Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2531 Volume 9 Volume 13 This March Someone Was Cold

Chapter 2531 Nine Volumes 13 Some People Are Cold This March

Guan Lan took a careful look at Yong Changzai, "I didn't expect that the master of the Empress Dowager would tell the story of Lu Changzai so directly... Lu Changzai is Concubine Qing's family member, and Concubine Qing has a relationship with the Empress Dowager." The noble concubine loves sisters so much, the emperor protects the imperial concubine and the mother and son of the fifteen elder brothers, doesn't he want to draw souls in his heart?"

"Once the emperor suspects where the empress dowager's words came from, why don't you go to my little master? After all, my little master's Lord Ama Sige is now in charge of the Minister of Internal Affairs."

From Guan Lan's point of view, Noble Nalan has been in the palace for nine years, if he could be favored, he should have been favored long ago.The emperor ignored her for nine years, which made it clear that the emperor didn't care about Gege, who came from the empress dowager's mother's family.

But today the emperor suddenly said that he would take Lan Guiren to pay a visit to the Tailing Mausoleum. This certainly meant to coax the empress dowager, but at the same time, could it be that the emperor had some doubts about Yongchang Zai, so he refused to give it to him at all? Ever go on a chance?

Yong Changzai couldn't help squinting his eyes, "You mean, the emperor suspects me?"

Guan Lan bit her lip and nodded.

Yongchang rolled his eyes, but instead raised the handkerchief to the sky, "If the emperor doubts, he doubts! After all, there are so many ministers in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I am not the only one!"

At this time, in addition to Sige and Debao, the ministers in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also included Jiuye Fuheng, Aligun, Sanhe, Yinglian, Taktu, and Hull Jinger; , so I have to share the errand of Debao, acting in charge of Hull's budget as the Minister of the Interior.

In addition, there is also a Prince Zhuang who is in charge of the affairs of the House of Internal Affairs.

Apart from the clan, these people are important ministers, and the emperor has doubts, so you can't ask everyone one by one, can you?

Yongchang folded his arms and hooked the corners of his lips, "Besides, here, Ali Gun is the Niu Hulu clan of the Empress Dowager's family! Ali Gun is still the uncle of Lan Guiren. Report to the Empress Dowager, and pave the way for Lan Guiren, isn't this more likely than us?"

Only then did Guan Lan heave a sigh of relief, "It turns out that the little master has already planned to make a turnaround, but the slave has been relieved in vain."

Yongchang wanted to laugh, but in the end he just sighed and shook his head, "It's been almost three years since I entered the palace, and I should be more careful. Otherwise, I'm just like those people who have never been favored all their lives, just dying in vain Is it in the palace?"

Guan Lan sighed.

It's a pity that the little master is a Han surname, although the empress dowager likes it, but after all, there is a layer of separation.Once compared with Niu Hulu's family, the Empress Dowager's heart immediately turned to Lan Guiren.

Yong Chang glanced at Guan Lan, "I know what you are worried about. But don't be afraid. Seeing that the imperial concubine is a woman with a Han surname, she knocked down all the queens; and my Ama is the commander and chief of the Han army with a white flag. The ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not even comparable to the princesses of ordinary Manchu families... I don't even pay attention to them."

Guan Lan also bowed her head calmly, "Isn't it? Let's say that the two who were sent by the empress to the Empress Dowager's Palace that day were the young master and the nobleman. Where is it again? In front of the empress dowager, now only the little master is going."

Yong Chang smiled triumphantly, "Being in front of the Empress Dowager is just a small test for us. In the future, what I want is to be in front of the Emperor, and I will be the only one left!"
The emperor only stayed in Beijing for one day, starting from February 22, he went to Tailing.

When the emperor left this time, he took a few people with him, and the one who caught the attention was the nobleman Lan.

On this day, Yongchang came from Changchun Garden to Yuanmingyuan, following the order of the Empress Dowager, to visit Yongqi's son who had been vaccinated.After Yongchang finished his errands, he came to say hello to Wanxi.

The eunuch who was on duty as the palace superintendent came in and stopped when he reached Yuqin.

Yuqin took care of Wanxi's body, so she said, "Go and ask Yong Chang Zai if there is anything important? If so, just tell me directly; if there is nothing else, just come to pay an ordinary greeting, then please Go back. The imperial concubine's body is heavy now, so it's not appropriate to be distracted. When the emperor's heir goes into labor smoothly, there will be a chance to meet her."

