Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2519, Volume 9, He Has Changed

Chapter 2519 Nine Volumes 1 He Has Changed

The ninth volume [after the seal].

I specially rushed to "Nine" as the last volume of the main text.
On July 30th, the [-]th year of Qianlong, the emperor enshrined the empress dowager from the Yuanmingyuan, and the autumn was full of Mulan.

This time is the first time that Wanxi has formally served as the lord of the harem, leading the head of the inner court, accompanied by princes and grandchildren.

In this autumn, besides Wanxi and the empress dowager who are inseparable from the eternal presence, the accompanying heads of the inner court also include: Concubine Qing, Concubine Ying, Concubine Yu, Concubine Rong, Lu Changzai, Xin Changzai, Ning Changzai, Wu Changzai, Na Changzai.

The emperor showed mercy this time, and brought along all the newly-appointed regulars in the past few years.

In addition, there are princes and grandchildren accompanying you: the fifth elder brother Yongqi, the eighth elder brother Yongxuan, the twelfth elder brother Yongxie, the fifteenth elder brother; the emperor's grandsons Mian De and Mian En.

Among them, all the other princes and grandsons have grown up, the only difference is Xiao Shiwu who is not yet five years old this year.

Even Wanxi laughed helplessly when she got the letter, and Concubine Ying even stroked Xiao Shiwu's forehead with a smile and said, "The princes and grandchildren next to me are driving Qiuxi, so they can go hunting on horseback. But you little man My son, you are not as tall as a horse's leg, what can you do with me?"

Everyone laughed, but it was Xiao Shiwu who put on a sullen face and said seriously, "Your servant can check the numbers for Huang Ama, elder brother and nephews!"

Yuqin always protects Xiao Shiwu in everything, so she also said seriously, "No way! We Yuanzi, we can find more than 90 by counting now! I want to come to the emperor and grandson, No one can hit this number, right?"

Everyone laughed together again.

Concubine Wan came over to stay by Wanxi's side.

Concubine Wan could see that since Da Yurui left, Wanxi still hadn't recovered until now.As long as someone talks, Wanxi still tilts her head to her side with some habit, wanting to talk to Yurui; but when she turned her head to find that the side was empty, she made her flash again, and the smile on her face was gone. A little downcast.

Tell Wanxi to watch, this time without Yuxi around Wanxi, it is more sad than when Wanxi didn't have a jade pot around her back then.

After all, after Yuhu left, there were Erniu and Yurui beside Wanxi, so the vacancy around Wanxi was quickly filled...but now Yuchan and others around Wanxi have to be together. Use it, but the weight in your heart is different after all.

Concubine Wan couldn't help feeling sorry for Wanxi, but she couldn't tell the truth, so she just said happily, "Look at the emperor's attitude towards Yuanzi... I don't even want to hide it anymore."

Wanxi smiled indifferently, "Most of the princes are accompanying, so I just ask him to follow along to play."

The concubine Wan said, "But why didn't you see the fourth elder brother Yongxuan, the sixth elder brother Yongxuan, and the eleventh elder brother Yongxuan? They should take them with them, and they should be adult princes. On the contrary, this little one is The worst thing to take with you."

Wanxi had no choice but to ask for forgiveness, "I have never been an opponent of Sister Chen..."

Wanpin spat lightly, "I believe you!"

The two chatted and laughed alone for a while, and the concubine Wan also squeezed Wanxi's hand, "After the death of the sixteenth child, the emperor will not ask you to endure the pain of separation between mother and child. The southern tour took the fifteenth child to , this time Qiu Xi is closer, so naturally I have to take it with me."

Wanxi knew it all in her heart, and she couldn't help but nodded with regret and relief, "Sister Chen made a point."

Concubine Wan sighed softly again, "Although the Summer Resort is close to Mulan, it can't be compared to the thousands of miles away in the south of the Yangtze River. But there is a saying that the prince accompanied him. In the early years, the prince who was underage also accompanied him, but the age was not the same. Younger. For example, when our emperor followed him to Rehe, he was 12 years old; when Brother Mian En followed him, he was the youngest, but he was also eight years old."

"On the other hand, our little fifteen, it's not yet the fifth birthday. The emperor's heart is really revealed."

