Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 543, Volume 2, 59 Queen's Use

Chapter 543 Volume 59 6 Queen's Use ([-] more)
The emperor gave her the short musket for the imperial use.

She was also not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, so she stepped forward to grab it, and then used all her strength to buckle the iron pick.

As a result, there was such a loud noise that the fireball in the gun had hit the target. She herself was startled by the movement, her ears were ringing, and she couldn't hear the other movement.

He laughed first, then spoke to her.She could only watch his thin lips open and close in a daze, but she couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

He shook his head helplessly, so he had no choice but to step forward and grab her hand, intending to take her away from the shooting range. This ended the first practice and went back.

She became anxious, stomped her feet and shouted at him: "The servant can't just go back like this, it's so embarrassing!"

She couldn't hear herself, so she shouted at the top of her voice, which startled him.

He suppressed a smile and looked at her helplessly.

She couldn't hear the words, so she gestured, pointed at the straw target, and asked her if she wanted to continue shooting.

She nodded vigorously.

He then led her back to the firing line mark, half embraced her from behind, and supported her to hold the handle of the musket tightly with both hands.

She felt that he should be giving orders next, but unfortunately she couldn't hear him.

He was behind her again, and she couldn't see him either.

She stupidly didn't know what to do, and turned to look at him.

Only then did he remember that she could neither hear nor see, and muttered helplessly.

In the end... She never expected that he would come up with a bad idea.

Can't you hear and see?

He used his hands... one left and one right to hold her respectively.

Pinch with the left hand to tell her to shoot; pinch with the right hand to tell her to stop.

He had said earlier that she was wearing a eunuch's attire, everything was fine, but here... not good.

They were all restrained, and he was not happy when he saw them.This time, taking the opportunity, he reached in and helped her untie it.

She was wearing eunuch costumes, but there was such an indescribable beauty in front of her, and under the moonlight of no one, there was even more unavoidable beauty between male and female... He had long been unable to suppress it.
That night... She was bullied miserably by him in front of her.

The two of them look like that, can they still practice well?
Her body had been rectified by him for a long time, and her body became weaker and weaker, and her mind became more and more relaxed... There was no way for the musket to continue firing.

Otherwise, she was really worried that if she drove out indiscriminately, the fire ball might hit someone.

Since he couldn't continue concentrating on practicing musketry, he simply... occupied her from behind.

That night, the musket went silent; but the one he used for the queen... fired repeatedly.

She became a target for him and missed every shot.

It's really... the bullet is perfect.

What was even more tragic was that she couldn't hear anything, and he was behind her, so she could only face the vast night alone.Even the scream at the fierce part, she didn't know how loud it was.

Later, he carried her back, and on the way, he leaned next to her hearing-recovered ear and said, "...that's really true, the sound shook the valley."

She nearly committed suicide by jumping off the horse.
She only talked about muskets with Xianchun, so naturally she didn't talk about these important things.However, she still had unknowingly her face burning like coals and her eyes rolling, Xianchun pursed her lips and smiled: "Look at you, a girl can still be happy like this when she's playing with muskets!"

Xianchun patted Wanxi's hand: "The Shotgun Battalion has always been the most elite of the Eight Banners soldiers everywhere, and the emperor's musket has never been disturbed. It is extremely rare for you to have the opportunity to fire that musket with your own hands."

Wanxi stopped talking, just stepped forward and hugged Xianchun's arm: "How is sister doing in the palace these days?"

Xianchun sighed lightly: "The life in this palace is naturally not as comfortable as you."

Wanxi then smiled: "But what news came from the palace?"

Xianchun sighed heavily: "No, something happened in the palace."

 And~~cough cough, the musket used by the emperor in recent years has just been auctioned for a sky-high price~~
(End of this chapter)

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