Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2518 Volume 8 Volume 43 We Are Different

Chapter 2518 Eight Volumes 43 We Are Different

"Wei Wanxi, you dare to humiliate my Yongxin?!"

Nala was heartbroken and shouted angrily, "He is the emperor's direct son, and you are a slave in clothes, and even the lowest slave with the Han surname of Xin Zheku! You don't deserve to ask my Yongzheng to salute you, I Yong Xing doesn't care about your purse either!"

"Then it's your fault, empress!" Wanxi calmed down, her eyes smiling, "All princesses, Fujin, princes and grandchildren must salute when conferred by the imperial concubine. This rule is not made by me, Wei Wanxi, it is The patriarchs of the Aixinjueluo family set it up, which was set by me in the "Great Qing Huidian"!"

"Regardless of whether Yongzheng is the direct prince or not, as long as he is the prince, he has to come and salute me. If he doesn't come, it's not because I'm lenient to him, but because he doesn't follow the ancestral rules and rules!"

Wanxi stared quietly at Nala, "The empress really hopes that your twelfth elder brother will make such a talk, so that all the princes and grandchildren will watch it?"

"You!" Nalashi pointed at Wanxi, almost a mouthful of old blood in her throat, but she held it back unwillingly.

Wanxi sighed softly, "I would like to ask the Empress Empress for instructions: Do you want the twelfth elder brother to salute me according to the ancestral system, or are you willing to let the twelfth elder brother take the charge of violating the ancestral system? Just to vent your anger on your mother-in-law, you really don’t want to salute me, the imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty, huh?"

"If the Empress really doesn't want to, just say so. I'll come here anyway. I don't mind taking your words back and reporting them to the Emperor and the Empress Dowager. After all, so many princes, grandchildren, and Princess Fujin are all coming. Say hello to me, it doesn't matter if anyone is missing, I, Wei Wanxi, don't take it to heart at all."

Nala's hand was still raised in the air, and she was still pointing at Wanxi, but her throat seemed to be choked by someone, and she dared not say those words just now.

Wanxi smiled flatly, "It seems that the queen empress has already acquiesced. That's right, at this time, the empress empress must not push the twelve elder brothers to do inappropriate things. The empress empress herself has ended up like this. Don't drag your own son into the same situation as you!"
Nala's temperament, when will he be willing to suffer such grievances.

She clenched her teeth and growled, "Even if I am like this today, even if my Yongzheng has to follow the ancestral system to salute you, I will warn you, you are not allowed to humiliate my Yongzheng!"

"My forever is not short of your few taels of silver, what kind of little purse are you, you can keep it and give it to your son!"

Wanxi raised her eyes quietly, "Oh? That's it. Well, then I'll be just like the Empress Dowager. It's just that when the time comes, I rewarded all the princes and princesses with small purses, but only the twelve elder brothers held them. Leave it alone...the empress really thinks, does this look good?"

"I don't mind. On the contrary, I can't help thinking about Elder Twelfth. If the empress has made up her mind, I will explain to Elder Twelfth that it was his mother who refused to let him accept it." Look, empress, if I do this, will I fulfill the wish of the empress?"

Nala's hand, which was raised in the air, finally trembled slightly.

I don't know if she was tired after holding her hands up for a long time, or if she was finally moved by Wanxi's words and was willing to put herself in her son's situation.

Wanxi sighed softly, "The Empress always wants to emphasize that Elder Brother Twelve is a direct prince, and has a different identity from all princes. So over the years, Empress Empress always wants to make Elder Brother Twelve different, or even a bit peculiar. Going alone will make Brother Twelve gradually isolated among his brothers over the years."

"But I don't agree with this. I hope that my son can form a sincere friendship with his brothers. No matter who the emperor chooses to inherit the throne in the future, the friendship between brothers and sisters cannot be changed. Only when brothers support each other, after the emperor has lived for a hundred years, can the country of the Qing Dynasty be supported by someone, and it will be stable."

Nala gritted her teeth, "Yongzhen is different from the group of princes you gave birth to! Look at those princes of yours, whether they are born by Chunhui, Shujia, or you, what is in the bodies of your sons? The blood of half of the slaves is gone! Either from the Han people or from the Koreans, none of them belong to my pure Manchurians!"

"It's not your sons' turn to inherit the Great Qing Dynasty! Your sons should all be my slaves, and it's not rare for my Yongzheng to become siblings with your sons!"

Wan Xi frowned and shook her head, "Empress Empress, I knew you were stubborn and fierce, but I only found out now that you are also selfish towards your own son!"

"For your own face, for the status you advertise, you don't hesitate to ask the twelfth elder brother to cut himself off from all the brothers. Since childhood, you have always deliberately put on an air of being different!"

