Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2613 Volume 1 Don't Like That Girl

Chapter 2613 Ten Volume 1 Don't Like That Girl
[The tenth volume, "Regathering" outside the episode - is the continuation of Chongjiu, and it is also picking up the bits and pieces that the main text failed to take into account. 】

In July of the 47th year of Qianlong, Yikun Palace.

Everyone is busy and beaming.

It's all because of "Yikun Palace Gege"—that is, the eldest Gegediya of the Nine Princesses, who was married by the emperor on July [-]th!

The son-in-law that the emperor referred to for his beloved little granddaughter was Linqin Dorji, son of Kungrabutan, Prince of Horqin Zhuoliketu.The emperor also specially decreed: "Linqin Dorji, don't have to wait until he is old, that is, he should be rewarded with the first-class Taiji title, and he will still be rewarded with Hualing."

In addition to being a prince, Deya's in-law's family is also well-known - the first Zhuo Wang is Ukeshan, the eldest brother of Prince Darhan Manzhu Xili and Empress Xiaozhuang Wen Bumbutai.Deya's youngest son-in-law, Linqin Doerji, is the prince of Horqin Zuozhong Banner, and also the younger generation of Empress Xiaozhuang Wen's natal family.

Princess He Jing, born of the Emperor Yuan's wife, was also married to their family, and she was the descendant of Prince Darhan Manzhu Xili.

Wu Keshan was the first prince conferred by the Qing Dynasty in the first year of Chongde, and also the first prince of Kezuo Zhongqi, 23 years earlier than Manzhu Xili was conferred the title of Prince Darhan.

Therefore, from this point of view, Xiao Gege's in-law's family is even higher than that of Princess Hejing's in-law's family.

The emperor found such a family for his granddaughter, which shows his love for this little grandson; it can also be seen from it that the emperor misses and loves the imperial concubine Ling Yi and his daughter Princess Jiu—he has never forgotten the love for his grandson. The promise of the wife and daughter to take good care of the children, so good that it can't be better.

The Seventh Princess was born on July [-]th, and the Ninth Princess was born on July [-]th. The emperor made a special trip to marry Xiao Gege on July [-]th.Although the two daughters are no longer alive, in his heart, he has never forgotten these two beloved daughters.

Following the emperor's will, the heads of the palaces, along with the clan prince Fujin, and the various Mongolian palaces in Beijing, all asked to enter the palace to congratulate.
After the nine princesses passed away in the 45th year of Qianlong, Da Gegediya was taken into the palace by the emperor in February of the 46th year of Qianlong to raise him.

A granddaughter was not placed in Duanzemen like the other granddaughters of the emperor, but was taken into the inner court; she even lived directly in Yikun Palace with the tenth princess.

After Concubine Dun had beaten to death an official woman in Yikun Palace and demoted her throne four years ago, the emperor simply asked Concubine Dun to move out of Yikun Palace—the emperor didn't believe in Concubine Dun's character, but was worried. She taught the children badly.

Concubine Rong moved in to take care of the tenth princess, and Deya lived in Yikun Palace like this, so she was naturally under the care of Concubine Rong.

——This is just like the mother-daughter relationship between Princess Nine and Concubine Rong, which was renewed after the death of Princess Nine.

Therefore, Concubine Rong's affection for Deya is deep.Although Concubine Rong's status at this time is to bear the status of raising her as a princess, but from the bottom of her heart, Concubine Rong's affection for Deya is not only not inferior to that of the ten princesses, but even worse than that of the ten princesses.

Concubine Rong was overjoyed when De Jagege received such good news.Hurriedly went to the small Buddhist hall to offer incense, and told the news to Emperor Lingyi and the ninth princess, so that their mother and daughter could feel at ease—although they were gone, but with the emperor taking care of him so carefully, De Yagege would not be affected. The grievance is that the living expenses are more than the granddaughters of the emperor, which is no different from the ten princesses every day.

Wanbi walked in, and the two of them greeted each other, Wanbi's nose was a little sour.

Every July, I always think of the Seventh Princess who was born in July.

Concubine Wan sighed softly, "It just so happens that this little son-in-law, Linqin Dorji, has an older brother, also named Lawang."

Concubine Rong hurriedly helped Concubine Wan, carefully persuading her, "Sister Chen misses Princess Seven again..."

Concubine Wan sighed softly, "I am the only one who misses it? You see, the emperor specially rushed in July to marry us De Yagege, why didn't he think of Liansheng..."

Although Deya is the daughter of Princess Nine, but in terms of affection, why isn't she also the child of Princess Seven?

What's more, the child's appearance has inherited the eyebrows and eyes of the ninth princess, so no matter how it looks, it still has the shadows of Emperor Ling Yi and the seventh princess.
Now that De Ya has been accused of marriage, preparations for the marriage are officially on the agenda.

Besides, at this time, Deya and the tenth princess are both full of age, and it's time to go to school.

——Princesses and princesses are girls' families after all, and they don't have to be raised as strictly as the princes and grandchildren of the Qing Dynasty, so girls enter school later than boys.Boys have to enter school at the virtual age of six, and girls only need to be at the virtual age of eight.

Moreover, it is inconvenient for the girls to leave the inner court, so it is not suitable to study in the upper study, they only go to school in the inner court.

