Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2849 Modern Chapter 148

Chapter 2849 Modern Chapter 148

Ming Xi panicked, trembling in Chen Gui's arms.

Damn it... Although she was flustered, she found that she was getting more and more - she didn't hate this feeling.

Even, when his lips fell at this moment, her trembling was not from her body, but from the depths of her soul.

She even, a little bit, began to like this taste...

God, at this moment, she began to understand more and more that what she was resisting was not him, let alone such a relationship.

What she resisted was—timing.

It is said that love is the right time to meet the right person.

But the encounter between her and him seemed a bit late.She doesn't reject him, but she hesitates about the 16-year age gap.

What's more, she hasn't graduated from university yet, and she hasn't experienced the real life yet. To accept such a relationship at this time, for her, it would be rash.

If only the age difference between him and her was smaller, if...the timing of their meeting was changed a little bit.

Then she will fall in love with him without hesitation, right?

How could she resist him like this?
She trembled but did not resist, how could she deceive him.

Fiery waves surged in his heart, and he couldn't hold back, he rubbed her even tighter into his arms, and his lips and teeth rolled and deepened...

She was panting softly and softly in his arms.

His heart beat faster and faster, as fast as a volcano, eager to roar.

My God, I'm 35 years old, so he has been waiting for such a girl, waiting for such a day, isn't he?
After so many years of refusing to get involved in clearing the market casually, there is always something different among the businessmen; and the business field is always like that, business is not discussed during the day, but often at night...

On those occasions, he sometimes went with clients a lot, but every time he refused to go into the water.

The client also joked that he liked men.Really took him to such a bar, let him order...

Later, he prevaricated and said that he fasted and kept the precepts, and he didn't touch meat.He even got a layman's card as a joke, which saved him all the trouble.

It’s just that when the night is quiet and he has worked overtime for a long time, he stands up and walks to the window, looking at his own shadow in the glass, he can’t help but ask the person in the mirror, “… What are you doing? Are you not afraid of being alone? ?”

He was afraid, he knew it.

In life, no one wants to be alone.

But he didn't know what he was waiting for, or what standard he was holding on to.

Until, when I came to this ancient Shenyang Forbidden City, I met her.

It was as if everything was so easily solved.
Until the sound of thumping footsteps came, the two hadn't let go of each other.

Until—the man screamed.

white rutabaga.

Bai Rui's loud voice filled the ears like a magic voice, and it especially had a wake-up effect on Miao Xi.Zhu Xi hurriedly pushed Chen Gui away, stepped back a few steps, and looked at Bai Rui in a panic.

Bai Rui pointed at the two of them, and stuttered, "I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Just Follow Up To Have A Look..."

How could I have imagined seeing the two of them like this.

"Bai Rui, listen to me," Minxi hurried up to grab her hand, "What...don't tell anyone!"

There is no way to deny it anymore, last time I could say something about bee bites, but this time I was caught, so I can only tell Bai Rui to keep his mouth shut.

"It doesn't matter if you tell me," Chen Gui smiled, "I wish the whole world would know."

(End of this chapter)

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