Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 542 Volume 2 58 Muskets

Chapter 542, Volume Two, 58 Muskets (5 More)
"That's why I can bear any grievance this time, even with Concubine Xian, I can write off everything. As long as she can help me avenge the greatest revenge in my life... then I can forgive anything out!"

Xiumei also understood bit by bit, and her eyes couldn't help showing a bit of hardness.

"What's the master's plan? Only slaves can use it, so just ask the master."

The noble concubine raised her hand to call Xiumei to come closer, and she whispered something in Xiumei's ear.

When Xiumei heard the words, there was a slight look of surprise on his face.

After the noble concubine finished speaking, she took a few breaths, supported her embroidered eyebrows and shoulders, and said, "I really don't know how long I can last until I run out of fuel. After all, you keep an eye on this person and this matter for me. Even if I Go, and you have kept an eye on her, and you must ask her to finish this matter for me."
It has been a month since Wanxi took Wanxi back to the Jehol Palace.

The emperor became dark and thin, and Wanxi also became dark and thin.

Wanxi hurriedly returned to the queen's palace to return to her command. The queen looked at Wanxi's appearance and felt mixed emotions in her heart.

For a whole month, she was the only woman beside the emperor... how could he not think about the relationship between the emperor and her every night.

The queen felt more and more tired, raised her eyes and asked: "The emperor has been in good health for a month?"

Wanxi thought about it for a while, and said: "Back to the master, the emperor these days... Although there is no serious problem, in fact, there are a few minor ailments."

"Oh?" The queen sat up now, "What did you say?"

Wanxi replied: "Firstly, the weather is hot, and the emperor will inevitably catch some heat; secondly, the emperor is worried about the drought."

The empress felt better, and nodded, "So, it's true that I insisted on asking you to go with me. Wanxi, for this month, you will serve the emperor instead of me. Really worked hard on you."

Wanxi bit her lip and lowered her head deeply: "I dare not be a slave."

The queen got up: "Wanxi, go back and rest. Wanchun, follow me to pay my respects to the emperor."
Wanxi went back to the house, and quickly fetched water to take a bath.

After bathing, Xianchun came in and saw her and smiled: "Look at you, the face, hands and body are not the same color anymore!"

Wanxi hurriedly wrapped her collar tightly.

On the neck, there is still the red mark that the fourth master left on her before the palace was about to start today.

Xian Chun saw several broken skins on her hands: "What's the matter, why are the hands broken?"

Xianchun stepped forward and opened Wanxi's palm to look, the palm was more serious, not to mention reddened, there were still a few black spots.

Xianchun couldn't help frowning: "Did you go on a horse?"

Wanxi couldn't help the girl's little joy, and said softly, "...to tell you the truth, Auntie, I tried to fire a musket!"
This time the emperor trained soldiers and tried some new things.

It is no longer the traditional eight-banners elite soldiers' horseback riding and shooting. This time, they have also transferred to the shotgun battalion, and even the artillery of the Han army's eight banners.

It was only later that Wanxi heard from the emperor that the reason why the Junggar tribe was difficult to fight was because the Junggar tribe had artillery in their hands.If the Qing Dynasty wanted to completely eliminate this hidden danger, the traditional cavalry and shooting were no longer sufficient, and it was necessary to practice a new formation of artillery and shotguns.

Wanxi followed the emperor to watch a few firearm exercises, and saw with her own eyes that the emperor also had a musket on his waist, and shot on the spot... Wanxi couldn't help being curious, and pestered the emperor to teach her.

The emperor took her to the shooting range to practice again on a starry night.

At that time, there was no one in the entire shooting range, only those grass targets that had been erected, standing tall one by one like human figures.

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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