Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2511, Volume 8, 36

Chapter 2511 Eight Volumes 36
In June, the rebellion in Wushi in the northwest still failed to be put down, and the world was shaken.The emperor was furious, and decreed that Bian Tahai, the deputy capital stationed in Aksu, and Nashitong, the counselor in Kashgar, who had delayed the military plane, should be executed.

Ninth Master Fu Heng, as the chief of the military plane, dared not be negligent, he left early and returned late every day, and sometimes did not return home at night, and was on duty overnight at the military plane to deal with the battle report quickly.

Because of Concubine Shu's birthday, Fu Heng was his brother-in-law anyway, so he went back to the mansion on the first night of June, and chatted with Jiu Fujin about the excitement in the palace for Concubine Shu.

By the time Fu Heng returned to his study and continued to deal with official duties, the night was already dark.

The night in June was already hot and dry, so Fu Heng didn't put down the window.All I could hear was rustling outside the window.

Fu Heng listened attentively, then hummed helplessly, "Qilinbao, come in!"

There was a "hey" sound from outside, a little embarrassed and bitter.

The door creaked, and Qilin Bao walked in with a sad face.

Fu Heng put down the official document and carefully locked it back into the briefcase so that the children would not see it.

"What's the matter? Do you think it's better not to enter the palace?"

From the son in front of him, Fu Hengneng could see his former self.Although it shows that knowing his son is like this, it is doomed to have no results; but... he is the one who can understand his son's state of mind best, so if he can help his son a little, he is still willing to put down his face and ask the emperor for a favor .

That feeling... After all, it's easier said than done.

The more you don't ask the child to go to the palace to meet him, the more the child can't let go.He can only hope that his son is still young, and he is still a child at this moment. When he grows up, the child's heart will calm down.

Fu Kang'an frowned, but didn't talk about his own business, but raised his face to look at Fu Heng, "Ama, my son thinks that something is wrong with Ling Aniang."
Fu Heng's heart beat secretly.

Originally, he wanted to help his son solve it, but his son's light words changed the situation of father and son.

Fu Heng tried his best to be calm, not wanting to show it in front of his son, so he half-closed his eyes, watching the shadow of the lamp projecting his fingertips on the table.

"what's up?"

Fukang'an also shook his head, "The specifics, my son doesn't know either. The son just watched the two aunts Yuchan and Yuying in Ling's palace coming in and out... There was a preoccupied look on their faces. The son felt Something is wrong."

After all, Fu Kang'an grew up in Wanxi Palace and knew everyone in Wanxi Palace.Although Yuchan and the others were careful enough, they still couldn't escape Fukan'an's eyes.

Fu Heng bowed his head deeply, "Did your mother-in-law and sister-in-law notice it too?"

"No." Fukang'an raised his eyebrows conceitedly, "Emother and sister-in-law's eyesight is not as good as mine! Besides, when the women's family gets together, they just talk about it. My mother said Chang'an, and my sister-in-law said nephew." , I didn’t even bother to take it easy.”

How could Jiufujin and the fourth princess compare to Fukang'an? In order to keep his eyes on Xiao Qi, Fukang'an's eyes were floating around almost all the time.

Fu Heng nodded, "Okay, I understand. My father will try to find out about this matter. You are still young, so you don't need to follow Xuan Xin about this matter. Leave it to my father."

But Fukang'an still stepped forward, "The son didn't want to make trouble, but the son still wanted to know what happened to Ling Aniang... This news was reported by the son to Ama, so Ama will check it out, anyway. Tell your son, too, okay?"

Fu Heng stared at his son.

"What do you want to do?" Fu Heng intentionally made his face look more indifferent, "Father forbids you to use this matter to show off and claim credit in front of your Ling Aniang in the future! Qilin Bao... It's not that you take this matter, The Seventh Princess will be able to repent of the marriage."

Fukangan closed his eyes deeply in pain, "Ama... my son knows. The son is just, but, firstly, the son himself cares about making Auntie; secondly, the son does not want to make Liansheng sad..."

