Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 549: Good News

Chapter 549: Good News (65 More)
Nian Chun also clapped her hands: "No! I think it must be because of this!"

Wanxi smiled slowly: "It's a pity for the princess to think about it this way. Even if it's the princess born of the emperor and the queen, so what, isn't the same involuntary?"

Nian Chun also nodded.

Wanxi patted Nianchun's hand: "Then I won't bother with her about what happened just now...it's not easy for her either."

Wanxi couldn't help but put her mind far away.

In the future... maybe she will give birth to a daughter, who will also be the princess of the Qing Dynasty.

And according to the rules of the ancestors, many princesses in the Qing Dynasty would marry into the royal family of Mongolia, so her daughter might have to accept such a fate one day... If you treat yourself like others, you really don't want to be angry with Princess Hejing.

Every time she passes through the compound surrounded by the five big tile-roofed houses, Wanxi's gaze is less focused on the main palace, Qingning Palace, and more on Guanju Palace and Xici Palace in the East First Palace. Go to the two Yongfu Palaces.

Although these two palaces are not official palaces, one of them lives in Taizong Huang Taiji's favorite concubine Hai Lanzhu, and the other lives in Empress Xiaozhuang Wen who led the Great Qing Dingding Central Plains.These two side Fujin who are not the main palace Fujin have left more pen and ink in the history of the Qing Dynasty than the main palace Fujin.

Standing in front of Yongfu Palace, Wanxi couldn't help but look back at Guanju Palace.The two palaces face each other diagonally, but they are completely different from each other.

It's like the fate of women in the harem who can't have both: will they be loved by the king alone, or will they give birth to a qualified prince for the king?
Or simply join the main palace, Qingning Palace... The fate of a harem woman, after all, is to have the supreme position in the main palace, or to be loved by the king for life, or to give birth to a prince?

Since the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, no woman has been able to have both.

Then in the time after the Qing Dynasty, will there be a woman who has the name of queen, is loved by the emperor, and can be the mother of the prince?
Wanxi turned her eyes to look at the brilliant Phoenix Tower again, and asked again: "... Will there be?"

I don't know if the emperor's visit to the ancestral mausoleum really played a role. The good news from the drought-affected places began to fly to Shengjing.

The drought in Beijing, Zhili, Shanxi and other places has been eased one by one, gradually lifted

Also, even though the emperor was not in the capital, he never missed reviewing the memorials every day. Therefore, the government orders from top to bottom of the country were smooth, and the emperor's will was unimpeded.

And the hearts of the people in various places were stabilized because of the emperor's repeated orders to exempt money and grain, and there was no situation of displaced people or abandoned land.Therefore, as soon as the drought was resolved, replanting was carried out immediately in various places, which minimized the loss of farmers.

Even the good news came from the palace: Although the pure concubine was infected with the heat, the emperor's heir was fine.

Even the imperial doctor has vaguely revealed to the emperor in the memorial that he is expected to give birth to a prince.

For a moment, it seemed that the whole world breathed a sigh of relief.

The son of heaven is still the son of heaven, and he is blessed by heaven and protected by his ancestors.It is the succession of descendants and the stability of the country.

The emperor returned home after receiving congratulations from all the officials in the Chongzheng Hall, and entered the Phoenix Tower. The empress also led everyone in the harem to kneel down and sing praises together.

The emperor looked at the dark women kneeling all over the courtyard, and squinted his eyes to find Wanxi's existence.

The emperor walked up to the empress and said with a smile in Wanxi's direction: "You have worked hard this time...God and ancestors have all seen it."
This night Wanxi was so excited that she couldn't sleep, she turned it over and over again, making Nianchun, who was crowded on a kang, mutter: "What are you doing? How about baking big pancakes?"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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