Wanxi bit her lip lightly.

Wanbi nodded with a smile, "I know you are cautious, after all, the child is still young, and I am most afraid of hearing such words at the moment. But our empress has fallen now, you can breathe a sigh of relief."

"In this harem, besides the empress, there are one or two other people with evil intentions. First, they don't have the status of empress, and second, they don't have the courage of empress. You don't have to worry too much. .”

What Wanbi said really made Wanxi relax a lot.

After giving birth to Xiao Shiwu, although the emperor has become more and more aware of his intentions for Xiao Shiwu in the past few years, the emperor has also resorted to thunderous means to clean up the harem vigorously.

Dai Jia's death, the empress was locked in the cold palace, Lan Guiren had long since fallen out of favor, and Xiang promised was directly demoted to promise... The rest of empress Xiaoxian's grandnieces entered the palace only for the lowest promise, and had no future.

The harem, after the emperor's cleaning over the past few years, has been quite clean, and Wanxi's worries have been reduced by half.

After taking stock of the current situation, the only ones who can still hold Wanxi's heart are the mother and son of Concubine Yu.

Among them, Concubine Yu herself is getting older, and her brains and skills are no longer as good as before; Wanxi's heart is faintly most guarded, but Yongqi is going instead.
Because everyone knew that Yurui was gone, Wanxi was inevitably sad along the way, and Yuqin, Concubine Ying, Concubine Yu, and Concubine Rong took turns to accompany Wanxi every day.

The woman next to Wanxi, Yuying, is out of the palace to be married, so Wanxi puts Cuihuan by her side.

Because the women around Wanxi were all named after her generation, since Cuihuan came to Wanxi's side, Wanxi asked Cuihuan to use her original name back.

Cui Huan's real name is Yuying, and her mother's family name is Wang.

After Cuihuan entered the palace, because her real name clashed with Yuying, and she wanted to serve Yurui, she wanted to change it to "Cuizi Generation".

Cui Huan's thoughts are clear, although she is grateful for the thought of the imperial concubine and master, but she is also a little bit drummed.

"...It's just that Chuxiu Palace and the whole palace use the name changed by the master after entering the palace, and no one uses his own real name. The master of the imperial concubine asked the servant to use the real name of Xiaoqianer, which made the servant panic. "

"It's good for the slave to still be called Cui Huan. I can't forget Master Rui, so I don't want to change it. If the slave still begs the imperial concubine, the master should call the slave Cui Huan."

Wanxi held back a sigh in her heart, for this girl's intelligence, but also for this girl's fate.

Wanxi decided to pretend to be stupid, and temporarily skipped the crux of the problem, explaining with a smile, "Your master Rui is gone, and Cui Xiu has also left the palace, so I ask you to bear the name 'Cui Huan' again and come to my side Coming to serve, it seems that some names are not correct. So I said, you have to change your name. "

"But it's a coincidence that your real name already has the word 'Yu' in it, so you don't need to change another name. As for the others in our palace who don't use their real names, that's Why don't they have the word 'Yu' in their original names?"

Although Cui Huan said that she was uncomfortable, she couldn't say anything else.

This time Wanxi drove Mulan with her, and specially brought Yuying, who had changed her original name, with her.

This made her bear the memories of two people alone.Calling "Yuying" seems to be calling Yuying; and her demeanor and behavior carry the shadow of Yurui.
On July [-]th, Shengjia arrived at the Summer Resort.

As the imperial concubine, Wanxi moved into the Empress Dowager's palace "Songhezhai" after she arrived at the Summer Resort, and lived with the Empress Dowager.

The empress dowager lived in the "Leshoutang" in the back hall of "Songhezhai", and the emperor arranged for Wanxi to live in the "Suicheng Hall" to the south of "Leshoutang".

Coincidentally, there was also a "Suicheng Hall" in Lama Temple, the Qianlong mansion of Emperor Yongzheng, in which the Buddha's mother and Tara were enshrined.For this reason, whenever the Empress Dowager looked south to see the Suicheng Hall, many memories and compassion arose in her heart.

Xiao Shiwu followed Yuqin to greet Wanxi every day, so he often got tired of studying in Suicheng Hall.