If something happened to Auntie, Liansheng is the eldest daughter, how could he not feel sad?
Fu Heng lowered his head.

There is such a familiar pain in my heart again.

It's just that he didn't expect that his own pain had not yet healed, but he passed it on to his son.It just so happened that this son who was the most optimistic by nature, was instead burdened with the most painful debt.

Fu Heng reached out and patted his son's shoulder lightly, "It's rare that you have such a heart. Qilinbao, when you grow up, Ama can also talk to you about the conversation between the two men, can't you?"

Fu Kang'an is a monkey spirit, so Fu Hengming didn't need to say anything, so he nodded vigorously, "Since the mother and sister-in-law didn't see it, the son feels that there is no need to tell them. Otherwise, tell them to follow along." Worry."
On the second day of June, the emperor went to Changchun Garden to greet the Empress Dowager.

Fu Heng took the opportunity to ask someone to find out what was going on in the palace.

This is also a time when both inside and outside are not peaceful, there is chaos outside Wushi, and there are prisoners in the middle palace inside, if anyone wants to make trouble at this time, then this person's intentions are already punishable!

Given Fu Heng's status in the previous dynasty, and the fact that he was also the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs and the palace supervisor dared not give Fu Heng this favor.Before long, those who had gone out to inquire about the news brought back news one after another from various places.

Fu Heng was also shocked by the news from Changchun Garden.Even he did not expect the situation to turn so suddenly and become like this.

This happened just after Jiu'er edicted the imperial concubine of Jin, but before the canonization ceremony.If this matter is confirmed at this juncture, it will be difficult for Jiu'er's imperial concubine to be confirmed.

However, it wasn't all bad news.To Fu Heng's delight, Wang Cheng, one of the chief supervisors of the palace, smelled it based on the sense of smell he had cultivated in the palace over the years, so he took the initiative to greet Fu Heng.

The first thing to talk about is naturally the official affairs of the palace supervisor, and it is about the preparation and handover between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the palace supervisor for the upcoming autumn Mulan in July.

After finishing the official business, Wang Cheng sighed: "This servant is naturally timid, especially in the past two years, when it comes to the emperor going on a tour, this servant is always in a state of fear, and gets up in panic all day long."

Fu Heng couldn't help raising his eyebrows.Wang Cheng has something to say.

"What is Manager Wang worried about? Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help you."

Wang Cheng hurriedly bowed, "Oh, with Mr. Fu's words, the slave's heart can be regarded as falling to the ground."

The two sat down again, and Wang Cheng raised his eyes to look at Fu Heng, "Don't you realize that, in recent years, whenever the emperor is on tour, there are always big things happening in the palace?"

Fu Heng also nodded slowly, "Yes, the most recent ones are the death of Brother Sixteen and the case of the witch in the harem."

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, "In fact, there were in the early years. For example, the emperor's heir who was not born by the master of the imperial concubine, and the little prince who was not able to give birth to the master of the concubine Yu...the rest are the six sons born by the master of the noble concubine Xin. Princess... isn't it just in time for the emperor to be away from the capital, so if you say no, you will be gone?"

Fu Heng's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Wang Cheng, however, avoided Fu Heng's gaze, sighed, "At that time, the slave hadn't been the manager yet, but just a little leader. He was only in charge of his own trivial matters of gardening flowers and plants, and he didn't know what was going on inside. Although I feel a little weird, but I dare not talk nonsense after all.”

Following Wang Cheng's words, Fu Heng also narrowed his eyes, and said quietly, "Since it all happened when the emperor was out on tour, then the emperor is not in Beijing at that time, and the queen must also be out of the capital... So whether it is Whoever is suspicious must have nothing to do with the Queen."

"Conversely, if someone dares to accuse the Empress of this matter, it will be a false accusation against the Central Palace. Regardless of whether the words are true or not, based on the crime of framing the Central Palace, that person is already a death penalty. If you are not careful, not only will you deserve to die, but your mother's family will also be implicated."

