Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2532, Volume 9, 14 Is the Son of Heaven easy to provoke?

Chapter 2532 Is the Son of Heaven easy to provoke?
Now the situation is clearly in front of her: Although she is elder brother's concubine Fujin, she has no children!

On the contrary, Yingyuan and Hu Borong, two unnamed "brother maids", one has a son and the other has a daughter!

Now that Elder Brother is gone, the line of Prince Rong, as well as the Prince Rong Mansion that has been prepared outside the palace, are destined to be inherited by the children.She is still occupying the seat of Prince Rong Fujin, but... when the children grow up, they will naturally respect their own biological mother, so who will take her seriously?

Therefore, she had to snatch a child and tie it to her side!
According to her original intention, she naturally wanted to snatch Yingyuan's son.After all, only the son can inherit the title and be the head of the palace.

But it was a coincidence that the child was still being vaccinated in the garden at this moment, and Yingyuan was there with her!

The vaccination rules are so strict that she can't even get close; besides, she has to be afraid of the current status of Yingyuan's mother's family—after all, Yingyuan's Ama Guanbao is the deputy capital censor at this moment. "Yingyuan's uncle, Debao, is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at this time!"

The only chance left to her at this moment is Da Gege.

Although Da Gege is just a girl, not as good as Yingyuan's son, but anyway, it is also the elder brother's bloodline, and will come from a special place, and the emperor will also feel pity for the loss of his father at a young age .

After all, it was much better than her naked widow.

What's even better is that Hu Borong's mother's family is humble, even if she snatched Hu Borong's child, if something happened to Hu Borong, the Hu family would not dare to make any fuss.

The mind has been made up, so it is natural to start as early as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

What she has to be more on guard against is that once Yingyuan's mother and son return, Yingyuan and Hu Borong join forces to fight against her. At that time, those two servants still have two children in their hands, then she will be in despair.
Mammy walked away with Da Gege in her arms, and she couldn't see her back.

E Ning turned around in satisfaction, knelt down and helped Hu Borong up with her own hands.

Where did Hu Borong dare to get up, but E Ning put more effort into his hands, unable to help Hu Borong not get up.

E Ning almost picked up Hu Boyong, and sat down on the kang.

"My elder brother left just like that, leaving our orphans and widows behind, Borong, are you uncomfortable?" E Ning seemed to have changed his face, talking softly to Hu Borong.

How could Hu Borong believe that Fujin had changed his mind?She knew that Fujin was actually a tiger with a smile on his face at this moment, hiding a knife in his smile, and he would only have more sinister plans in his heart!
But when the question came to him, Hu Borong couldn't dodge it.She could only hang her head in tears, "I'm in so much pain... I never thought that Elder Brother would just go like this... Elder Brother is still so young, and he just celebrated his 25th birthday!"

E Ning's eyes lit up, and she raised her eyes quietly, "Really? Elder brother passed away, Bo Rong, you are in pain?"

Hu Borong's heart skipped a beat.

E Ning sneered and said, "My elder brother has no one to serve you underground. Since Bo Rong values ​​love and righteousness so much, then you should follow elder brother down and serve elder brother!"

"Fu Jin!" Hu Borong wailed, slipped directly from Kang Yan'er to the ground, and knelt down on his knees, "What the slave said didn't mean that...the slave said, the slave said..."

The corners of E Ning's lips became colder, and there was a hint of pity in her eyes, staring at Hu Borong; but in her eyes, the cruelty was tens or hundreds of times more than pity!

Hu Borong knew that it was bad, so he cried and begged, "I beg Fujin to be merciful! I have to stay with Da Ge..."

E Ning straightened the sleeves of her robe slowly, "It's just for Da Ge'er. Borong, you are Da Ge'er's biological mother, and I am Da Ge'er's mother-in-law. Now that Elder Brother is gone, then you will spend the rest of your life You can only be a maidservant of the prince, and there is no chance to change this status... If you live, she will always be the concubine born of the prince's maid."

