Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2589, Volume 9, 71

Chapter 2589 Nine Volumes 71
In addition to the mother's death, leaving her last words to leave the items in her own dowry to Lawang, she also left two girls to Lawang.

These two girls were originally chosen by their mother for Lawang, and they are both Gege from a Mongolian family.Although Lawang grew up in the capital since he was two years old, he has to go home to visit his parents every two years. His mother was afraid that he would be lonely, so she chose the two girls.

But he only has Xiaoqi in his heart, and he would rather endure the loneliness in Mobei alone, and live by keeping the thoughts in his heart, without the company of others.This left the two girls with their mother and never brought them into his own tent.

It is not easy to return the person chosen by the mother, so they can only stay with the mother in the name of a daughter.This release is also a few years.

But when my mother passed away, everyone around me had to be dismissed and rearranged.These two girls who have taken on the role of serving him cannot just return to their mother's house, let alone marry another man.This is formally included in his tent in name.

Anyway, he is Prince Zasak. Although he is not in the banner, there is still his palace in the banner.In such a big palace, it is easy to arrange two girls.

It's just that although those two girls have their names, they are actually strangers to him.

It's just that according to the rules of the court, as a feudal king, these two women have to report to the Li Fan Yuan and count them as his concubine.

This is not his mother's practice alone, but the practice of all Mongolian foreheads throughout the ages.

After all, the main wife, Fujin, is a princess of the Qing Dynasty, but the son-in-law himself is a Mongolian. Naturally, the family also hopes that the son-in-law can take in a few more Mongolian women, instead of only having children with the princess of the Qing Dynasty.

But he is different from all the Mongolian foreheads. They were selected as foreheads when they were teenagers, and they had never met the princesses and Princesses before marriage, or they didn’t have many opportunities to meet; but However, he was sent to the capital when he was two years old, and was brought up in the inner court. He really grew up with his seventh princess.

This relationship comes from childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, and their relationship has nothing to do with the marriage of the imperial court.

In his heart, Xiao Qi is the only one, no one can replace him.

Even as a Mongolian forehead, this Mongolian blood can't replace his feelings for Xiaoqi.

He doesn't care about whether he wants a Mongolian descendant, he cares more about whether his child is the crystallization of him and Xiao Qi.

After leaving Xiaoqi, he never thought of getting close to any woman.
On December [-]th, Concubine Yu still couldn't survive the illness, and finally passed away.

The emperor issued a decree: "Stop court for three days. Send the emperor's eighth son, emperor's twelfth son and Fujin, the seventh princess, and the seventh son-in-law Lawangduoerji to wear filial piety."

In addition, Xin Changzai, who was originally conferred under the concubine Yu, was also in Ji'an, wearing filial piety for Concubine Yu and seeing Concubine Yu off for the last time.

"And the funeral ceremony of the sixth son of the emperor, the county king and the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prime Minister Jin Jian. All the matters that should be done will be observed by the respective yamen."

Concubine Yu's death caused huge waves in the hearts of Wanxi, Yuqin and others.

One reason is that Concubine Yu is the closest in age to them, and the other reason is that they are the sisters who have been together day and night all these years.

Besides, Concubine Yu is a Mongolian Gege, who is good at bowing horses, and her body bones are originally stronger than the Han women like Wanxi and Yuqin.Just like Concubine Yu's title in Manchu, like Prince Yu Duoduo's "Yu" character, it means "strong and resolute", which is very in line with Concubine Yu's Mongolian personality.

But even such a strong and resolute Concubine Yu, after all, couldn't fight the years, couldn't resist the disease, so she went on like this; how could this prevent Wanxi, Yuqin and others from being saddened.

"Oh, we thought about various reasons for the lunar eclipse on August [-] this year, but we forgot. Concubine Yu risked her life to come to the Summer Resort to celebrate the emperor's birthday... the lunar eclipse Ah, it shouldn't be on her." Yuqin is three years older than Wanxi, so the sadness is stronger now.

Wanxi listened quietly, stretched out her hand to hold Yuqin's hand, and explained softly, "Sister said, how many years do people have to live in this life before they don't regret it? Like the empress dowager's longevity, the octogenarian age is the same as ancient and modern." It is rare in the harem, but sister, do you think the empress dowager is living happily?"

I just went to pay my respects to the empress dowager a few days ago, and everyone read again the post about the empress dowager's [-]th birthday hanging in the Shoukang Palace.The post was so festive, but the face of the empress dowager, who was the rightful lord, was as heavy as water, and there was no sign of joy at all.

