Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2911 Modern Chapter 210 Be pampered like a daughter

Chapter 2911 Modern Chapter 210 Pampering like a daughter

What the doctor said is good, and Mingxi also understands that instead of letting the old man endure the torment of illness and continue to stay in this world, it is really better to let the old man go home with a smile when he is satisfied.

In the past two years, she has also understood the temperament of the old man-this old man will never let himself be covered with pipes in order to live a few more days, lingering like a living dead.

This old lady deserves dignity in life and death.

It's just that Ming Xi still can't bear it.

She was either in grief, or a kind of indescribable—reluctance.

When Chen Gui took the Zhao family busy with the funeral of the old lady, Mingxi still hid.She grabbed herself a glass of pink champagne and went up to the roof.

Pink—yes, pink.

The funeral that Chen Gui planned for the old lady was not black and white at all. Chen Gui mainly made the funeral into a pink sea of ​​joy.

Looking from the roof now, an arch made of pink balloons has been erected on the lawn outside.

Chen Gui said that for the last time, the old aunt should not be regarded as an old lady, let alone leave her; instead, she should be pampered like a little girl, like holding a birthday party for her.

Replace sorrow with joy, and death with birthdays.

With such good intentions, Minxi is really happy for the old lady—the old lady didn't love such a grandson in vain.

I believe that the old lady is in the sky at this moment, she must also be holding a glass of pink champagne, looking down at the happiness in the world.
Mingxi sat on the edge of the roof, trying hard to control her tears, not allowing herself to cry.

Inexplicably, she remembered a conversation the old lady had with her.

At that time, because of the age gap between her and Chen Gui, the old lady also asked her a few more words: "...Girl, you are not yet [-] years old this year, let's count as [-], why did you go to school so early? "

Zhu Xi laughed, "Maybe it's thanks to my parents who are both teachers, so I can have such an experience--I went to kindergarten when I was a child, and I didn't like it very much. I don't like the singing and dancing in kindergarten, especially I don't like having to go to school at noon. Kindergarten takes a nap, so when I go to kindergarten, I cry hard, or pretend to be sick."

"My parents really couldn't help it. When I was five years old, they put me in the elementary school attached to their university in advance."

"I went to elementary school when I was five years old. Our elementary school has always been an experimental elementary school because it is a university-affiliated elementary school, so it is a five-year school..."

The old lady Zhao Xingrong nodded with a smile, "I understand. You just started school early, and there were students who had a short school year in the middle. This is one step and two steps, and you have been ahead of others for several years."

Mingxi nodded with a smile, "It's all thanks to my parents being teachers, and it happened too early in the past. Nowadays, there are fewer opportunities like this."

When Zhu Xi said the last sentence, Zhao Xingrong was a little distracted.

Hearing Ming Xi calling her, she turned around and smiled softly, "...Go to school at the age of five? How can I remember, I really think I went to school at the age of five too?"

Mingxi smiled and said, "In your time, the little girls went to school, probably in their own private school, right? In the past, they were enlightened early, and it was not uncommon for them to go to school at the age of five."

Zhao Xingrong also laughed, "Yes, that's right..." She raised her hand and covered her head, "But why can't I remember the name of our private school all of a sudden?"

(End of this chapter)

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