Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2514, Volume 8, 39 Are you stupid, Your Majesty?

Chapter 2514 Eight Volumes 39 Your Majesty Are You Stupid?

Wanxi took Yutan and others to the gate of the "Tiandi Family Spring" palace, and before she could get on the sedan chair, she saw Gao Yun running over out of breath, and knelt down in front of Wanxi.

"Going back to the imperial concubine and master, the emperor issued an order: Today is the day for the emperor to pay his respects to the empress dowager, and the emperor has already set off for the Changchun Garden! I also ask all the masters in the harem not to go to greet the empress dowager... The emperor also said, The emperor will bring the filial piety of all masters, and please rest assured, all masters."

Wanxi choked her breath, the tip of her nose was sour by the air sucked into her nasal cavity.

Wanxi naturally understood the emperor's intentions, but...how could she not go?
If she didn't see it with her own eyes, how could she feel at ease?
Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "Gao Yuncong, my palace is too lively these days, my ears are a little weak. I didn't hear what you said just now."

"How about this, you go to the garden for half an hour before you come back, tell my ears to be quiet, and I will be able to hear you later."

Gao Yun was tongue-tied.

He naturally understood what the imperial concubine meant, but...

Yutan was also clever, and hurriedly stepped forward and lightly poked Gao Yuncong's elbow, "What else is Gao Ye thinking? You must accuse the imperial concubine and master of 'deceiving the emperor', Gao Ye Are you satisfied?"

Gao Yuncong was also taken aback, and quickly waved his hands, "No, how could I?"

Yutan said in a low voice, "Then Gao Ye will go around? Even if the emperor asks about your crimes later, why can't our master take care of you?!"

Gao Yuncong slapped his forehead in a hurry, knelt down and kowtowed, "Slave, let's go for a stroll. The imperial concubine and master are in the palace. The slave will not come until half an hour later. I will be tripped in a nearby place. Living!"

Now that Grandpa Mao Tuan'er has moved into the Yuqing Palace with the fifteenth elder brother, it is as if he has returned to the emperor's side from the internal affairs office to serve him.But because of the incident with Aunt Erniu back then, the emperor didn't treat him any better than before, and now he refuses to say many things in front of him; even he often warns him to keep his mouth shut.

He was naturally more cautious, for fear of losing it again.

And if he wanted to regain the trust of the emperor, how could he be so stupid as to offend the imperial concubine again?
Gao Yun ran away from here in a hurry, choosing a road with few people, so that others would not bump into him and know that he had already been to Wanxi's side.

Wanxi finally got into the sedan chair and went straight to Changchun Garden.
Changchun Garden was originally the imperial garden of Emperor Kangxi's "Summer Palace", while Yuanmingyuan was originally the imperial garden of Emperor Yongzheng.The two imperial gardens are not in the same place, but they are not far away.

In the past, this section of the journey always seemed to arrive in a blink of an eye, but today, Wanxi feels that this section of the journey is so long that it seems to go forever.

Finally arrived at the gate of Changchun Garden, but Wanxi was blocked by the eunuchs on the gate of Changchun Garden!

Yutan knew that the master was in a hurry, so he also showed the strength of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and screamed at the crowd: "Don't you look at who is here? Royal concubine, master, how dare you stop it?" of!"

A group of eunuchs, guards, etc. at the door all knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed to Wanxi.The chief eunuch on the door kowtowed and said, "...it's not that the slaves dared to stop the imperial concubine, it's true, it's just something happened in the garden. Without the order of the empress dowager and the emperor, the slaves could only hold the door tightly." , no one can call in."

Wanxi flickered for a moment, and an ominous premonition came straight to her forehead!

"What's the matter? I don't need to go in, so I don't make it difficult for you; but you also have to tell me not to come here in vain, and you have to let me know why I was stopped!"

If it is really Yurui who has something to do in there, then if she wants to force her way into the Changchun Garden today, if she goes all out to attack the Empress Dowager, she has to go in too!

