Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2471: It's up to you to choose

Chapter 2471 Seven Volumes 175 is up to you

As one of the oldest lords in the harem, Concubine Wan knows the most detailed things about the harem.

Concubine Wan also nodded with a smile, "Isn't that right. In this harem, all those above the rank of concubine have passed away over the years, the emperor will give them a posthumous gift or grace, or funeral rituals."

Those who passed away in the harem over the years and above the concubine position all received grace after death.Whether it is the imperial concubine Zhemin in the early years, or the imperial concubine Huixian and Shujia after the emperor ascended the throne, all of them have been blessed, and concubine Xin is just following the old rules;

Even Guo Guiren, who had just entered the palace for two years as a concubine, was officially conferred the title of "Concubine Xun" with a book of treasures after his death.

This is just a reflection of the emperor's affection for the harem, but all concubines and above, who are from famous families, have all received such treatment before Concubine Xin, and none of them have been left behind.

In fact, the "glory" that Concubine Xin got behind her was the lowest posthumous treatment among all the concubines and above.

Just like the key words in Wanbi's words: posthumous gift, treatment of appearance, and funeral.

These three words seem to refer to the aftermath of the person, but in fact the inner world is not small, and they also reflect a completely different level.

Posthumous gift is the highest level among these three words: after the death of the imperial concubine Huixian, it is "Jinfeng imperial concubine", after the death of Shujia imperial concubine, it is "pursuing imperial concubine", and after the death of imperial concubine Chunhui, it is "Jin Book as Imperial Concubine".

Similar to this, after the death of the third elder brother Yongzhang, he also "gifted to the king of Xunjun"; even Guo Guiren, who died just two years after entering the palace, was "posthumously named Xun concubine with his order" after his death.

These formal posthumous gifts all have a distinctive feature: even after death, a formal treasure is also given, just like a formal canonization ceremony.

And the term "remedial appearance" just refers to changing the name on tombstones, spirit tablets, etc.Like Concubine Xin, she is only governed by "guifei etiquette", although she can be called "Xin Guifei" on the tombstone and on the altar, but she has no canonization, and there is no official posthumous canonization.

After Concubine Xin failed to get the canonization ceremony of concubine, she was called "Concubine Xin" in vain for nearly a year; after her death, she went through such "in nameless" again.

As for what the emperor said in the decree that granting grace to her would be "according to the imperial concubine's rules", it only said that the funeral ceremony should be held in accordance with the status of an imperial concubine.

The funeral is handled according to the example of Concubine Wen Xi, not to say how high the funeral ceremony of Concubine Xin is, but because after the death of Concubine Wen Xi during the Kangxi period, for more than 60 years, the Qing Dynasty did not hold any funeral ceremony. Had a royal concubine-style funeral.Since the emperor wanted to "hand over the ceremony to the ministry for inspection and performance", the only example of the ceremony that the Ministry of Rites could find was the imperial concubine Wen Xi who was closest to her.

——Naturally speaking, in the past 60 years, there have been no noble concubines in the three dynasties of Kang, Yong, and Qianlong, but because those noble concubines of others were all conferred the title of imperial concubine after death, such as Nian Shi of Yongzheng, Huixian, Shujia, and Chunhui of Qianlong Dynasty However, they are all handled according to the funeral ceremony of the imperial concubine, and it is not comparable to the imperial concubine.

The reason why the emperor was also called "stopping the court for five days" was only because when Concubine Wen Xi was attending the funeral, Lord Kangxi also stopped court for five days.This is just citing old rules and following the rules.

What's more interesting is that the emperor claimed to "stop the court for five days", so the cabinet should not enter this chapter during these five days, that is to say, the emperor could not even review the manuscripts-but in fact, the emperor never failed to handle state affairs up.

For example, on April [-], the emperor issued an order to send Zhaohui Chiyi to the embankment project directly under his control; he personally asked the governor Yang Tingzhang about the purchase of more than [-] taels of silver in advance, and arranged for the horses used for the southern tour.

