Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2575, Volume 9, 57 Ernie, Look What I Got

Chapter 2575 Nine Volumes 57 Ernie, Look What I Got (1 more)
The first month of the 37th year of Qianlong.

As usual, the emperor sent New Year's gifts to the harem, princes, and princesses.

The seventeenth elder brother couldn't hide things in his heart the most, after receiving the reward, he jumped up and down to show off to Wanxi.

"Ene Ene, guess what Huang Ama rewarded me?"

Wanxi stared at her youngest son, and saw that the light in his eyes almost gathered the words "novelty" and "interesting", with one embedded in one eye.

Wanxi knew for herself, the rewards this child received this year must be different from the usual practice in previous years.

The palace has always rewarded children, usually the lucky gold and silver, or the Four Treasures of the Study.

Gold and silver lockets are not uncommon, but if the emperor bestowed the Four Treasures of the Little Seventeen Study Room, it would be surprising that the child could still succeed in this way.

Although she knows what she wants, there are tens of thousands of things in this world, and Wanxi doesn't dare to guess what the emperor rewarded Xiao Qiqi for a while.

Wanxi begged for mercy, "Enie is old, and his brain is rusted... Xiao Shiqi, please tell Enie, what did your emperor Ama reward you?"

Xiao Shiqi was very proud, covered his belly and laughed, "Ene can't guess, son, come and teach Ene!"

This child has been naughty since he was a child, and his favorite thing has always been to challenge the boundaries, and he doesn't pay attention to any palace rules and rules.

But he is also a thief, even if he does things out of line, he doesn't go too far.

This kind of little thing to challenge the intelligence of adults is something he always loves to do.

Seriously, Wanxi told him that the chances of winning are not many, seeing E Nie this time, I really can't guess, this little Seventeen almost didn't have a snot bubble.

He had laughed enough, covered his mouth with his hands crossed, and just yelled out, "Hey, come in and show me Ernie!"

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows.

This gift can still talk?

Wanxi looked outside, and saw a thin and small figure, running like a trot all the way with extreme flexibility and swiftness, but it was clearly walking in.

As soon as he entered the threshold, he kowtowed on the ground, "My slave, Jin Guibang, please give peace to the imperial concubine and master!"

But it was a little eunuch.

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "...is this?"

This time, Xiao Shiqi switched to two arms crossed and hugged her shoulders, "Ene, this is the gift given to me by my emperor Ama!"

Wanxi knew something in her heart, and nodded with a smile, "Oh, why did your Huang Ama arrange for you a haha ​​bead eunuch so early?

This is the emperor officially rewarding Xiao Shiqi with a haha ​​bead eunuch.

Haha, the bead eunuch is different from the other eunuchs in that they are all children.

If the master is also a child, and the haha ​​bead eunuch is about the same age as the master, then the two of them can grow up together.The name is master and servant, but in fact it is a little friend since childhood.

If the master is an adult, then this haha ​​bead eunuch is like being raised by the emperor. He has been loyal since he was a child, and he will be the best loyal servant when he grows up.Just as Li Yu was the eunuch with haha ​​beads beside Lord Kangxi, and Mao Tuan'er was the eunuch with haha ​​beads next to Lord Qianlong.

Ordinarily, from the age when the prince entered school, he should be rewarded to the eunuch Haha beads, so that he can accompany and serve the master in the study.

However, the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty has always been extremely strict in educating the prince, so they are also worried that if the prince has just reached the age of entering school, if he arranges a haha ​​bead eunuch at the age of six, then the two of them will probably play together completely. On the contrary, it delayed the prince's studies.

Therefore, not every little prince will be assigned a haha ​​bead eunuch early on. The emperor is more inclined to send the little princes first, that is, mature and prudent adult eunuchs to serve them.

For example, Gui Yuan and Mao Tuan'er beside Xiao Shiwu are all at the manager level, and their words and deeds are second to none in the palace.

Ordinarily, with Xiao Qiqi's lively nature, Wanxi originally thought that the emperor had to point out a few mature and prudent masters first, give him two "splints", and give Xiao Shiqi a tough temper, so that he could spend the new year well. Officially send it to the upper study.

How can it be imagined, but the emperor first rewarded the eunuch with haha ​​beads.

Wanxi raised her hand to press her forehead, and looked at Concubine Ying who followed in, shaking her head and smiling wryly.

It is conceivable that with Xiao Shiqi's temperament, and this haha ​​bead eunuch behind him...then when he enters the study in the future, he will be watched.

——It's no wonder he doesn't play with flowers.

"Alright," Wanxi shook her head with a helpless smile, "Anyway, there are masters and masters in the upper study (the masters here are not old eunuchs, but teachers who teach riding and archery), he plays well, master And the masters just have a reason to treat him."

Concubine Ying smiled helplessly, "I was also confused by the emperor... The emperor rewarded him with haha ​​bead eunuchs so early. Is it because he is afraid that he won't play and make flowers?"

Wanxi smiled and squeezed Concubine Ying's hand, "Anyway, I still have you, and you can watch him go, I'm not worried."

Concubine Ying looked at Wanxi with raised eyes, but hesitated to speak.

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "Say what you have to say. With me, what else do you have to talk about?"

Concubine Ying lowered her head lightly, "The emperor is completely letting Xiao Qiqi's temperament go, telling him to play whenever he wants, and he even arranged a companion to play with him... The emperor agreed to it early on." Xiao Shiqi has become a happy prince?"

Wanxi understood what Concubine Ying meant.

But whether it is Xiao Shiwu or Xiao Shiqi, they are all Wanxi's own flesh and blood.Where does she have any preference for one or the other?
Wanxi smiled and lowered her head, thought for a while, and then said slowly, "I think, how a person should live his life is mostly determined by his talent."

Although there are reasons for acquired diligence in this world, talent still takes the first place after all.

If you are talented, if you work harder the day after tomorrow, you will naturally be able to get twice the result with half the effort; but if you are not talented, you will work so hard that you may not be able to achieve any results.

Wanxi tilted her head and said, "Xiao Shiwu has a steady temper, is born smart, and can hardly forget the books he has read. The emperor and the masters praised him a lot for this. Then this child will have a stable life for the rest of his life."

"On the other hand, Xiao Shiqi, Gao Wa, do you think there was a day when his little buttocks sat firmly on the stool? Not to mention the whole day, even half an hour was embarrassing for him."

Wanxi laughed as she talked, and it was hard to imagine how her two sons could be so divisive.

"Xiao Shiqi has the temperament to be the prince of Xiaoyao before he has the opportunity to be the prince of Xiaoyao. The emperor can be regarded as 'teaching students according to their aptitude', and giving the two brothers what is most suitable for them. It doesn't matter who gets it. , who won’t go well.”

Concubine Ying sighed, "But our little Seventeen is the reincarnation of the ginseng doll Bao'er, if he is born smart, who can compare to him? If we are strict with him, he may not be able to be stable~"

(Continue to update before noon~)

(End of this chapter)

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