The chief eunuch was in a dilemma and didn't know what to say. Fortunately, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Du Tong Sige, who was in charge of Changchun Garden affairs, rushed over and saluted Wanxi.

Sige is the ever-present Amma, Wanxi took a deep breath, walked around the chief eunuch, and only walked in front of Sige.

"Sige, you are already very old, how can I ask you to do such a big gift with me again? Besides, you are the father who will always be there, so please hurry up."

Si Ge got up to apologize, glanced at the group of eunuchs, and said in a low voice, "My lord, please follow the servant to this way."
Sige is a minister. Originally, Wanxi, as a harem, should not meet the minister alone.But Sige's status is special, firstly, he is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, secondly, he is the father who will always be there, and thirdly, he is over 70 years old - at this age, there is no inconvenience.

Although Wanxi can feel at ease, she follows Sige to the place where she betrays her.

Yutan, Qu Xu and the others stepped back a few steps and accompanied them from a distance, which could be regarded as avoiding suspicion for the master.

Looking around the four grids, he whispered, "To be honest with the imperial concubine and master, the slave is specially ordered by the young master Yong Changzai to meet the imperial concubine and master outside the gate of the big palace."

"Yongchang is saying that she has no excuse to leave Changchun Garden and go to Yuanmingyuan to report to the imperial concubine and master... But she believes that the imperial concubine and master must come here to find someone. Therefore, Yongchang is here with the little master. So they asked someone to secretly order the servant to guard outside the palace gate, so that the imperial concubine and master know what they want."

Wanxi gently closed her eyes, "Lingzhi also knows that if I come, I will be blocked from the door, doesn't she? Then what happened in Changchun Garden, Sige, please tell me!"

In Sige's eyes, there was also a faint flash of water.

Sige took a step back and knelt down on one leg to Wanxi, "...Master Huihuang Noble Concubine, just about an hour ago, Master Ruigui fell into the water in the Changchun Garden."
What are the four words?
Wanxi only felt a flicker on the top of her head, as if waves were also rolled up out of thin air, submerging the top of her head!
Yurui fell into the water?
Yurui, fell into the water? !
Jade rutabaga is in good condition, why did it fall into the water in Changchun Garden?
"I'm going in!"

Wanxi let out a cry of pain, stretched out her hand and pushed the four frames away, "No one is allowed to stop me!"
Originally, Sige spoke in a low voice, but Yutan and the others didn't hear them.But suddenly they heard Wanxi's cry of pain, and they all froze together!
This is Changchun Garden, although the gardens are built around water, so there are Haizi in Changchun Garden—but Changchun Garden is not a small island, after all, it is not only accessible by water, so how could the master of Ruigui fall into the water?

Not to mention Wanxi, even Yutan and the others couldn't help intuiting that it was the Empress Dowager who asked someone to throw Master Ruigui into the water!
It must be that Master Ruigui said something that should not have been said, which angered the Empress Dowager.The empress dowager didn't want to dispose of Ruigui's master in the face of it, so she used a dirty trick!
In this harem, falling from a horse, falling into the water, and seemingly accidental things are definitely not a simple accident!

Yutan's eyes were also red, and they stepped forward to stop the master, but they also wanted to rush in to see clearly!

Master Ruigui, she can't just leave... How cruel and wronged it would be! .
"Imperial Concubine Master! I beg you, I beg you, absolutely not, absolutely not!"

Sige, an old man in his 70s, knelt behind Wanxi and kowtowed to the ground.

This place is no different from the inside of the palace. Although the floor tiles are used everywhere, the bricks are also covered with carpets; moreover, even if the ministers bow down, there are worship mats to support them when they kneel and kowtow... But this place is outside the gate of the big palace. Even kneeling on the ground, kowtowing is simply touching the sand and stones all over the ground.

Wanxi couldn't bear it either, she turned around with tears in her eyes and told Qu Xu to hurry up and help Sige up.

"Sige, I know I'm embarrassing you all. But I can't help but go in today... Today, I owe a favor to all of you. If I stay the next day, I will definitely Try to repay you for going today."

