Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2515, Volume 8, 40

Chapter 2515 Eight Volumes 40
An Shou came back from the palace gate and gave the Queen Mother a reply.

The empress dowager narrowed her eyes and stared at Anshou, "What are the two of them like?"

An Shou sighed, "The emperor and the imperial concubine had a big quarrel outside. The imperial concubine left the emperor behind and went back to Yuanmingyuan first."

Speaking of which, the imperial concubine has been in the palace for 25 years, and it is the first time Anshou has seen the imperial concubine forget the rules so much and dare to treat the emperor like this.

In fact, when the imperial concubine lost her child, she had never quarreled with the emperor indiscriminately.But today, for the sake of a noble person, the imperial concubine really didn't care about anything.
The empress dowager nodded after listening.

"In ancient times, there was an orderly hierarchy, and there were differences between the descendants and concubines. There are rules between heaven and earth. Don't say that the folks are like this, our palace should be the place with the strictest rules. Ruigui, with a small noble position If you dare to go beyond the limits, and come directly to me to accuse the queen, it is disregarding the superiority and inferiority, and committing an offense against the superior!"

An Shou also sighed quietly when he heard this.

Not to mention the palace, but the people, if ordinary people dare to sue the imperial court without authorization, regardless of whether there is any trace of the matter they sued, the plaintiff's people will have to eat dozens of boards in court first;
And if the slave dared to sue the master, even if the master had something to do, he would have to beat the slave dozens of times to kill him.

If the common people dared to go to court to sue the ordering officer casually, and the slaves dared to rebel against the patriarch at will, then the rules of the world would be messed up, and where would there be any distinction between superiority and inferiority?

On the matter of Ruigui being the first to sue the queen, Ruigui is just a concubine with too low a status, dare to criticize his wife, this should have been beaten;
What's more, the queen is still the mother of a country, and the nobleman Rui is just a concubine pulled out by Baoyi's slaves. This move by the nobleman Rui is to shake the foundation of the country...Whether the queen is at fault, the emperor, the empress dowager, and the royal family can decide However, it is not the turn of a coated slave to criticize.From this point of view, Ruigui's guilt is even greater.

"If she hadn't fallen into the water in my Changchun Garden today, I wouldn't be able to spare her! She is a nobleman in the imperial concubine's palace, and she has been working diligently with the imperial concubine for these years. Since she violated the palace rules, I Since the first one wants to ask that imperial concubine!"

"Even if the imperial concubine is protected by the emperor, then this nobleman's Ama Debao is also to blame! What kind of unruly daughter has been brought up by such a good family of Manzhou Baoyi!"
Anshou herself is not the daughter of the Baoyi family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. She has been in this palace for decades, even if she is used in front of the empress dowager, but how could she dare to forget her status as a slave in these years?
The nobleman Na Rui has already entered the feudal position, and the nobleman is also a dignified head of the inner court, but in the eyes of the empress dowager and old master, he still has the same status... An Shou also felt a little uncomfortable.

But he could only listen silently, not daring to speak.

The empress dowager roared out all her anger, and then fell silent.Twirling the rosary on his wrist with his fingers for a long while, he finally sighed.

"Although Mrs. Narui broke the rules, no matter what happens, the water that fell in my Changchun Garden... I am dead, I can no longer ask the imperial concubine and her Ahmad about her. Save it."

Maybe it was the words in the "Mr. Fox Shuo" script that made her feel a little uncomfortable.

The throwing of the rosary in Savatthi City took place in February of this year, and it has just been a hundred days since this meeting.The storybook said that all the gods and Buddhas in Savatthi had seen it with their own eyes... Besides, this year is her "Kan'er Year", and it's not until November, her holy birthday, and she hasn't passed it yet.

In such a year, alas, even though I was annoyed by Mrs. Narui, she lost a life after all. If she still pursued it, she would seem a little reluctant to let her go.

The empress dowager sighed, "Anshou, go, take 50 taels of silver and send it to Debao. I also like his daughter on weekdays. She, Ruigui, has always been well-behaved and sensible... I like it too."