On the first day of May, I asked the Guangdong customs officials about the annual tribute; then I studied the bad rules of accepting silver taels in Xiamen, Fujian, where Yang Tingzhang lived.

On the second day of May, I went to Changchun Garden to accompany the Empress Dowager.

On the third day of May, I asked about the killing of an official in Ili by the local Buruts; the construction of the old city of Uliasutai; A folk woman.

It was said that "stop court for five days", but in fact the emperor did not have a day off, and dealt with state affairs as usual every day.

Wanxi knew all these things in her heart, so she just smiled lightly.

"Justice is in the hearts of the people, and the emperor has a clear account in his heart. Concubine Xin has become 'Xin Guifei', but it is just a word game on the title. After all, the emperor has no intention of giving a formal posthumous title. Go, let alone prepare book treasures."

Concubine Wan also nodded, "That's right. People in the harem, everyone is counting on being granted the title. But like Concubine Xin, who didn't even get the title of concubine or noble concubine, and also She is really the only one. After all, when she was alive, apart from the title, the actual status she possessed was only above that of concubine."

Even Bai Guo couldn't help but said, "It's said that people are about to die, and their words are good; even if the death row criminals are given something good for their last meal, then after the death of our concubine Xin, the emperor will be fine. You have to give it some meaning, right? After all, he is a noble princess from Manchuria with a yellow flag, and Ama has made great contributions to the country. Why should the emperor give him the last face?"

Wanxi and Wanbi also looked at each other and smiled.

After preparing all the things for Xiaoqi, Concubine Wan must personally send her to Jing'anzhuang's residence.

Anyway, concubine Wan is in the position of concubine, and her status is lower than concubine Xin, so she will go now.Wanxi's rank is high, so there is no reason for the high rank to pay homage to the low rank, so this can only be entrusted to the concubine Wan, and she will leave by herself first.

Concubine Wan personally sent Wanxi outside the palace gate.

At the end of April, spring is deep.The eyes are full of willow green and pink, and the birds are chirping in the ears.

It makes people feel refreshed.

The women and eunuchs followed behind, Wanbi then took Wanxi's arm, and said softly with a smile, "...it's hard for you. Back then, Chen Shiguan was recommended to Beijing. Without you, because of this name, I'm afraid They will all be brushed off."

Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "My sister is putting a high hat on me again. In fact, Chen Shiguan changed to the current name, how can I get rid of it? It was the first time I saw this child of my sister's family in Anlan Garden. But at that time, he was still called 'Chen Shiguan'."

Looking back on those years, Wanxi shook her head lightly with a smile, "As expected of the Haining Chen family of poetry and calligraphy, the name 'Shiguan' was already the best."

The "Diamond Sutra" says: "All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles. They are like dew and electricity, so they should be viewed in this way."

The word "Shiguan" is the name, which shows its realm.

Wanxi smiled and said, "I'm talking too much, saying that the Chen family in Haining had a great scholar, Chen Shiguan, and Chen Shiguan's name sounds the same. Why don't you change the word, it's also a kindness to the elders." Respect and commemorate."

Concubine Wan nodded, "That's not true. Just because he changed his name, it's rare for him to be filial, and the elders in the family moved to take him back into the clan."
On the second day of May, the fourth elder brother Yongxuan and other princes, princesses, and grandchildren who should wear filial piety officially went to Jing'an Village to wear filial piety.

At this time, Concubine Xin's golden coffin had already been moved to Jing'an Manor. After several months of waiting, the garden dormitory was completed and officially buried.

On this day, Wanxi arrived at Jing'an Village with the emperor and the harem.

The emperor gave a drink, while Wanxi looked at the quiet golden coffin, and sighed in her heart.

Today, Concubine Xin has been in the palace for 11 years, and the grievances between Wanxi and her have also lasted for 11 years.

In the end, if the outcome is determined by life and death, this account will be settled after all.