"Empress, we are all 40 years old, and the emperor is also 55 years old. How long is the day left for us by God? Don't you understand, after we all take the first step, who will the children rely on?" Go? Only when brothers support each other, they will not be alone in the future."

"Wei Wanxi, you sound good!" Nala said "bah" and sneered disdainfully, "There has been no father and son in the Tian family since ancient times, so where did brothers and sisters come from? What happened during the reign of the holy ancestor Kangxi? The holy grandfather is extremely wise, but in the end, didn't the Kowloon seize the heir and brothers kill each other?"

Wanxi lowered her eyes quietly, "Because of such a lesson learned from the past, those of us who will later be the heads of the inner court, those of us who are princes and empresses, should know how to assess the situation, and we should be more careful in teaching our sons to— ——As a prince, in the most tragic competition for the crown prince, what should be fought and what should not be fought."

"As a mother, are you really willing to take the risk of watching your son lose everything in order to encourage your son to fight for it? The empress may be willing to do this, but I am not willing to. I would rather my son be a son for the rest of his life." Prince Xiaoyao, wouldn't you be more happy and at ease?"

"Tsk tsk..." Nala's face was full of sarcasm, "You really speak better than you sing. You don't even look at your little Shiwu, you already have some status and status!"

Wanxi shook her head, "Those were given by the emperor, not by me teaching the children to fight for them."

Wanxi's eyes were peaceful, and she looked around Nala's face full of hostility, "Just like the favor of the harem, who can be favored and who is not, has always been the emperor's own mind. It depends on who the emperor likes, who is willing Give it to anyone; it’s not something that anyone can get if they want to fight for it with their wrists.”

"Damn!" Nala's old embarrassment turned into anger, and she had already thrown aside all the manners in the middle palace.Besides, she has already been deprived of Zhonggong's real status anyway, so who is she showing Zhonggong's dignity? !
"Don't show off in front of me that you are favored! Don't forget that you are also in your forties, and you are also old! Do you still deserve to be favored? When you are the emperor, can you still treat you like before?"

Wanxi still smiled faintly, "It is said that flowers do not last a hundred days, we women in the harem, who can overcome the years? The appearance is easy to change, but I believe that the heart is always there. Just like that sentence As the old saying goes, 'young couples come to keep company', we are getting old, and the emperor has actually reached this age, the young face may attract the eyes, but the heart is still nostalgic for the old man."

"In short, facing the impermanent years in the future, I don't have such worries and fears as you, empress. Besides, what I want is the emperor's heart, not the so-called "favor". I don't even want to be "favored". It's not rare, what's the meaning of the word 'falling out of favor' to me?"

Nala suddenly laughed, with a lonely and desolate laugh, "I understand, I understand. You are not here today to salute me, and you are not even here to settle accounts with me. You are here—to show off to me How beautiful you are today!"
"Congratulations, empress, you are right." Wanxi smiled all over her face, meeting Nala's eyes full of resentment.

"Speaking of settling accounts, I originally had several accounts, and I wanted to settle them with you, Empress Empress! In the past few years, those accounts weighed on my heart and made me hurt... Even if I just entered the palace At that time, I could choose to forget those old accounts between the empress and me; but since my little fourteen passed away, the relationship between me and the empress is doomed to be irreconcilable and irreconcilable!"

"So I have imagined countless times, when will I be able to settle those accounts with you. I have also imagined countless times, if such a day finally comes, what kind of expression should I use to face it?" You, what should I say to you..."

"However, when such a day finally came, I suddenly realized that I no longer needed to settle accounts with you, Empress, as I imagined back then. Because, now, the emperor has settled those old accounts between us for me. It all makes sense!"

"Empress, you have already ended up in today's end, you have nothing left, life is better than death... Then what else do I have to be dissatisfied with? Even if I settle accounts with you, I can't do what the emperor has done for me now. .”

Wanxi smiled contentedly, and even winked mischievously at Nalashi, "So, what do I have to do with the empress? I came today just to take a good look at the empress. Regardless of the situation, just looking at it like this has already made me relieve all the anger in my heart."
Wanxi's words really hurt Nala's heart more than slapping her face to face!
"Wei Wanxi, don't get complacent too early! Yes, I have fallen to the point where I am today, and I told you to watch it to relieve your anger—but you don't know, you will never have such a day!"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows quietly, "Oh? So the Empress Empress still has the courage to hide such hopes in her heart?"

Nala sneered, "Why not?! In the past, Xiaoxian was at the top of the harem, and then I was. No matter whether the women in the harem came first or came later, none of them was safe! These women naturally raised their heads and stared at the highest position in the harem!"