Many years later, when Xiao Shiwu grew up, the emperor granted Xiao Shiwu to live here.
Because they live together with the empress dowager, Wanxi and Yongchang have more chances to stay in Panhuan.

Yongchang is taking advantage of her Ama Sige as the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which makes up for the vacancy left by Yurui's departure.But Ming Wanxi still knows very well about things outside the inner court.

Sitting idle in the villa these days, Yongchang said with a smile, "On June 24, Nasuken, the queen's nephew, wrote a letter of gratitude to the emperor, and he has been sent to the summer resort. He was sent to the Marquis by the emperor. , not only did not dare to complain, but also submitted a booklet to thank you."

The theme of Nasuken's excerpt is "Zou because the queen shaves her hair without authorization and intends to become a monk, and gives an order to cut off the Marquis to stay in office as a thank you."

Wanxi Weiwei raised her eyebrows, lowered her eyes and smiled, "It's far away from the northwest, so it's no wonder that Nasuken thought that the queen shaved her hair and wanted to become a monk until now."

Yongchang shrugged his shoulders and said lightly, "He still thinks his aunt is some kind of strong woman, she shaves her hair when she plucks her hair, but she wants to become a monk when she is playing tricks - he thinks that Xie En is smart, but he doesn't know it At the foot of the emperor's horse."

"How to say?" Wanxi looked up at Yong Chang Zai.

Yongchang let out a "hey", "Xie Enzhe who understands flattery so well, the emperor has to give three words 'understand' after reading it. But for this zhezi, the emperor didn't give a single word of Zhu Zhu's approval. Obviously, This scripture is written for nothing, the emperor will pretend he didn't see it, and will not accept Nasuken's flattery at all."

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, and patted Yongchang's hand, "It's hard for you to inquire about all this for me. Thank you, Ama, for me."

Always in my heart is a small pride.

"There is one more thing, the little concubine thinks that the imperial concubine must be very happy after hearing this."

Wanxi raised her eyes, "Ling Zhi, you say so."

The 19-year-old Yongchang is always there, with a dazzling light shining on his young face.

"It also happened in June. You Jueluo was beaten! As a result, the emperor didn't turn to Jueluo who was beaten, and said that who told Jueluo to go out without wearing a red belt around his waist? If he was beaten, he couldn't." According to the example of Jueluo being beaten, the crime of beating people should be punished; instead, it should be judged as the crime of beating ordinary people~~”

The descendants of the Aixinjueluo family wear belts to show their identities: the clans of the immediate branch wear yellow belts, and the Jueluos of the distant branch wear red belts.

Because both the clan and Jueluo are descendants of the Aixinjueluo family, if someone dares to beat the clan and Jueluo, the punishment will be increased.

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows, "Oh?"

Yongchang's eyebrows and eyes flickered, "Yes, the emperor is obviously tired of Jueluo! ——The little concubine unconsciously thought of going to the troublesome Jueluo Ayong! The emperor was promoted to the imperial concubine, If he insisted on jumping out to persuade the empress, and complained about the empress, the emperor will vent his anger on all the Jueluos."

"After this incident happened, my concubine wanted to see if the Jueluos dared to continue to speak rudely. Otherwise, who knows that one day I accidentally forgot to wear a red belt to go out, and I was beaten for some reason. That’s it! ——Even if you hit him, it’s useless, and the opponent will only judge the crime as the example of beating civilians~~”

Wanxi didn't speak, her eyes slightly turned away, as if she didn't take this matter to heart.

Yongchang was full of complacency at first, but he didn't expect Wanxi to react like this, so he shivered a little.

"Imperial Concubine...why, you seem to be unhappy when you hear this?"

Wanxi raised her eyes lightly, "Ling Zhi, I don't think there is any necessary cause and effect between the emperor's actions and Jueluo Ayong'a. Ayong'a is Jueluo, but there are many Jueluos in this world, and there is more than one Ayong. Ah."

Yong Chang was startled, and quickly argued, "The emperor has been protecting the clan and Jue Luos all these years, this is the first time I heard that the emperor treats Jue Luos like this, beating them is the same as beating civilians, It's nothing special... This happened after Jueluo Ayongah talked too much, it is obvious that the emperor is doing it for you, the imperial concubine!"