"But I said that if you are gone, Yingyuan can only take care of her own son and has no time to take care of Da Ge'er. Then Da Ge'er can only return to me, and I will raise him personally Now... Borong, look, that Dage'er's identity has changed, it's no different from my descendants."

A smile spread from the corner of E Ning's lips, "Bo Rong, tell yourself, which one is really good for Da Ge'er? You are Da Ge'er's biological mother, you should think of everything for your child... ...you should be able to see it."

E Ning got up slowly as she spoke, her eyes turned cold.

"Besides, how did the lord sit down due to his illness? Don't think I'm willing to let you go with this debt! I'm only in my twenties, and you'll let me be a widow from now on... Hu Borong, my life has ended like this, You are the fault of yourself! I will not spare you, whether it is to seek justice for the prince, or for myself, as long as you are still alive, I will let you atone for your sins every day! "

Hu Borong fell to the ground crying mournfully.
That night when Hu Borong returned to his bedroom, all the people around him were replaced by E Ning's order.At this time, the guards inside and outside the hall are all from Fujin.

It really is as strong as gold, so she can't escape with her wings.

Little by little she packed her things.First of all, carefully pack up all the big objects, arrange them neatly by category, write down all the things that you can't let go of, and leave them to Fujin.

Then, he took out all the objects bestowed by elder brother that he carefully treasured, and threw them into the fire one by one, and burned them all.

These should be used for Elder Brother, and also for myself, for use on the road to Huangquan.

Or in other words... It is also a kind of resentment, a kind of unwillingness.

Whether it was accompanied by Elder Brother to Rehe alone at that time, or Elder Brother's greedy pleasure that caused Elder Brother to suffer from leg problems, which one of these was what she wanted and she could decide?
She is just a maidservant of the prince who was born in Han Dynasty with the surname of Baoyi, Elder Brother is not her husband, but her master.Whatever Elder Brother wants to do, she can only obediently obey, how can she have the right to say no?But why put elder brother's sin of sitting down and falling ill on her head?

In her whole life, she just wanted to guard her child and live out her life quietly.But why is it forbidden by the heavens, and people like Fujin not allow her?

Her whole life, up to today, looking back, it seems that everything was wrong.

Maybe she shouldn't have come to this world, shouldn't have been selected into the palace, shouldn't have been pointed into the fifth elder brother's house, and she shouldn't have... served the fifth elder brother, and had children for the fifth elder brother .

If she had the chance to choose again in this life, she would rather have never been in this world or this court.

After arranging everything, she got up numbly, and asked those people sent by Fujin to watch her, "Can I, take another look at Da Gege? Girls, I just put away Da Gege's things. The girls are kind enough to ask me to send all these to Da Gege."

The women smiled coldly, "We will send these things to Da Gege, don't worry, Miss Hu. Besides, Da Gege will be raised by Fujin himself, so what's better? Miss Hu's things , Da Gege will definitely not be needed in the future.”
On the ninth day of March, that is, the day after Yongqi's death, Hu Borong also swallowed gold and died.

However, naturally the cause of death is kept secret and is not disclosed to outsiders.

When the news came to the garden, Yuqin also sat in a daze for a long time after receiving the letter.

"Listen well, you must keep this matter from the imperial concubine for the time being."

Speaking of which, she, Jiu'er and other sisters had limited contact with this Hu Borong.But because of Yurui and Yingyuan, I have heard a lot about Hu Borong.

Hu Borong had also lost a child before Da Gege; now it is the day after Yongqi passed away, and he passed away early in the morning.If it was a coincidence, it would be too coincidental.

Yuqin couldn't help feeling very sympathetic, and couldn't help but shed a few tears for Hu Borong.

Seeing his master weeping, Qing Guang couldn't help but said, "Look at me, this must be the fifth elder brother Na Fujin's fault!"

Yuqin sighed and nodded, "Fortunately, we acted early and moved Yingyuan's mother and son out of Zhaoxiang's house, otherwise the Hu family may not be the only one who will suffer."

"The little elder brother who is also Yingyuan is lucky. He happened to be vaccinated at this juncture, and avoided all the dirty things in Zhaoxiang's institute."

