Chapter 2588: Nine Volumes 70
The festive atmosphere of the Winter Solstice Festival has not yet dissipated. On November [-]th, another famous official in the court died.

University scholar Liu Tongxun entered the palace in a sedan chair early in the morning. When he walked to Donghua Gate, he suffered from phlegm disease.

The winter in the north is dry and cold, which is not as humid as the winter in the south of the Yangtze River. In addition, in the winter in the north, there are many charcoal pots in the house for heating, and the doors and windows are airtight... Therefore, this cough is the most common disease among northerners. one of the diseases.

Especially the elderly, in winter in the north, almost all suffer from coughing up phlegm and wheezing.Often, if you can't get up in one breath, you will pass away suddenly.

After the emperor heard about it, he immediately sent the imperial minister, Shangshu Fulong'an, to visit with medicine.By the time Fu Longan arrived, it was already too late.

On the same day, the emperor went to Liu Tongxun's mansion to offer a memorial service.

At this moment, the emperor felt even more sad. Just now, in order to sympathize with the veteran, he personally bestowed the black fox end mask that was originally only used by the emperor.Unexpectedly, even if such a favor was given, the veteran's life could not be saved.The court has lost another person who can be trusted by the emperor.

The emperor was saddened by this, and decreed that all the places where Liu Tongxun was dismissed and demoted during his lifetime should be recovered.Jia En Jin bestowed on the Tai Tuo and enshrined in the Xianliang Temple.

At the same time, Liu Yong, the son of Liu Tongxun, was ordered to return to Beijing from the post of inspector in Shaanxi.

So far, Liu Yong, who has many legends, has officially stepped onto the stage of the power center of the capital since then.
When the emperor came back, he was depressed.

Wanxi didn't go there by herself, and asked Xiao Shiwu to take Xiao Shiqi to greet Huang Ama.

Xiao Shiqi didn't know how to worry, and he was still happy to get the job of Enie, so he hurriedly took out something interesting from his own treasure chest, saying that he was going to relieve Huang Ama's worries.

Wanxi worried that Xiao Shiqi didn't know the seriousness, so she took Xiao Shiwu inside and asked softly.

Little Shiwu laughed, "Don't worry, Ernie, Brother Seventeen has learned a new skill. He looks at the snuff bottles, and the inner paintings are also superbly crafted. He learned a few things from the craftsmen in the manufacturing office. , I’m going to show it to Huang Ama.”

Only then did Wanxi feel relieved, but she couldn't help but sighed, "He, he wouldn't even ask him to draw, but he learned such a strange way."

Although he knew that this son was naughty by nature, the emperor was not at all ambiguous about Xiao Qiqi going to study in the study.

When the new year was just over this year, the emperor ordered to select a Manchurian Hanlin to be Xiao Qiqi's teacher to teach Xiao Shi Qi how to learn Manchu.

This matter was personally organized by two important ministers of the current court—it was jointly recommended by Shu Hede and Yu Minzhong to the emperor, "I found out that the alternate waiter, A Su, is diligent, prudent, and knowledgeable. He is walking in elder brother's study room, and he will listen to the decree."

How important are Shu Hede and Yu Minzhong?Not to mention the official position, just say that the emperor rewarded three old ministers with black fox duanmu a month ago: Liu Tongxun, Yu Minzhong, and Shu Hede.

In order to choose masters for Xiao Qiqi, two of the three most trusted veterans came to do it in person, which shows that the emperor cared about the education of this naughty little son.

Xiao Shiwu laughed when he heard this, and defended his younger brother, and said, "In fact, painting backwards is inner painting, and facing upside down is ordinary painting. If Seventeenth Brother learns inner painting well, he will also learn painting skills. Besides, inner painting is more difficult than ordinary painting, and it is more irritating, and the seventeenth brother has this determination, and the son thinks it is a good thing."

Wan Xi could only shake her head with a smile, and lightly stroked Xiao Shiwu's shoulder, "You are right. I was worried that he was just a whim, thinking it was fun; but he left after three or five days."

Xiao Shiwu blinked, "Then he should be asked to demonstrate to Huang Ama today... As long as Huang Ama asks him to draw a presentation every month from now on, he will be 'tied'."

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows.

Xiao Shiwu said with a smile, "Don't worry, Ernie, my son is in front of Huang Ama today, try to pass this on to Huang Ama."

Wanxi laughed, faintly feeling that Xiao Shiwu must be Xiao Shiqi's nemesis in the future.Although Xiao Shiwu is naturally benevolent and seemingly tolerant, in fact, Xiao Shiwu always has a more suitable method, and on the contrary, Xiao Shiqi can restrain Xiao Shiqi, that monkey.

Wanxi felt relieved, and was about to take Xiao Shiwu out, but saw Xiao Shiwu vaguely hesitated between his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" Wanxi asked carefully.