An Shou smiled, "Yes, the slave will go now. Don't worry, master."
An Shou took the silver, but it was inconvenient to send it to the House of Internal Affairs in person.

After all, Anshou is also getting older, this is no different from the palace, Changchun Garden is not close to the House of Internal Affairs.

An Yi was younger, so he took the silver and wanted to deliver it for An Shou.

With these two letters of silver in his hands, Anyi was also a little puzzled, "That Rui nobleman went to the old master to arrange the queen's meal, isn't the master unhappy? Besides, this Rui nobleman fell into the water when he went out. , so that the master can’t speak clearly, why should the master reward her with silver coins?”

An Shou also sighed, "Isn't it just because Mr. Rui fell into the water, so that the master can't tell? Then Mr. Rui also has an idea. In our garden, he fell into the water. People outside must think that the Empress Dowager asked someone to throw her into the water..."

"Of course, the old master doesn't want to take such a scapegoat in this Kan'er year, because he is not happy in his heart, but he has to do enough in this respect. As long as the two letters of silver are rewarded, the imperial concubine will be rewarded." If you comfort me again, it will naturally block the mouths of everyone outside."

Anyi raised her eyebrows, "So, the old master won't stop the canonization of the imperial concubine?"

An Shou shook his head and smiled helplessly, "If the old master still prevents the imperial concubine from entering the concubine, then the outsiders will think that the old master does not want to see the imperial concubine, so they deliberately take out their anger on the nobles in the imperial concubine's palace, and then give Throw it into the water?"

"If it's fine in previous years, the old master is also a tough tempered person, and he can bear anything; but this year is the Kan'er year, so everything has to be done for the best. Besides, the imperial concubine just lost her sixteenth year. Elder brother...the empress herself is really not clean, so how can our old master stop her?"

"If you forcefully stop him, you will lose peace with the emperor on the one hand; on the other hand, wouldn't you really be going against God's will, and you will have trouble with your Kaner year?"

Anyi also nodded, "Okay, then I'll send the money right away."

An Shou smiled, "I can't avoid going to the Old Summer Palace again later. When the old master's anger subsides, the old master will eventually ask us to go to the Old Summer Palace to comfort the imperial concubine."
An Shou and Anyi each went to work on their own errands, and the salvage at the other side of Haizi also stopped.

After tossing and going for more than two hours, the whole Haizi was almost searched over and over again, but there was still no movement, so there was no point in continuing to fish.

Several eunuchs in charge of salvage murmured, "It must have gone outside along the water outlet..."

The eunuchs and the boats all dispersed, and the entire Changchun Garden became quiet again.

The quietest one is that Haizi who just swallowed his life.

The empress dowager was so exhausted that she fell asleep.

Yongchang was free, so he walked slowly to the edge of Haizi.

The capital in June is hot and dry, but the water breeze blowing from Haizi is cool and pleasant.

Always standing on the willow bank by the water, with a slight smile on his lips.

Mrs. Rui fell into the water, and the imperial concubine's side was empty like a draught. Moreover, I heard that there are capable women beside the imperial concubine who will go out of the palace. The imperial concubine needs to recover for a while.

Now, in the entire harem, if the imperial concubine has something to do with the House of Internal Affairs, who else can she rely on?

In the past, there was nobleman Rui, who had Debao as the chief minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Amma; now that nobleman Rui is gone, it is inconvenient for the imperial concubine to go directly to Debao... Then, I believe the imperial concubine will naturally think of her .

She was born with the Han surname Baoyi, and her mother's ancestral home was Shenyang just like the imperial concubine's. What's more, she, Ama Sige, was also the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Compared with Ruigui, who is full of people, she is actually more qualified to be as close as a family with the imperial concubine.

Yongchang smiled with satisfaction, turned around and told Guanlan, "Go, go back to me, Ama, and ask me to write a personal letter telling my uncle Mandou to go. The tomb of the second girl in Huangling Village has to be given by my uncle. Take care of it yourself. Be sure to call the four-season fruit and incense offerings."

