Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2576 Volume 9 58 The Legend of the Miser

Chapter 2576 Nine Volumes 58 The Legend of the Miser (2 more)
Wanxi naturally understood Concubine Ying's feelings for Xiao Shiqi.

Although she is a adoptive mother, since Concubine Ying has nothing to do since she entered the palace, Concubine Ying devoted all her heart and energy to Xiao Shiqi.Concubine Ying has paid more for Xiao Shiqi than Wanxi, who is the mother-in-law of her life.

This principle is the same as elder sister Lu's raising Xiaoshiwu.

Concubine Ying knew how smart Xiao Shiqi was, so why didn't Concubine Ying want to fight for Xiao Shiqi?

Even brothers, but in front of the unique position in the world, there is no reason to be willing to accept it.

——This kind of unwillingness has been staged too many times among the royal siblings throughout the ages.It has long been a practice, and it would be strange not to show up.

Fortunately, Xiao Shiwu and Xiao Shiqi are both Wanxi's own princes. No matter who can inherit the throne in the future, they will be her children after all.Her mentality is a bit more detached than Concubine Ying's.

But then again, this kind of detachment derived from blood is actually not easy. It also requires the mother to have a very high vision, otherwise she will be entangled in it, care about one thing and lose another, and in the end even herself cannot save herself.

This example is not far away, just like Emperor Yongzheng's biological mother, Empress Xiao Gongren (Defei).Obviously Yongzheng Lord and Fourteenth Lord are both her own princes, but they lost in favor of others, just because the throne finally went to Yongzheng Lord, not her own preferred young son, so she was even honored by the good Queen Mother. The position became a chain, and in the end—let her die in sorrow.

...Empress Xiao Gongren, who could have been a model in the harem, after so many years of struggle in the harem, finally reached the time when she could be proud of the entire harem with her two sons, but she was killed by herself.This kind of cocooning is also a warning to Wanxi.

Therefore, among her children, she also learned how to level a bowl of water.This "bowl of water" refers to her own heart and the maternal love she has given.

As long as it is her child, she will be equally happy no matter who wins the top position in the future - or even if she doesn't win the top position, as long as mother and child can stay together, it is much better than the world.

It is the daughter, Xiaoqi is named Princess Gulun, and Jiujiu is named Princess Heshuo.She will not feel disappointed because of this, on the contrary, she wants to teach Jiujiu to understand that the affection of sisters is the most precious possession.

So when Concubine Ying said such words, she just smiled lightly, and her heart was as calm as water.

"Gaowa, leave everything to the heavens and the emperor. Let's just grow up with them, okay?"

Wanxi's calmness also set an example for Concubine Ying.Concubine Ying took a deep breath and reminded herself to calm down.

Wanxi held Concubine Ying's hand, "Listen to me telling you a story, how about it?"

Concubine Ying looked at Wanxi suspiciously.But the companionship of the sisters all these years made Concubine Ying understand that Wanxi must be using stories to express her feelings.

Concubine Ying nodded, "Speak."

Wan Xi sighed softly, "It's Yong Xing. Have you heard the news from Yong Xing recently?"

Concubine Ying also nodded, "How can I not hear about it? There was quite a commotion. Concubine Shu was sick from anxiety, so I also went to visit, and accompanied me and said words of forgiveness for a long time."

The 36 years of Qianlong that had just passed were also a happy year for Yongxing.In September last year, Fuling just gave birth to his second son.

After six years of marriage, she had two grandchildren in succession, both of whom were healthy and healthy.It shows that the young couples are deeply affectionate, and they are also blessed people.

But not long after Fuling gave birth to her second son in September, worrying news came from Yongxing—Yongxing and Fuling had a fight.

Whether it is the royal family or the civil society, when the young couple fights, the parents are all worried.

Besides, the ninth master, Fu Heng, is no longer in this world. In addition to being a mother-in-law, Concubine Shu is also Fuling's aunt.

Besides, the fight between Yong Xing and Fu Ling was really serious, it wasn't ordinary trivial matters, it wasn't even jealousy - it was Yong Xing who wanted to steal Fu Ling's dowry away.
Manchus do not favor sons over daughters, and even attach great importance to their daughters.Before the daughter got married, she was in charge of the account in her natal family;

It is an ordinary family, the dowry is very rich; let alone a noble family like Master Jiu.Back then when Fuling married into the palace, it was firstly to express her gratitude to the emperor, and secondly, she really valued this big princess, so Jiu Ye's family simply wanted to give everything, and the dowry was attached to the past. It took many days for the palace to send it off.

Such a huge dowry is comparable to princesses coming out of the cabinet.

The dowry for a woman's marriage is her own private property, even after she gets married, it does not belong to her husband, and the woman can still control it herself.If the husband robs, it can also be reported to the official.

Even in the royal family, Fuling married the prince as Fujin, so this dowry has nothing to do with Yongxing; unless Fuling herself gives it to Yongxing, Yongxing must never want it.

Yong Xing is the prince, seeing that dowry, he couldn't help being moved.

——Who is Yong Xing? Over the past two years, there have been vague rumors that Yong Xing has been detaining people, which is a sign of being stingy.

Concubine Ying also sighed, "We grew up with Yongxing anyway. She took Lawang and Qilin to play with them since she was a child, and she has always looked like a big brother. Why is she not willing to let the younger brothers go? Why did you suddenly change your gender and become a miserly child?"

Yongxing's things are not only for brother-in-law and cousins ​​like Lawang and Qilin, but even for Xiao Shiwu, Yongxing is extremely generous.

For example, the old incident of "Fantou" that caused a commotion back then.It was because Xiao Shiwu saw that Yong Xing's fan was beautiful and wanted it; but he didn't know that among the princes, Yong Xing was a master of calligraphy and painting, and the fan that could be carried with him must be elegant and exquisite, naturally it came from the hands of famous masters.

As a result, Yongxuan not only gave it to Xiao Shiwu without hesitation, but also specially engraved poems on the head and bones of the fan, and inscribed the nickname "Brother Jingquan".

With all these intentions, how could Yong Xing be a stingy person?
But at this moment, such news came out of nowhere, and it happened not long after Master Jiu died, and Fu Ling just gave birth to a child for him... As long as someone has a heart, who can bear it?
——So when the news came out, everyone in the palace felt sorry for Yong Xing.
After hearing Concubine Ying's words, Wanxi lowered her eyes quietly.

"Gao Wa, you're on the right point. We watched Yong Xing grow up. Others don't know what kind of temperament he is. Don't we? Why do you think he suddenly changed his temperament?" ?”

(I will update here first today, and continue in the early morning tomorrow morning~)

(End of this chapter)

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