Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2612, Volume 9, 94 Mother Yi Tianxia 【End】

Chapter 2612 Nine Volumes 94 Mother Yi Tianxia [End of Text]

[Hongxiu Tianxiang's new serialized article: "Young Marshal, Madam is Divorcing Again"]
In the 60th year of Qianlong, on the first day of the first lunar month, there was a solar eclipse.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it was originally a full moon night, but there was another lunar eclipse.

Such a celestial aspect of the sun and the moon makes people feel a little uneasy.

A solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse alone is enough to alert the royal family, let alone such a double loss of the sun and the moon.

Especially at this time, the once wise and mighty emperor was already old, so he had been cautious in the harem before, and he would never dare to make any mistakes in this first month.

The front court and the harem all followed the same path of one person, and that was He Shen, the emperor's close minister at this time.

I can't remember how long it has been, the aged emperor began to immerse himself in his own world.No one can guess his thoughts; no one can even understand his words.

After all, he is old, so old that his words are inconsistent; he is a person with deep thoughts, once his words are so unpredictable, no one can get close to his heart.

The fifteen sons of the emperor and Prince Jia Yongyan accompany the emperor every day and never leave him. However, the prince is noble and follows the ancestral family law of the Qing Dynasty. Making friends with Yan——except for Prince Jia Yongyan, there is only one foreign minister who can get along with the emperor every day, and that is He Shen.

Therefore, He Shen was the only choice to go to the harem before.

He Shen accepted the gift, but he just smiled elegantly, and responded lightly, "Although the sun and the moon are double eclipses this year, it has been 60 years since the Emperor Yuji. It's a Jiazi, and how many times have I experienced solar and lunar eclipses?" ? It’s just that we feel frightened, but the emperor has already calmed down.”

"Please go back and rest assured, it's a double eclipse of the sun and the moon, but the sky above our heads can't be changed."

The doubts of the people who came to ask for a way dissipated, and He Shen stood on the tall building of his mansion, looking at the backs of those people, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

How many of these fools became officials earlier than him, but they have been with the king for so many years in vain, and they have not been able to grasp the emperor's mind.Now they want to come to his door, no matter what he says, they can only believe it.

Liu Quan, the slave of Heshen's family, said softly, "Master, we have received a lot of expensive gifts today. The slaves have been registered and kept in the warehouse."

He Shen smiled triumphantly, "I am happy with this solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. If there is no such a eclipse, how can they panic like ants in a hot pot, begging me in a hurry? I hope that from now on, every year The annual solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse have become a good way for us to collect money while sitting at home."

Liu Quan also laughed, "What master said is true. As long as our emperor lives as long as the sky, then master's fortune will last forever."

He Shen nodded and looked up at the sky, "So I said, the sky above my head will not change. No one in this world wishes the emperor more than me, long live, long live."
The two master and servant talked complacently for a while, but Liu Quan was still a little inappropriate, and said in a low voice, "Master really thinks that this day won't change?"

After all, they are all ordinary people, and the sky is abnormal this day, and Liu Quan also has some ghosts in his heart.

He Shen bowed his head and said softly, "I just hope that the emperor will live forever, but I also understand in my heart that this can only be a wish."

In recent years, the emperor's speech has become more and more difficult for anyone to understand. No one is more aware of the seriousness of this situation than He Shen.

As shrewd as he is, how come he doesn't understand, it's time to prepare for himself.

"I just let them continue to think that if the emperor refuses to give up his power, then they won't guess who the prince is; but I have to pay more attention to the prince—only the civil and military officials in the court don't know what the prince is. I am the only one who belongs to Chujun's family first, and then he will not be able to leave me when the Chujun ascends the throne."

He Shen's wishful thinking was clanging loudly.If this is the case, when the prince succeeds to the throne, he will still be the number one person who cannot be separated from the emperor.

Then his power is so powerful that he can successfully complete the handover and change.
As shrewd as He Shen, he never expected that the old emperor, who was over eighty years old and could barely speak clearly, would still do something that surprised him.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, although the solar and lunar eclipses had just passed, the royal family of the Qing Dynasty was still celebrating the New Year lively, but the highlight of the new year was moved from the Forbidden City to the Old Summer Palace.

On this day, the octogenarian emperor personally visited the Fengsan Selfless Hall in the Old Summer Palace, and gave banquets to the prince, grandson, great-grandson, grandson of the emperor, and prince.

On such occasions, the emperor will definitely send rewards of silver to the princes and grandchildren.

But on this day, only the fifteenth son of the emperor and Prince Jia Yongyan's favor was missing.

All the princes and grandchildren knelt down and thanked the emperor. Although Yong Yan didn't get the reward, he also saluted.