This is a real scene, otherwise, how dare the painters of the Ruyi Pavilion change the face of the empress dowager in such a big event without permission?That's head loss, and even family members.

Yuqin also smiled wryly, and shook her head, "The old lady is not happy either. Didn't she still think about finding another empress with a famous family for the emperor, and was careful to prevent the emperor from registering you as the middle palace? "

"Although they are biological mothers and sons, the fighting between mother and son has been going on for decades. Relying on the emperor's filial piety, the old empress always wants to imitate the empress dowager Xiaozhuang, and she also wants to control and influence the emperor in everything. It's a pity Ah, the emperor has been an adult in his 20s since the day he ascended the throne, not just a child."

Wanxi nodded, "Class is what I said. The empress dowager could have been the first empress dowager in ancient and modern times, but she couldn't let go of her own knots. Everything she has comes from the son of the emperor, but all her unwillingness now is still From the emperor."

Wanxi's eyes flowed quietly, "When it comes to the topic of life and death, no one can easily face it. But, I think the standard of measuring this life is not simply length or shortness?"

Wanxi looked around at Yuqin, Concubine Ying, and Concubine Rong, "If you leave without any regrets, even if you live a short life, you can still rest in peace with a smile on your face; but if too many wishes in this life are not fulfilled, you can live to a hundred In the past year, I still couldn't close my eyes at the moment before leaving."

"As far as I am concerned, if I leave at this time, the most worrying thing will be my children. Especially Xiao Shiwu and Xiao Shiqi are not married yet, and Liansheng has no children yet."

Wanxi was embarrassed when she said this, "Look at me, I forgot to mention the emperor... It's not that I forgot the emperor, I just believe that the emperor is a powerful person, and even if I leave, I will have my sisters to accompany me Around the emperor. But the children are different, I always want to see them safe and secure in this world with my own eyes."

When Wanxi said this, both Yuqin and Concubine Ying's eyes were red, and they both teased Concubine Rong, "It's just lucky, now Jiujiu is married and we have Dagege again; but our little fifteen still Not married, 17 years younger is still young."

Wanxi stretched out her hand to hold the two of them, and shook her hand vigorously, "So we all have to work hard to live! Even the foundation of our bodies is not as good as Concubine Yu's, but we have to work harder for the sake of the child!"

Although Wanxi said that she was encouraging the sisters at this time, only she knew that in October and November this year, because of being busy with the Empress Dowager's birthday and Chinese New Year, she felt more tired this year than in previous years.This kind of exhaustion can't be relieved by rest... Especially in this cold winter, it seems that there are some symptoms of cough.

She asked Gui Yunsan in a low voice, and Gui Yunsan also said that it was not because of lung disease, but because of fatigue.She ordered Guiyun sampan not to tell the emperor.

People can't disobey their age, she thought, it's because they are old.

They are all grandmothers, how can they not accept their old age?

And the emperor is older at this time, not to mention the Jinchuan war that is still in his heart at this time?Since this is just a cough caused by exhaustion, it really doesn't matter.

When she spoke in front of the emperor, she was also cautious, and she would never cough in front of the emperor.Just because of Concubine Yu, she accidentally coughed a little.

As a result, three days later, that is, on the 23rd, the emperor asked Wei Zhu to give him ten bottles of Fubei ointment, ten boxes of persimmon cream, sixteen catties of dried lychees, forty catties of lotus root powder, twelve catties of dried red dates, and ten boxes of Wenshui raisins. Two catties, twelve catties of southern jujube, twelve catties of sour jujube cake, and two buckets of lotus seeds.

These medicines and food have the same origin, and they all have the effects of relieving cough and reducing phlegm, clearing away heat and dissipating stagnation.

At this time, the emperor was supposed to be busy with Concubine Yu's funeral, but he was still so careful that she couldn't escape this little cough... Wanxi was embarrassed, but secretly sweet.
Concubine Yu's death made Wanxi and others sad, but Concubine Shun, Concubine Dun and others became excited again.

Concubine Shu, Concubine Yu, Concubine Ying, Concubine Yu, and Concubine Rong originally had five concubines above the rank of concubine, which obviously exceeded the regulations, and this blocked their two hopes of being promoted to the throne.

But now Concubine Yu has passed away.According to the vacancy in the harem, there is a rule of making up for the vacancies, so the two of them's path to ascension will start again!

But only Concubine Yu passed away, and it was obvious that there was only one person who wanted to be enfeoffed.

