Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2850 Modern Chapter 149 Taken into a ditch

Chapter 2850 Modern Chapter 149 was taken into a ditch

"Don't talk nonsense!"

In desperation, she didn't have time to think, so she stepped forward and covered Chen Gui's mouth...

Until he covered it, he felt his lips in the palm of his hand.

Soft, and he squirmed deliberately, like a shallow kiss!

It was only then that Ming Xi realized what he was doing, as if bitten by a scalding snake, he quickly put down his hands and swung them vigorously in the air.

It was as if, by shaking her like this, he could get rid of the lip prints that he secretly imprinted on her palm.

But how sharp the white rutabaga is, I've seen it for a long time, so I couldn't help it, like a little chipmunk cupped its mouth with both hands, and laughed happily at that sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.

Zhu Xi was a little bit going crazy, but knew that he had no special power to erase Bai Rui's memory, so he could only stamp his feet at Chengui angrily, "You man, why are you talking nonsense!"
Mingxi was losing his temper, and on the surface he was indeed resisting.But Chen Gui's heart was already full of joy.

He thought, if he was a college boy who was about her age now, he would probably have confronted her head to head. Not only could he not understand her heart, but he would have sex with her, right?

However, he is a 35-year-old adult man. He has seen too many disturbances in this world, and now he has developed a pair of piercing eyes.

He could see her heart under her annoyance.

She didn't even know that her little action just now had unconsciously brought him closer.

People of the opposite sex cover their mouths without restraint, and the mouth is such a special organ, so only men and women who are particularly close can subconsciously be able to do this kind of action.

Except for the natural blood relationship between mother and child, siblings, and very few girls who are big enough to be best friends with boys... the rest of the girls must have the natural reserve of women in such actions.

But she did it directly without hesitation just now—she didn't know that she was already able to get so close to him.

As for the yelling in her mouth, the physical resistance - er, when is the girl most inarticulate?

—Girls in love.

She didn't know it herself, she had actually confessed her current situation to him!

"Then tell me, what should I say, what should I not say?" He held back his laughter, spoke softly, and continued to tease her.

Ming Xi was still in a blank state, and he just roared subconsciously, "You are not allowed to say any more ambiguous words about the relationship between the two of us!"

"Yes, as ordered." He blinked, "You must do it."

Only then did Zhu Xi realize that he, isn't he being ambiguous again? !
"Oh, you!" Zhu Xi stomped his feet on the spot again anxiously, "Why are you disobedient?"

Chen Gui raised his hand innocently, "I'm obedient...I'm the most obedient."

Bai Rui, who was watching the theater over there, was almost breathless with joy, but the poor Mi Xi was still struggling in the whirlpool.

It was still Bai Rui who smiled and ran over to hug Wuxi, "Okay, I'm so sorry. I understand it—no, I understood it a long time ago, and now you and Mr. Zhao have officially started! "

Zhu Xi was startled, and resisted vigorously, "Who said that? Damn Bai Rui, why are you talking nonsense with him?"

Chen Gui walked over in his spare time, stretched out his hand to hook Ming Xi's neck, leaned over from behind, and very naturally, kissed the corner of Ming Xi's mouth again.

"...If you say you don't like what we say, then we won't say it. We just get along with each other, and that's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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