But at this moment, how can there be much joy in Wanxi's heart?People fight with each other, after all, each has wounds on his body and scars on his heart.It was at this moment when I recalled that those scars from the past were still aching.

"Dai Jiashi, it's just that you didn't guess after all—half of what I told you was a lie to you. You have no chance to figure it out. You actually lost to my 'lie'. "

That's right, Wanxi has known Chen Shiguan a long time ago, as early as the last southern tour, she met in Anlan Garden, the private garden of the Chen family in Haining.

At that time, Chen Shiguan's family had been expelled from the family tree, but their livelihood was difficult. It was no match for his family's successive generations of high-ranking officials.

Taking advantage of Shengjia's stay in Anlan Garden, Chen Shiguan went to Anlan Garden to look carefully, and was bumped into by Wanxi inadvertently.

Because of Concubine Wan, Wanxi was spared the crime of colliding, and asked him a few more words.Knowing that his ancestors were expelled from the clan, he practiced medicine for a living for many years, and accumulated a reputation for several generations.

Chen Shiguan also knew Wanxi's identity, so he tactfully expressed his desire to enter the Imperial Hospital for an official position.

Wanxi just looked at Wanbi's face and wanted to help her, so she told him that "it's a view" and it's better to go as a "shiguan" - because of this name, Chen Shiguan only needs to go to Beijing to go to the Ministry of Rites to answer The examination for selecting an imperial doctor is enough to attract attention and attention, and it is easier to stand out than the name "Shi Guan" who is too pure-hearted and ascetic.

——But the private friendship between Wanxi and Chen Shiguan actually only ends at this time.

It is not easy for Wanxi to know how Chen Shiguan was recommended by local officials to go to Beijing to take the exam; and how he was selected into the Imperial Hospital as he wished and became a small student.

After all, with Wanxi's status, there is absolutely no chance for a young student in the imperial hospital to be in front of her.

"The cruel calculations I mentioned in the name of Chen Shiguan are all made up by me to fool you..."

Wanxi took a deep breath to calm her heart down.

Since she can make up those tricks, she can naturally do them back then.It's just that she couldn't be as ruthless as Concubine Xin after all - even though she knew that one day she would settle the score, she never really used that method.

The real final blow is just a reasonable "story" woven together according to the emperor's thoughts and what Chen Shiguan said.

"I made it clear to you a long time ago that it was just a 'story' that you didn't understand; even when you questioned me every sentence, I refused to answer you directly, so that's for you Leaving a flaw—who told you that you only hated me so much that you were faithful once I said it, and you didn’t even notice it at all?”

After the emperor's libation, he got up and drove back to the palace.

Wanxi turned around with her.

Before she could step out of the gate of Jing'an Village, Wanxi turned her head and took a last look at Concubine Xin's golden coffin.

"Dai Jiashi, I have suffered a lot from you in the past 11 years. But I have never outdone you, I just——disdain to be like you."

"If I really want to plot against you, just make up a random story like this, it's enough to kill you..."
The emperor deliberately waited a day, the third day of May the next day, and then came to Wanxi Palace.

In the end, the topic couldn't get around Concubine Xin's matter.

After drinking for three rounds, the emperor pretended to be angry on purpose, stretched out his hand to pinch the tip of Wanxi's nose and turned over Xiao Chang'er: "Didn't the master tell you to stay away from this matter? How come in the end, you still can't hold back?"

Wanxi knew she was wronged, she smiled guiltyly and ingratiatingly, but she still sighed after all, her eyes turned red with drooping eyes.

"...I'm not doing it for myself and Sister Lu, I also have to seek justice for Erniu that girl! If Erniu hadn't had an accident, I would have left everything to the emperor. But Erniu's life has to be replaced by me. That girl is here to ask for it back."

The emperor also thumped in his heart, a little silly, "You, you actually know?"

The emperor thought in his heart, no wonder he looked at Mao Tuan'er a little differently these two days.But he thought that Mao Tuan'er was missing Er Niu, but he didn't expect that the truth had already been revealed.