This is called Concubine Shun and Concubine Dun, once again caught in a situation of irreconcilable power and life and death.

From the position of concubine to the position of concubine, the most important bargaining chip is undoubtedly the emperor's heir.

"Shun's concubine is supported by the empress dowager. Besides, she has a high family background, so even if she has no children, she can be a concubine; as for me, a woman with a Han surname in a coat, except for the special case of the imperial concubine, I have to be a concubine according to my birth date. You can only be enfeoffed if you raise an heir to the emperor..."

Concubine Dun looked at Guan Lan, "In short, the way left for me now is to give birth to an heir before Concubine Shun, no matter what the price is!"

Guan Lan also clenched her fingers nervously, "But, what can we do?"

We all know that this opportunity is imminent, but what can we think of for a while?The master has been in the palace for ten years. If the emperor was willing to give the heir to the emperor, he would have given it to him long ago. Why wait ten years?
"Could it be... the master will go back and beg the imperial concubine again? Just say that we were all wrong in the past, and ask the imperial concubine to forgive me."

Concubine Dun laughed when she heard that, "Even if I am willing, do you think she is willing? She has lived a perfect life in this harem. No matter how hard I try, she will not believe it."

Guan Lan also made trouble, "Then, master, what should we do?"

Concubine Dun lowered her head and thought for a while, then stretched out her hand to call Guan Lan, "Come here, I'll tell you..."
On the first day of the first lunar month in the 39th year of Qianlong, the emperor first went to the Fengxian Hall to salute his ancestors early in the morning, then went to the hall to worship the gods, and then led the ministers of civil and military affairs to the Shoukang Palace to salute the empress dowager.

It is said that on such a happy day, the empress dowager hangs a face full of displeasure.

Just like the post on her [-]th birthday sticker.

In front of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, the emperor also coaxed with a smile, "Did the queen mother remember the Jinchuan war for her son? It's because my son is unfilial. It's the Chinese New Year, and Jinchuan hasn't been pacified yet."

The empress dowager looked up at the emperor, "It has nothing to do with you, it's my own age that I keep in mind. Thinking about it, after this year is over, I will be 84 next year. Can I be 84 steadily? It all depends on whether this year goes well or not."

"73, 84, after all, it's Kaner years. Last time, 73 was lucky to be smooth, and it's uncertain how to live next year."

As a son, the emperor didn't feel sorry for his mother, so he said with a smile, "Don't worry about the mother, the son will try his best to make the mother happy, so that this year can pass steadily."

The emperor is confident, because this year has already been set as the fifteenth elder brother Yongyan to marry Fujin.Isn't this a happy event?Enough to cheer for my mother.

But the Empress Dowager was still not happy, she twirled the rosary with her fingers, and brought up the old story again, "...Concubine Yu has gone. Although I feel sorry for her, she just went. Since there is another vacancy for the concubine, In my opinion, it's better to be a newcomer to make up for it, so that the young people can add a little more joy to the harem."

The empress dowager waved tremblingly as she spoke, "Anshou, go, and get my seal. Pass on my decree, and enfeoff the Shun concubine Niu Hulu as..."

"Mother!" the emperor hurriedly stopped, stretched out his hand to hold his mother's hand, "How could Ernie have forgotten that even though Concubine Yu passed away, there are still four concubines above her. According to the ancestral system, there are four concubines. It is not appropriate to enter the seal rashly."

The empress dowager raised her eyebrows, "Really? If you have all four concubines, you can no longer enter the concubine? But what did you say when you squeezed six or seven people into the position of concubine? You broke the old rules, and I also It's all up to you, so why can't you follow your new rules now?"

"Why is it the turn of Concubine Shun, so I can't be enfeoffed again?" The Empress Dowager's face was even more gloomy, "Does the emperor just want to stop Concubine Shun from enfeoffing, and don't want to make my wife happy?"

The empress dowager narrowed her eyes dissatisfiedly as she said, "I, I just think that I will be 84 next year, which will be the biggest Kan'er year. If you can let Concubine Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Shun Dang will be the emperor of your favor Be pampered, then next year I will be able to give birth to a grandson for me... Then I, this hurdle of 84, can be called Shun Shun smoothly!"

"That's all I wish for, why can't you, the emperor, let me have a good time?"

The emperor's eyes could not help but gloomy.

"It turns out that in the year of Kan'er next year, Queen Mother has already figured out a way to resolve it, but my son is wasting his time in vain."

 Happy Tanabata~~
(End of this chapter)

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