Guan Lan also pursed her lips and smiled, "The slave will go now."
Wanxi left the emperor behind and went back to Yuanmingyuan alone.Not wanting to lose his composure in front of his subordinates, he entered "Tiandi Family Spring", so he went straight to the sleeping hall, closed the door of the Nuan Pavilion, and stayed alone.

Yutan naturally told everyone about Yurui's death, and everyone was dumbfounded after hearing it.After a while, the entire "Heaven, Earth, and Family Spring" was already in tears.

But everyone can only cry silently, and can't cry with their heads in their arms.After all, tomorrow is a good day for the canonization ceremony of the imperial concubine and the master's son, so how can there be a lot of mourning in the "Heaven and Earth Family Spring"?

Yuchan and the others were still able to hold on to themselves, and quickly put them away after shedding tears; but Cuixiu, Cuihuan and the others who had been serving Yurui couldn't control themselves no matter what.

Cui Huan dragged Cui Xiu into the ear room, and then she fell on Cui Xiu's shoulder and burst into tears.

"I can't complain that the master suddenly said that he would arrange for the two of us to go out of the palace. It turns out that the master has already made up his mind to go. And today, the master is going to the Changchun Garden, and neither of us is allowed to follow... the master... I don't want to bother the two of us."

Cuixiu also cried, "Who says it's not! But why bother, master? We have served the master for six years, and now we follow the master with all our hearts. How can we be afraid of getting involved or not?"

Cui Huan bit her lips tightly, but her eyes were firm.

"Cuixiu, you can go out of the palace, anyway, I don't want to go out. The master has nothing to do in these years, who will be asked to guard the tomb for the master in the future? I will go to the imperial concubine and master after the canonization ceremony is over. The imperial concubine and master begged for grace and asked me to accompany our master... I would rather spend my whole life sweeping the tomb and offering incense for the master."

When Cuixiu heard this, Fang's tears were relieved, and then fell anxiously again.

"You silly girl, how can you say such a thing! The master was worried about you the most. He always said that you are a person with a delicate heart, but you are obsessed. You like to admit death in everything, but you don't know how to leave yourself Divide the leeway and be kind to yourself."

"When it comes to the friendship with the master, how can I go less than you? Let's talk about guarding the tomb, I will naturally go too! —— But you think that if you go to guard the tomb for the master, the master will be fine." I don't know what you are actually hiding from?"

"If you really go to guard the tomb, let alone the master, even I will feel that you are not sincerely for the master, you are still trying to escape the eighth brother!"

"Cui Xiu, what nonsense are you talking about!" Cui Huan was ashamed and annoyed, and felt guilty again, and tears fell down again, "How does Eighth Brother compare with our master? I don't need to compare Eighth Brother Take it to heart, but I would rather spend the rest of my life with our master!"

Cuixiu shook her head with tears in her eyes, "If the master is still there, he will definitely not agree. If the master is gone, the imperial concubine will definitely keep the master's wishes and will not give you this kind of grace."

"And I, I have promised my master that I must keep an eye on you and not watch you do stupid things... So, if I leave the palace, I must drag you out together. Otherwise, I would rather I’m not leaving either, I’m still staying in the palace to accompany you and stare at you!”

The two women hugged each other again, crying together.
When the emperor came over a little later, what he saw was exactly the scene in "One Spring in Heaven and Earth".

The emperor was also a little upset, so he didn't stay long, and strode directly inside.

But Wanxi didn't come out to pick him up, and the emperor was blocked outside the green gauze cabinet in the warm pavilion.

The emperor held back a sigh, and said intentionally, "...it really is 'Heaven and Earth Family Spring', look at your palace, everyone has two peaches on their faces."

After the emperor finished speaking, there was no movement in the warm pavilion. It was obvious that Wanxi was not useful and refused to talk to him.

The emperor himself recollected the aftertaste, and felt a little ashamed and flustered - those words just now really couldn't relieve her heart.

