Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 550 Volume 2 66 Narrow Road

Chapter 550 Volume Two 66 Narrow Road (5 More)
The Shengjing Imperial Palace is not comparable to the Forbidden City, and the enclosures in the garden of the Phoenix Tower are also small, and the women from each palace are crowded together to live together.Wanxi and the others are okay, because they are the queen's daughters, the four of them can share a single room, and the four of them live in the north and south Kang; Chase shopped.

Wanxi and Nianchun sleep on the same kang, and Wanchun and Xianchun sleep on the same kang.

Wanxi quietly put on her clothes and got up, went out and sat under the moon, looking up at the bright moon, with her hands clasped together.

"Thank God."

The moon is already full, and her birthday has slipped away without a sound.

She didn't care about it herself.

Because of the severe drought in the world, the emperor himself was exempted from his longevity on August [-]th. The emperor fasted for a day on that day, and did not eat from morning till night to "crime himself".Her own birthday is even more insignificant.

As long as the world is in peace, as long as the emperor's troubles are relieved, this will be the most perfect birthday gift Shangtang gave her.

There was a rustling sound behind him, but Xianchun also came out with his clothes on, yawning and saying: "The master ordered to go and see the emperor."

Tonight, the emperor held a grand banquet in the Dazheng Hall to entertain the courtiers, and the emperor and his ministers had fun together.

"The master is afraid that the emperor has only eaten one meal a day for the past two months, and this sudden appetite will whet his appetite, so it will be uncomfortable."

Wanxi bit her lips lightly and stood up: "...Auntie, let's go."

Still not used to calling Xianchun "sister".

Xian Chun sighed: "The master didn't say who to call... But you see how I can go to the emperor's eyes with my unkempt hair and swollen face?"

Wanchun, Xianchun, and Nianchun all fell asleep after lying down, and only Wanxi didn't fall asleep, so their heads and faces are still neat.

Wanxi still lowered her eyes.

Xianchun gently squeezed Wanxi's hand: "Master Empress has some things to say, but we slaves can't take it seriously until the master understands everything before doing it... After all, Master Empress wishes You went."
Although Wanxi has a little care in her heart, she still cares more about the emperor's body after all.

The empress was right, the emperor had reduced his meals for two consecutive months, he was suddenly happy, if he opened up his appetite to eat and drink, it might be bad.

Wanxi got dressed, and walked eastward from the corner gate of the back garden to the back yard of the Dazheng Hall.

Because women in the harem should not walk from the front yard of the main entrance, lest they meet foreign officials, so anyone who wants to go from the harem to the Chongzheng Hall must go this way.

Wanxi unexpectedly saw that there were already two women in front of her.

One is Yin Ji who is next to Concubine Jia, and the other is Ru Huan who serves Concubine Shu.

The two women probably didn't expect to meet each other on a narrow road, so they had to say hello and walked side by side, but they were clearly embarrassed.

Wanxi secretly rejoiced that she had hesitated for a while, so she fell behind the two of them.Otherwise, it would be a little embarrassing if we bumped into each other.

Wanxi fell behind, carefully watching the two women in front of her, and she also had her eyes wide open, and she also devoted her attention to watching the back.

Even if she doesn't talk, Wanxi can still think of these two women, or what the master behind them wants to do.

Concubine Jia and Concubine Shu are always the same as the empress, firstly they are worried about the emperor's health; secondly, they also hope that if the emperor gets drunk tonight, they can take the opportunity to invite the emperor to rest in their palace.

When they arrived at the backyard of the Dazheng Palace, Wanxi deliberately avoided the side of the gable beside Luanjia, watched them both go to Li Yu, and each conveyed their master's wishes.But without much delay, Li Yu sent them all out with a smile.

 And~~ Everyone understands the painstaking efforts of the emperor to bridge the relationship between mother and child, right?Firstly, this is the relationship between mother and child; secondly, the emperor did not want to cause a long-term hidden danger to be planted between the queen mother and Wanxi; thirdly, when the queen mother was sent to the lion garden, outsiders have always suspected the reason. I wouldn't think of going to Wanxi~~
(End of this chapter)

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