Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 302 Competing

Chapter 302 Competing (4 more)
The men at the Dragon Tent are all gearing up, wanting to show off in front of the emperor on the day of the siege.

Even the horses neighing in the harem.

Because the Qing Dynasty won the world immediately, the concubines in the harem who came from the Banner family also knew how to ride horses and shoot arrows.On the day of the emperor's siege, he was also allowed to mount a horse in the harem and go with him.

Compared with those men before, the women in the harem are actually more interested in competing.

The queen was still busy sewing her flannel bag, so even Suchun couldn't help persuading her: "Master, at least you should try it out on a horse. Even though you haven't been on a horse for a long time, but the master's riding skills are still outstanding. So fine, how can they compare?"

The queen said calmly: "There is no need to practice, after all, no one can compare to Concubine Jia this time."

Su Chun was stunned: "Master, why bother to say such a thing?"

The queen stopped her needlework, and looked at Suchun with raised eyes: "We have followed the emperor to stay at the Rehe Palace all this way, but Concubine Jia didn't live in the Rehe Palace, but came directly to the paddock first. You know her No hesitation, why are you here?"

Suchun also suddenly realized: "It turns out that Concubine Jia came to the paddock early to practice riding skills?!"

The queen sighed softly: "She, Ama, was originally the secretary of the Shangsi Academy. Her mother's family is in charge of the emperor's horse farm and horses. She grew up with horses since she was a child, and her riding skills are better than others."

"This time she said that she wanted to come to the paddock first, stand in front of the emperor, and fix the horses. But what she really wants, don't I understand?"

Su Chun could only shake her head, but there was nothing she could do.

The queen bowed her head and continued to embroider carefully: "It's a good thing to compete in horseback riding. If you win the championship, you will naturally gain the favor of the emperor. But this is only temporary. When Qiu Xi returns to the palace, the enthusiasm will dissipate. Then let them fight for it." Alright; I don’t want to fight for this item, I still concentrate on making this flannel bag.”

Suchun also laughed: "Master doesn't fight for a moment, what master wants to fight for is the emperor's heart."

The queen put down her needle and thread with a soft snort: "I'm just doing what a queen should do. If the mother of a country is like them, riding a horse and galloping, what's the point of it?"

Suchun raised her eyes and looked at the queen: "It's just that we just want to let Concubine Jia ride the dust like this?"

The empress stopped her sewing again, and sighed: "Even if there is no Concubine Jia, there is Concubine Chun. Concubine Chun already has a fourth elder brother, and now she is favored again in the palace. Maybe she will give birth to another prince?" Wouldn't it be a good thing for the entire Six Palaces to have Concubine Jia check and balance like this?"

Su Chun couldn't help reminding: "But master... don't forget, Concubine Jia also has an elder brother; if Concubine Jia is favored, wouldn't we have to watch Concubine Jia have two princes again?"

The queen frowned fiercely: "Yeah, thank you for reminding me, why did I forget? Both of them are people who already have princes. If they get another prince, the next position will be all up for grabs." It might be a noble concubine, or even an imperial concubine..."

Thinking of this, the queen suddenly raised her eyes and glanced at Suchun: "Can Wanxi know how to ride a horse?"

Suchun was stunned: "Wanxi? The slave doesn't know. Because the master has no intention of getting on the horse this time, so the people in our palace didn't practice. Could it be that the master means...?"

The queen snorted softly: "The word from my palace says that it is not suitable for me to mount a horse for a position in the middle palace, but the people in the palace are allowed to practice the day of the siege, and anyone who can mount a horse can go with him. "

(End of this chapter)

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