The eunuch who plays the matter spreads the words of Yuqin, and always listens to them, and feels a little uncomfortable in his heart.

She thought for a while, then turned around and went to Yuqin's bedroom.

Yuqin is not in the bedroom, but Lu Chang is there to welcome him out.

The two often sat together and talked for a while, and Yongchang said quietly, "Sister Lu has quite a personal relationship with Mr. Yinglian, the left servant of the household department and the minister in charge of the internal affairs office?"

Lu often tightens his heart, and love knows that there is always something in his words.

Lu Chang was busy explaining, "Because my sister entered the palace, the emperor ordered my Lu family to enter the flag. My mother's family is under the leadership of Lord Yinglian... Sister Yong, what's wrong?"

Yongchang shrugged his shoulders, "It turns out that it's this kind of relationship, it's only natural! But outsiders don't know about the personal relationship between Sister Lu and Lord Yinglian. If someone catches Sister Lu and Lord Yinglian in private, I don’t know how many conjectures have been born and how many troubles have been caused.”

"Sister Lu is the sister of Concubine Qing, and Concubine Qing is the same sister as Concubine Huang... Sister Lu is not for her own sake, and it is not good to implicate Concubine Qing and Concubine Huang, right?"

Lu Changzai was taken aback, "Sister, what do you mean, someone in the House of Internal Affairs picked me up to associate with Yinglian?"

Yongchang sighed, "It's all been stabbed into the empress dowager's ear...The empress dowager doesn't want to see us Han people, sister Lu must be more careful from now on."

Lu Changzai stood up suddenly as if struck by lightning, and Chao Yongchangzai saluted, "Sister, save me! My sister must let me know, who actually wants to harm me?"

Yongchang is slowly bowing his head, "Sister Yilu is smart, why do I need my little sister to remind me? The emperor just left Beijing again, who got the trick after all, Sister Lu takes it seriously."

Yongchang said goodbye when the order was over, "The empress dowager can't be left alone, and I don't want to stay for a long time. I came today to worry about the three of you, the imperial concubine, Qing concubine and sister. It's just that I couldn't see the empress dowager." Concubine Gui and Concubine Qing, please ask Elder Sister Lu to greet the two empresses on behalf of Younger Sister."

Lu Chang was worried and uneasy, so he reluctantly sent Yong Chang to the door.

Watching Yongchang leave in a small sedan chair, and Lu Changzai returning to the bedroom, he carefully took a breath of air, "...Could it be Lan Guiren?"

Yong Changzai, who left the Old Summer Palace, sat in the sedan chair and smiled with satisfaction.

In the current harem, the empress dowager and the imperial concubine are the heads of the two factions.The empress dowager's own son Niu Hulu's gege, she thought to herself that it was difficult to deal with for the time being, so she simply entrusted her to the imperial concubine's group.

Ge Ge of Niu Hulu's family, there is a nobleman in front of him, and there is also a little Niu Hulu family.Before the little Niu Hulu entered the palace, she could press down one by one.
The emperor went to Tailing this time, and came back faster than visiting Dongling.

On February 28, he had already returned to Beijing.

Concubine Shu took Wanxi's place and led Liugong to pick her up.Lu Chang is in the team, but he pays special attention to Lan Guiren.

From Lu Changzai's point of view, Lan Guiren is quite radiant.

The emperor went to see Wanxi, and Yuqin took Luchang back to his palace.Yuqin couldn't help staring at Lu Changzai a few more times, "Yuser, you look a little dazed these days, what's wrong?"

Lu Chang tried his best to smile, "Sister, I am wronged for the imperial concubine... The imperial concubine is about to give birth at this time, but the emperor brought nobleman Lan to visit the mausoleum. Sister, did you see nobleman Lan? I see Then, it must be that nobleman Lan has regained his favor."

Yuqin has long passed her age, and when she heard Yuse's words, she just smiled faintly.

"Really? I didn't spare time to visit Nalan nobleman. But no matter what happened to Lan nobleman, what does this have to do with the imperial concubine? If the emperor is willing to wrong the imperial concubine, then she should not be the 40-year-old imperial concubine at this time." She can still give birth, but someone like Lan Guiren should be favored rightly."