Wanxi thought for a while, then smiled slightly, "Ling Zhi, you said that if the emperor turned against all the clan members for you... would you be happy about it?"

Chang Chang raised his eyebrows, "Of course I'm happy! If the emperor is willing to do that for me, that's the way to favor the Sixth Palace!"

Wan Xi shook her head with a smile, "After all, you are only 19 years old, still young."

Asking a 19-year-old girl to understand Wanxi's 39-year-old heart seems to be a bit embarrassing for Yongchang; besides, Yongchang has a good family background, and since she was a child, she was the old daughter of her Ama. She was spoiled and raised. The heart is even less.

Wanxi just clicked to the point and didn't say much.

Wanxi found an excuse, so she went back to her bedroom first.Yongchang looked at Wanxi's back from afar, pouted and muttered to Guanlan, "What do you mean by imperial concubine? I was trying my best to please her, and told me, Ama, to give her all the news that is beneficial to her. Inquiry came... But she didn't want to listen to it, did she?"

Guan Lan also said, "Isn't it? In addition to being so attentive to the empress dowager in the past, little master, why do you want to treat others like this? Now that young master is so attentive to the imperial concubine, how can the imperial concubine be so caring?" I don't appreciate it."

"Why is she doing this?" The 19-year-old Yongchangzai couldn't accept Wanxi's indifference, so he got a little confused, "... Could it be that she is getting older and is starting to guard against us young people, Don't you want me to use her to get favor?"

This time the emperor went out, and he brought with him the regulars who had been entrusted in the past two years. Yongchang took it for granted that at the age of 39, the imperial concubine was surrounded by this group of young newcomers, and he naturally felt that threatened to go.

Guan Lan also frowned and said, "Actually...ordinarily speaking, since the young master treats the imperial concubine so hard, any imperial concubine who is a little grateful in her heart should help the young master."

"After all, the imperial concubine is getting older, and the young master is serving her again. Isn't it a good thing for her to push the young master to be favored by her? Is it possible that she still wants to look at those who are not with her? The newcomer who has returned to his heart has been favored?"

Yongchang sat down with his lips pouted, tearing the embroidered handkerchief with both hands, "I'm afraid she has her own reasons--haven't you seen that the people who came with me this time are often present, but they are all of them. They are all related to her. Lu Changzai is the sister of Concubine Qing, Xin Changzai is the daughter of Concubine Yu, Ning Changzai is from Concubine Rong's family, and Wu Changzai is from Concubine Ying's palace..."

Guan Lan also nodded, "It seems that Changzai is a bit far away. Changzai is in Concubine Yu's Palace. I heard that Concubine Yu and Concubine Yu are not getting along."

Yongchang frowned and thought for a while, "But this Changzai is also a Bo family, and he is in the same family as Bai Changzai and the former concubine Yi. Bai Changzai's elder brother also works in the Construction Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I know it, I heard that the members of the Bai family seem to have had a close relationship with the imperial concubine..."

Guan Lan opened her mouth wide, "Then speaking of it this way... ouch, it really seems like you, my lord, are a little far away from the imperial concubine."

Yongchang tossed the handkerchief angrily, "Don't you think so?! That's why she treats me so lukewarm... She just wants to make me work, but she doesn't want to flatter me, for fear that I will be spoiled by her !"

Guan Lan pursed her lips, "The imperial concubine is a little too narrow-minded."
Although Xiao Shiwu is still young, since he has already moved into the Yuqing Palace alone in Beijing, there is no reason for him to return to the inner court to live with his mother and concubines when he comes to the Summer Resort.

Therefore, Xiao Shiwu also lives in Elder Brother's residence with several other princes in the summer resort.

The elder brother's house of the Summer Resort is on the west side of the Nanmu Hall in the main hall, and you can see the top of the Nanmu Hall when you look up to the east, which makes the princes can't help but think about it.

Only Xiao 15 was young, but his heart was the quietest.

Even in the Summer Resort, the princes did not neglect their homework.Before setting off for the siege of Mulan, the princes still followed the rules and went to school every day.