"They are all imagining in their hearts that one day they themselves will be able to climb to the top of this harem and become the highest-ranking women in this harem!"

"Xiaoxian and I, alone, are surrounded by you looking around like tigers and wolves, trying to envy, plot, and frame you! After all, we are in the light, and you are in the dark!"

"Finally, Xiaoxian and I followed your lead one after another, and let you Han people get their hands on it! You can be complacent, you can laugh, but I remind you, all this is just a temporary complacency for you !"

When Nala said this, a cruel complacency appeared on his face.

"Because, from today onwards, you are the one standing at the highest place in the harem! In the past, you looked up to Xiaoxian and me, but now, others look up to you, envy you, and plot against you! Among these people, even this The so-called sisters who have been with you for 20 years... they will also join forces to pull you down for the highest position!"

"Wei Wanxi, do you feel it now, that the high place on the top of the harem is unbearably cold? This is the price you have calculated for me for 20 years. You will find that from this day on, there will be no company around you anymore." , you will stand on this high place alone! No one will stand in your way when the wind and rain come, only you will carry it yourself!"

The cruel pride on Nala's face comes from her own comprehension after the loss, from her following the law of her own failure and presuming that Wanxi will follow in her footsteps and embark on the same tragic path as her. road. "
Wanxi listened patiently without interruption.

Wanxi only admired the cruel complacency on Nala's face, and smiled quietly.

"Is the empress finished?"

Nalashi narrowed his eyes, "You don't have to force yourself to be calm, I don't believe you are indifferent! Let me see, you may have experienced that chilly feeling for a while!"

Wanxi shuddered intentionally, "Oh, it's really scary. The empress has experienced the body these years, and she really understands it deeply."

"Then the Empress was deprived of all her true qualities as a queen today, did the Empress breathe a sigh of relief and congratulate herself secretly? Then, I congratulate the Empress. Congratulations to the Empress, the hardships have finally come to an end."

Nala's eyes bulged out in anger.

"Wei Wanxi, you're not far from this day! I'm here, waiting to see you walk over step by step!"

Wanxi shook her head quietly, "No, empress, you are wrong. I am different from you, even if I stand at the highest place in the harem, I will never follow in your footsteps."

"I believe that everything is man-made. Everything will be based on your will. There are good and evil sides. As long as you can distinguish between good and evil in everything, and know how to keep a line for yourself in everything; the most important thing is to always stand with the emperor... Then I will always be with you." Neither will go your way."

Wanxi said with a smile, "Speaking of which, I owe all these experiences to you, Empress Empress. From now on, I will handle everything in the harem in the opposite way to Empress Empress. It must be the simplest and most correct way.”,

"The most vivid counterexample you set up for me, Empress, I will definitely remember it deeply in my heart, and do everything against my will."

Nala's original sting also hurt Wanxi, at least it made Wanxi feel cold in her heart when she was just canonized as imperial concubine.But she didn't expect Wanxi to fight back so quickly, and she was so accurate and ruthless. In the end, it was Nala's own heart that was really hurt!
After Wanxi finished speaking, she smiled slowly, "Speaking of which, I think the Empress has nothing to say to me. I am the same."

"From then on, there is no queen in the harem, and there are so many things waiting for me to take care of. I really don't have time to visit you, Empress Empress. This big lock in the harem of Yonghe Palace will continue to accompany Empress Empress day and night. I don't know when it will be opened next time. , and how many times will it be."

"Another three months? Or... one year, three years?"

Wanxi finished speaking, and finally bowed to Nala's half-squatting reluctantly, "The last face, the last gift. Empress, you and I will bid farewell. From now on, I will be the master of my harem, and you will guard it empty Your cold palace!"

After Wanxi finished speaking, she turned around with a smile.

Removing the lead pendant that has been in her heart for many years, Wanxi's steps are graceful and light.

"Wei Wanxi!...I, I don't allow you to bully my Yongxin! You can settle your debt with me, and you are not allowed to use my Yongxin to vent your anger!"

Behind Wanxi, there was Nala's desperate and unwilling cry.

Wanxi slowly raised the corners of her lips, stopped, and turned around abruptly, wrapping her fingertips around her cuffs, "Bullying Elder Brother Twelve? How could it be?"

Wanxi raised her eyes and looked at Nala, "The twelfth elder brother is also the emperor's own flesh and blood; and I am already the imperial concubine, so from now on, the twelfth elder brother will also be my son. Therefore, I Not only will I not bully Twelve Elder Brothers, but I will - treat Twelve Elder Brothers as my own."

Nalashi felt the blood all over his body rushing to the top of his head.

"Wei Wanxi, what exactly do you want to do to my Yongxin?"