Seeing that Yuqin is so determined, it's hard for Lu Changzai to persevere, but there is still some inappropriateness in his heart.

After all, she was worried that Lan Guiren would sue her to the Empress Dowager.As for her private dealings with Yinglian, some of them are hidden from Yuqin...

Her mother's family is really difficult, and now there is only her mother, sister and three nieces.My sister's family is not in the banner, and there is no money and food from the banner people. The mother and daughter are all counting on a share of the mother's money and food to live... Her status is low, and she doesn't have a few taels of silver in her hand, so she has to ask Ying Lian to take care of her in private from time to time. Mother's house.

If I let my sister know about it, my sister will definitely not allow it, so she can only keep it a secret.
When the emperor came back to the Old Summer Palace, he was relieved to see that everything was fine with Wanxi and the fetus.

But there is also a crisis hidden in this calmness, so Mao Tuan'er brought back the matter of Nala Shi and Twelfth Elder Brother Yongxie.

Although Yongzheng gave up and didn't dare to do anything, but this incident aroused the emperor's dislike for Nala.

"Some people don't want to stop as long as they are alive! I really admire her. She has fallen into this situation, and she is still alive! She still can't let go of her scheming! It's me who is too kind to her!"

The emperor's eyes turned cold, and he glanced at Wei Zhu.

Wei Zhu bowed her head and listened quietly, waiting until the emperor walked away, Wei Zhu went outside the hall, stood on the platform and thought for a while.

Those who have served in front of the imperial court for a long time must have a pair of extremely sharp ears.Whenever the emperor said a word, they had to comprehend thousands of meanings in their hearts.

What's more, what the emperor said today is not difficult to understand.

The difficulty is how to deal with it.

If there were no constraints from the empress dowager, the family law of the ancestors, and those clan Jueluos from the previous dynasty, the emperor would have dealt with the Yonghe Palace cleanly and happily.Since it still can't be done, it means that the emperor himself has no way to make this order directly.

That's the opportunity for the minions to pledge their allegiance.

Wei Zhu went to the ceremonial room to look for several chief supervisors of the palace: Ma Guoyong, Wang Changgui, and Zhang Yu were all there. Seeing Wei Zhu's expression, he knew that the emperor had something to do.

Wei Zhu said the matter implicitly and tactfully.

As the chief eunuchs of the palace supervisors, Ma Guoyong, Zhang Yu and others are all majestic in the eyes of outsiders, but the emperor has always been extremely strict with the eunuchs.

It was Ma Guoyong and Zhang Yu, the two eunuchs in charge, who had committed crimes in front of the emperor in the 16th year of Qianlong: in the summer of that year, a sewing needle was found in the emperor's Gebuxia robe. Almost stabbed the emperor's arm.The two chief eunuchs, Ma Guoyong and Zhang Yu, were handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for punishment.

Zhang Yu was whipped [-] times, removed from the manager, and still ordered to work; Ma Guoyong was demoted from the sixth rank to the seventh rank, and was fined half of his annual salary.

The two who had experienced the wrath of the emperor, although Beijing recovered and their positions were promoted, they have become more afraid of Tianwei ever since.

After hearing Wei Zhu's words today, they dare not neglect.From this day on, they started to get together to think of a solution, and finally came up with a solution on March [-]rd.

The reason why the conclusion was set on March [-]rd was that the chief executives also had intentions: in the Manchu custom, there is a saying of "opening a horse trip" on March [-]rd.In short, it means to practice God on this day, hoping to get rid of the fetters and do things smoothly.

The one in Yonghe Palace has become a stumbling block for the emperor, and the emperor is already impatient to get rid of it.

On the third day of March in the 31st year of Qianlong's reign, Ma Guoyong, Wang Changgui, and Zhang Yu, the general managers, negotiated: ten catties of tea water and charcoal from Yonghe Palace, all on the fourth day of the first day.Liang Zhongxiao and Li Zhong, the leaders of Shuhuo, came and sent this post to the palace; Pan Feng and Wang Zhong, the chief stewards, passed on He Yufeng, Yu Baolin and Jiang Kun, the leaders of Shuhuo, to come to Yuehuamen to remember this.

This is the evacuation of the queen's tea room.

