Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2510, Volume 8, 35 Can You Call Me Again

Chapter 2510 Chapter Eight Volume 35 Can You Call Me Again

The emperor quietly raised his eyes, staring at the empress dowager.

"Since the Queen Mother said so, then my son will have to investigate carefully whether it is right or wrong. After the investigation is clear, it will not be too late for my son to reply to the Queen Mother."

"It's just that before the son finds out about this matter, the imperial concubine is still the imperial concubine who was ordered by the son himself, and the emperor's wife also issued an edict! Therefore, the son does not want to hear any movement from the side. Otherwise—— It is to ignore the emperor's mother's imperial edict and the son's imperial edict at all!"

The empress dowager took a deep breath, "Emperor, don't worry about this matter! I don't know if there are any people in the palace and your Yuanmingyuan gossiping; but I know that in my Changchun Garden, no one dares to open their mouths casually." of!"

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, "My son, thank you for your kindness."

The emperor said and turned his head to stare at Zhao Delu, "As for this slave, please leave it to my son, too! After all, my son will tell the truth from his mouth!"

Zhao Delu was so frightened that he was paralyzed on the ground, and could not stop screaming upwards, "The old master of the empress dowager, please forgive me, the old master of the empress dowager, please forgive me..."

The Empress Dowager raised her head high, "That's unnecessary! Emperor, if you have anything to say, just ask someone to come to me and ask! As for this servant, since he is useless in the Queen's Palace, I still have to use him when I look at him." Why don't you just stay in my Changchun Garden and arrange an errand!"

The emperor held back, "Okay, my son will do everything according to the emperor's mother's will."
The 55-year-old emperor tried his best to restrain himself and did not attack in front of his 73-year-old "Kan Ernian" mother. But when he got out of Changchun Garden, he kicked the stone on the horse with a loud "boom" Muffled.

Gao Yuncong and all the imperial guards were so frightened that they fell to their knees and kowtowed repeatedly.

Gao Yuncong choked up and said, "If the emperor wants to kick, just kick the servant a few times. The emperor's dragon body is precious, how can he kick that big rock with his feet..."

But the emperor calmed down instead.

"It's okay. This idea hurts, so what is it!"

The pain in the feet may be able to balance the pain in the heart.

The emperor raised his head high and looked at Gao Tian, ​​"Gao Yuncong, how is Mao Tuan'er doing in Yuqing Palace?"

Gao Yuncong hurriedly said, "Since Grandpa Mao Tuan'er was ordered to move to Yuqing Palace to serve the fifteenth elder brother, he is calm and self-sufficient every day, and he is more careful in serving the little master. It's tight, Brother Fifteen."

The emperor nodded in relief, "Good job."

The emperor got on his horse and went back to Yuanmingyuan from Changchun Garden.The footsteps along the way were heavy, and when they had to return to the Old Summer Palace, they all suppressed the oppression in their hearts, put on a calm smile again and entered the door.
On the first day of June, it coincides with Concubine Shu's birthday.

Because of Wanxi, there is no noble concubine at this time; and Concubine Shu is the first among concubines.

Moreover, the elder brother Yongxuan, who was raised by Concubine Shu, was just assigned by the emperor to the concubine daughter of Concubine Shu's own sister's family, which made her even more popular for a while.

The heads of the inner court, the princes and grandsons Fujin, all came to congratulate Concubine Shu.

As the head of the harem and the status of imperial concubine, Wanxi didn't have to congratulate her in person, but Wanxi still came.Instead, I asked Concubine Shu to lead a group of concubines to welcome them out of the palace gate in person and greet them with salutes.

Wanxi laughed, and hurriedly told Xiaoqi and Jiujiu to go, "It's not convenient for me to salute your auntie, you two hurry up and help me return this gift."

Xiaoqi and Jiujiu were both sensible, they went up to greet their legs well.

Concubine Shu hurriedly smiled and hugged each of them, "Get up, get up. Oh, I dare not accept gifts from your mother-in-law; how dare I accept gifts from you two? It's up to you Of the two father-in-laws, which one is not a great hero of our Qing Dynasty, and the credit lies in the country, how can we, the women in the harem, dare to accept the ceremony?"