Si Ge also shed old tears, "I don't dare to covet the favor of the imperial concubine. Even if I risk my life, I have to stop the imperial concubine...not to mention that this is always entrusted to the old slave by Yin Yin." Besides, the imperial concubine has to take into account the temper of the empress dowager's old master at this time—the empress dowager's old master is still angry at this moment, and won't forgive the noble lady, master Rui!"

"The empress dowager's old master said that Mr. Ruigui dived into the water on purpose to give her eye drops. The empress dowager's old master said that Mr. Ruigui was threatening her old man. This is a 'shit helmet' put on her old man's head. She The old man was still yelling just now, saying that if the head of the inner court dared to commit suicide, then she should ask her mother to take the blame for her!"

Only then did Wanxi choke with sobs, and ruthlessly took back her steps.

If Yurui is already... then Yurui's greatest wish is not to bring her mother's family into trouble!

As for Wanxi herself, since Yurui has already been implicated in going, how can she make Yurui go without peace of mind?
Wanxi clenched her fingertips tightly, trying to control her grief, but she really couldn't.

She stood tall, tears falling down long.

"Sige, tell me, Yurui, has she ever been salvaged, huh? Has she already, already..."

Sige choked up and said, "The Haizi in the Changchun Garden is connected to the running water outside. Mr. Ruigui's master fell into the water suddenly, and today it happened to be in the mud in the Qinghaizi... Then, in a hurry, the servants brought People cast their nets everywhere to fish for it, but they have not been able to catch it for a long time.”

Wanxi choked with sobs, and suddenly fell backwards——

Yurui, Yurui!

How can you, just like that, go——?
Although Sige and the eunuchs on the door worked together to stop it, the fainting of the imperial concubine was a big deal, and the eunuch who was the leader on the door didn't dare to hide it anymore, so he hurried inside and reported the situation to the empress dowager.

The emperor was still there, and when he heard it, he hurriedly stood up.

The empress dowager glanced coldly at the emperor, "Look at you, you are really touching! From my point of view, you are telling me about Yaertan, but you are still thinking about this woman surnamed Han. !"

Yaertan is the nickname of the little Niu Hulu family, which means "Crescent Flower" in Manchu.

Because the emperor brought the little Niu Hulu family into the Changchun Garden on the second day of the sixth lunar month, the emperor came to Changchun Garden to pay his respects these few days, and he never spoke away from the little Niu Hulu family.

Even today, even though the emperor heard about the incident of Rui Gui falling into the water, the emperor just raised his eyebrows lightly and ordered to salvage it carefully, without asking any more questions, and did not go to see it himself.

The emperor was still in front of the empress dowager, and only talked about the little Niu Hulu family to please the empress dowager.

If it weren't for the emperor, the empress dowager would have personally issued an order to send Yurui's father, Debao, to go directly - after all, Debao was born in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now he is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.This is the servant of the royal family, different from the ordinary ministers of the former court. No one can stop the empress dowager if she wants to punish her.

But now, when he heard that Wanxi had passed out outside, the emperor became worried, and didn't bother to mention Yaertan anymore, so the empress dowager really got angry again!

I used to think that the woman with the Han surname was 16 years younger than the emperor, and the emperor wanted to be young and fresh; but now the woman with the Han surname is 39 years old, and she is definitely not young anymore, let alone anything new; but the emperor let it go Thirty-seven years younger than him, even younger and more fresh, Yaertan still only cares about the woman with the Han surname!
Hearing his mother's words, the emperor piled up a smile for a long time, and finally couldn't pile up.

He quietly raised his brows and eyes, his expression filled with alienation and coldness.

"Since the Queen's mother said so, if the son doesn't do this, he will be unfilial. The son originally thought that tomorrow will be the canonization ceremony of the imperial concubine, and the son will also be formally entrusted to Yaertan."

"But right now, my son has changed his mind - tell Yaertan to go back to her mother's house to learn the rules first! When the son remembers, it won't be too late to call him into the palace!"

The empress dowager was startled suddenly, "Emperor, you! How can you be like you?"