In the harem, apart from the emperor and empress dowager, only the empress and imperial concubine have their own separate tea room.In addition to clear tea and milk tea, the tea method can also serve some porridge soup and decoction.

The charcoal example of the teahouse is compared with the charcoal example of Wanxi’s imperial concubine’s teahouse: five catties of red charcoal and 25 catties of black charcoal in the imperial concubine’s teahouse; after Nala’s family was locked into the Yonghe Palace, only ten catties of black charcoal remained in the tea room. Jin, not to mention that there is no way to exceed the status of the imperial concubine, it is even lower than the average.

Ten catties of black charcoal, even the tea charcoal of the Nanfu students who sing opera...

Even such a little black charcoal was stopped from retreating from this day on.That is to say, from now on, it will be difficult for Nala's to drink a sip of hot tea, and even decoct medicine for illness.
On the first day of March, the emperor made adjustments to the Qin Tianjian, and decreed that the Qin Tianjian should be managed with the quota of the left servant of the Ministry of War.

On the first day of March, the emperor even returned to the Forbidden City, where he performed the ceremony of listening to government at the gate of Qianqing.

The emperor stayed in the Forbidden City until the third day of March, when he came to the conclusion reached by the chief supervisors of the palace supervisor, and then happily returned to the Old Summer Palace later on the third day of March.

When the news reached Yongshou Palace, Nala was sitting by the window blankly, looking up at the square sky surrounded by red walls on all sides.

Erniu and Wuniu heard that from tomorrow onwards, the tea and charcoal in the Yonghe Palace will be stopped, and both of them almost cried.

It's not that they feel sorry for Nalashi, they feel sorry for themselves...they are about to run out of tea.

Nalashi was a little indifferent, her thoughts were all on that square sky.

On March [-]rd, she just turned over the imperial calendar today.

Pointing to the sky, she said to the two women, "Look, how beautiful that paper kite is! Is that a queen? The one with a sniffing nose. By the way, the one with a sniffing sound is called a kite!"

In the Five Dynasties, Li Ye made paper kites in the palace, and used strings to ride the wind as a play. Later, he used bamboo as a flute at the head of the kite, and let the wind flow into the bamboo. The sound is like a kite, so it is called a kite.Therefore, those that cannot make sound are called "zhi kite", and those that can make sound are called "kite".

Erniu and Wuniu glanced at each other and said in a low voice, "Master, there are no paper kites in the sky, let alone kites."

Those paper kites and kites, from the day they were first born, were used for military spying on the city, and this is the palace, and every high wall is a secret, so how can anyone dare to fly a kite casually?

Not to mention the Yonghe Palace, which is now used as a cold palace and locked up the empress.This is the most heavily guarded place for the entire harem.

Nalashi blinked again, the phantoms in the sky finally dissipated little by little.

It turns out that there are really no kites; no one can escape within the palace walls.

Nala looked away, "What did you two just say? The tea and charcoal have all stopped?"

Both Niu Er and Niu Wu bowed their heads deeply, "...Exactly."

But Nala suddenly sneered, "Then what are you afraid of! Even if there is no tea, water and charcoal, it's getting hot today, so I can drink cold water!"

"The emperor came up with a new trick... I thought it was something, but it turned out to be just this! You go and tell them, this tea and charcoal are good. I think it's hot, and I can't drink hot soup or hot water." Woolen cloth!"

The queen is still so stubborn, but Erniu and Wuniu want to cry but have no tears.

"Master...Master Mingjian, the sky is hot, even if you drink cold water, it doesn't matter. But master, if the decoction is gone without the charcoal fire, what should I do?"

Nalashi was startled, "Decoction? Ha, why do we decoct medicine? Am I sick, no!"

Nala stood up, stood by the window, raised his fist high, "I am not sick, I am not! People who are not sick don't need to take medicine!"
March is sunny and spring, everything grows, but this March of the 31st year of Qianlong, in the warmth of spring, quietly merged with two chills.

One is the Yonghe Palace, which has been cut off from tea and charcoal, and the other is Yongqi in Zhaoxiang's office.

On the eighth day of March, after several months of hard work, Yongqi was still powerless to make up for it with 15 taels of ginseng every month. After the emperor punished the imperial physician and punished the eunuchs around him After the heavy punch, finally all hope was gone, and she no longer had the energy to persevere—on the eighth day of March, Yong Qi finally let go with too much unwillingness.