The emperor looked old and dim, but he also looked at Yong Yan, who was saluting respectfully, and nodded with a smile, "Prince Jia, what do you want money for?"

Yong Yan's expression became alarmed, he didn't dare to show joy, he just bowed his head and bowed, "But with the reward from the emperor's father..."

What Yong Yan meant was: "I'll take whatever you give me; or you can give it or not."

After the emperor and Yong Yan finished speaking, everyone didn't understand.

However, the emperor has been like this in recent years, and people don't understand a lot, so they are used to it.Since everyone couldn't understand the emperor's words, so it is possible that Prince Jia could not understand, then the conversation between father and son before was like a chicken talking to a duck. It was just Prince Jia's obedience and no practical significance.
Unexpectedly, two days later, and on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, the emperor suddenly decreed that on the second day of the second lunar month, he would go to Chuanxin Hall to offer sacrifices.

The emperor said, "In the sixth year of Qianlong's reign, I personally offered sacrifices to the Chuanxin Hall. Next year, when I will return to power, I should personally perform the ceremony."

The emperor's decree is like throwing a huge stone in the court hall, immediately smashing the seemingly calm water into huge waves thousands of feet high!
——What is shocking is not that the emperor who is over eighty years old still has to go to sacrifices and participate in the sutra banquet; but that the emperor once again clearly stated that next year is the time to return to power!
The length of the emperor's reign was unprecedented in the Qing Dynasty.The ministers seemed to have gotten used to the emperor's leadership, so they seemed to have forgotten that the emperor was over eighty years old, and after all, he was going to hand over the throne to the prince.

Under such a misunderstanding, the ministers also thought that the emperor was used to Gan Gang's arbitrariness, and although he was old, he still didn't want to give up the power of the emperor.Therefore, the emperor must not want to give up the throne to the prince-so there is no crown prince registered yet.

But the emperor is also surprised that he has not stopped expressing all kinds of hints in the decree all these years, and he will return to power next year.

So here comes the most important question: Who will the emperor "return" the great power to?
Only when the crown prince has been established, can there be such a term as "returning to power".But which prince did the emperor appoint?

Such a guess is enough to drive the court ministers crazy.Under such a pattern of one emperor and one courtier, as a minister, he does not know which prince is the crown prince. If he guesses wrong and is in the wrong team, then after the new emperor ascends the throne, even if he is a courtier It may not be a catastrophe, but it is also possible that all these years of management have been in vain~~.
The emperor's sudden decree made He Shen feel quite ashamed.

All the ministers who gave him generous gifts and heard that the emperor did not intend to establish a crown prince all looked at him strangely.

The emperor's decree is almost equivalent to the court giving him a big mouth, calling him the "first emperor's close minister", almost unworthy of this title.

After leaving the Old Summer Palace, He Shen had a tense face all the way back home.

Liu Quan hurriedly persuaded, "Master, don't take it too seriously. Maybe this is just what the emperor said... Where is the prince now, where is the emperor's prince? Who will he 'return to the government'?"

"It must be that the emperor is getting old, and he has no one to tell the truth, so he started talking nonsense. There is no crown prince, where did he come to 'return to the government'?!"

But He Shen shook his head, "We all thought that the emperor was old and confused... But you see, he made this decree just after the banquet given by the princes and grandchildren of the Palace of Selflessness. The timing is not only not stupid, but too It's thoughtful."

He Shen closed his eyes, "The Palace of Chuanxin...the emperor insisted on going to the Palace of Chuanxin for a personal sacrifice. The word 'Chuanxin' sounds more profound."

Liu Quan persuaded, "My humble opinion, it might not be true, isn't it? Isn't the Hall of Chuanxin a place for sutra banquets? It's called 'Chuanxin', but it has nothing to do with Chuanxin, does it?"

He Shen laughed silently, "Really? But did you know that next to the Chuanxin Hall is the Fengxian Hall! —— that is the family temple of the Aixinjueluo royal family!"

Liu Quan also trembled, and glanced at his master worriedly, "Then what does the master mean... the emperor has really secretly appointed the crown prince? Master, who is the elder brother?"

Liu Quan's doubts are justified.Because just two years ago, when the English envoy Margani led a delegation to meet, the emperor told them that he had opposed the prince's thoughts—the emperor praised the fifth elder brother Yongqi at that time, saying that he had once I was optimistic about Yongqi, but it's a pity that Yongqi died~~
The fact that he said something like that the year before last proved that the emperor hadn't established a crown prince until then!

How come there was no such thing as Ying'er the year before last, but this year there is suddenly talk of "returning to politics"?how can that be possible?
He Shen lowered his head and said slowly after a long while, "We thought we had the emperor's thoughts in our palms, but we didn't know until today. We were afraid that we were wrong, and we were wrong a long time ago."