Wang Chengyi clapped his hands, "No! This is what the servant wants to say! We who are eunuchs in the palace, who dare to chew on this tongue? It only takes two fingers to pinch, and the slaves will be smashed to pieces... No one will plead for the slaves' such rotten lives."

Fu Heng raised his head quietly.

"Whatever Manager Wang knows, leave it to me! This official will never implicate Manager Wang, and no matter who you say it in front of, you will never reveal Manager Wang."
Fu Heng sent Wang Cheng away, and immediately went to Luanyiwei to find Fulongan.

"The woman next to the queen... have you arranged it properly?"

Fulongan knew that this move would come in handy, so he said cautiously, "Don't worry, Ama, even though they were all dispatched to Dasang Ula, but Dasang Ula is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so the chief manager over there also They all winked, so everything was arranged according to Ama's instructions."

"Those two who don't know anything, just send them to pick pearls and do the hardest job in the Ulali, and they will live and die at any time; the one with winks is only handed over to collect pine cones, and she doesn't need to climb trees by herself. The pine cones that come down can be counted and sieved."

"How she got this kind of extrajudicial favor, she naturally knows in her heart. My son immediately sent someone to go out to Ula City immediately to ask for her statement and sign it."

Fu Heng nodded reassuringly, "Okay, send a fast horse to do it immediately. Be sure to send it back to Beijing within a few days, otherwise there will be changes if it is too late."

After the father and son said this, Fu Longan looked at Fu Heng with some anxiety, "Who does Amma want to leave this matter to?"

After all, it is the secret of the harem, and it is directly directed at the empress of the main palace. The person who provoked this matter has already committed a capital crime. Even if he succeeds, he will definitely apologise with death.

"Ama... Ever since she was imprisoned in the middle palace and A Niang was ordered to be the imperial concubine, the government and the public have been shaken. The honorable Manchu family is especially dissatisfied, and the clan and Jueluo are even more angry. Jueluo Ayong is already the first I jumped out, and I am afraid that more descendants of the Aixinjueluo family will make trouble in the future."

"From the perspective of Jueluo Ayong'a, there are indeed some among them who are not afraid of death. And the emperor can't really take the lives of the clan and Jueluo... At this juncture, it is even more difficult for us as foreign relatives to speak Otherwise, my son would have pleaded for Aniang Ling's life long ago!"

Fu Heng nodded, and shook his head with a smile, "Silly boy, it's not your turn to be a father."

Fu Heng looked calmly and resolutely, "That's right, our family is a foreign relative. If we contradict the clan and Jue Luo, we will be scolded by them for 'foreign relatives meddling in politics'. But my identity as a father is different. I am not only a foreign relative , and even the foreman of the dynasty, the head of the military aircraft! You can't discuss the matter of the front court and the harem, but you can as a father!"

Fu Longan was also surprised, "Ama, you want to make Auntie..."

Fu Heng smiled, raised his hand to his lips, "Hush. Long'er, only you and my father and son know about this matter, so you don't need to worry your mother-in-law and the princess at home."

"Ama!" Fulongan knelt down on his knees worriedly, "What is Ama going to do?"

Fu Heng bowed his head lightly, "After you send back the official woman's confession, I will write a memorial for my father, and put aside all the things that the queen has done wrong in recent years!"

Fulongan's face immediately turned pale.

It is conceivable how the entire front and back palace will be at that time!
What's more, Ama is the younger brother of Empress Xiaoxian, but she wants to write a memorial book about the immorality of the current queen... At that time, Ama's reputation will also be doubted and slandered.

Fu Long'an was so anxious that he was about to cry, "Ama! Think twice! If Ama is like this, I'm afraid that the fame of Ama's life will be ruined!"

Fu Heng smiled lightly, and patted Fu Longan on the shoulder, "You are the fourth son-in-law, and your mother-in-law is the sister of Concubine Shu's master, and your sister is already the eleventh elder brother Fujin... Therefore, if you are convicted, it will not implicate you."

"If one person does something for the father, one person bears the responsibility. This is what the father decides to do."

"Ama!" Fu Longan kowtowed to the ground with tears streaming down his face, "Tell my son to go!"