Xiao Shiwu said, "I went to visit Huang Ama to say hello that day, and Huang Ama gave my son a lychee. If it was in the past, Gao Yun should have come from Duanpan; but that day was Ruyi."

The rules of the imperial eunuch are the strictest, and the hierarchy is also the strictest.It's fine if it's an ordinary reward, any eunuch will do it.

But that day's exclusive gift of lychees, Xiao Shiwu vaguely felt that it was a special kindness, so it is reasonable to say that the one who is qualified to serve that plate at such a time should be the most frequently used person in front of Huang Ama.

Although Ruyi is the little eunuch that Huang Ama has valued more in recent years, she is still a little eunuch after all, how can she surpass Gao Yuncong?
Xiaoshiwu was so keen, Wanxi could only sigh lightly, and lightly squeezed her son's wrist.

"...Around July, when we were all in Rehe, Gao Pu posted a report and said that he heard ministers talking about 'Taoist Records' in private."

Xiao Shiwu was also taken aback when he heard the "Taoist Records".

Just because this "Tao government record" is no small matter, it is the emperor's own little secret. In addition, it is even more necessary to lead the introduction, and the emperor will look over and ask questions in person.

The emperor had met many people, and was often afraid that he would forget them, so he recorded the impressions of the leaders during the introduction for future reference.Especially now that the emperor is getting older, he needs such a small book even more.

These records cannot be written by the emperor himself, but are recorded by the eunuchs around him.One of the emperor's top secrets, only the emperor himself and the eunuch who wrote it know.

Therefore, there are ministers talking about it in private, which shows that the secret has been leaked.Xiao Shiwu felt a cold sweat on his head when he heard it.

Xiao Shiwu said softly, "Could it be Gao Yuncong?"

Wanxi could only sigh, "If it's not him, who else could it be?"

Gao Yu was selected to walk beside the emperor in those days because he had a good brain and the ability to remember with a photograph.Wanxi also said that he was a living notebook.

It's just that although Gao Yuncong has a good brain, his mouth is always lacking, and he always leaks what he knows to the outside world intentionally or unintentionally.There was already such a time back then, when he was pardoned by the emperor, he was able to return to the imperial court from the performance office... Who would have thought that it would be stable for these years, and then he would go back to his old ways.

"So Huang Ama has already punished Gao Yuncong?" Xiao Shiwu asked.

Wan Xi sighed and nodded, "Your Huang Ama was furious, and Gao Yuncong may be a death sentence this time. It's just because this matter involves several important officials in the dynasty, so your Huang Ama didn't say anything."

Gao Yun was a eunuch who frequently leaked secrets, so it was not a pity to die, but the most troublesome thing was that Gao Pu didn't know which eunuch leaked the secrets, he just reported to the emperor the minister who talked about "Taoist records".

Among them are Yu Minzhong, Yingyuan's father Guanbao and others.

And Gao Pu himself is the nephew of the imperial concubine Huixian.The reason why he dared to report so many ministers was also because he himself was punished by the emperor for not fulfilling his duties during the lunar eclipse rescue ceremony last year.Therefore, this year, in order to regain the emperor's trust, he played all the matters.

Although the leakage of secrets was serious, the emperor's veteran officials in the court had already withered, especially Yu Minzhong, who was already indispensable.

Especially at this time, Liu Tongxun passed away again, and Jinchuan was still in turmoil. Yu Minzhong became the chief minister of military aircraft, and he was already the mainstay of the court.

Therefore, the emperor only dealt with Gao Yuncong, and Yu Minzhong was dismissed and then retained; while Guanbao and others were handed over to Shu Hede for interrogation, and finally they were pardoned because of the Wanshou in August.

After listening carefully, Xiao Shiwu also sighed, "I see, my son understands."

Wanxi stared at her son quietly, "Look at your ama, you have been under strict control since you took the throne for 38 years. But this time, your ama turned the big thing into a small one, and turned it into nothing... What do you think of this matter?" ?”

Xiao Shiwu quietly thought for a while, and said slowly, "According to the law, Gao Yuncong should be sentenced to death; several ministers should have been guilty of the same crime as Gao Yuncong. However, it is easy to punish the crime, but it is difficult to find the minister again. These veterans are all people who have worked hard for the court for decades for Huang Ama in the court, if they are killed, the court will definitely be empty."

"Compared with their crimes of espionage, the risk of shutting down the court after their death is greater...For such criminals, it is not that they will not be punished, but the punishment also needs time."

Wanxi nodded with a smile, and lightly patted Xiao Shiwu on the shoulder, "Your emperor, Ama, tolerated Ertai and Zhang Tingyu for ten years. Instead, the victim is the stability of the court.”

"The court is the most important thing, and one person is the least important. It's not to appease, but to prioritize."

Xiao Shiwu nodded with a smile, "My son understands."