"It's meritorious for us to always be with the little master," Qingguang also followed suit, but she still frowned immediately, "It's just that although Zi Yingyuan Gege and the little elder brother were lucky to avoid it, but the little elder brother He's still young, and in the future there will only be fifth elder brother's heartless Fujin and Yingyuan Gege left in Prince Rong's mansion, and it's still uncertain how Wu Fujin will train Yingyuan Gege!"

Yuqin also frowned, "This matter will have to be dealt with by the imperial concubine after all. Even me, I can only worry about Yingyuan's mother and son."

No matter what happens, E Ning is the prince's concubine Fujin after all, while Yingyuan is just the prince's maid and has no proper status.Before the little elder brother grows up, how can Yingyuan get through the long ten years? ——And the only one who has the ability to put some thought into this ancestral rule is Jiu'er.

Because Jiu'er has the greatest reliance in the world, Jiu'er can easily do things that others cannot do.
Hu Borong died at the time of Chen (7-9 a.m.), and was put into the coffin at Xushi (7-9 p.m.).

On the tenth day of March, the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs requested the emperor's will for Hu Borong's affairs.

The minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs requested that the satin inside the coffin, the seat cover of the coffin cover, the bed table cover, etc. be used according to the golden regulations of the side blessing, and it is recommended to use red satin and use 1000 taels of silver from the official treasury.

It's just that Hu Borong was originally the prince's maid and had not given birth to a child, so he couldn't follow the Jin Jin rule.The emperor decreed: "According to the elder brother's maidservant, follow the rules and place it with the elder brother."

The ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs found out the rule:

"When maidservants die of illness, they are all handled by the Ministry of Industry. Today, the matter of the maidservant of the fifth elder brother has not been handled by the Ministry of Affairs, and is handled directly by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Finance under the two items of public finance."

"Red satin is used for the satin mattress and mattress in the coffin, and stone blue satin is used for the rest of the coffin cover, seat cover, bed table cover and other items. The eunuchs and women under the name of Gege wear filial piety, and meals are served once a day."

"The 64 people hired to look for the big bars and the bars, all wearing green clothes, were sent to Jing'an Village after the elder brother's golden coffin on the [-]th, and were placed later to the west of the elder brother's golden coffin. Allocate a table of kebabs and vegetables within a certain period."

Hu Borong's life, be it favor or disgrace, joy or sorrow, has all been decided after the coffin was closed.

There is no chance to change or start over.

This is the epitome of the fate of too many Han surnamed maidservants in the palace and palace.If there is no love from her husband, or if her husband's love cannot be sustained and focused, then even if this Han surnamed woman has given birth to an heir, her fate is still like a thing pinched in the palm of her masters , If you say it is broken, it will be broken.

No one is held accountable, no one has pity.

How similar is Wanxi's identity to this Hu Borong?But the emperor is not Yongqi, and Wanxi has never fallen into such a situation.Hu Borong committed suicide miserably, while Wanxi assumed the position of imperial concubine and the master of the harem, quietly waiting for her child to give birth.

This kind of comparison is more than cloud and mud?
In Prince Rong's mansion, after several generations, as if in a cycle of cause and effect, another daughter of the E family married in but became a concubine.Even though Gege from the E family was the head of female poets in the Qing Dynasty and had both sons and daughters, he was still expelled from the palace... Many years later, Gege from the E family was so talented and deeply wronged that he naturally provoked People sympathize; but, maybe this is to bear the cause and effect for the ancestors, right? .
Also on the ninth day of March, the day Hu Borong died, the emperor personally decreed that the twelfth elder brother and Mian De Mianen elder brother should wear filial piety for the fifth elder brother.

When this decree spread, there was an uproar in the front and back palaces.

Mian De and Mian En, as the nephews of Yong Qi, wear filial piety for Yong Qi, which is nothing to say; but the twelfth elder brother wears filial piety for Yong Qi, which is really unimaginable.