Everyone talked and laughed, surrounded Wanxi and Concubine Shu and walked in together.

Wanxi couldn't help but wink at Concubine Shu, "Jiufujin's ceremony should have arrived long ago."

Concubine Shu understood, turned her head and glanced at Yong Xing, and couldn't help laughing.

Everyone agreed in their hearts: this time when Jiufu Jin sent a congratulatory gift, he must bring Fuling with him.He happened to take this opportunity to salute all the ladies, and when they officially married into the palace, there was no need to be unfamiliar.

Concubine Shu laughed, "Lan Pei's gift is due to arrive. But of course she understands the rules, and there is no way to make her gift come ahead of the sisters in the palace. Now all the sisters are coming to see me, I thought, she The gift will arrive soon."

Wanxi clapped her palms and smiled lightly, then turned her head and said, "Yongxuan, why don't you go to the gate of the palace to meet your mother?"

Yong Xing blushed, but also frankly, saluted all the lords, and then strode away.

Looking at Yongxuan's magnanimous back, Wanxi nodded with satisfaction, "That's great. Since the emperor has ordered marriage, it's a boy so you shouldn't be shy."

But Xiaoqi hesitated and came forward, gently grabbed Wanxi's sleeve, and begged in a low voice, "Emiang... I think, go back first."

Wanxi thought for a while, and still grabbed Xiaoqi's hand, "Today is your concubine Shu's day, your concubine Shu has prepared good wine and food for us. If there is no dinner, you should The juniors will leave first."

Xiao Qi bit her lip, but finally nodded, "Er Niang is right, it's my daughter who is being rude."

When he was young, Yong Xing came back excitedly from outside, but it was Hu La who brought in the whole family of Master Jiu's family.

Besides Jiufujin himself, the fourth princess and Jia, there was also Fuchang'an, the youngest son of Jiufujin and Master Jiu; in addition, there was another Fukang'an who shouldn't have come in and listened to it.

On the other hand, Fuling, whom everyone was looking forward to, didn't follow.

Xiaoqi frowned, and hurriedly pulled Jiujiu over and stood in front of her.

Jiufujin was also a little embarrassed, and went forward to greet all the heads of the inner court, especially explaining in front of Wanxi, "Qilin Bao misses his aunt so much, and said that he couldn't come to the palace to kowtow to his aunt for a few days. Don't worry...you have to come in today."

"Master Jiu had no choice but to specifically ask the emperor for grace, which was specially granted by the emperor..."

Princess Hejia was also helping out: "My mother-in-law and I also brought a lot of things. Fortunately, the third child followed, otherwise my mother-in-law and I really couldn't move..."

On today's day of great joy, Wanxi first smiled brightly, "Of course it's good to come in! Concubine Shu and we have not seen Qilin Bao for a few days, and we all miss it. It just happened to be a good thing to come in today to have a good time." .”

Fukang'an was also generous, and immediately kowtowed to the ground.He knocked his forehead on the ground without hesitation, and even through the wool carpet, he could hear the echo of that thud.

Concubine Shu laughed, "Oh, you monkey spirit, hurry up! According to your kowtow, how much money do I have to reward you? If you kowtow any more, I won't be able to reward you!"

Fukang'an accepted it as soon as he saw it, and got up and smiled at everyone.But the eyeballs slid down towards Xiaoqi on their own...

Xiaoqi deliberately turned away to talk to Jiujiu, pretending not to look at him.

Fu Kang'an was not annoyed either, as if he would be very happy as long as he could pass through the palace wall and see Xiao Qi a little closer.

Wanxi raised her eyes quietly, and met Wanbi's eyes.

Concubine Wan nodded, got up and walked to Xiao Qi's side, and personally accompanied Xiao Qi.Anyway, it can also be used as a shield.
Because today is a good day for Concubine Shu, Wanxi slipped out after talking for a while, and went to sit in the backyard.

After all, Wanxi has just been promoted to imperial concubine, if Wanxi is here, it will inevitably steal the limelight from Concubine Shu, and make others feel uncomfortable.

Concubine Shu has always had the most abundant collection of books in her palace due to her family background.In Concubine Shu's study, Wanxi took a collection of poems by Concubine Shu's grandfather Nalan Rongruo from the shelf to read, and a figure flickered at the door.