Yongqi naturally does not want to handover with Yongxuan, at this time there are only four princes, so he can only stay with Yongxuan from time to time instead.

"After I married Lao Ba, I moved out of Elder Brother's house and got a separate residence. This year, you and Lao Eleven were also married by Huang Ama, and it is reasonable to move out in advance to prepare for the wedding. Why do you still live in Yuqing Palace with Xiaoshiwu?"

Yong Xing was a little embarrassed, and laughed a few times, "Oh, it's not the auspicious date yet. When the auspicious date comes, I'm afraid I'll be able to move out."

Yong Qi shrugged, "Little Shiwu hadn't even reached his fifth birthday yet, Huang Ama ordered him to live in Yuqing Palace so early. It's obvious what happened this year, you and Eleven will definitely be together this year. Those who refer to marriage must be moved out after the ceremony, so the entire Yuqing Palace is only for Xiao Shiwu to live in."

Yong Qi blinked meaningfully, "It's like when Yuqing Palace was only used by Crown Prince Yinreng during the Kangxi period."

If it was in the past, as long as he heard such words, Yong Xinneng would immediately be furious.

Who told him that he was the only direct prince in the past, if someone can live alone in Yuqing Palace, following the old example of Lord Kangxi to the crown prince Yinreng, then he is the only one who is qualified, right?
Yong Qi was smiling, waiting for Yong Xin to get angry.But Yong Qi didn't expect that after he said these words, it was as if he had punched a cotton ball. Not only did Yong Xin not get angry, but he didn't even show any reluctance, but even smiled shyly.

"Oh, that's right, we're all married, so Elder Brother's room is naturally vacant. Then Xiao Shiwu naturally lives alone in Yuqing Palace."

Yong Qi couldn't help raising her eyebrows in disappointment, and slowly sat up straight.

His feeling was not wrong, Yong Xin really changed.

Ever since the empress was escorted back to the palace in March and locked in the apse of Yikun Palace in front of all the princes and princesses, Yongzheng has changed.

Without the reliance of his biological mother, the position of the unique first prince has become awkward and delicate. Under the cruel reality, Yongzheng is really like a self-protecting Zhu Gong (chameleon), whose temperament changes with the surrounding changes. changed.

And this color-changing "Zhu Gong", wouldn't the name itself refer to the princes who grew up inside the red wall?
Yong Qi really couldn't hide her disappointment, but she refused to give up so easily.

Yongqi then said slowly again, "I'm really not used to this autumn. In the past, the Queen's Lady came with her, and we went to pay her respects to the Queen's Lady every day...but this year, suddenly Then she will become an imperial concubine."

"The imperial concubine seems to have overstepped and is good at the position in the palace... We are nothing, after all, we are just princes born out of concubine. But you, old twelve, don't you even argue for the empress?"
In the end, he was a son of man, but he couldn't argue for his mother, and Yong Xing felt uncomfortable in his heart.

At this time, Yong Qi poked the sore spot again, and Yong Xin moved his lips involuntarily.

Why didn't he want to argue for Er Niang?But—he dared not.

Huang Ama's unfeeling attitude towards Huang Erniang, he has seen it with his own eyes since the day Huang Ama asked the fourth son-in-law to escort Erniang back.

If Huang Ama still had the slightest pity for him, Huang Ama should have avoided asking him to go to Erniang Palace to see everything with his own eyes!That was his biological mother, the official women who had been beaten sixty times one by one, and their blood was mutilated, were all aunts who brought him up since he was a child!
Since Huang Ama was able to tell him to go and see it cruelly, then he understood Huang Ama's attitude towards him.

Er Niang has fallen to such a point, the so-called tree falls and monkeys scatter, and walls fall and people push him, if he makes a slight mistake, someone will definitely take the opportunity to throw stones at him.Huang Ama was angry again, and she didn't know how to deal with him.

So at this time, he can only shrink his head, he can't argue for his mother, he must protect himself first.

"What are you arguing about?" Yongzheng smiled awkwardly, "Huang Ama is the emperor, and the emperor has his own reasons for the emperor. Let's follow the order and there is nothing to argue about."

(End of this chapter)

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