Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 301 Premonition

Chapter 301 Premonition (3 more)
"Mom, what do you mean?"

Wanxi couldn't help but put down her work, stood up and asked.

The mother glanced up and down at Wanxi: "Hey, why is Miss Wan standing up in fright?"

Wanxi hurriedly smiled to cover it up, and said with a little embroidered pier, "I'm asking my mother to sit down and talk."

In the palace, the status of the mother was not as high as that of the official women, let alone the first-class and second-class women who were on business around the empress.It's not easy for her to get a seat in front of the women.

She said "Thank you for sitting" and sat down in front of the women.

"The girls don't know, they just come to Mulan paddock to watch deer, as if there are only deer and rabbits in this mountain forest. It's not true, our emperor met a big black bear when he was 12 years old! "

"Ah?" Wanxi, Xianchun and the others were shocked.

Their ancestors also came from outside the pass and entered the pass from the dragon, so they all heard stories from the elders.They have all heard that the old hunters outside the customs said that they would rather meet a tiger than a "blind bear" in the mountains and forests.This beast is the most difficult to deal with: it is tall, standing up like a human; it is strong, and its big bear paw can slap a person a couple of feet away; its skin is thick, and they always rub against pine trees in the forest. As long as the skin is thick, if you rub it with pine oil seeds all over your body, the skin will be impenetrable with knives and impenetrable for arrows.

That guy is still stubborn, if you dare to shoot it with an arrow or cut it with a knife, then as long as it is not dead, it will definitely retaliate.He would rather be bleeding, and chase the hunter all over the mountain until the hunter is exhausted to death, or he is caught alive and sits dead.

Even if experienced old hunters encounter them, instead of returning with a full reward, they usually have to lose half of their lives if they don't die.

Seeing that the girls were all frightened, the mother nodded seriously: "It's true. At that time, the holy grandfather shot the bear first with a musket, and the bear fell to the ground, thinking it was about to die. Yes. The holy grandfather tried to test our emperor's courage and asked our emperor to go and shoot again."

"Our emperor was only a 12-year-old child at that time. Just as he raised his horse to the front, the black blind man suddenly got up from the ground and rushed towards the emperor!"

"The guards and guards around were all frightened and stupid, and the guards couldn't catch up. The holy grandfather hurriedly fired his musket; even though our emperor was young, he was calm in the face of danger. He fired muskets in front of the big bear, and finally killed the blind bear. be beaten to death."

The mother was also full of fascination when she said it: "I heard that since that time, our holy grandfather has completely made up his mind, saying that his grandson is brave and resourceful, and he will definitely inherit his great cause..."

Even though it happened many years ago, even though the emperor was still fine at this time, hearing this story still made Wanxi break into cold sweat.Only now did he dare to let out a breath, and his spine was already covered in cold sweat.

Xianchun saw it, and scolded the mother: "No mother is just talking nonsense. How many years ago did this happen? Besides, the emperor is around, so it's unlucky for you to tell these stories! I would think that you cursed the emperor to meet Xiong Xiazi again this time! If the people in front of the imperial court heard about this, they wouldn’t be able to punish you?!”

The mother was also frightened, she didn't dare to talk anymore, she hurriedly got up to say goodbye, took her work and left.

Wanxi returned to the tent, and couldn't help muttering to the two birds: "... You said, isn't there always a blind bear in this mountain forest? Even if he met him back then, after more than ten years, he must It's impossible to meet again, is it?"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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