Wanxi said with a faint smile, "The emperor does not allow you mother and child to meet, then even if you are still alive, you have already bid farewell to Yongzheng forever. Then Yongzheng can be regarded as a motherless child... Tsk tsk, my heart aches It's too late, how can you be willing to use him to vent your anger?"

"Empress, don't worry, I will love Twelve Elder Brothers as I love my own children, as I love Yongxuan and Yong Xing. People's hearts are long, I am confident that there will be a day with Twelve Elder Brothers, I can also go with mother and son.”

Nala's eyes widened in shock, "Wei Wanxi, do you want to take away my Yongxin from me and become your son?!"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows and said softly, "Empress Empress, I am the imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty. All the princes are my sons, and Brother Twelve is no exception."

"But then again, the blood relationship between mother and child is the closest bond in the world, and it can never be snatched away by anyone who wants to. As long as Elder Brother Twelve doesn't hate you, Empress Empress, and still has a deep affection for your mother and child, then how can I Maybe you can take him away?"

Wanxi gently raised her eyes, looking at the clear sky.

"Empress, do you still remember my little deer, and the child who was about to give birth in the 24th year of Qianlong? If you forget, it's okay, you still remember my little sixteen!"

"You took away my three children, and I took away one of your sons. What right do you have to complain?!"

Nala was so startled that she took a few steps back, and held Wanxi with her trembling fingers, "You really have peace of mind, you really do!"

Wanxi looked at Nala's family coldly, "Now that you have fallen to this point, all four treasures have been confiscated, and the mother's nephew's position as Marquis of Chengen has also been dismissed...except for the empty title of queen, how can I ask?" What is left of you in this world?"

"Thinking about it, it seems that you have nothing left, except for one—Brother Twelve."

"That's right, what is the most precious thing for a woman in this world? It's actually her own child. I don't know what you think, after all, I'm willing to trade everything I have for my child's safety and health... Queen Niangniang, then I will let you stay in this world with nothing left, okay?"

After Wanxi finished speaking, she turned her head coldly, reached out to catch Yuchan's hand, stepped down the steps, and never looked back!
From behind, there was Nala's hoarse and unwilling cry.

Wanxi only quietly raised her eyes to look at the road ahead of her.

From then on, life and death, honor and humiliation, honor and disgrace... all the roads, she has been separated from this woman Nala forever, and she will never meet again! .
Back at Chuxiu Palace, all the princes, grandsons, and princess Fujin had already been waiting in line.

Wanxi ascended to the seat with a smile, and accepted the grand ceremony of the nobles, princes, grandsons, princesses, Fujin, and wives.

Wanxi lowered her eyes, among the crowd, there were her own children: Xiaoqi, Jiujiu, and Xiaoshiwu.

There are also her sons-in-law: Lawang and Zalantai;

There are also the four princesses He Jia, Yong Xing and Yong Xuan who she once regarded as her own children.

And Yong Rong, whom she cared for with all her heart, and even—the fifth elder brother Yong Qi.

Of course, there is also the third princess He Jing who didn't like her since she was a child and only treated her as a slave.

Also, the Fujin of the princes and grandchildren, here is the Fujin Qingzao of the eighth elder brother Yongxuan whom she admires, and the side Fujin of the elder brother Yonghuang who she sympathizes with; the Fujin of Yongqi today E Ning did not come to salute her because she was pregnant.

On this day, no matter who they were, they all knelt down in front of her, the imperial concubine, and kowtowed.

Li Cheng, the princes and princesses waited to get up, Wanxi looked at the group of descendants with a smile, although she was not yet 40 years old, she suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

It is said that the family relationship is weak, and there are always calculations between father and son, brothers and sisters-in-law.But at this moment, she sincerely hoped that the whole family would be sincere and harmonious, and there would be no more intrigues.

Wanxi then smiled and ordered "reward—"

Yuchan, Yuying and other officials and ladies in Chuxiu Palace held red lacquer plates in their hands, and rewarded them one by one with the purses they had prepared.

Wanxi hesitated for a moment, but ordered three more pairs of purses, and gave them to Yongxun, Yongxun and Miande together.

"Because the three of you were just married by the emperor this year. I prepared an extra pair of purses, telling you to bring them to your future Fujin." Wanxi said with a smile.

After all, he still didn't have the heart to give Yong Xin a pair alone, so as not to make Yong Xin draw attention.

Wanxi raised her eyes and looked quietly at Yongzheng.

In fact, he was already ready to meet Yong Xin's gaze.Maybe it was hatred, because she stole his mother-in-law's limelight at this moment.

Wanxi didn't expect that what she bumped into was Yongxin's twinkling eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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