Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2605, Volume 9, 87

Chapter 2605 Nine Volumes 87 Love Returns
Seeing the emperor came, Wanpin and the others hurriedly got up to salute, and then left.

The emperor nodded to Concubine Wan with a smile, "Thanks for being with you."

Although Concubine Wan's status is not as high as Concubine Ying's, she is an old man in Qiandi, and her age and qualifications are more respected.

Concubine Wan smiled and said to the emperor, "Then today is the first day of the new year, what will the emperor reward me?"

The emperor laughed, and looked back at Wanxi, "Well, tell me."

Concubine Wan hasn't competed with the world these years, not even for favor, let alone asking for any New Year's rewards.Therefore, she suddenly mentioned this at this moment, which surprised the emperor a little.

Concubine Wan bowed solemnly, "I have the audacity to ask the emperor for a favor: I want to move back to the Yonghe Palace, and I hope the emperor will approve it."

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The trees in the Yonghe Palace are gloomy, and it's far away from the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Why do you move back?"

Concubine Wan understands that although the emperor didn't say it clearly, he hinted that Nala's shadow still remained there after all.

Concubine Wan smiled openly, "This thing has six palaces, which palace has no one lived in, and which palace has no death? If this is the case, there is nothing to be afraid of as a concubine. Of the old shadows of the Yonghe Palace, the concubine himself left more, right?"

Concubine Wan raised a sachet in front of the emperor as she said, "Besides, I always like to tinker with these herbs and medicines, so I have already prepared these, and when I go back to fumigate the house, I don't care what it is." , I dare not stay any longer.”

The emperor also gazed deeply, and seeing the determination and calmness in Wanbi's eyes, the emperor nodded.

In recent years, Wanbi has rarely asked him for any kindness, and today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, besides, she has already made such thorough preparations... What's more, the emperor knows best in his heart, why Wanbi did this .

——I didn’t tell Jiu’er that the emperor was actually in the midst of his busy schedule this year. In the torment of Xiao Qi’s acne before, he still insisted on going out of the palace every five days to visit Xiao Qi’s princess. Went to visit Xiao Qi. (There is a sentence in the Seventh Princess's first sacrificial letter, "Looking at Shen Yan, it will last for five days")
For Xiao Qi and Xiao 17's two children, Concubine Dun's side is full-term, but this December, he can't spare time to visit.

Xiao Qi was seriously ill, but he didn't dare to let Jiu'er know.

In front of Wanxi and everyone else, Concubine Wan smiled and saluted, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

While bowing his head, he managed to hold back the soreness at the tip of his nose.

She also wanted to be with Xiao Qi, but Xiao Qi begged her to come back to the palace to accompany Wanxi.Xiaoqi said, "For the New Year's Eve, if Er Niang is not in the palace, Er Nie must know that her daughter's health is not good. Er Nie is also sick. If she is worried about her daughter's health, it is her daughter's health." Unfilial..."

Concubine Wan reluctantly returned to the palace to accompany Wanxi, and told these jokes to amuse Wanxi.

It's just that in Wanpin's heart, it's as if a pot of thick coptis has been boiled.
Concubine Wan and others left, the emperor came over and sat by the kang, holding Wanxi's hand firmly.

Wanxi hurriedly raised her sleeves to cover her face, "It's the first day of the new year, with my face, I am ashamed of the king."

However, the emperor snorted softly, "Look at your dark clouds half-hanging, with smoky brows slightly frowning, although you are weak, you are more beautiful than a weak willow... I like it too."

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, "Look at what Grandpa said."

The emperor looked at Wanxi quietly, "...I had a lot of things to do today, so I can only take this time to come and see you. But I alarmed them all away. Then I will leave later, so it is not easy to bother They come."

Wanxi shook her head with a smile, "It's okay. I'm just a little tired too, so I'll just take a nap later."

The emperor held Wanxi's hand, and said softly, "Master, come here to tell you. It may be because of Xiao Shiqi's acne this time, that he is particularly aware of the value of family affection. Today is the first day of the new year, and It's a good day for Little Seventeen to have acne, and I want to grant a decree of kindness to my grandchildren."

In the past, the princesses and princesses of the Qing Dynasty were often married to Mongolia, so the sons born to the princesses and princesses would naturally inherit the title of their father's Mongolian prince.Therefore, the emperor and the court never thought of giving these grandchildren special grades.

It’s just that at this moment, among the several princesses of the emperor, except for He Jing and Xiao Qi who are Lijiang Mongolian princes, the fourth princess and the ninth princess are all Lijiang to the family of noble ministers from Manchuria, and those who have half Mongolian blood The emperor's grandchildren are different.