The emperor said indifferently, "Since you haven't entered the palace yet, and you haven't had a servant, everything before is just staying in the palace and living in the palace. It's just a process of 'reviewing'. Not uncommon. Therefore, the son did not violate the rules of the ancestors by doing this."

"Furthermore, even though she, Ama Aibida, was the governor, she has already been dismissed and sent to Yili to serve. The daughter of such a criminal minister, the son feels that it is not appropriate for her to stay in the harem. What does the empress say?"

The Empress Dowager gritted her teeth and said, "Emperor, you are ashamed to say that! You call Liugong like this, and you are ready to officially enter the palace, but suddenly you ask to send her back to your mother's house - if you can't remember, then welcome her back to the palace." Come here, then she will also not be able to remarry in this life! Emperor, are you going to destroy this girl for the rest of her life?"

"As for her, Ama Aibida, she will be dismissed again, but this will not obliterate the meritorious service of her mother's ancestors! Don't forget, her ancestors saved the life of Emperor Taizu! He was one of the five great heroes in the founding of the country! Without them Home, where is the country that our descendants of Aixinjueluo have today?!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows lightly, "What the empress taught her is. The son didn't say that he wouldn't let her enter the palace, so the son will naturally not forget about it... The son just asked her to go back to her mother's house first, and then reunite with her family for a while. Wait for the son When I think about it, I will naturally welcome her back!"

After finishing speaking, the emperor saluted the empress dowager again, "The empress dowager is considerate of her son, and my son will never forget what the empress dowager taught today! My son will take his leave first, and I will come back in a few days to say hello to the empress dowager!"

After the emperor finished speaking, he went out, taking three steps in parallel, and the figure disappeared immediately.

The empress dowager looked at the disappearing figure, and sighed sadly, "Ling Zhi, look, this is your emperor! How old is he? If you don't move, you can treat me like a mother like this." Angry! You said it well, but you turned your back on it in just a few days? When you said you were going to drive him home, you didn't hesitate right away..."

"This is what he is, using that innocent girl to blackmail me!"

Yongchangzai didn't expect the emperor to be annoyed all of a sudden, when he heard that the imperial concubine had passed out outside, the emperor just abandoned all the previous efforts he had made to curry favor these days.

But no matter what, the younger generation of the empress dowager's mother's family suddenly couldn't stay in the palace again, Yong Chang was always happy in his heart.

Yongchang stepped forward here and said, "What is the empress dowager in a hurry for? The emperor is filial, and the world knows it. After all, the girl Yaertan can't stay in the palace right now, but as long as the emperor and the empress dowager promise, the emperor You can’t always be negligent, can you?”

"Besides, my concubine feels that what the emperor said makes sense—who told Aibida to be sent to Yili to serve at this moment? At this moment, Wushi's rebellion has not been put down, so Aibida will return No meritorious deeds, the emperor welcomes the daughter of a guilty minister into the palace at this moment, is it easy to say or not?"

"My concubine still thinks that the emperor didn't mean to make the empress dowager unhappy, but the emperor was thinking about it—empress dowager, think about it, just relying on Wushi's mob, they have been able to toss from February to now , can it be possible to toss from this year to next year?"

"In short, the Wushi chaos will be settled in a short time, and Aibida will be counted as paying off the crime at that time, so I will return to the capital smoothly to redeem my previous sins, and then call Miss Yaertan How good would it be if the scenery came into the palace?!"

The empress dowager couldn't help being a little impressed by Yongchang's words.

After a long while, the empress dowager nodded slowly, "Ling Zhi, your child has grown up too, what you said is really insightful! Well, well said, I like it!"

Isn't that right, Aibida is currently serving in Yili as a sinner, if Yaertan enters the palace at this time, taking the identity of the daughter of a criminal minister, then life will be difficult in the future; it is better to retire In order to advance, wait for Aibida to return to the capital with his meritorious deeds, then Yaertan will enter the palace smoothly, and naturally he will have a brighter future!