But even so, there are still some regulations for princesses and princesses to enter school, and they will not be lowered - so princesses and princesses also have to choose daughters from honorable families to enter the palace to serve as attendants.

At this time, the emperor was in the summer resort, and the matter of choosing attendants for the old girl and the little granddaughter was handed over to the fifteenth elder brother to watch in person.

The fifteenth elder brother Ben also drove to Rehe, just because of the alleged marriage of his niece Deya, so he drove back from Rehe to the capital to celebrate his niece.

Although Deya is only the niece of the fifteenth elder brother, she is the only child left by the fifteenth elder brother's two sisters. Therefore, for the fifteenth elder brother, Deya is even more attentive than his own daughter.

Brother Fifteen returned to Beijing in this way, and it happened that the Ministry of Rites reported the selected girl attendant to Brother Fifteen.

Elder Brother Fifteen saw the chosen person—the daughter of Gong Ala, the Niu Hulu family—and frowned.

Brother Fifteen's expression and thoughts, even if other people can't understand, how can he hide it from Mao Tuan'er?
Mao Tuan'er understood that Brother Fifteen didn't like girls from the Niu Hulu family.

Niu Hulu's family is noble and is known as the "Phoenix Nest House". two.

When the old master Ling Yi, the imperial concubine, was alive, these three women from Niu Hulu's family did not lack to make things difficult for the imperial concubine and the master, and the fifteenth elder brother was thinking about it~
But after all, I couldn't explain this clearly to the officials of the Ministry of Rites. The officials of the Ministry of Rites kept talking about how beautiful this girl is, how gentle her words and deeds are. He insisted that Brother Fifteen couldn't veto it face to face, and he couldn't find a suitable reason.

Brother Fifteen was depressed.

Mao Tuan'er didn't say anything at the time, but came out as soon as he turned around that night, secretly inquiring about the net worth of this Niu Hulu girl.
That night, Brother Fifteen was working hard in the study again, and Mao Tuan'er laughed when he came in, "Brother, that little girl from Niu Hulu's family doesn't look like a 'wolf'."

Elder Brother Fifteen raised his eyes, "Adventurous made me happy again—how many women from Niu Hulu's family in this harem, which one doesn't have a wolf in their heart?"

Mao Tuan'er laughed.If Brother Fifteen said such things, he would speak frankly in front of him.

Mao Tuan'er understood that the harder Brother Fifteen said, the more he missed his mother, and the more he felt sorry for his mother's experience in the harem.

Mao Tuan'er sighed softly and said, "Why does this old slave like the women of this family? But if there is even the slightest bit of wolfishness, this old slave will never say a word for her! But this girl—not only Without the wolf nature, the old slave feels that she and our imperial concubine and master have some predestined relationship."

Elder Brother Fifteen raised his eyebrows, "How did Wenda say that?"

Mao Tuan'er also sighed, her heart trembled slightly, "...you know, my elder brother, this girl's birthday is on the tenth day of October, and she was born in the 41st year of Qianlong's reign."

The year is exactly one year after the death of the imperial concubine, and the date is exactly "one" later than the imperial concubine and master.

Brother Fifteen was stunned and stared at Mao Tuan'er for a while.

"Is it such a coincidence?" Yong Yan lowered his eyes slightly, "Then tell her to come into the palace and have a look."

He himself was born in the 25th year of Qianlong, and the girl was born in the 41st year of Qianlong. In this way, the girl happened to be 16 years younger than him.
On the day when the girl entered the palace, Elder Brother Fifteen was busy with his business, so he was half a day late before going to Yikun Palace.

His niece and sister live in Yikun Palace. Although he is an adult prince, he has a good reason to come here to visit these two.

Concubine Rong knew what Elder Fifteen was here for, so she said with a smile, "Deya just played on the swing with Princess Ten, and I'm tired from playing now, so I just took a break. Little Shiwu, you might as well go to the window under the porch to take a look ?”

Yong Yan nodded, walked to the corridor, hid his figure behind the window sash, and quietly looked into the open window.

Through the window screen, I saw that Deya was fast asleep on the kang.

Just beside the Kang, a little girl stood quietly, fanning Deya patiently...

In fact, there was no one in the hall, even if the girl didn't fan Deya, no one would see her.But she just took care of Deya spontaneously, and the quiet and soft expression on her face and eyes made people feel quiet.

Yong Yan couldn't help but met Concubine Rong's eyes, stepped away from the corridor, and said in a low voice when he was far away, "My son wants to ask that girl a few words, and I beg Concubine Rong's mother to help me."

Concubine Rong nodded with a smile, "Of course there are."
Concubine Rong asked someone to call the girl, and Yong Yan questioned her in the side hall.

In the end, the little girl had just entered the palace and met the prince for the first time, so it became a joke.

When the little girl entered, she saw an adult man sitting sideways.Because the inside of the hall was a little dark, she came in from the outside with bright light, so she couldn't see Yong Yan's face clearly for a while, only a silhouette could be seen clearly.

The little girl guessed that there was only one kind of person who could walk freely in the imperial palace.

So she opened her mouth and shouted, "Hello~"

Yong Yan was reading a book, when he was called out, he was so breathless that he choked on himself.

"Adventure? You say I'm a eunuch?" Yong Yan turned his head and looked at the little girl with wide eyes, and sneered out of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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