Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 303 Falling Down

Chapter 303 Falling Down (5 More)

In the grassland at night, with a bright moon and few stars, Wanxi fell off her horse again.

She felt that her part had been broken into eight petals, and she couldn't even climb up.

"Auntie, I really can't learn."

The women in the queen's palace, including Xianchun and Yinchun, all came out to practice horseback riding at night.Wanxi couldn't escape either.

Xianchun also smiled helplessly, got off the horse and hurriedly helped Wanxi up himself: "How many of the daughters of the Banner family can't ride a horse? You also know how to ride a horse, why did you keep falling off today?"

Wanxi rubbed the back of her head and grinned: "To tell you the truth, Auntie, I can ride on my feet...but what I can ride is a donkey, not a horse."

Bannermen valued horses, and horses themselves were also expensive. With Wanxi's father, Qingtai, a fifth-rank internal management official, the family couldn't afford many horses.The few horses at home can be used by her father and elder brother to run errands, so she learned to ride a donkey since she was a child.

But she is still naughty, learning how to ride a donkey is not like learning from Zhang Guolao, she always rides backwards.

After all, a horse and a donkey are two different things, and the height is different, not to mention that she always wants to ride backwards. The horse is also very self-respecting, and it is very picky. People who are not convinced by it will never have a chance to ride it.Therefore, Wanxi was bullied by the horse every time, and she was kicked down directly.

"Horse eyes look down on people!" Wanxi couldn't help turning her head to stare at the horse.
Suchun and Wanchun sat on the horse and watched from a distance, Suchun couldn't hold back her worry.

This is how to do?The master had originally hoped that this girl would block the eyes of the emperor, so that Concubine Chun and Concubine Jia would not share the Emperor's heart... But this girl fell off the horse, and it seemed that she was definitely not pretending, so it was useless .

Wanchun's status is not as good as Suchun's, so she doesn't know how much the queen cares about Wanxi. Seeing that Suchun can't hide her worry like this, she only thinks that Suchun is thinking about the pure concubine and Jia concubine on behalf of her master.

Wan Chun said: "In fact, the master doesn't have to worry too much, after all, Concubine Chun is a Han girl, so she can't get on a horse."

"This trip, the ones who can really threaten the master in terms of status are Chunfei and Jiafei. Chunfei's energy should be exhausted in the palace, and Jiafei's world is in the paddock. We only need It is enough to guard against Concubine Jia alone."

Su Chun frowned: "How to prevent? Her Ama is the secretary of the Shang Siyuan, and all the horses and horse farms of the royal family are under the control of her mother's family. What can we do?"

Wan Chun laughed instead: "Because of this, if we do the opposite, then there will be a way."

Wan Chun couldn't help but look at Wan Xi's tragic situation while talking.

Suchun also looked at it, and her heart suddenly brightened.

"That's right! Since all the horses are under the control of her mother's family, if anyone in the harem has something wrong with their mounts, then she will be the first to be suspected! - After all, others will inevitably think that she is fighting for favor. On purpose."

Wan Chun shrugged his shoulders: "Exactly. So from this point of view, our master doesn't participate in this round of siege, on the contrary, it's the best way to protect ourselves. Let's just watch."

But Suchun couldn't help looking at Wanxi again.

Wanxi fell off her horse repeatedly because she only knew how to ride a donkey backwards.But outsiders don't know the reason, if they just saw her fall... must think it's the horse's fault, right?
And what if this scene happened to fall into the eyes of the emperor?

Su Chun's brows were relieved, and she reached out to embrace Wan Chun: "My good sister, you have come up with a good idea for the master! Just wait, the master will reward you very much later!"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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