Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2606, Volume 9, 88 "Yikun" is a good name

Chapter 2606 "Yikun" is a good name
Seeing that Grandma Shouyue was about to leave the door with that thing, Concubine Dun gritted her teeth and shouted, "Stop!" while writhing and struggling in pain.

Grandma Shouyue turned around and said softly, "Actually... Master Concubine Dun, this servant has the courage to persuade the master to take some honey. The master has been tossing for several days, and no body can bear it; I used some honey. , on the one hand to nourish the body, and on the other hand to nourish the body, so that the emperor's heir can be born earlier."

Concubine Dun gritted her teeth, "Go, hand it over to the imperial physician and ask them to check!"

Grandma Shouyue said, "I have already checked. At this time, Concubine Dun's master is giving birth, and everything brought in from outside must first pass through the hands of the on-duty imperial physician. If it is not checked by the imperial physician, this item will not be sent in." , the slaves dare not bring it directly to Concubine Dun and Master~”

Seeing this, Guan Lan stepped forward and said softly to Concubine Dun, "Your servant is thinking, the imperial concubine won't be able to do anything at this moment. With her status, if she has the heart, she should have done it as soon as possible." Let's do it."

Concubine Dun gritted her teeth and hummed, but she changed the topic after a long time, "Where's the emperor? Is the emperor coming?"

Guan Lan hurriedly said, "My lord, it's a big Chinese New Year after all. On the first day of the first lunar month, the emperor will go around offering incense and worshiping gods, as well as congratulations at the Hall of Supreme Harmony and a family banquet at the Qianqing Palace; on the second day of the first lunar month, the emperor will send the empress dowager to Shufangzhai Watching plays on the big stage, serving meals in the apse of 'Jin Zhao Yu Cui', and having a family banquet in the Chonghua Palace at night..."

Concubine Dun gritted her teeth, using the pain to resist the pain, to keep herself awake, "What about tomorrow, the third day of the first lunar month?"

Guan Lan said awkwardly, "Tomorrow, the emperor will go to Ziguang Pavilion and give banquets to the Mongolian prince Taiji and Huibu county king; after that, he will go to Zhaoren Hall of Qianqing Palace to give a tea banquet in the inner court Hanlin, and use the book collection of 'Tianlu Linlang' The pavilion is a couplet for the title..."

Concubine Dun closed her eyes tightly, and nodded bitterly, "I understand, he still can't come! He's so busy that he won't have time to come and see the next child after ten years!"

Guan Lan and Shou Yue's grandma looked at each other, and had no choice but to persuade them cautiously, "Master's birth is a matter of blood and light after all. It's also in the first month, so it's always inconvenient for the emperor to come..."

Concubine Dun took a deep breath and gritted her teeth for a long while before she said, "It's okay for me to endure this loneliness. After all, I'm used to the loneliness—I entered the palace in the 28th year of Qianlong, and I only got the emperor's grace last year. I was lonely all the time. 11 years to go. I survived!"

"But, my child can no longer be like this... I can be lonely by myself, but I can't see my child being neglected by the emperor again..."

Concubine Dun suddenly turned her head and stared at the bottle of honey in Grandma Shouyue's hand.

"Imperial concubine, before she entered the palace, she, Ama Qingtai, was the internal leader of the house... Qingtai was in charge of those sweethearts, wasn't she?!"

Guan Lan thought for a while, "Honey must be used to make pastries... Then he must have honey households under his command to offer honey to the inner court." After all, it was more than 30 years ago, and Guan Lan didn't know it clearly.

Concubine Dun knew about it, because she, Ama, was old and had been an official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for many years, and these things were all in her memory.

Ama said that the green osmanthus honey used by the imperial concubine is very special. Not every honey family can bring the green osmanthus honey into the imperial concubine's palace; it seems that the green osmanthus honey used by the imperial concubine only comes from her own mother on a tree at home.There are even private rumors from the old people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the emperor and the imperial concubine got married in the flower field back then.

Concubine Dun nodded, "Okay, bring me that honey!"
On the third day of the first lunar month, four days later than the full-term delivery period, Concubine Dun was in pain for many days, and finally gave birth to a little princess.

According to the sequence of teeth, it is the ten princesses.

The timing was also a coincidence, and even Grandma Shouyue said that she was afraid that the green osmanthus honey really had an effect, restoring Concubine Dun's strength and speeding up the labor process.If you don't continue to toss so much, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although Concubine Dun didn't like to listen, she listened quietly and held back her unhappiness.

She even ordered Guan Lan to kowtow to the imperial concubine herself, and thank the imperial concubine for her and the little princess's kindness.