The emperor was annoyed at this, "Hey, Mao Tuan'er is still there forever, so it's useless!"

He used several people to go around Jiu'er together, just not wanting her to know.

Wanxi lowered her head and pouted her lips high, "Master, do you really think that slaves are so easy to bully? Not to mention that Mao Tuan'er grew up under my nose when he was young, and I knew he was pulling his tail as soon as he pouted. What kind of shit; even if Lian Yong is always there, she is just a teenage girl after all..."

The emperor was also guilty and guilty, so he raised his hand to touch the back of his head, and smiled mischievously, "Hehe, if you really think that you will never guess... then it means that you have become stupid yourself."

"Master, I just thought that after Dai Jia's affairs were all sorted out, it would be too late for you to know. But I didn't expect that it's only a few days, and you have already figured out the door!"

Wanxi also couldn't help laughing, she took the initiative to lean over, and leaned her head in the emperor's arms.

"Thank you so much for setting the date of her death on the 28th. After all, in the months before the 28th, the slave really didn't meet her alone."

The emperor sighed softly and hugged Wanxi tightly.

"No matter what, that person is really like a candy, and he refuses to give in. She dare not even take what the master said to her. But it will be effective after you go. Finally, the harem has calmed down. "

Wanxi lay in the emperor's arms, with her ear on his heart, quietly listening to his heartbeat.

"Actually, it wasn't until that moment that the slave just knew about the emperor's plan... Chen Shiguan was actually chosen by the emperor a long time ago."

The emperor snorted, "I don't even look at what his name is. If it wasn't for his character and medical skills, how could he have allowed Chen Shiguan to come out of the imperial hospital? Grand scholar Chen Shiguan just passed away a few days ago. Years ago, there was another such a young man dangling in front of my eyes, I suddenly thought it was some kind of ghost."

Wanxi couldn't help laughing out loud, "Isn't it. Although this Chen Shiguan is young, he didn't expect it to be so useful."

The emperor snorted, "Grandpa will reward him slowly in the future. Don't be in a hurry."

Wanxi also understands that if the emperor rewards Chen Shiguan early, it will reveal Chen Shiguan.

Wan Xi nodded, "Senior officials and officials, that must be the long-term future."

The emperor hugged Wanxi tightly, and finally he could safely lower his lips, and kissed Wanxi tightly.

In the past few months, she has deliberately distanced herself from each other, and now she can finally untie all the taboos, so Wanxi also took the initiative to offer her own response.

Lips and teeth are attached to each other, and the figure is also clinging to the emperor's body inch by inch.

The emperor's breathing suddenly became hot and rapid.

Wanxi didn't want the emperor to get his hands so quickly, so when the emperor's lips had moved to the bottom, she wrapped her fingertips tightly around the emperor's braids, panting and shouting out of breath, "...Actually, Lord, originally I didn't want to tell her to die either. It was all her own faults!"

Sure enough, the emperor was hit, his body shook, and his lips stopped within an inch.

With a little annoyance, but also a little embarrassment, he raised his head, hung in the air, and stared at her condescendingly.

"How to say?"

Wanxi sighed, "She deserves to die, but the eighth princess shouldn't have lost her mother at such a young age."

"That child is also pitiful... She was harmed like this by her own mother since she was born. I can't bear to make her suffer more from losing my mother."

"It's just the other way around, but it's also because of Shunying's child that I hate Dai Jia even more. If she wasn't so desperate, how could Shunying be born like that!"

Wanxi hugged the emperor tightly, "The emperor is a loving father, especially to the princesses. Even if he hates Dai Jia, he still gave her a chance."

"Although the servant threatened Dai Jia, saying that what she ate was Avalokitesvara soil, her internal organs were destroyed, and sooner or later her intestines would be broken and she died...but in fact, it was just made up by the servant. The record in the Chongzhen period is the slave's early years. I’ve seen it, so I borrowed it for temporary use.”

