Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2912 Modern Chapter 211 Next life

Chapter 2912 Modern Chapter 211 Next Life

At that moment, Zhu Xi hadn't heartlessly teased the old man, "...Could it be Sanwei Bookstore?"

The old lady seemed to have fallen into a big pit, instead of smiling, she was in a daze for a long time, and lost the interest to continue chatting.

That's how it went that day.

A few days later, when the old lady was talking to her again, she fell into a similar "big pit" again, took her hand and said to her, "Oh, I know Why our parents were born as a big boy, but they were born on July [-]th."

Mingxi nodded earnestly while peeling apples for the old man, "Tell me."

In the end, the old lady smiled mysteriously and said, "Because, you once gave birth to a girl who was seven; If the negative is positive, he has become a son."

Mingxi's heart was agitated at the time, and he almost didn't get cut on his finger by the peeling knife.

At that time, she knew that the old lady was not good. She was already on her deathbed, and she had already started talking nonsense.

——Of course, Ming Xi himself never gave birth to a daughter; the old lady herself was single all her life, so where did she ever give birth to a child?

Zhu Xi's intuition was right, the old lady's health has been getting worse and worse since that day.

On the day before the old lady left, she was afraid of scaring the child, and she wanted to hold Changsheng, but she refused to ask Chen Gui and her to bring the child.

In the end, the old lady said to Chen Gui with tears in her eyes, "...in the next life, I will be your elder. Let me protect you, let me protect you, ah."

At that moment, Chen Gui, who had been insisting on not shedding tears in front of the old lady, also burst into tears.

They all understood that the old lady was really out of her mind, and that the deadline had come.

——The old lady is their elder in this life, the old lady has done her best in this life, guarding them and covering them.

After the old lady finished saying that, she fell asleep with a smile on her face as if her wish had been fulfilled.

Ming Xi hugged Chen Gui and cried, and Chen Gui kissed Ming Xi's forehead forcefully, not only trying to comfort Ming Xi, but also trying to control his own tears.

He smiled forcefully and said, "Grandma said the opposite, what she wants to say is not about this life, but about the next life, because she has already done it in this life; perhaps, she is talking about the previous life?"

Ming Xi also nodded vigorously, "Yes... Our fate with my aunt is definitely not just such a short few decades. We, we must have met a long time ago, we must have been a family long, long ago .”


Mi Xi wiped away her tears vigorously and raised her glass to the sky.

"...I don't know if there is a previous life and a next life, but because of you old man, I hope that everyone has a past life and an afterlife. The fate of our encounter in this life is all carved on the Sansheng Stone."
Zhu Xi wiped away her tears and went downstairs, the guests had already gathered.

Everyone smiled, and each guest wore a pink flower on the collar that matched today's theme.

Most people wear pink carnations, which are the remembrance and praise of love and mother image.

Ming Xi didn't wear flowers, but went online to find online classes, and learned how to make a pink succulent flower - Begonia flower.

The grass flowers she made were by no means like beginners', she thought to herself, maybe it's because she has been a pastry for many years, and she is ingenious at least.

(End of this chapter)

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