Yuchan's eyes are sharp, and she has already recognized that it is always there.

Wanxi put down the collection of words, "I'm afraid they came to talk to me. Please come in quickly."

Yongchang was inside, unable to hide his panic, so he told Wanxi all the movements in the Changchun Garden in the past few days.

"Imperial Concubine, please make plans early!"

Wanxi was also shocked, not knowing what to say for a while.

Yuchan was also so frightened that she couldn't stand still, she rubbed her hands tightly and stepped forward crying, "Master, master must make up his mind quickly!"

Wanxi closed her eyes, "It's a bottom line——Zhao Delu's words made the empress dowager believe in Nala's 'calling the soul', but she was actually bewitched, and Nala did not voluntarily curse the emperor. Empress Dowager. The empress dowager's hatred for Nala has no root and cannot stand."

But what really made Wanxi's heart ache was not that Nala could escape again this time, or that the empress dowager still held prejudice against her, but—she finally knew that the emperor once told Mao Tuan'er to leave her. In Nala's bedroom, the thing that cursed Xiao Sixteen was found!
She would rather believe that Xiao Shiliu hadn't survived the vaccination...

After all, Xiao Shiliu got pregnant during the last tour to the south, and the journey was tiring, so maybe Xiao Shiliu's body was a little unstable.

Just like the little Lu'er back then, because she also went to the south of the Yangtze River with her and the emperor in the womb - the two children may be a little tossing, quite alike.

Wanxi couldn't believe it, but someone had tampered with Xiaoliu's death as expected!
——She used to take such precautions before Qi Luan.There were so many people who could reassure her in the garden, and Nala was accompanying him on the southern tour, so she thought that nothing would happen again.But who would have thought that a human heart can't compare to a ghost's heart, even if Nalashi is not in the capital, he can still curse Xiaoliu like this!
Wanxi was startled and in pain, her mind was blank and she couldn't think calmly.She wanted to scream, she wanted to rush back to the palace right now, to the Yonghe Palace, and tear Nala's face to pieces face to face!
But Wanxi still grabbed her sleeve firmly, warning herself to calm down.

The account must be settled!
But the predicament in front of him must be overcome first - otherwise, he would have fallen into Nala's tricks! .
"Don't panic for now, let me think about it first." Wanxi closed her eyes tightly, not daring to open them.Because as long as you open it, there will be tears falling down.

No, she couldn't cry at this time, otherwise it would be like showing weakness!
She couldn't cry in front of those who cared about her... Otherwise, it would only make them feel more guilty.

"Get rid of Mao Tuan'er's suspicions first! At this moment, the Empress Dowager is most likely to deal directly with Mao Tuan'er. I can't let Mao Tuan'er have any more trouble." Wanxi gritted her teeth and ordered calmly.

"Besides, Mao Tuan'er was once the emperor's Haha Zhuzi eunuch, and he had a deep friendship with the emperor's master and servant; at this time, Mao Tuan'er was accompanying Xiao Shiwu in Yuqing Palace. If he had something to do, Xiao Shiwu would be gone by his side. You can safely go to the barrier. So for now, you don’t have to worry about me for the time being, you can help me find a way to get rid of the connection between the hairball and this matter!"

Yuchan and Yuying glanced at each other, their eyes were already blushing.

Yuchan said, "Master, there is a master who protects Young Master Mao like this, but this matter is not easy. After all, it was Young Master Mao who went to the queen's bedroom to search for the treasure... "

"No, Mao Tuan'er is not alone." Wanxi tried her best not to cry, "and Wang Cheng."

"We don't need to implicate Wang Cheng, but we have to try to get some strength from Wang Cheng. After all, they were all there at that time. Maybe there are some details that we don't know, only they know."

Yuying gritted her teeth, "Your servant will ask!"

"There are also people from the original Yikun Palace..." Wanxi took a deep breath, "Zhao Delu is from the Yikun Palace, and is also the chief eunuch, so the empress dowager will believe what he said. But the Yikun Palace And it's not just Zhao Delu. If we treat him in the same way, we can naturally find another person from Yikun Palace, and we can kill Zhao Delu by retorting!"

Yuchan and the others nodded.