It's not that Yongzhen can't wear filial piety for Yongqi, this is his own brother, and Yongzhen is a younger brother, so wearing filial piety is also appropriate-but what's special is that Yongzhen was accused of marriage last year, and was supposed to get married this year!
Yongzheng and Yongzheng who were the same age and were accused of marrying together, the emperor didn't call Yongzheng to wear filial piety; instead he called Yongzheng.

But it's not that there are ready-made princes in the palace to wear filial piety, for example, there is a ready-made eighth elder brother Yongxuan, who is also Yongqi's younger brother, and there is nothing inappropriate to wear filial piety this year!
What's more, Qin Tianjian has already selected the auspicious date for this year's wedding according to the birthdays of Yongzheng and Fujin.

One of the auspicious dates is: according to Fujin's Dali Day is April 21th, so we choose March [-] this year for the initial ceremony, and April [-]th for the wedding ceremony;
The second auspicious period is: the preliminary ceremony on the third day of August, and the wedding ceremony on the thirteenth day of October.

These two auspicious dates, no matter which one, are already approaching.Moreover, Yongzheng's Fujin has already entered the palace, waiting to get married... If Yongzheng wears filial piety to Yongqi at this moment, how can this big marriage be achieved?
After the emperor made this decree, the ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were all confused, and hurriedly submitted the request.

The emperor was indifferent: "My decree has been made, and there is absolutely no reason to change it. If Yongzheng wears filial piety and collides with the wedding date, then the wedding date will be postponed. The date of wearing filial piety cannot be changed. If the auspicious date of the wedding is missed this year, it will be too late." There is next year!

The emperor said so, who would dare to say anything else among the ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
But after everyone went down to the court, De Bao couldn't help but muttered to Fu Heng in a low voice: "The emperor suddenly ordered the left servant of the Ministry of War to manage the Qin Tianjian on the first day of March... I was a little puzzled at first. Can you manage the affairs of the Qin Tianjian?"

"But today, I got the emperor's decree, and I feel a little enlightened."

Fu Heng also sighed softly, "Today, the emperor would rather postpone the auspicious date of the twelfth elder brother's big wedding, but insist on asking the twelfth elder brother to wear filial piety for the fifth elder brother... If this matter is decided by the Minister of Qin Tianjian according to God's will, If you strive for reason, the emperor can't help but respect God's will..."

Debao nodded, "And the emperor just asked Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War to manage the Qin Tianjian... I think no one has come to the Qin Tianjian today to dissuade the emperor."

Fu Heng didn't make a sound, and walked forward silently.

The incident in front of him seemed a bit unimaginable at first, but if it was related to the fact that the Yonghe Palace had stopped the tea, water and charcoal a few days ago... This made him have to have an ominous premonition in his heart.

——Now the one in Yonghe Palace, besides the vacant title of empress, only the son of Yongzheng is left.

The emperor can't move that person's title of empress for the time being, and this will reduce Yongzheng's treatment-or in other words, the emperor probably doesn't want the person in Yonghe Palace to see his son get married at all.
Kai Qili would always "generously" pass on such news to Nala.

After Kai Qili finished delivering the news, he sighed, "It seems that the queen's master won't have to wait this year... Elder Brother Twelve will pass the filial piety for Brother Fifth this year, and the preliminary ceremony on March 21 is destined to not be able to salute. "As for the auspicious date in August, I'm afraid it will still coincide with the day when the fifth elder brother is buried in peace, so naturally it won't work."

"The slave is thinking, the queen's master will not have to wait for the whole year this year."

Nala was also shaken when she heard this, she firmly grasped the door lattice with her fingers, "Then... what about Yong Xing?"

Yong Xing and Yong Xing are the same age, and they both planned to marry each other, so the auspicious date of marriage was naturally shared by both of them.Just like Mian De and Mian En brothers back then.

Opening the ceremony but waving his head, "Eleventh brother? The emperor didn't let eleventh brother wear filial piety, so the eleventh brother's wedding this year will naturally not be hindered. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is preparing as usual, and it is busy! "

Nalashi grabbed the door sill, eyes darkening involuntarily.