Wanxi also nodded with a smile, "My lord's kind decree is good, so why aren't the grandsons of the emperor not the sons and grandchildren of the emperor?"

The emperor patted Wanxi's hand in satisfaction, "Then tomorrow, the Lord will issue an order!"

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "It's a pity that my body is not good enough. I couldn't personally contribute to tonight's Kunning Palace family banquet and tomorrow's Chonghua Palace family banquet. Thanks to Concubine Shu, Concubine Ying and Sister Chen for their help .”

The emperor shook his head vigorously, "It doesn't matter, the most important thing now is that you take good care of your body. Those family banquets, there is no this year, but next year; but you have to take good care of your body before you can hope to go next year, right?"

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "What I said is true."

Wei Zhu from outside came to remind again, saying that it was the auspicious time for the next wave of burning incense.

The auspicious time of worshiping the god could not be delayed, the emperor sighed softly, squeezed Wanxi's hand, and stood up, "You rest, the Lord will come to see you at night."

The emperor went, and as the emperor started and stopped outside, there were sounds of firecrackers everywhere.

Amid such festive sounds, Wanxi lay down and fell asleep, with a faint smile on her lips.
On the second day of the first lunar month, the emperor issued a decree at the family banquet in the Chonghua Palace: "...the sons born to the princesses have not been rewarded with grades. Here are the princesses who married the Mongolian princes, etc., and the sons born to each have their own due. There is no need to handle the grade separately. As for the son born to the princess in Beijing, if the grade is not granted, the system will not agree."

"Subsequent sons born to the princess in Beijing, when they reach the age of 13, if they are born to Princess Gulun, they will be given the rank of Yifu Gulun forehead; if they are born to Princess Heshuo, they will be given the rank of Yifu Heshuo forehead."

"Now that Fengshen Jilun is thirteen years old, he will reward Yifu and Shuo's son-in-law with Fulong'an rank. Take this as an example."

Heshuo's son-in-law is about the rank of duke, and Fu Long'an has inherited the title of first-class loyal and brave Duke from Ninth Master Fu Heng; and Fengshen Jilun is Fu Long'an's eldest son, if the emperor does not reward this rank, then After a hundred years of Fulong'an, Fengshen Jilun can also inherit the duke.Therefore, although Fengshen Jilun was literally the first beneficiary of this decree of grace, in fact Fengshen Jilun did not need this.

In fact, what the emperor thought in his heart was Xiaoqi and Jiujiu going.

Xiao Qi hasn't come out yet, Jiu Jiu only has one Da Ge Ge, if they both can have another child, it must be more joy than joy, not to mention the joy for Jiu'er, and it can also make Xiao Qi carry this expectation. Ji, hard to recover, right?
The emperor thought so, and Wanxi, who was recuperating in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, had the same expectation in her heart.

Wanxi said softly to Yuchan, "I, what I look forward to most at this moment is that your seventh princess will give birth to an elder brother... I think that child must have the appearance of Lawang when he was a child, but it will also have the appearance of your seventh princess." look away."

Yuchan also jokingly said, "The seventh princess looks the most similar to the master, so the future little elder brother will actually have the master's help~~"

Wanxi smiled, "Not necessarily. Didn't you look at your fifteen elder brothers? Although I was born, he grew up to look like the emperor back then. It seems that I just borrowed my belly. Don’t want my influence!”

Yuchan also laughed, "Isn't that the blessing of the fifteenth elder brother? Thanks to the master, I have become cautious."

The master and servant were chatting and laughing, and Wanxi felt that her body was much more comfortable through the joy of the Chinese New Year and the auspicious recovery of Xiaoshiqi's acne.

After being quiet for a while, Wanxi turned her head to look at the imperial calendar on the wall.

"... Concubine Dun, why is there still no movement?"

Concubine Dun is Yuxi who was reported on September 29th, and the three months are superimposed, and the full-term day is on December 29th.

It is said that three days have passed.

Yuchan didn't want to say it at first, but since the master asked, she replied, "...Isn't it? I heard that it has been in pain for several days, but there has been no movement. The grandmas who guard the moon have to use the rolling pin to go Stomach rolling. Everyone said that they were afraid of not giving birth again, so the emperor held back."

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows, "How could this happen?"

After all, it is the first child, and it is not easy to be born, but it still hurts these days.

Yuchan sighed, "I heard that it's because of Concubine Dun's anger. These days, I still can't get rid of my anxiety, so it's not going well."