"Stupid child!" Fu Heng bowed to support his son, "You are only 20 years old and have a bright future. Besides, the princess and Ji Lun both need your care."

"Long'er, after doing this for my father, the whole family will be entrusted to you. With you here, my father will have nothing to worry about."
On the second day of June, the emperor went to Changchun Garden to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager, but he brought an extra person there.

The empress dowager originally wanted to put on a sullen face, but she didn't expect this person to come, and she was a little surprised for a while.

The emperor is still the filial son he used to be, as if he didn't remember the mother-son dispute the day before yesterday.

"This year's Eight Banners women's selection, the son originally thought that he was 55 years old, so he only wanted to marry the prince and grandson with the close clan. There is no need to enter the harem with newcomers."

"But it's also due to fate. My son personally went to see the girls staying in the palace, but he took a fancy to this girl..."

The emperor looked back with a smile and nodded to the girl who was following behind, "Please greet the empress dowager quickly."

The Empress Dowager, An Shou and Anyi beside her looked at the girl, and were also a little stunned.

An Shou couldn't help but said, "Oh... the slave is really dazzled, it's as if he saw the old master when he first entered the palace!"

The Empress Dowager also nodded, "Who said it wasn't? When the child came in just now, my heart was pounding too."

The empress dowager stared at the girl, "Son, whose family are you from?"

The girl saluted gracefully, and after she finished her salute in a leisurely manner, she replied softly, "The old master of the Empress Dowager, the slave is from the Niuhulu clan, and his father is Aibida."

The empress dowager slapped her legs, "Oh, I can't complain!"

An Shou and Anyi also laughed, and hurriedly bowed to the Empress Dowager, "So it's Gege from the Empress Dowager's mother's family again! In terms of seniority, he is a generation higher than Lan Guiren... I can't complain about his looks, he is even worse than Lan Guiren." It looks like the old master when he was young!"

The Empress Dowager stood aside, slightly lowered her head, and slightly raised the corners of her lips.

The Empress Dowager hurriedly called Little Niu Hulu over, held her hand, and looked up and down carefully.Really, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

"Like, really like. Ouch, it's a pity that I only gave birth to a son like an emperor, not a princess. Otherwise, it probably looks similar to yours."

The emperor raised his eyes faintly, "The son brought her here today to greet the queen mother, just to ask the queen mother for permission. Among the women selected this year, the son only wanted such a newcomer... It's all about the harem. The son has to report everything to the Queen's Mother first, and once he is granted the title, he needs the Queen's Mother's order to be final."

The empress dowager originally wanted to put on a sullen face today, but now she can't.She also gave the emperor a helpless look, "You are optimistic, how can I, who is a mother-in-law, stop me from going? Besides, this girl looks good, and she is blessed."

"As long as the emperor likes you, what don't I like? Even though you are 55 this year, in my opinion, this girl is still blessed to help you spread the word!"

The emperor hooked his lips slightly again, "...the son thought, since the Yikun Palace is already vacant, the son plans to put her in the Yikun Palace. Now the Yikun Palace is headed by Wan Concubine, and Wan Concubine is the daughter of the son who is lurking. Old man Di has always been the most gentle and considerate character, so he will definitely take good care of her."

The empress dowager thought for a while, then nodded, "That's very good. The emperor can make arrangements, and my mother will not stop you!"

When the emperor came to Changchun Garden these days, he only mentioned this little Niu Hulu clan in every sentence, but he didn't mention Zhao Delu at all.

It was like, the emperor was so focused on the newcomer that he forgot about the dispute that day.

That's right, this little Niu Hulu family is just 37 years younger than the emperor.Who wouldn't love such an old man and young concubine?
After the emperor left with little Niu Hulu, the empress dowager was overjoyed.

Niu Hulu's family originally had Lan Guiren who entered the palace in the 22nd year of Qianlong.The Empress Dowager also had great hopes for Lan Guiren to go, but it was a pity that Lan Guiren did not live up to it.In the blink of an eye, Mrs. Lan has been in the palace for eight years, not only did the emperor not favor him, but he seemed to gradually forget about this person.During the southern tour and autumn tour, there was often no sign of her.