The empress dowager became happy after thinking about it, "Let's do it this way. Anshou, you find a suitable person to meet with Yaertan, tell her what you said, and tell her to go home with peace of mind and wait. Anyway Ah, as long as I'm here, she will be able to return to the palace smoothly!"

Anshou squats, and this is going to be done.

The empress dowager waved her hand suddenly, "The person you sent out, don't rush to leave, listen to the movement outside the palace gate..."

An Shou was taken aback, "Master, this is...?"

The Empress Dowager shook her head, "How dare that maidservant of Ruigui fall into the water in my garden and put a shit helmet on my head! She must have made a plan a long time ago, just to prevent me from punishing her family." ... I also have to listen to the movement and see if she has any other tricks!"

"After all, she is... a person from the imperial concubine's palace! Who knows if she made any arrangements with the imperial concubine before she came, maybe she just made a buckle and waited for me to drill it!"

After falling into the water for an hour, the body was not picked up, and the Empress Dowager did not stare at the water's edge in person, so she always felt that something was inappropriate.

Whether there is any buckle here, you only need to know whether the imperial concubine really fainted, or just pretending to be clear!
And——her son, the aloof emperor!
If her son also hides his heart from her, he will definitely not really grieve.

An Shou held back a sigh, and took the order to leave.
Outside the gate of the Grand Palace in Changchun Garden, the emperor came in stride.

Wanxi lay softly in the duty room next to the palace gate, the emperor went in directly and hugged Wanxi.

"Nine children!"

Wanxi finally woke up faintly, opened her eyes and saw the emperor coming, raised her eyes to look behind the emperor - no, there is no one she is looking for!
"Your Majesty, where is Yurui?" Wanxi grabbed the emperor's sleeve, "Yurui has also come to pay her respects to the Empress Dowager. Didn't the Emperor meet her inside? Why didn't you bring her out together, Your Majesty, why didn't you call her?" Come back together?"

"I'm still waiting for Yurui, I'm waiting for Yurui to change my clothes, and I've tried on the crown dress of the imperial concubine! Before she comes back, I won't be able to try on the clothes—no one else can do it, anyone else can do it better." If Yurui is quick and careful, I have to wait for Yurui to come back!"

The emperor closed his eyes, hugged Wanxi tightly, and gave Wanxi support.

But the emperor's expression was not what Wanxi imagined.

The emperor's expression was a little cold, or even a little dissatisfied.

"...Just don't talk about her. Now that I talk about her, I still have to say a few words about you! She is a little nobleman, why is it her turn to greet the Empress Dowager for you? You just want to find someone to replace you Greetings, you still have other good candidates. Or ask Concubine Shu, Concubine Qing, or even ask Xiaoqi to bring Yuanzi over, that's fine!"

"Besides, I said earlier that today is the day when I come to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager, and the rest of you don't need to use it...Why does she need to do so much?"

Wanxi froze, backed away a little, and looked up at the emperor.

"Your Majesty... what are you talking about?"

That's Yurui, Yurui!How could the emperor say such cruel words?

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Huh? Could it be that you didn't know about her coming? Oh, no wonder, tomorrow is your canonization ceremony, you must be very busy in the palace, so you didn't pay attention to her whereabouts. "

"Oh, I won't hide it from you, this nobleman Rui has caused a great disaster... It's presumptuous for a nobleman to come alone to pay respects to the Empress Dowager; she's just curious about the scenery in Changchun Garden. He insisted on going to the water's edge, but in the end, he fell into the water!"

Wanxi's grief is too deep, and her heart is as dead, so she can't accept the emperor's words and attitude.

"Your majesty..." Wan Xi burst into tears, "Since your majesty knows that Yu Rui fell into the water in the Changchun Garden, does your majesty really believe that she fell into the water by herself?"

Wanxi said she was going to kneel down to the emperor as she stood up.

"Your Majesty! This concubine is begging the Emperor to uphold justice for Yurui! Yurui, she shouldn't just be like this—go away..."

The emperor was furious, "Imperial Concubine! You are so distressed that you are so stupid! There is no such thing as upholding justice!"

(cough cough...cough cough...I won't say a word...)
(End of this chapter)

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