"It's just that this person must be more important than Zhao Delu."

Yuchan's eyes lit up, "Zhao Delu is an eunuch after all, even the chief eunuch, but he can't go in and stay with the queen without incident... Therefore, the officials and women in Yikun Palace are naturally more important than Zhao Delu, Especially those who serve by the Queen's side!"

Wanxi said, "Yes, there are currently five people available. Three of them are sent to Dasang Ula after being tortured, and the other two are serving by Nala's side now... You can help me Try to find someone among the five who is willing to be used by us."

Yuchan bowed immediately, "You slave will do it!"

After sorting out some clues, Wanxi finally swallowed back her tears and slowly opened her eyes.

Both Yuying and Yuchan went out to arrange matters, and there was only Yongchang in front of them.

Wanxi stretched out her hand to hold Yong Changzai's hand, "Ling Zhi, I know how much risk you are taking to tell me such a big event at this time. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I owe you a great deal in this life." Great love."

Yongchang hurriedly waved his hands in embarrassment, "...the imperial concubine and I both came from Han surnamed women in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and our hometowns are both in Shenyang, and we all talk in the same way. How can I just watch Something happened to you."

Wanxi took Yong Changzai's hand, "You should be more careful yourself. Don't talk about others, Lan Guiren is the younger generation of the empress dowager's mother's family. She was originally the most favored in front of the empress dowager. Since you entered the palace, she has become less and less Opportunity to serve in front of the Empress Dowager... Judging from the events of the past few years, Lan Guiren has never been a fuel-efficient lamp."

Yongchang laughed "Hey", "So it's her! Let me just say, who is the gossip and spread the story of my uncle's lewdness. Everyone in the Empress Dowager's Palace guessed, I am Since Ma and my uncle are brothers, even though they are not young, they may... bully the little girl in the empress dowager's palace with excuses!"

Wanxi was also surprised, "So there is such a thing?"

Yong Chang was sneering, "Don't you want to use such a slander to drive my Ama away from the Empress Dowager's Palace, then I will have nothing to rely on to go!"

Wanxi's eyes turned lightly, "...Don't worry, the emperor's heart is naturally bright. No matter what words come out, as long as the emperor doesn't believe it, then you, Ama, are still properly in charge of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Han army inlaid with white flags." All go."

Yongchang understood, and immediately squatted down joyfully towards Wanxi, "Thank you, Empress, Imperial Concubine!"
It's not advisable to stay any longer, so that other people can't see her and Wanxi being alone or talking.

Wanxi asked Ma Lin to personally escort Yongchang through the side door and back to the front yard, avoiding everyone's eyes and ears.

In the side hall used as a study, it was quiet for a while, only Wanxi was sitting alone.

She also needs such quiet.

Everyone went, but Wanxi finally couldn't help it and shed a pair of tears.

After so many years in the palace, protected by the emperor, she has reached the position of imperial concubine... She thought that she had seen all the filth in the harem.But she didn't expect that until today, the real filth in reality would always catch her off guard.

In the struggle within the palace walls, the evil of people's hearts is beyond imagination.

What Wanxi didn't know was that because she hadn't seen Wanxi for a long time, she was surprised to find that Yuying, Yuchan and others were leaving quietly one by one... Others just didn't pay attention, but Yurui couldn't let go .

Yu Rui found an excuse, left the front hall and found the back yard.

Hidden in the corridor, separated by the corner, but listened to all the words in the window.

Finally, the window became quiet. Hearing Wanxi's carefully controlled but uncontrollable sobs, Yu Rui's heart was about to break.

Originally, my sister entrusted the sixteenth brother to her before leaving for the southern tour this time, but in the end she failed to live up to her entrustment... Then this time, if she still wants to watch her because of this matter If someone bites back, then she will really be unworthy of being entrusted to be a human being in the next life.
The next day, on the second day of June, Yurui suddenly asked Wanxi for leave, saying that she wanted to go back to the palace to see Yingyuan.

"My uncle was reprimanded as 'useless' by the emperor three days ago. I think Lai Yingyuan must feel very sad when she hears about it. She was already alone in the palace, and at this moment, Na E Ning was bullying her in every possible way... I You can’t stand by and watch, you have to go and see.”

