Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 300 Insomnia

Chapter 300 Insomnia (2 more)
There was nothing to say that night, from the emperor to the guards, all were tired from the journey and fell asleep soundly.

It was the first time in Wanxi's life that she came back to the grassland and lived in a felt tent. She was both excited and unfamiliar, but turned over several times, but did not fall asleep.

Then I couldn't help but think of Yuqin again.

Sister Lu, who grew up in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, must have many discomforts when she comes to this grassland and sleeps in this felt tent, right?
Xianchun was so exhausted that he fell asleep with his head on the pillow.Wanxi didn't want to disturb Xianchun's dream, so she put on her clothes and got up to see Xiao You and Xiao Cun.

Although they also wandered along the way, they were a little tired; but after the days of recuperation in the Rehe Palace, they are already in good health.In such a dark day and midnight, they all closed their eyes and slept peacefully next to each other.

Wanxi couldn't help making faces at them: "I just know how to sleep, just sleep like a big fat bird."

Birds can't hear it at all.

Wanxi sighed, turned around and squatted down on the grass, muttering in a low voice: "I still want to ask you to help me make an idea, but you don't care about me. It's no use for me to treat you like that. Little heartless."

She is sad that this year she has been burdened with congratulations, and now the three mountains weighing on her heart are congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.

First of all, it was the big wedding gift owed to Jiuye, and then there was the gift for the little elder brother; I hadn't figured out the two gifts yet, but it turned out that there was another gift for fourth master.

She slapped herself on the head angrily: "You pig brain! Where have all those thoughts gone?"

She also gave Chen Guiren a gift. Although it was useless, Chen Guiren liked the gift very much.That incident didn't bother her at all, why was her mind empty when it came to these congratulatory gifts, why couldn't she come up with any good ideas?

When the head was hit like this, the soft bracelets on the wrists collided with each other, making a jingle.

She was startled, lowered her wrist, stared at the soft bracelet, and had a vague idea in her mind.

Here's a gift for Brother Jiu's family! .
Early the next morning, the emperor ordered the encirclement.

With a decree, the front and back palaces began to discuss in private.The women in the queen's tent also murmured in private: "It will take a day or two to complete the cloth encirclement, and then you can 'perform the encirclement' after 'watching the encirclement'. Look at what the emperor means, is it necessary to encircle on the day of the Longevity Festival?"

"It's not impossible to say that. After all, the emperor is scheduled to fall in August, and the emperor's longevity is in August. The emperor naturally takes this festival into consideration."

Wanxi couldn't help crossing her lips: "...Auntie, is it risky to ask Xingwei?"

Xianchun tilted his head and thought for a while: "Set up a circle of people, enclosing ferocious beasts, and surrounded by the Eight Banners Guards, Great Inner Guards, and the children of various clans, the Emperor's body is naturally like an iron bucket. Ordinarily, it is not likely There are risks."

Yinchun said: "That's what you said, but after all, the first emperor Yongzheng has not held an autumn festival for more than ten years. It is inevitable that this generation of guards, guards, and clans don't understand the rules that have been separated for more than ten years. If someone makes a mistake at that time, maybe there will be a beast rushing in?"

"Besides, it hasn't been autumn for more than ten years. It's unknown what huge monsters have grown in this mountain forest!"

A mother in the Queen's Palace came in to pick up a buddy, and when she heard the three girls say this, she also made up a sentence: "The girls are all young, maybe they don't know old things. To tell you the truth, our emperor When I was 12 years old, I came to Qiuxi with the holy grandfather, didn't I almost have a big accident?!"

 Third update later.

(End of this chapter)

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