Guan Lan was ordered to leave, went to the east ear room of the back hall of Yangxin Hall, knelt down in front of Wanxi and said respectfully, "...the ten princesses were all blessed by the master of the imperial concubine, so they finally came into the world smoothly. Originally, the ten princesses were a few days late Even the grandma Shouyue and the doctors said that the ten princesses are just waiting for the grace of the imperial concubine and master to act like a baby to the empress~"

Yuchan couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Wanxi listened with a smile, and nodded, "Okay. Call Concubine Dun to give birth to a good child, and you also take good care of the tenth princess. I will go to see the child on the day of the little full moon."

After Guanlan left, Yuchan sighed and said softly, "Anyway, fortunately Concubine Dun gave birth to a princess."

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "...Since the day of conception, the male and female veins have already been determined. A good doctor can know it in his heart."

Yuchan just laughed, "The master already knew what she would give birth to, didn't he? That's why the master didn't take Concubine Dun's matter to heart - how many people in the harem were waiting for the master to quarrel with Concubine Dun, and in the end the master So calm and breezy, it turns out that everything is under control.”

Wanxi lowered her head and sighed softly, "It's nothing to worry about, just because she is also a woman with a Han surname, I can't possibly quarrel with her. Otherwise, wouldn't it be that I fell into the arms of other people? At that time, it will eventually hurt It's us, and it will implicate Xiao Shiwu and Xiao Shiqi."

What's more, Wanxi's status and age are placed here. If she really wants to fight Concubine Dun, then Wanxi will lose her status from the beginning.

Yuchan also nodded, "Yes, at that time, the reputation of Han women will be damaged, and someone will take advantage of this to make trouble, and they will say what happened to you, master..."

Wanxi nodded quietly, "In this harem, it's actually easy to fight; on the contrary, it's only after many years of experience that you don't fight."

Only then did Yuchan feel relieved, and stepped forward to help Wanxi tuck the quilt up again, "Since that's the case, the slave can rest assured. Otherwise, the slave will feel sorry for the master."
That night, although the emperor was busy during the New Year, Wanxi lived in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the emperor could walk over at any time with just a few steps, so the two could see each other every day.

Wanxi smiled and said, "Congratulations to the emperor."

The emperor sat down and said softly, "I heard that the green osmanthus honey you rewarded helped a lot."

Wanxi bowed her head with a smile, "Because she has grown up, Concubine Dun seems to have grown up."

The matter of Wanxi rewarding Qing Guimi, she never wanted to mention it in front of the emperor.Wanxi has never been the one to take credit for it, let alone this idea of ​​honey, which is a trivial matter, so there is no need to mention it.

But the emperor still found out at this moment, obviously it was Concubine Dun who sent someone to report.

The emperor sighed softly, "Grow up? Look at me, she has been in the palace for 12 years, but her temperament has not changed much."

Wanxi smiled softly, "Perhaps, this is also a good thing."

There is no shortage of people in the harem who are ever-changing, but they are so consistent in temperament, which is easier to understand.

——From this point of view, Concubine Dun's temperament may be comparable to Nala's back then.

Wanxi gently stroked the tassel of the rosary in her hand, "Since Concubine Dun has given birth to a daughter, and has already passed the canonization ceremony, the emperor should designate a palace for Concubine Dun alone."

Concubine Dun was conferred the title of concubine when she was at the Summer Resort in September, so the emperor and Wanxi have not designated a separate palace for her to live in.

Even though they have been conferred concubines, after returning to the capital from the Summer Resort, both Wanxi and Concubine Dun once lived with the emperor in the Hall of Mental Cultivation in October.

It's just that there is a difference in status. Wanxi lives in the East Nuan Pavilion of the back hall, and Concubine Dun raises her baby in the enclosure during the day.

Therefore, it has not been formally discussed which palace the newly appointed Concubine Dun will live in.

Moreover, the emperor originally lived in Yuanmingyuan mainly throughout the year, and he only stayed in the palace for a few days. Therefore, the emperor led the harem to stay in Yuanmingyuan... and did not return to the palace until the Empress Dowager's birthday.

Now that it's all ripe, it's time to formally discuss this matter.

The emperor bowed his head and said, "Since Concubine Wan has already moved back to Yonghe Palace, then Mrs. Wang should stay in Yikun Palace."

Wanxi smiled and lowered her head, jokingly said, "Yikun Palace is also good. Firstly, it is not far from the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and secondly, the status wants to be respected."

Wanxi said this because Yikun Palace is located to the north of Yongshou Palace, and Yongshou Palace is separated from Yangxin Palace; moreover, when Nala was in the middle palace, he lived in Yikun Palace. This Yikun Palace used to be the queen's middle palace and had its own status.

The emperor raised his eyes slightly, "Yes, I also think that Yikun Palace is the most suitable for her. Firstly, her temperament is indeed similar to Nala's; secondly, 'Yikun' is a good name!"

Wanxi coughed softly, "My master's arrangement is always the best decision."
According to royal tradition, after New Year's Day is spent in the Forbidden City, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month will be spent in Yuanmingyuan.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the emperor sent the empress dowager to stay in Yuanmingyuan.

