangling Village - although it was short, it was enough for Er Niu to die in the end. At the moment of leaving, can you still leave with a smile on your face? .
At noon, news came from Qinzheng Hall.The emperor circled the following people in the list reported by the clan's mansion, who will guard the spirit of Concubine Xin in Jing'an Village and wear filial piety.

The princes are: the fourth elder brother Yongxuan and Fujin Yiergenjueluo, the eighth elder brother Yongxuan and Fujin Qingzao;
The princesses are: Seventh Princess, Eighth Princess;

The emperor's grandsons are: Brother Mianen and Fujin.

In addition, there is also the sixth elder brother Yong Rong who wears filial piety.It's just that Yongrong doesn't need to guard the spirit, doesn't need to live near Jing'an Village, and the level of filial piety is lower than that of these people.

In addition, the emperor's decree also stated: Concubine Xin's funeral ceremony, "Gaen will be handled according to the rules of noble concubines."It should perform the ceremony and hand it over to the Ministry for inspection.
Because Princess Qi was among the people wearing filial piety and guarding the spirit, Wan Xi hurriedly went to see Concubine Wan in person to help Xiao Qi prepare.

Concubine Wan couldn't help complaining in a low voice, "Why did the emperor ask us Xiao Qi to go? Why should we Xiao Qi wear filial piety for her?"

Wanxi smiled in relief, "After all, she is the head of the inner court, and among the imperial concubines, she is the serious aunt of all princes and princesses. Xiaoqi is a princess, so she should wear filial piety. Besides, the records of princes and princesses wearing filial piety every year are all the same. It was recorded and arranged by the clan's mansion. If they played reasonably, the emperor would not be able to change it."

"Besides, now that the third and fourth princesses are married and have children, there is no reason to wear filial piety for their aunt; and there are only two older girls left in the palace, the seventh and eighth princesses, who are still young after all. And the eighth princess Concubine Xin is still born, she must be guarding the spirit and wearing filial piety, how can the emperor ask the eighth princess to guard the spirit? Xiaoqi is the elder sister, and she is the oldest princess among all the princesses in the palace at this time, she should go Perform this gift."

On the contrary, Yurui said softly, "...Everyone in the palace knows about our quarrel with her. The emperor told us the seventh princess to go to watch the mourning, so that everyone in the harem will think that we can let go of our grudges first. Then If someone still wants to take advantage of Concubine Xin's death to make irresponsible remarks, then they have to shut up this time."

Concubine Wan also raised her eyebrows, and then she also smiled, "Look, I'm really old, and my brain is rusted. It's still Yu Rui who has a flexible mind, and a word made my heart open."

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "It's interesting that the emperor arranges the people who wear filial piety. After all, the level of funeral rites after death depends on which prince wears filial piety. She has no princes herself, and the emperor sent three princes this time. It seems grand to have a grandson go, but in fact, two of the three princes have already been born. Among the grandsons, there is only Mian En. Although Mian En is excellent, it is a pity that he is a grandson of a concubine, and he is still not knighted .”

Concubine Wan nodded, "Your Majesty is considered generous, at least she was treated as a noble concubine for her funeral ceremony."

Wanxi smiled faintly, "The lord of the harem, those above the concubine, almost passed away, the emperor gave Jia En all of them. She is just one of these many people, and she is just following the old rules. Where is it?" It's a little bit special."

(End of this chapter)

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