The empress dowager was still troubled by this, but unexpectedly, another Gege from the Niu Hulu family of the right age came into the palace!

It made the empress dowager's heart, which was staring at the queen's position, relax again.

Even if Nala couldn't keep it, it doesn't seem to matter now.All you need to do is support this little Niu Hulu family and walk steadily up, then everything in the future will naturally be predictable.

The empress dowager is happy, but she is always sad.

The imperial concubine just reminded her to be careful of Noble Lan, but she didn't expect that before she was free to deal with Noble Na Lan, the Niu Hulu family would come to the palace again, Ge Ge!
In terms of seniority, this little Niu Hulu family can be regarded as the cousin of Lan Guiren.These two people are in the same spirit, and they will definitely support each other in the harem, plus there is the empress dowager behind them... the heart of Yongchang is also very uncomfortable.

After all, no matter how high Ama is in the position of governor, her family is from the Ministry of Internal Affairs after all.In front of the descendants of E Yidu, the "Five Great Heroes of the Founding of the Nation", their family really has no place in the table.

Among the descendants of Er Yidu, not to mention those who are the assistant ministers, the chief ministers of the dynasty, and the high-ranking governors of various places, even among the girls, there have been Empress Xiaozhaoren, Concubine Wen Xi, and the current empress. It is no exaggeration to say that the Queen Mother is the "Phoenix Nest House".

Yongchang returned to his dormitory, still so disappointed that he shed tears.

After all, the only ones who can look up to her with a Han surname like Baoyi are those who also come from a Han surname.These distinguished Manchurian families, she just wants to climb high, but they still look down on her.

Yongchang asked the official girl to twist a towel to wipe away the tears, and then re-applied her makeup powder. With a smile on her face, she returned to serve the Empress Dowager.

Taking advantage of the empress dowager's happiness, Yongchang said, "My concubine heard that the selection of women from the Eight Banners this time was presided over by the imperial concubine at first glance. I think the imperial concubine must have seen the Gege brought by the emperor at a glance. Who made this Ge Ge look so similar to the Empress Dowager..."

The empress dowager raised her eyebrows, and glanced at Yongchang in the makeup mirror.

Yongchang said with a smile, "This Gege only entered the palace this year, so he is really late. It is reasonable that he should have been introduced three years ago... Could it be that the sign was not kept at that time? The concubine entered the palace too late. I don’t know who presided over the Eight Banners women’s selection three years ago.”

The Empress Dowager didn't speak, but frowned slightly.
On the third day of June, Yurui returned from the palace and sent her chief eunuch Wang Yongkui to the Department of Punishment and Punishment.

Yu Rui's father is Debao, and Debao is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at this time, and the Department of Punishment is under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Therefore, although Yurui herself is only a noble person, the people she sent can pass through without hindrance.

Wang Yongkui came to see Wang Yonggui, the eunuch who was imprisoned in the Punishment Department.

Wang Yongkui and Wang Yonggui, these two names are very similar, and they are both at the level of chief eunuchs.

Wang Yongkui came to visit Wang Yonggui in this capacity.

Wang Yonggui is the chief eunuch of Savatthi City, because of the theft of the rosary in Savatthi City, which happened in the second month of the leap, he suffered a lot, so he was questioned and imprisoned in the Punishment Department.

When Wang Yongkui came to visit, there was a deep brotherly love. Wang Yonggui was moved to tears, "It's all because of Zhao Lianbi, brother, I was wronged!"

Wang Yongkui asked calmly, "My brother has been the chief eunuch in Savatthi City for ten years, right?"

Wang Yonggui sighed, "Isn't that right? It's been ten years, and I originally hoped to be promoted to a general manager, but it turned out to be a crime."

Wang Yongkui lowered his eyes, "At the meeting in the 24th year of Qianlong, Shravasti City offered sacrifices to the City God on the first day of September. Is my brother also on duty at that meeting?"

(End of this chapter)

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