Wanxi was weak, so the emperor stopped Wanxi, and didn't tell her to ride hard in this cold winter, and stayed in the palace to support her.

Although the emperor was not there, Wanxi was not allowed to return to his Chuxiu Palace, but kept Wanxi in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.The emperor also left Concubine Wan and Concubine Ying to accompany Wanxi.

Before leaving, the emperor grabbed Wanxi's hand, "My lord will send the empress dowager there first, and tomorrow will only be delayed for one day, and I will return to the palace the day after tomorrow. You should be fine."

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, Master. With Sister Chen and Gao Wa, everything will be fine for me."

As soon as the emperor's holy driver left, Wanxi was about to go down to the ground.

Yuchan was so startled that she hurried forward, "Master, what are you going to do?"

Wanxi stood up resolutely, and said with a smile, "Shh... let's go quietly to see your seventh princess."

Yuchan's knees softened and she almost fell to her knees, "Master, you can't do it!"

Wanxi wanted to laugh, but couldn't, so she could only stand up straight, and looked up into the distance.

"Yuchan, don't stop me. While I'm in good health for the past two days, at least tell me to go and see that child."

The older ones are Chinese New Year, but the younger Shishi and Lawang haven't come to pay her respects for several days.This is not right.

And Sister Chen, although she often came to see her these days, she could clearly see that Sister Chen's face was full of exhaustion, and her eyes were red and bloodshot.

The intersection of Sister Chen, Lawang, and Xiaoshiwu is naturally Xiaoqi.

Something must have happened to Xiao Qi.

—— During the Chinese New Year this year, Xiao Qi was unable to enter the palace to pay her respects.Mother and daughter must be connected in heart, even if the daughter doesn't come, she has vaguely noticed it in her heart.

"Yuchan, if you still stop me today, do you think I will regret it one day?"

Yuchan trembled, tears almost fell down.Finally, he nodded resolutely, "The slave will go with the master!"
On the ninth day of the first lunar month, Wanxi finally went to Princess Hejing's mansion and met Xiaoqi.

Sure enough, Xiao Qi lay down on the couch, already too weak to sit up.

But seeing Enie coming, Xiao Qi still grabs Lawang with all his strength, and Lawang supports him with his body, and Xiao Qi barely supports himself.

When Wanxi saw her, her heart was already broken, she stepped forward and held her daughter down, "Lie down, don't get up!"

Xiao Qi tried her best to laugh, "Ene, why are you here? My daughter is fine, she has a little problem since she was a child, she coughs every autumn and winter... this year she is a little short of breath, that's why she didn't enter the palace to say New Year greetings to Ene , Ernie, don't worry."

Wanxi suppressed her heartache, and tried her best to smile, "I know, I'm not worried about you, I just went to Yuanmingyuan because of your Huang Ama, and it's rare for me to be idle in the palace. I'll come and see you."

Wanxi grabbed her daughter's hand and patted it lightly, "Your Majesty, on the second day of the Lunar New Year's Day, you made a decree that the sons born to the princess in Beijing can also inherit the rank of the forehead... Daughter married out of the house, on the day of returning home to celebrate the New Year, your Huang Ama's will to choose that day shows your Huang Ama's intentions."

"Liansheng, your Huang Ama and I both hope that you will get well soon and give birth to a son for Lawang, just in response to your Huang Ama's will."

Xiao Qi smiled palely, "Yes, my daughter will definitely get better as soon as possible."

Lawang was by the side, already heartbroken, but he knew Xiaoqi's heart best, so he tried his best to accompany Xiaoqi to Wanxi, grinning.

"Returning to A Niang, the emperor's heart, son and Xiao Qi will always remember Wu Nei - the emperor takes care of everything every day, but every five days he will come out of the palace in person to see Xiao Qi."

It was only when Wanxi knew this that she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, her heart was both sweet and bitter.

The sweet thing is that the emperor can go out of the palace to visit Xiaoqi so frequently, and it is at the busiest time of the year at the end of the year and the beginning of the year; the bitter thing is - being able to make the emperor come to visit so frequently makes her love for Xiaoqi even more solid. Seven illnesses worry about going.

But the more this is the case, the more difficult it is to say it in front of the child at this time.

Wanxi's urgency made her feel her qi and blood surge up, and her breath hit her throat.My throat became sweet and dry, and I felt like coughing again.

But at this time... it is not possible.

Wanxi tried her best to hold back, and said a lot of words with Xiaoqi, recalling the past when she was a child, and talking about her vision for the future.

Until Xiaoqi snuggled into Lawang's arms, squeezed Wanxi's hand tightly and said, "Enie, my daughter is a little tired... Enie also go back to the palace to rest. My daughter can't personally escort her, so I ask Lawang to send Enie all the way." Go back to the palace, okay?"

Wanxi endured her reluctance and had no choice but to get up.

In the end, I tried my best to hold my daughter tightly, only to realize that my daughter was already thin, and her small bones were as small as when she was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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