"After all, that Guanyin clay is actually the kaolin clay used to make porcelain. The emperor cherishes porcelain, and the palace manufacturing office can make porcelain, so this kaolin clay is not a new thing in the palace. If Dai Jia's heart is more Draw a question mark and try to ask someone to get some kaolin to have a look, and you will naturally know that kaolin is smooth and smooth, which is different from the roughness of bone foam, and there is no way to completely blend in."

Wanxi shook her head for Concubine Xin, "After all, her dry bowels and constipation are caused by her own temper. After all these years of tricks, which one doesn't get angry, how can it not be stagnant? The emperor called Chen Shiguan used methods, not adding anything to harm her, but because she continued to suffer from liver depression and qi stagnation, and gave her less detoxifying medicines, in order to keep her stomach bulging for several months."

"Later, when Shi Shiqi used the detoxifying medicine, she was able to excrete it at that time. It must be cured by the medicine."

"In the end, it was Dai Jia who believed that everyone in the palace was against her, and everyone was plotting against her... That's why she would rather believe that she was really plotted to death. So when it comes to return, The one who sent her to a dead end, after all, was herself."

In the past eleven months, step by step, whether it is the emperor or Wanxi, they have resorted to tricks, but in fact, every festival still says that they are leaving a living.It just depends on whether the person can find it by himself, and whether he can save himself.

But in the end, Concubine Xin missed those gates of life, and made a wrong step in her work, which sent her to the gate of hell.

The emperor raised his eyes suddenly, his eyebrows stretched out.

"Master's dear Jiuer! It's hard for you to figure out what I'm thinking! Originally, I didn't want to explain. I wanted her to die, and I'm waiting for her to die to apologize!"

Wanxi Rouwan raised her body and took the initiative to put it back on the emperor's body.

"...It's all over. Those who understand will naturally understand, and those who don't understand don't need to explain."

"It's just that the master gave her room to go, but this time, my servant——I don't want any room."

As Wanxi said, she raised her body up suddenly, her lotus root arm hooked the emperor's neck forcefully, and softly pressed against the emperor's ear.

"The Lord will fill up the servants——"

How could the emperor still be able to speak? The 54-year-old man is alive and brave at this moment, like a boy who has tasted it for the first time.
On the fifth day of May, Duanyang Festival finally came again.

Because this day happened to coincide with the expiration of the emperor's "five days of quitting court" for Concubine Xin, the emperor specially wrote an imperial poem for Concubine Xin.The poem said:

"It's better to miss Chenghuan in the afternoon,

The new relatives of the West Palace should only be forgotten. (Emperor's own note: Concubine Xin Guixian passed away from time to time, just after the five-day period of leaving court)
It's like some sons to be innocent,
Lazy to see the pepper and put it into the moxa bag. "

Since the emperor's poem was written on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, it spread throughout the harem.Wanxi and Yuqin just met each other's eyes, they were both calm.Nala's color changed a little, and she was very unhappy.

Because Wanxi's status is second only to Nala's, so the seat is closest to Nala's, Nala couldn't help asking Wanxi, "I can't understand the emperor's Chinese poems. You can explain them for me. "

Wanxi smiled lightly, and did not refuse, which was interpreted as vernacular: "Dragon Boat Festival, the emperor should have joy at the empress dowager's knees, so this festival of peace and harmony in Wanfang and the dragon boat race on the Fuhai Sea must be present in person. And just now Concubine Xin Gui who passed away should only be forgotten."

"It's just that the emperor is still a little unhappy today, a little too lazy to look at the wormwood sachets presented by the rest of the inner court officials~~"

Nala gritted his teeth, "What is this, Your Majesty! Didn't you say that you should forget about her? Why are you still unhappy?"

Wanxi understood what Nala's annoyance was.At least from the literal meaning of this poem, the emperor said that he was a little unhappy, as if he still missed Concubine Xin a little bit.

Wanxi took her time and took another poem written by the emperor.

"Master, you might as well read this song again. The true origin of the emperor's mood, then master and empress can understand everything."

(End of this chapter)

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