"What the emperor said today is not stupid, I'm afraid he understands it in his heart! He may have indeed secretly established the crown prince, but he just deliberately messed up the game so that we have not been able to see it clearly over the years..."

Liu Quan was also a little scared, and hurriedly said, "Master, what should we do?"

He Shen took a deep breath, "We must find this person and try to be the first person to support him before the emperor formally decrees to appoint the crown prince!"

It's September again, it's September.

The emperor, who had just finished his Longevity Day, turned his head to look at his side...

She was smiling, still looking so young and beautiful.

She left for 20 years; but her voice and smile never aged because of this.Whenever he looked at her, she could always bring him back to that time.

At that time, she still looked like a begonia flower that was very pale and very bright.

And he was still in his thirties, the most mature and wisest time for an emperor and a man.

He stared at her smile for a long time, then nodded with a smile, "Jiu'er, it's time."

September was her month, just after his Longevity.

He liked this month, he decided, and it was the best month.
He Shen is used to seeing the emperor's true feelings at this moment, the way he smiles tenderly and speaks softly to the people in the void at this moment.

Today's words are even more thunderous to He Shen!
He's sure who the crown prince is!
On the second day of September, He Shen hurriedly went to the Xiefang Hall where Prince Jia lived, and personally presented a jade ruyi to the fifteenth elder brother.

Although He Shen didn't dare to say anything clearly, the special meaning of Yu Ruyi is already self-evident-the one who chooses, bestows Yu Ruyi.

He Shen thought he was smart, but he didn't expect the [-]th elder brother Yong Yan to just smile indifferently, without any expression of surprise or joy.
On the third day of September, the emperor summoned his sons, grandsons, kings, princes, ministers, etc. to attend the Palace of Qinzheng in the Yuanmingyuan.

Declare the favor: make the fifteenth son of the emperor, Prince Jia Yongyan, the crown prince.In the next year, Bingchen will be the first year of Jianyuan and Jiaqing.

"Decree: Zhen Yin Shao Piji, Fu Sui Fang Xia. At the beginning of practice, he burned incense and prayed silently to heaven. If he is blessed, he will reign for 60 years and he will pass on to his heir. I dare not go to the same emperor's ancestor in the 61st year of the era. Counting, at that time, I didn't take into account that there were six years in my eighties..."

"The reason why I didn't immediately establish a crown prince was that the imperial edict was issued in the scriptures, and it was repeatedly stated...the Taizu, Taizong, and Shizu of our dynasty did not intend to establish a crown prince. The crown prince. Later, he was tempted by Xiao Xiao, and he also suffered from chronic diseases, so he couldn't just accept it."

"I have inherited the family law, and after I have practiced marriage, I don't want to establish a heir. The second son of the emperor was born to the empress Xiaoxian, and his name was written. Following the example of the emperor's examination, he stored it on the Zhengda Guangming tablet. I didn't care about it. I can't afford to have no salary for a year." The emperor specifically stated that Yonglian's early death was exactly "unbearable" the emperor's order.

"In the winter solstice of the Guisi year, the southern suburbs worshiped, and prayed to God in the name of the appointed prince. He also silently prayed for the appointed prince. If he can't bear the load, he will be punished immediately, so that the ministers can get another Jian Yuanliang, thinking that the ancestors will be far away. Boundless blessings. When I visited the ancestral mausoleum in Shengjing, I respectfully told Taizu Taizong the lessons from heaven. Although I did not know the establishment of a heir, the plan for Zong Er was actually planned early." The emperor also named Yong Yan, First report to God, and then report to Ming Taizu Taizong, hoping that if he is also "unbearable" like Yong Lian, he should find someone else - but Yong Yan has grown up safely, married and had children, which is enough to prove that God allows , Ancestral identification.

"As soon as I grow up to fast, the crown prince will move to Yuqing Palace to be appointed as the heir."

The position of crown prince Yongyan has been determined, and the emperor will be determined next:

"The birth mother of the crown prince, Ling Yi, the noble concubine, was presented as empress Xiaoyi, and she was promoted to the first hall, next to empress Xiaoxian. The ceremony should be performed, and the government will check and play according to the regulations."

Wanxi, a woman with a Han surname born in Xinzheku, finally officially became the empress of the Qing Dynasty at this moment.

Although it was 20 years late, based on her background, it was absolutely impossible to become a queen, let alone have a son as a crown prince... But because of the emperor's love and preference, and because of her own gentleness, she became the queen of the Qing Dynasty. The only queen with a Chinese surname, who has never been seen before, and who will never come after.

There are so many resentful women in the deep palace, it's rare not to regret it.

Only Wei Wanxi, who lived in the harem for 30 years, left without complaint or regret, and slept forever with a smile on her face.

[End of the text - there will be a bit of an end from tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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