The emperor sighed, pawing at the grille of the partition door, and said softly inside, "... Tomorrow will be your canonization ceremony, and the day after tomorrow will be the day of your canonization ceremony. If you also hang two peaches Go out, it won't look good."

Wanxi still didn't speak.

The emperor scratched the top of his head, and hurriedly turned around to call his servant in embarrassment, "Gao Yuncong! Go, run around, and ask the steward in the tea room of your concubine and concubine to write it down. From tonight, give the concubine and concubine No one in the palace prepares a few bags of herbal tea, and they are not asked to drink it, it is to soothe their eyes!"

Gao Yun ran out from the capital, but there was still no movement in the warm pavilion.

The emperor also thought about inviting Yuqin and concubines Wan over.Or even ask a few children to come and accompany her...

But in the end, this method treats the symptoms but not the root cause.What's more, if Yuqin and the children knew about Yurui, they would feel sad too.

The emperor turned his head to look around.

Seeing the emperor's eyes, Yuchan hurriedly led Yuying and others to retreat outside the hall and closed the hall door.

Yuchan and the others only thought that the emperor was going to say something heart-pounding to the master again...then it would be inconvenient for them slaves to stay where they are.
When the whole hall became quiet, the emperor no longer waited in vain outside the partition door. He stretched out his arms, pushed open the partition door, and walked into the Nuan Pavilion.

Wanxi lay on the kang, buried her head in the quilt... and she looked even thinner and smaller.

The emperor felt a pain in his heart, hurried forward, sat on the edge of the kang, and stretched out his hand to wrap Wanxi in his arms.

Wanxi's tears slid down again, she struggled a few times and couldn't get away, so she raised her fist and hit the emperor on the shoulder.

"Master! You are so cruel... Master is unfair to Yurui..."

The emperor sighed softly, just hugged Wanxi's body tightly, and said softly, "My lord is cruel, because I am unfair to Yurui - my lord's cruelty and injustice are all because I forced her to stay in the palace and made her heartbroken all these years." Down is also bitter."

"Then you still say that about Yurui? Yurui contradicted the empress dowager, or said something presumptuous, but Yurui's life is gone, how can the emperor say those words again?" Wan Xiyue The more anxious he spoke, the tears trickled down and wet the emperor's neck.

The emperor thought about it, and said tactfully, "...you should also return Yurui's relics for her. Haizi failed to salvage her remains, but she should be buried anyway. Then you can dress up Burial, isn't it?"

"As for what clothes to choose for burial, you have to decide for yourself."
Wanxi's heart trembled again, and she couldn't help sitting up straight from the emperor's arms.

"Yu Rui just had an accident today, so you're planning to bury her so early?"

what is this?Does the tea get cold?
But there is still a while between when people leave and when the tea cools down.Why is the emperor so anxious to calculate the burial date for Yu Rui?

The emperor bit his lips guiltyly, "...Didn't Dai Jia, concubine Shen, and Fugui all be buried this year? I think it would be better for Yu Rui to be buried together with this year."

"Then I asked Qin Tianjian, they happened to occupy the auspicious September month. If I think so, I will call Yurui to be buried in September.

Dai Jiashi, Concubine Shen, and Fugui were all buried in the concubine's dorm in the second month of the leap. Speaking of which, the emperor, the queen, Wanxi and others were all on their southern tour, so there was no catch up.

"To be buried with them?" Wanxi shook her head tearfully, "Dai Jia died in April last year, and was buried in February of this year, and there have been eleven months of preparations; Concubine Shen passed away in June last year. He passed away, and he was buried in February this year, and there are still nine months to go; Fugui died in August last year, and there are still seven months to go before he is buried!"

"But what about Yurui, master, today is only the ninth day of June, and the master is in a hurry to tell her to be buried in September?!"

In just three months, how can it be enough to prepare a nobleman's tomb coupon, and how can it be enough to prepare a decent funeral ceremony?

How could the emperor be in such a hurry?Don't think it's too fickle to do so?
The emperor also frowned, "It's going to be buried anyway, so why worry about going a few months earlier or a few months later?"