At this time, Yingyuan was still accompanying her son to vaccinate and was not in Zhaoxiang's place.In Zhaoxiang's office, only E Ning and Hu Borong were the only ones, watching Yongqi struggling, and finally separated from Yin and Yang.

E Ning couldn't save her husband's life, and the anger and resentment she was full of couldn't be vented to Yingyuan's mother and son. She was crying, and when she turned her head, she saw Hu Borong crying on the ground holding Da Gege.

E Ning screamed, and suddenly grabbed Hu Borong's hair.

"You and I know very well, how the prince's leg problem started! That year, Yingyuan and I were not with the prince, only you went to Rehe with the prince... It was your humble hoof that seduced the prince, Tell the prince to be too greedy for pleasure, and this will hurt the foundation!"

The hair was torn and scattered in an instant, and Da Gege was so frightened that he hugged his mother and cried "wow".

On the contrary, E Ning hated him even more, pointing at Da Gege and scolding, "Do you still dare to deny it? That's how you came here! You killed the prince, how can you deserve to give birth to the prince's flesh and blood?!"

Hu Borong was in a terrible state of distress, mourning the death of her husband while feeling sorry for her daughter who wanted to see her being tortured by Fujin...

She kowtowed to the ground and begged bitterly, "Fu Jin! Please allow this slave to call the nanny and take Da Gege away. If Fujin has any resentment or resentment, when Da Gege leaves, the slave will accept it all. I dare not say no." .”

E Ning stared at Hu Borong coldly, after a long while, she still squatted down slowly, stretched out her arms, and called softly, "Dage, come, come to Er Niang."

Da Gege was frightened, and fell in his mother's arms, not daring to look at E Ning.

On the contrary, E Ning smiled more gently, "Dage, Erniang's good boy, come here. In this family, only I am your Erniang, and the rest are slaves; and you, the daughter of the prince, It's the master!"

Hu Borong burst into tears, he couldn't bear to see his daughter caught in the middle, he was shocked and frightened, he was in a dilemma.

Hu Borong made up his mind, and then gently pushed his daughter, "Fu Jin calls you, go quickly."

Da Gege finally approached E Ning cautiously, and called "Emiang".E Ning hugged Da Gege, stood up immediately, and told Da Gege to keep a distance from Hu Borong.

"Dage is good. From now on, Dage will live with Er Niang. Whatever is good about Er Niang, give it to Da Ge."

How could Hu Borong not understand what E Ning meant!Apart from her heart being pierced like a knife and her tears streaming down like rain, she was already powerless to control her own destiny.

Only, I hope that my children will suffer less.

Hu Borong nodded vigorously to the child, "Good princess, I listen to Fujin for everything, ah~~"

Da Gege had no choice but to lie softly into E Ning's arms, and said timidly, "My daughter thanked my mother."

Er Niang satisfactorily gave Da Gege to the nanny to carry her out.

Hu Borong raised his head high, staring closely at his daughter's back with reluctance.Such a small daughter has a weak foundation since she sat down, and her body has not grown strong in the past few years after she was born.Looking at her daughter's soft and soft back, her mother's heart seemed to be gouged out by a sharp knife and chopped into pieces by a chaotic blade.

She wanted to stay with her daughter for a few more years, at least she could raise her daughter to be fatter for nothing.Otherwise, there are so many frost knives and ice swords in this world, how can my daughter carry them through?

But... She was afraid that she really had no chance to wait until this day.

Elder brother passed away, and from then on, Fujin would naturally be the master of their family.The only hope is to wait for Yingyuan's son to grow up and inherit the title before he can become the master of the Rong Palace.

But that child is only two years old this year, after all, he is too young.It may be 20 years before he inherits the title.

20 years, such a long time, do you want your daughter to be caught between her and Fujin every day, in a dilemma, and suffer all kinds of hardships? .
Seeing Hu Borong's reluctant eyes towards Da Gege, E Ning stood tall, his eyes became colder and colder.

She and Hu Borong were talking in the second room, and Elder Brother's body was in the warm pavilion.This time, it seems to be the bridge of Naihe between yin and yang.One step is the difference between life and death.

At this moment, she couldn't care less about mourning for elder brother anymore, so she had to think about how she would live the next few decades!
(End of this chapter)

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