Wanxi also sympathized with Yingyuan, and just told her, "At this time, E Ning is happy, and you can avoid it when you pass by, so as to save you from having to do anything else."

Yurui nodded, "I'll pass on the message first, and say that because she is happy, I won't let her salute. Don't ask her to greet Zhaoxiang's house, and don't have to come to greet her. I just go to see Yingyuan and Child, leave in a moment."

Wanxi told An Ge to send a message to the respect room and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and when she was ready to match her cards, she also watched Yu Rui go back to the palace.

When Yurui returns to the palace, where did Ben Zhaoxiang go first?She went straight to Yuqing Palace to visit Xiao Shiwu who had just moved in.

Xiao Shiwu was very happy to see Yurui coming, and personally accompanied Yurui to see the inside and outside of Yuqing Palace.

Yu Rui saw it with her own eyes, and while she was relieved, the tip of her nose felt sore.She knelt down, hugged Xiao Shiwu, and asked with a smile, "Brother Fifteen, we will study hard here from now on. Brother Fifteen, you must live up to your expectations, and you must live up to your Huang Ama and Huang Erniang." , Concubine Qing's expectations!"

Xiao Shiwu nodded solemnly, "Yuanzi has memorized what Aunt Rui said! When I officially enter school, Yuanzi will go back to Erniang Palace and ask Aunt Rui to test me! If I can't answer, Aunt Rui will punish me not to eat !"

Yu Rui's tears rolled down silently.She quickly raised her sleeves to wipe it off, but she smiled, "My fifteenth elder brother, what's the point if you can't recite the book? After all, you can't recite it today, but you can recite it tomorrow. How can I, Aunt Rui?" Are you willing not to feed Brother Fifteen?"

Mao Tuan'er looked at Yu Rui from the side, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Yu Rui didn't dare to stay longer, for fear of losing her composure, she asked Xiao Shiwu to go back and continue writing, and she walked out of Yuqing Palace step by step.

Mao Tuan'er came out, deliberately distanced himself from the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were leading him back and forth, and then asked softly, "Is there something wrong, Master Rui?"

Yu Rui hurriedly shook her head with a smile, "Where is it? It's because our fifteenth elder brother has been in front of us all these years, and now he moved into Yuqing Palace by himself, not every day. I just feel a little uncomfortable."

Mao Tuan'er frowned, "Could it be that... the imperial concubine has something to do with the master?"

Yu Rui laughed hurriedly, "Oh, look at your worrying life! Since you are serving Brother Fifteen in Yuqing Palace now, you can just concentrate on taking care of Brother Fifteen. The imperial concubine and me, don't you? You don't need to be distracted any more."

Although it was a bond they grew up with, after all, the status of master and servant is different, and it is not convenient for Mao Tuan'er to ask deeply, so he could only hold back a sigh, and knelt down and said, "...the slave will be the master of the imperial concubine all his life. , the slave of Master Rui. No matter where the slave is, as long as the two masters have an errand, the slave will die!"

The tip of Yurui's nose was sore again, and she quickly stamped her feet and said, "Look at you, why are you overthinking again! I told you everything, it's okay, it's okay, ah!"

Mao Tuan'er had no choice but to send Yu Rui respectfully.

Yu Rui got into the small sedan chair, and the eunuch who carried the sedan chair had already moved forward.Yurui turned around suddenly, and said to Mao Tuan'er with a smile, "Mao Tuan'er, don't call me Master Rui, call me by my name in Yongshou Palace again!"

Mao Tuan'er was taken aback, "How dare a slave!"

Yu Rui shook her head with a smile, "Oh, you are so bold! I told you to shout, if you don't shout, I will be annoyed!"

Mao Tuan'er was a little embarrassed, but saw that the eunuchs carrying the sedan chair all lowered their heads with winking eyes, looking at their noses and mouths.

Mao Tuan'er then cautiously called out, "Yu Rui!"

Yurui smiled and clapped her hands joyfully, "...you know, in this palace, the time I most want to go back to is when you and Sister Erniu took us in Yongshou Palace together to pack It’s time to cook the pastry.”

At that time, she was not a noble person, she was just a little maid in the Yongshou Palace, Yu Rui who didn't know much about the world.

(End of this chapter)

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