Wanxi lowered her head, "I'm most afraid of this. If a woman's first pregnancy doesn't go well and she struggles for too long, she may finally give birth, but it may also damage her foundation, and she will never be able to conceive again."

Yuchan couldn't help muttering, "My master cares about her?!"

Wanxi thought for a while, then shook her head, "I don't want to see her, but I treat others like myself. I just suffered like that for my child; her child is also the emperor's child."

Wanxi coughed twice, and told Yuchan, "Look at how much green osmanthus honey is left in our palace. Ask someone to send it to her as a reward."

She has experienced the pain of childbirth so many times.I just remember that every time, Shouyue's grandmothers said that honey can relieve pain and speed up the labor process.That green osmanthus honey has a special meaning to her, she has experienced it herself, and it seems to be really effective.

Yuchan was also shocked, and hurriedly called: "Master! Why is this necessary?"

Green osmanthus honey has a special meaning to the master, so this time the master cannot do without the medicine every day.What's more, this green osmanthus honey can't be produced on every tree, after all, it's just the one that the master guarded back then!If it is rewarded to Concubine Dun, what will the master use in the future?
Wanxi laughed, shaking her head and said, "Actually, I usually take medicine, so I shouldn't rely on that honey. It's obviously because I used honey that I feel the medicine soup is more bitter; every time I think it can be sweet after taking the medicine." , but I don’t know that the next time I take the medicine, I can’t bear the taste of the soup.”

"Just let it go, I don't have that honey, I can still take medicine."
Yuchan herself couldn't leave Wanxi's side, so she gave the honey to Ma Lin and asked him to send it over and reward Concubine Dun.

Ma Lin also said, "I bet, the master's kindness, the master of the concubine Dun may not be willing to accept it. She might have to worry about what is in the honey."

Yuchan also sighed, "Who says it's not? But since the master insists on asking for a reward, then you can go on this trip."

When they arrived at Concubine Dun's bedroom, Ma Lin, as an eunuch, was inconvenient to go inside when the lord was giving birth. He only delivered the green osmanthus honey from the outside of the respect room, and the eunuch in the respect room handed it over to Grandma Shouyue and the others. Just go.

From such a distance, Ma Lin also heard the miserable screams coming from inside.

——Who is the shape of the various palaces? In fact, they all have some sounds.

Ma Lin couldn't imagine the pain of childbirth, so he grinned and shook his head at the eunuch in the respect room.

The eunuch in the respect room was also polite to the chief eunuch in the royal concubine's palace like Ma Lin, and said with a smile, "Master Ma, you can't stand it just after hearing it. I've been waiting here for three months, especially during this half I have heard this movement almost every day for months... oh."

Ma Lin shrugged, "No matter what, I have one thing to ask you two: this honey is not needed by Concubine Dun's master, so don't waste it. I'm bothered to try to replace it with another one." , and leave it to me. I must thank you both for going.”
Both Ma Lin and Yuchan guessed right. The green osmanthus honey passed through the hands of Grandma Shouyue and sent it to Concubine Dun's mouth, but Concubine Dun still yelled, "This taste is wrong, it's not what I usually use. You take it away from me and throw it away! I am not allowed to take anything sent in by others, no matter who it is or what it is!"

She had such a hard life, and she passed away several days later than the full term, which made her feel sad, worried that someone had harmed her, and she had eaten something unclean.Therefore, she would never use any foreign things.

Grandma Shouyue had no choice but to take it away.

It's strange to say that the honey was brought to the door, and it was only a threshold to take it out, but Concubine Dun suddenly shouted, "Come back!"

That sweet fragrance lingered in her nostrils, as if she could smell it—the smell of home.

This smell, she remembered, it seemed that she had had it in front of and behind the house back then.

"Who sent it? Tell me, who sent this honey?"

Grandma Shouyue hurriedly replied, "It's the imperial concubine and master..."

Concubine Dun's mind was almost blurred from the pain, but the sweet taste in her breath became more and more indelible.

In this fragrance, she seemed to be standing in the courtyard of her home again, looking up at the flowers falling like rain above her head...

In the rain of flowers, she saw Er Niang and Ama.

There was a lump in her throat.

God, she remembered, it was the osmanthus tree.

Ama said that when they entered the customs from Longlong in Shenyang, almost every family of them took away the ancestor Baner from Shenyang, and also brought a handful of soil or some seeds.We all know that we will go to Guanli, and we don't know when we can go back, so we take the soil and seeds with us and plant them in the capital, as if we were in the old house.

(End of this chapter)

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