Wanxi was in a hurry, so she stretched out her hand and gave the emperor a strong push, "It's the clothes to be buried, but that's also Yurui's tomb coupon! I also regard the clothes as the soul of Yurui, and I also don't want her to be buried so early. If you want to enter the earth, you will be separated from me forever!"

Under Wanxi's grief and anger, she used so much strength that she pushed the emperor to the ground.

Only then did the emperor understand how painful her heart really was.

The emperor didn't dare to do it again, so he quickly stretched out his hand to hold Wanxi, and pulled Wanxi back into his arms.

He put her head against his heart, stroked Wanxi's temples with the palm of his hand, and said in a low voice, "...you are stupid! Think carefully about what I said just now! ——It was only Yu Rui's clothes that were buried. !"
Wanxi was startled by the emperor, raised her head, and looked deeply at the emperor.

The emperor sighed softly again, "Yu Rui went to the emperor's mother and sued Nala first. She wanted to protect you, but she violated a big taboo in the palace - after all, she is just a little nobleman. Don't say that Queen Mother will be dissatisfied with her, even if the news spreads, the princes of the clan will impeach her Ahmadbao and Uncle Guanbao..."

"The only way she can stop these people's mouths, save her mother's family, and not implicate you..."

Wanxi closed her eyes tightly and nodded with hatred, "I understand! That's why I tried to hide it from her beforehand, I didn't want her to know, I didn't want her to do such a thing! But... I still made her go. "

The emperor said, "She can apologise with death, but how she should die and where she should die are particular. If she returns to your palace and apologizes in a way of suicide, it will be bad. According to the ancestral system, the palace It is a serious crime for a middle-aged man to kill himself, not only everyone in your palace will be implicated, even her mother's family will be punished."

Wanxi nodded, and there began to be a small door under her heart, secretly and silently, a thin door opened.

Her expression could not be hidden from the emperor, so the emperor nodded encouragingly and continued, "In the whole palace, including the Old Summer Palace, she is guilty of committing suicide wherever she commits suicide; but there is only one place. There is still room for turning everything around..."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she said hoarsely, "Changchun Garden? Only in Changchun Garden can people believe that Yurui didn't kill herself, but was killed by the empress dowager..." When Wanxi said this, she couldn't help it. Don't swallow the second half of the sentence abruptly.

The emperor appreciated it, sighed softly and rubbed Wanxi's hand.

"Yes, only in Changchun Garden can Yurui be spared the charge of committing suicide, and the Empress Empress will find it hard to argue."

"You know the temperament of the Queen's Lady. She will definitely not want to defend herself, so she can only bear this matter down. What a face-faced person is the Queen's Lady, then she must not be able to do it for her. Yurui's death, then go and punish Debao, and—blame you."

The emperor himself shook his head helplessly when he said this, "Although she may still blame you for the matter of Yurui in her heart, what she thinks in her heart and what she does on the surface will eventually be different. As long as Zihuang For the sake of her own face, Er Niang is not going to block your canonization ceremony, so it doesn't matter to anyone else."

The emperor gently kissed the teardrops off Wanxi's cheeks, "I used to be young, and I always thought that with my care, I could change the Queen's mother's mind and recognize you from the bottom of my heart. But now I don't Make that wish."

"It's not that the Empress doesn't like you. If you are just a concubine, she will accept you; but when you become a noble concubine or an imperial concubine, and your status is close to that of the empress, then the Empress will naturally have to fortify herself." .”

"Then I won't ask Queen Mother to support you now, after all, you will be protected by Master Ziyou himself! As long as she doesn't hinder you at this juncture of the canonization ceremony, that's enough."

"So, I think it's good for Yurui to die this time. Die in the Changchun Garden will make the Queen's mother suffer even more... As long as you go through the canonization ceremony smoothly in the next two days, that's the way to go." Yu Rui deserved her death, and her wish was fulfilled."

 (Anyway, Ruigui has to be buried. He was buried three months after his death, which is a bit abnormally fast~)

(End of this chapter)

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