The next day, the emperor ordered Yu Minzhong to be the chief master of the Shangshufang and also a bachelor of the Imperial Academy; and even a month later, the emperor personally gave Yu Minzhong a catty of ginseng... Xiao Shiwu could respond with a smile.

After waiting for five years, the emperor investigated Yu Minzhong's crimes during his lifetime, and Yu Minzhong was withdrawn from the Xianliang Temple, and his descendants were dismissed as the first-class captain of light vehicles... Xiao Shiwu recalled today's Ennie Words, burst into tears.

Taking Yu Minzhong as an example, looking at the matter of He Shen again, Yong Yan, who was already mature and stable at that time, was able to keep a low profile and keep a low profile.Just bide your time.
Before the Empress Dowager's birthday, the seven-headed son-in-law, Rawang Dorje, finally rushed back to Beijing from Uliasutai.

It was only after returning to Beijing Zhonglawang that Concubine Yu was seriously ill.

Lawang immediately burst into tears, "How could this be? Xiaoqi, your family letter clearly told me that Concubine Yu's illness has recovered from her illness. Didn't she still go to Rehe to celebrate the emperor's birthday?"

Wuyue Sheng drove Luan to Rehe. At that time, Concubine Yu was ill and was unable to accompany her.As a result, he spent three months recuperating in Beijing, and the imperial physicians all said that he was already well.Therefore, during the Emperor's Longevity Day in August, he took Concubine Yu over to celebrate her birthday together at the Mountain Resort.

Xiao Qi knew that Lawang would return to Uliasutai in May, and that he must be worried about Concubine Yu's illness in a distant place, so she wrote a letter to Lawang in August.

Xiao Qi also burst into tears when she heard this, "No, Concubine Yu Erniang really felt as if she had recovered at that moment, and the imperial physicians also said it was all right. But who would have thought that Concubine Yu Erniang would suffer a relapse not long after she was in the Summer Resort... "

"On the [-]th day of September, when I received a letter from Mr. Mai Laxun from the House of Internal Affairs, saying that Xiao Shiqi and I were asked to pick up Concubine Yu Erniang, I realized that Concubine Yu Erniang was ill again and was already sent to Beijing. ..."

Lawang trembled, and grabbed Xiao Qi's hand, "In this way, the so-called great happiness of Concubine Yu in August, but is it just that it has returned to the light?"

Xiao Qi was also speechless.

At that time, everyone actually advised Concubine Yu not to go to Rehe, and even if she got better, she would stay in Beijing to raise her talents, why bother to go there in a hurry?But Concubine Yu insisted on going there, she wanted to celebrate the Emperor's birthday no matter what - but Xiaoqi knew that even Concubine Yu Erniang wanted to run over to see Lawang.

It's just that I didn't expect that Lawang would go directly to Uliasutai from Rehe in May, and he still hasn't come back until August...

Lawang didn't dare to delay, and the next morning, he hurriedly handed a sign to Seventh Princess and entered to say hello.

When the mother and son met each other, Lawang tried his best to suppress his sadness, and only smiled and presented the Mongolian scenery brought back from Mobei to Concubine Yu.

They are all Mongols, and they are all from the Khalkha tribe, and they are all Borzigit descendants of Genghis Khan. Therefore, the things that Lawang brought back seemed to bring Concubine Yu back to her hometown.

Concubine Yu sighed with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Lawang, do you know that my family was forced to move westward from Mobei by Galdan back then, and belonged to Erut... far away from my homeland, I miss Mobei so much."

"Later, the imperial court pacified Erut, and my family could return to the east, but I entered the palace again, and I had no chance to return to Mobei again... But God treated me well, and even told me to meet you, a child."

"You are the prince of Mobei, and now you are the king of Mobei! It is you who made my longing for my hometown come to fruition in this distant capital and palace."

And the child she had lost... It was also because of the arrival of Lawang that she made up for all the pain of losing a child.

Lawang, who just came to the capital that year, was just two years old, so young, and so dependent on her.It made her forget that he was not born to her, and made her experience such a rare mother-child relationship like a complete mother.

Meeting Lawang was the biggest and most precious commemoration in her life.

Lawang tried hard to bear it, but his eyes were already red.He had just lost his mother and father, and at this moment he was kneeling in front of his dying adoptive mother's bed, and the grief was like howling pine waves, engulfing him.

In the midst of desperation, his hands felt soft and warm.It was Xiaoqi who stretched his little hand into his palm.

He couldn't use his nails to pierce the flesh in his palm anymore, he had to relax his hand, he couldn't hold it, it hurt Xiao Qi...

Lawang turned to look at Xiao Qi with tears in his eyes.

Fortunately, in this world, he still has her.

This reminded him of the few times when he returned to Mobei, his elder brother and the elders in Qili presented several healthy and beautiful young women to him because he had been married for three years and had nothing to show for him, and asked them to bear heirs for him. .He firmly refused, without moving.

(End of this chapter)

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