"Then Fu Heng's family also sent a lot of things?" Nala asked sadly.

Yongxing's Fujin is Fu Heng's daughter, and with Fu Heng's status and financial resources, he would never wrong his daughter.

Kai Qili smiled, "Isn't it~~ Mr. Zhongyong married a daughter, and he and the emperor are sons and daughters in-laws. If they kiss each other, Mr. Zhongyong will turn all his gratitude into dowry. Mr. Zhongyong will definitely I was afraid that it would not be delivered on the day of the wedding, so I sent it to the palace ahead of schedule!"

The darkness in front of Nala's eyes couldn't dissipate for a long time, as if the night had come early, it would last forever.

She sneered vigorously, "So what! Isn't my eternal Fujin also a descendant of Genghis Khan, or the Borzigit family? Even if her Ama's official position is lower, her grandfather is still Taiji! The first few generations of her mother's family also had the son of a princess!"

Kai Qili pretended to be surprised, "Since that's the case, the twelfth elder brother's Fujin should accompany him a lot, right? The princes of foreign vassals are different from the princes in our court. In addition to the salary of the court, they also have The produce of my own fiefdom! The twelfth elder brother Fujin's family will only send more than the Zhongyong family, and there will never be less!"

Nalashi nodded arrogantly, "That's natural!"

Kai Qili laughed, in front of this majestic empress of the main palace, "speaking and laughing without expression", he couldn't hold back his laughter.

Although Nala's eyes were a bit dark and she couldn't see clearly, Kai Qili's laughter was like a stubborn noose, entangled her ears and she couldn't dodge it.

Hearing Qi Li laughing like this, Nala couldn't help feeling a little palpitating.

"What are you laughing at, huh? Bold slave, what are you laughing at? Tell me!"

Kai Qili laughed enough, so he said calmly, "Accordingly, when the prince Fujin enters the palace, his mother's family should accompany him to escort eight maids. But Fujin of our twelfth elder brother, alas... brought all of them with him. A Mongolian woman came into the palace."

"My lord, did you hear that? Did the twelfth elder brother Fujin bring any other escorts in? The servant didn't bother to inquire, but even the most personal escort woman was brought in only one--then it was not difficult for the servant." Guess how poor her mother's family is, or how low her Ama's official position is..."

"If the maid is like this, then the rest of the escorts, alas, you don't have to count on it, queen master!"

Nalashi's eyes were wide open, trying to see Kai Qili's expression clearly, but--there was darkness in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

Her nails were digging into the wood of the door sill, and when she heard that Kai Qili was about to leave, she yelled anxiously, "You nonsense! Nonsense!! No, the emperor will not be so cruel as to give my Yongxie Such a poor and humble Fujin!"

"Yongzhen is his direct prince, his only direct prince...his greatest wish is to let the direct prince inherit the throne! How could he treat my Yongzhen like this, how could he?! "

Even Kai Qili couldn't help sighing when he saw Nala's heartbroken and almost crazy appearance.

If I knew today, why was it in the first place?
A direct descendant of Baylor of the Huifa Department, Haohaoer was born in Manchuria Gege, who has not been favored by the emperor since he entered the palace, but at least he still has the protection of his ancestors and the empress dowager. This journey has come naturally.

But why don't you want to settle down, why can't you be a good queen, insist on tossing yourself to this point, let the emperor cut off his favor, and wish for her to die? !
She is tenacious and refuses to die no matter what.But the emperor is cutting her neck with a blunt knife right now, urging her to die bit by bit.

She lives like this, seeing what she once owned, bit by bit, all broken, scattered, and turned into nothing. What's the point of living like this?
The emperor suddenly issued an order in March to be so cruel to Elder Brother Twelve, how could it be that the Queen's master was not the one who got involved?

No matter how ignorant she is, the emperor will only transfer all the hatred towards her to Brother Twelve bit by bit.

The so-called love the house and the bird, then in turn, love turned into hate, how could it not hurt Chi Yu?
(End of this chapter)

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